Persuasive Essay Conclusion

Persuasive Essay Conclusion


Intro = hook, thesis, list two pro reasons

Pro #1 = Unique reason why thesis is true

Counter Argument = Why thesis might be false

Rebuttal = Why counter argument is false

Pro #2 = Unique reason why thesis is true

Conclusion = Summative, insightful forward thinking

Conclusion Structure

Unique summative transitional phrase, topic sentence that states that the paragraph will be about consequences of the thesis being true and false. “Counter Argument” sentence(s) that explain what will happen if the thesis is false. This sentence is a “complex sentence” and uses a colon before a list. Contradictory transitional phrase, then a “Pro” sentence(s) that explain what will happen if the thesis is true. This sentence is a “complex sentence” and uses a colon before a list. Unique summative transitional phrase, thesis reworded.

Conclusion Example

Furthermore, depending on how it is handled, this crucial issue of mandatory school uniforms will produce multiple long-term consequences. If schools continue to allow students to have freedom of choice with their apparel, several problems will occur in school: “cool” and rich kids will have better clothes, tensions will arise between social classes, bullying will be given another avenue to thrive, “picked on” kids’ grades will slip and, unfortunately, the “good kids” will get better while the “bad kids” will get worse. On the other hand, if school uniforms are required, a multitude of positive consequences will arise: students will not have prominent concrete differences between them, abstract differences will decrease as a result, students will get along more, teen tension will diminish, and grades will increase. Clearly, uniform regulation is the best avenue for public schools to pursue.


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