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6038850-21907500-247650-15240000New Hampshire Office of Highway Safety 33 Hazen Drive2nd Floor, Rm 208 Concord, NH 03305 Telephone: 603-271-2131 FFY 2020 Sustained Traffic Enforcement Patrol (STEP) Grant Program ApplicationApplication Due: April 8, 2019Part I Contact InformationApplicant Agency and Street Address9-Digit DUNS NumberSAM Registration Expiration:Single Audit Report (SAR - if applicable) and Independent Audit Report (IAR) or Equivalent must be emailed (One audit per dept.Date of most recent S. A. R. and/or I.A.R:_________________Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) requirement (29 CFR, Part 541) *Please see our grant notification letter for additional requirements.CLEO Waiver Required? YES or NOChief’s First NameChief’s Last NameChief’s TelephoneChief’s Email AddressGrant Contact’s First NameGrant Contact’s Last NameGrant Contact’s TelephoneGrant Contacts Email AddressPart II Department and Community Profile201620172018Population of your city or townNumber of full-time officers in your city or townNumber of part-time officers in your city or townNumber of officers trained in the use of speed enforcement equipmentWere OHS grants received in these years? Please circle Y N Y N Y NWere all funds used in the years your department received OHS grants? Please circleIf not, please explain why below* Y N Y N Y N*Part III Local Crash and Enforcement Statistics This section must be filled out completely for all project applications. If data is unavailable insert (N/A) for not available. Agency Crash Data2016201720183 yr. averageTotal CrashesInjury CrashesFatal CrashesImpaired Driving Fatal Crashes (Alcohol or Drugs)Speed Related Fatal CrashesSpeed Related CrashesFatal Motorcycle CrashesMotorcycle CrashesUnbelted FatalitiesUnbelted CrashesUnbelted InjuriesPart IV Total Number of SummonsesAgency Summons Data201620172018TOTALSAll Traffic SummonsSpeed SummonsCPS/Occupant Restraint Violations*DWI/DUI Arrests (Alcohol & Drugs)Red Light Running SummonsSchool Bus Violations*Includes enforcement up to 18 years of agePart V Problem StatementPlease describe the traffic safety (speeding, red light running, bus violations, etc.) problems in your city or town. Please provide specifics detailing the following:When the problem is taking place (month, day of week, time of day)Where (specific streets, neighborhoods, etc.)Who (demographics) What (speeding, red light running, bus violations, etc.)Other relevant information to your city or town (officer shortages, vacation destination, colleges in town, etc.)Part VI Proposed SolutionPlease describe your proposed solutions for combatting the problem you described above. Solutions should be linked directly to the data you provided. Please be specific regarding:When patrols will take place (month, day of week, time of day)Where patrols will take place (specific streets, neighborhoods, etc.) What type of patrols will take place (focus on speeding, red light running, etc.?)Estimated number of patrols hours Part VII Project GoalsPlease provide your department’s goals for this grant. Goals must be specific and measurable. For example, “Our department would like to reduce speed related crashes by 10% from 100 to 90 by September 2020.” Part VIII BudgetPlease provide a budget indicating how much you can realistically spend on this project. Budget should be based on your proposed number of hours and payroll deductions (Only FICA, Medicare, and retirement). Requested award amount = # of enforcement hours X average hourly rate + Total Estimated Payroll Deductions. For example- 20 hours X $45= $900 + $225 (total payroll deductions) = $1,125 (Requested Award Amount)STEP PatrolsEstimated Total # of Enforcement HoursEstimated Average OT Hourly RateTotal Estimated Payroll DeductionsRequested Award Amount for Enforcement______ Hours$$$MatchMatching funds are your department’s contribution to this project. For example, additional enforcement patrols, fuel costs, administrative time, and supervisor’s time that are not funded by this grant or other federal grants. Please also provide, below, how you intend to meet the required 25% match to contribute to this project.ItemCostTotalAre you receiving any Federal or State grants other than from NHOHS? YES NOIf “YES” from which agency and for what?Chief of Police Signature DateGRANT AWARD FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS____ (YOUR AGENCY HERE) __________agrees to have an audit conducted in compliance with OMB Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200.501, if applicable. If a compliance audit is not required, at the end of each audit period we will certify in writing that we have not expended the amount of federal funds that would require a compliance audit ($750,000) and send a report of an independent review of our financial statements. If applicable please submit the audit that will address the most recent fiscal year that covers this grant for the fiscal / calendar year ending ______ (DATE) _______. (YOUR AGENCY___) expended $750,000 or more in federal funds for the fiscal period (DATE) . Yes _________ No_______ If no, please provide your report of an independent review of your financial statements.Please forward a copy of the completed single audit (if applicable) and Financial Statement Independent Auditors Report to the following:NH Department of SafetyOffice of Highway Safety33 Hazen DriveConcord, NH 03305If a State Agency: Non-Federal entities that expend $750,000 or more in federal funds (from all sources including pass-through sub awards) in the organizational fiscal year shall have a single organization-wide audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of if applicable to your State Agency in accordance with 2 CFR 200 Subpart F and the State CAFR. _______________________________________________________________________Financial Officer SignatureDate ................

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