PART V: ResearchPriorities and RelevanceThe Institution’s agenda is in consonance with regional and national priorities especially those of government agencies such as DOST, CHED-National Higher Education Research Agenda, NEDA, Department of Agriculture, etc.Thematic AreaBU R&DResearchAgendaResearch Programs and ProjectsUN Millenium Devt. GoalsPres. Benigno S. Aquino III Govt. ThrustMTDP(2010-2020)NEDA VDA(PA 2002)NHERA 2/TPITENHURADTIDOST(NSTP 2004-2020)I. Food Security and Poverty Reduction (FSPR)1. Securing sources productivity growth in AFNR and fisheries sectors2. Diversifying income sources by creating additional livelihood & employment opportunities in economically3. Expanding access of poor to productive assets via the sustainable use and enhanced quality of soil and water resources4. Mitigating the impact of chemicals on human health and environment5. Improving post-production and marketing efficiencies Characterization And Laboratory Scale Utilization Of Pineapple Peels As Adsorbent For Aqueous Heavy Metal Pollutants Documentation, evaluation and blending of traditional & indigenous knowledge systems with new technologiesMicrobial Quality Assessment and Establishment of Microbial Standards for Bicol OTOP ProductsNutritional Analysis of Bicol OTOP ProductsPredictive Modelling for Relevant Microorganisms of Selected Bicol OTOP Products (Component Study)Inventory of coastal and fishery resource management initiatives in Bicol (Seagrass Assessment in Albay Gulf Area)Detection of natural and environmental contaminants on raw materials of/and export Potential OTOP products in the local marketDetection /evaluation of Food processing – induced chemical contaminants on raw materials of/and export Potential OTOP products in the local marketEvaluation of accidental and deliberately added contaminants on export Potential OTOP products in the local marketToxicological evaluation for the chemical / biochemical contaminants raw materials of/and export Potential OTOP products in the local marketDevelopment of chemical biomarkers for exposure estimationDevelopment and evaluation of viable food production surveillance, monitoring & reporting system including adoption of GAP in key production areas Assessment and utilization of indigenous food crops like adlai, tancua, camagong, ugob, lubi-lubi, uraro, batuan, paco, culis, gumian, galiang, etc. Anti-Lipidemic Activity Of Arrowroot (Maranta Sp.) And The Dietary FiberMathematics of Hunger and Poverty in the Bicol RegionPhytochemical Characterization And Biological Activities Of Balbaspusa (Orthosiphonari status Linn.) LeavesUtilization of selected indigenous food to meet market requirements and food safety standards (OTOP Products)Development/ enhancement and evaluation of organic fertilizers, biofertilizers, other soil management technologies and biocide/biocontrol agentsSalt-Water Intrussion along Coastal Municipalities of the Province of AlbayBioremediation of marginal landsAnalysis of chemical contaminants in food products (OTOP PRODUCTS)Utilization of the Medicinal Plants of the Province of Albay Nutritional and Microbiological Analyses of Selectedc Bicol OTOPImprovement of shelf life of AFNR products. Development/ improvement of safe and green packaging of Bicol indigenous food productsEradicate extreme poverty and hungerJob Prioritization of people empowerment to rise above povertyPoverty ReductionPoverty Reduction and Food SecurityReduction of PovertyDiagnosticsOne Town One Product (OTOP)Enhance Technology TransferImplement High Impact Programs II. Climate Change and Environment and Natural Resource Management (CCENRM)1. Assessment of vulnerability to climate change and development of response mechanisms2. Improvement, rehabilitation and restoration of priority ecosystems3. Conservation, improvement, valuation and maximization of benefits of local genetic resources4. Mitigation of different forms of pollutants in the environment5. Formulation of good practices for climate change adaptationVulnerability and impact assessment of priority watersheds & other ecologically-fragile ar eas from natural and anthropogenic risksDocumentation and evaluation of climate change sensitive soil & water conservation farming technologies for sustainable livelihoodCharacterization And Laboratory Scale Utilization Of Pineapple Peels As Adsorbent For Aqueous Heavy Metal PollutantS Mobile Disaster Response Synchronization SystemDevelopment and protection of watershedsDevelopment and protection of mangroves, sea grasses, coral reefs, and beachesBiodiversity and genetic assessment of flora and fauna in various ecosystemEthno-botanical, socio-economic & socio-cultural studies of ecologically important medicinal flora Collection and conservation of indigenous genetic materialsDevelopment of low-cost technologies to optimize recycling, reuse, and recovery, of solid waste, including conversion of residual organic materials into clean renewable