Introductions - Weebly



Before drafting your intro paragraph, think about the main research questions you began with:

What different types of technology do teens use most?

What disadvantages or dangers result from using this type of media?

What are others doing to protect teens?

Your first paragraph guides your reader into the answers of the research questions you worked so hard to find and put together into your body paragraphs.

Your introduction paragraph will have:

1. HOOK! ATTENTION GETTER! Draw your reader in. Here are a few ideas:

o An intriguing fact (cite the source at the end of the sentence)

o A thought-provoking question

o A vivid anecdote (short story about a real person or event)

o A quote from one of the experts you found in your research (cite the source)

o A quote from a parent or teen affected by your topic (cite the source)

o A definition of a word that represents your topic or is important to your topic

2. Further explain the first line, and lead into a general explanation of your topic (basically, the fact that many teens use your type of media and that a concern comes along with it).

3. End with specific thesis statement (already written on bright pink sheet).

“In this paper, I will tell you about teens and cyberbullying…”

“My name is ____ and I researched texting while driving…”

“One day, there was this guy who listened to loud music and damaged his ears…”

A sample introduction paragraph for a paper on blogging:

Who in their right mind would let a teenager post personal information on a web site where everyone in the world could view it? In this world of internet-driven technology, many teens post information that doesn’t belong on a website—information that could either hurt others or could put the teen posting it in great danger. Today, teens create over half of the 40 million online blogs as a means not only to express themselves, but also to communicate with their peers; cyberbullying may occur in these unregulated online spaces, and some information they share may attract online predators, so experts believe both parents and teens should play an active role in selecting and monitoring what information teens share online.

( Circle the hook in the above paragraph.

( Underline the background information that helps narrow to the thesis.

( Double-underline the thesis statement.



Your conclusion paragraph will:

• Begin with a transition word or phrase signaling that this is the end of the paper (Column 4)

• Summarize the main points the paper addressed (your body paragraphs)

• REPHRASE the thesis statement (in DIFFERENT words than the intro paragraph)

• Conclude with a powerful ending that leaves a lasting impression about your topic…

What are the last thoughts you want to leave your audience with regarding your topic?

“I’ve told you about blogging, so what do you think?”

“Now you know about the danger about texting and driving.”

“That’s all I have to say about violent video games.”

A sample conclusion paragraph for a paper on MP3s and hearing loss:

Ultimately, over the course of one’s life, he/she will experience some sort of hearing damage. But many teens are doing an excessive amount of harm to their ears by turning up the volume on MP3 player to excessive levels. Music goes hand-in-hand with human emotion—music allows people to get lost in the music that fits their current mood. Sometimes, however, teens have the attitude of “the louder the better” and crank their devices to unsafe decibel levels. This approach will likely damage their hearing, which can lead to loss of communication skills and poor performance in school. Manufacturers can advertise the dangers of hearing loss and produce devices which lock at safe decibel levels, while parents can periodically check their teens’ players for an appropriate volume. Teens, most importantly, can avoid hurting their delicate inner ears by simply turning down the volume. People are used to seeing older adults with hearing aids, but if careless behavior continues, young adults with hearing aids will become the norm.

( Circle the conclusion transition word

( Double-underline the RESTATED thesis statement & sentences that revisit the information in the body paragraphs (be sure all three parts – B, C, S – are in there)

( Underline the powerful ending


Include: Hook

Explanation of your hook/ background about your topic

Your thesis (pink sheet)
























a. Underline your hook in red

b. Underline your explanation information (general and specific) in green

c. Underline your thesis statement in blue


Include: Word/phrase signaling conclusion (C4)

Sentences (3-4) that sum up the main ideas (body paragraphs) in the paper and RESTATE your thesis (worded differently than in intro paragraph)

A powerful last thought
























a. Circle conclusion (C4) transition word

b. Underline RESTATEMENT of thesis and body paragraph summary sentences in green

Make sure you mention all three parts (B, C, and S)

c. Underline powerful last words in red









In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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