Moderator’s Report December 2020

Moderator’s Report December 2020Submitted to Governing Board Meeting 5th January 20202020 has been a most extraordinary year, in which MCC around the world has continued to minister, to serve and to grow in new ways.In January 2020, I arrived in Australia, joining our congregations in Australia and New Zealand for their Network gathering in Melbourne. There was already talk of the deadly virus spreading in China, and in Melbourne airport, all the staff were wearing masks. By the time I flew to the USA in February, our churches were already taking precautions, encouraging people to use hand sanitizer and offering elbow bumps instead of hugs. I returned to England in early March and two weeks later, the UK entered its first corona virus lockdown.The global pandemic has shaped our lives for much of this year and has formed the backdrop for so much of the ministry of the MCC staff, Governing Board and Council of Elders. Alongside that, our regular work has continued to give MCC a strong basis from which to move forward.At the beginning of the year, the Senior Leadership Team set 3 strategic areas for each staff member to work on, including me. Here are the areas that I have worked on over the year:Ensure that diversity and inclusion are embedded and measured in our workAppointed a diverse staff team, which is working well togetherInvited all job applicants to complete a diversity and inclusion form, so that non represented communities can be actively targeted in the futureRe-advertised the Inclusion, Diversity and Laity Development Co-ordinator position – to be filled in January 2021Established and co-chaired the Commission on Pathways of Healing and Reconciliation, with its primary focus on racial equityServed on the Commission on General Conference, which is looking at how we can make our General Conferences more inclusive and accessibleOrganised and participated in anti-racism training for MCC staff, Governing Board, Council of Elders and members of the Commission on Pathways of Healing and ReconciliationContinued my own personal education and understanding of racism, systemic racism, white privilege and white supremacyWorked with the Governing Board on statement on racism and apology to People of African Descent in MCCHad conversations with People of Color around the world to learn more about their experiences of racism within MCCActively sought out a diverse range of applicants for the role of Elder and presented a diverse slate of appointees to the Governing BoardRaised US$42,000 for MCC’s racial justice and equity work through the Still Giving campaign and other fundsBegan discussions on developing the diversity and inclusion advisory groups in 2021Actively sought out People of Colour from around the world to contribute to the Council of Elders weekly Call to PrayerWorked with staff and Governing Board to ensure that Commissions and Governing Board committees have diverse membershipWrote Moderator reflections addressing racism, diversity and inclusionWorked with Duane Romberger, External Communications Consultant and the SLT to ensure that our new website reflects our diversity and global presenceEncourage a culture of sufficiency and generosityWorked with MCC staff and Governing Board toshow genuine appreciation and gratitude to our local churches for their faithfulness in offering their assessments every monthacknowledge and thank all the individuals who contribute to MCC, above and beyond giving to their local churchraise over US$103,000 in the Still Giving Campaign, honouring Rev. Troy Perry and Rev. Dr Nancy Wilsonestablish a new monthly giving programme called “Partners in Hope”, to be fully launched in 2021Worked with Governing Board Finance committee and the Governing Board toset a realistic budget and keep to it. ensure that MCC is fully up to date with its auditsprovide monthly, accurate and easy to understand financial dashboards that everyone in MCC has access toestablish an MCC endowment fund and an operational reserve to provide financial stabilityTo improve feelings of connection and belonging throughout MCCSupported staff as they responded to the pandemic and resourced church leaders, chaplains and local congregationsContributed to the different communications produced by the Governing Board, Council of Elders and CommissionsResponded to pastoral requests highlighted by staff and Council of EldersOffered a personal weekly online time of prayer and reflectionWorked with the Council of Elders to develop and participate in 7 global virtual Memorial services for those who have died of Covid-19. Attended physical and virtual network gatheringsParticipated in Emerging Church cohort meetingsParticipated in Rainbow Praise concerts and global Christmas concertRecorded personal videos and wrote letters for pastors, church anniversaries, memorial servicesHad one to one conversations with MCCers around the world2020 has been an extremely challenging year and our pastors, ministry leaders, boards and local congregations have been stretched in so many ways. In the midst of challenge, uncertainty and loss, there has still been growth, as people have found new ways to connect, to support each other and to serve. People have continued to be generous, sharing their resources and giving more where they could. I am grateful to the MCC staff, the Governing Board and the Council of Elders for their support, encouragement, wisdom and prayers during this year. ................

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