energyAssessment of groundwater resources for monitoring water quality and utilizationEnvironmental impact assessment and monitoring of major industries and facilities in BicolFlood Preparedness Knowledge And Youth Action Pool Using Could Network TechnologyEnsure environmental sustainabilityPlanning alternative, inclusive urban developments where people are integrated in productive, healthy and safe communities;Encourage sustainable use of resources to benefit the present and future generations.Agri- Industry and Nat. based leaders will be developed with dominant role of TourismSustainabilityRole of S and T in enhancing productivitySocio-environmental health concerns Policy on “Green” PackagingOrganic farming and other health productsDisaster Preparations and Hazard Mitigation Services NIRPROMPIII. Improving Basic Social Services Delivery / Gender and Development1. Access and equity in education2. Effectiveness of education across levels3. Relevance and quality of education4. Efficiency in educational governance and management5. Support improvement of the quality of health services6. Protection, preservation, and promotion of Bikolano cultural heritage7. Strengthening the culture and arts components at all levels of the educational systemAssessment / validation of Bicol University s Academic Qualifying SchemeDevelopment of distance education and alternative modalities of learningDevelopment of strategies on adult education Assessment needs of education systems affected by conflict, national calamities and instabilityEvaluation of curricular programs, instructional materials and deviceDevelopment of information and communication technologies to help achieve EFA goals Documentation of best practices in teachingFeasibility Study For Building And Developing Remote Sensing Research Capabilities In The Bicol RegionEvaluation of instructional processes, programs and initiativesDevelopment of educational innovations such as curriculum, materials, tools, devices and programsAssessment of status, morale and professionalism of teachers to determine strategies for educational development Performance assessment of students in different disciplinesDocumentation of best management practices of educational leaders in managing educational environments and resourcesAssessment of interface of basic education and higher education institutionsDevelopment of partnership strategies of higher education institutions and employersDevelopment of continuing education programs for teachers and educational leadersDevelopment of information technology-based health delivery systems – Web based Nutritiion Information System for the Public Elementary Pupils of the Province of AlbayStrategies to improve access to health services Development and evaluation of herbal medicines for leading causes of common, emerging and re-emerging health problems in BicolDocumentation of indigenous health practicesBiological activity of Pili (Canarium ovatum) ethanolic pulp extractDocumentation of the way of life indigenous people (e-mapping)Feasibility on the Establishment of BU Museum of Natural HistoryDocumentation of cultural activities and products of Bicol (computer programs)Development of strategies that use Bikol dialects as a bridging language in instructione-dictionary of Bicol Terms/ wordsPromote gender equality and empower womenPromotion of equal gender opportunity in all spheres of of public policies and programsCompetence and performance in serving the public goodProfessional, motivated and energized beaurocracies with adequate means to perform their public service missions.Seeks a broadly supported just peaceRecognizing the advancement and protection of public health"Pangkalahatang Kalusugan" (Health for All) Program of the Philippine National governmentEconomic growth and job creationCompetitivenessCreating employment opportunities DiagnosticsICT for HealthUpgrade DOST facilitiesV. Enhancing the Competitiveness of Business and Industry1. Improving existing production systems and promoting optimal utilization of selected commodities2. Improving supply chain of food products3. Development of S&T-based agro and fisheries-based enterprises Development Of Coco-Coir Polyacrylate Water Absorbent PadValue adding Mechanisms for Abaca WastesTechnology transfer studies for SMEsAdoption of Natural Dyeing Technology for coconut, abaca, pineapple and banana fibers produced in the Bicol RegionDevelopment of safe packaging materials that improves the shelf life of food productsAnalysis of relevant regulatory policies including quality, biosafety, traceability, sanitary and phytosanitary regulations affecting trading of agri-based productsImprovement of current food handling & other bio-safety practices and development of traceability protocols from farm to shelf for selected food productsDevelopment and evaluation of universally-accepted and science-based quality product and market standards (HACCP, GMP & SSOP)Develop global partnership for developmentRecognizing farm and and rural enterprises as vital to achieving fod security and more equitable economic growth, worthy of re-investment for sustained productivity;Well-considered programs that build capacity and create opportunity among the poor and the marginalized in the country;Create conditions conducive to the growth and competitiveness of private businesses, big, medium and small;Creates job at home, so that working abroad will be a choice rather than a necessity;Government priority on the welfare and protection of OFWsPoverty ReductionDistribution of economic growth and the greatest number.Stimulating economic growthDiagnosticsPolicy research on ‘Green” PackagingIndustry profile on top industry sectorCost of Doing business in the regionMarket Development Research on Consumer ProductsBoost Innovation CapacityVI. improving University management ServicesImproving University management of servicesEmployability of BUCS Graduates Development of online enrolment systemDevelopment of computer-based time and room distribution program for faculty Development of a socialized tuition and financial assistance system for BU studentsMaking education the central strategy for investing in our people, reducing poverty and building national competitiveness.Importance of education in nation buildingResearch and study on setting up SME Incubation Centers in Schools and UniversitiesDescription of the congruence on the institutionalresearch agenda with regional and national priorities specially with concerned government agenciesThe research agenda of Bicol University reflects the thrusts and priorities for science, technology, agriculture, forestry and natural resources sectors in the medium-term plan of Bicol that take cognizance of the opportunities, challenges and problems that beset these sectors. Specifically agriculture, fishery and natural resources (AFNR), the research agenda aims to contribute to the region’s plan of strengthening human resources, improving infrastructure facilities, promoting global competitiveness, ensuring sustained economic growth providing basic services, promoting good governance, and managing disaster risks, for Bicol to realize the desired scenario to be an economically self-sustaining region, where the people are gainfully employed and are receiving adequate compensation. With Bicol University as a member of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) network of consortia, the College of Science research agenda is closely linked with PCARRD’s S&T Agenda and Priority Areas which aim to meet the difficult challenge of ensuring sustainable food security amidst climate change and globalization and protect the country’s natural resources against depletion or degradation due to increasing population pressure. Likewise Bicol University is the host institution of Bicol Consortium for Health Research & Development (BCHRD). As such, the institution is directly committed to the "Pangkalahatang Kalusugan" (Health for all) program of the current administration of the national government. Furthermore, it is stipulated in the NEDA-Regional Development Council’s Regional Development Agenda (RDA) that the region’s economic growth will be achieved through modern agricultural systems that are compliant with international standards, modern fisheries, vibrant tourism, mining, and energy production. The RDA projects for agriculture to make food available and affordable, and to sustain economic activities in production, processing and distribution. Self-sufficiently will be achieved by increasing average yields, opening new areas for cultivation and adoption of advanced production technologies. Plantation farming will be promoted in particular for abaca and pili. Organic farming will be adopted. Efficient dissemination of outputs of research and development to target users is a vital feature of the plan. Part of the desired scenario RDA are globally competitive agribusiness enterprises that are sustainably producing quality products will be provided with support services, i.e. extension, credit and marketing facilities. The role of agriculture, forestry and natural resources in the development of Bicol is critical. Agriculture and fishery employ 46% of the region’s workers. At the national level, Bicol has the second largest share of employment in agriculture with almost a million (916 thousand) persons employed by the sector (NSO database in 2009). Agriculture, forestry with fishery account for 19% of the region’s gross regional domestic product. Because of the AFNR’s significant role in employment and productivity, poverty and the state of malnutrition maybe closely linked to the development of the sector in the region, has always been a challenge to sector. The institutional research agenda will focus on the five commodities that significantly affect the lives of Bicolanos, namely, abaca, coconut, and pineapple. Pili, which is exclusively identified with Bicol culture and native chicken, are part of the agenda because of the potential they offer to the development of the region. While the region is a calamity stricken area, the effect of climate change results to saturated rain and stronger typhoons. The role of the College of Science in contributing knowledge as bases for policies to establish disaster risk mitigation strategies is indispensable. The agriculture, environment and natural resources sectors development needs are addressed by the institution’s research agenda.Table 1 shows the congruency of the institutional agenda with the regional and national priorities specially with concerned government agencies. Description of the stakeholders' participation in the formulation of research agenda.The Bicol University ComDev Plan 2003 2012 reflects the identified agenda for research of all the units of the university including that of the College of Science. This development plan was conceptualized through a series of meetings and workshops with representatives from various agencies such as the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), among others, as well as representatives from the private sector such as farmers, businessmen, entrepreneurs and parents. At the university level, each unit was also represented to ensure that the varied fields of specialization are all considered and not one is overlooked. Participation was not limited to the staff of the university but the studentry as well. Inputs from these different sectoral representatives, which included the thrusts and priority areas at the national level and for the BicoI region, were presented during the workshop. These served as bases for the finalization of the research agenda to ensure that the university as an academic institution whose thrust is to help in the poverty alleviation and upliftment of the lives of the Bicolanos would not duplicate but complement the role of the other agencies. The needs of the stakeholders particularly the students, the parents, farmers, businessmen were likewise considered to ensure that the agenda would be responsive to the needs of the clients and the times. These were also backed up with data gathered through researches conducted by the facultyresearchers particularly on the identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the university.The formulation of 2012-2016 Bicol University R&D Agenda was done thru the 2011 R&D Strategic planning held at a resort in the nearby town, during September, 2011. Each college, including the College of Science made previous consultations with their respective stakeholders and brought with them the proposed researchable areas for the period 2012-2016 for alignment and integration into the University R&D Agenda. The process was made posible by first, conducting the SWOT analysis on the R&D function of the university. A status review of the university’s R&D activities for the past 5 years was report. R&D Thrusts and priorities from various agencies were made inputs to strategic planning to reflect the relevance and importance of the institutional thrusts and priorities for the stipulated period.Process - Documentation in the Formulation of College Research AgendaThe college research agenda was a result of the coordinated effort of the BU Research & Development Center (BURDC) and the College of Science (CS) to conduct Research & Development (R&D) Road Mapping, Proposal Preparation, Evaluation and Crediting. The research agenda of the college, together with the research programs/projects/studies were anchored on the University Research and Development Agenda (2012-2016)In the conduct of activity, both non-academic and academic personnel of the college were invited to participate to provide their ideas as inputs and possibly be a member of the research team of the college. The activity entitled “Layog CS”, was conducted to enhance the college research plan and programs. During this activity, various stakeholders (Univ. R & D representative, Univ. Extension Service Center representative, Univ. Administration representative and the staff of the three CS Departments) reviewed, made comments and provided their suggestions, thus polish the R and D thrusts and priorities of the college. Below was the formulated College of Science Research & Development Program: COLLEGE OF SCIENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMA Five-Year Action Plan: Year 2012-2016The College of Science was established on September 10, 2004 through Board Resolution No. 75, series of 2004. It was formed when the former BS Biology of BUCAS, BS Chemistry of BU-RSTC and BS Computer Science of Computer Science Institute were merged together in response to the need to pool together the facilities and manpower skills for the development of an institution of higher learning and research in basic and applied science and mathematics as envisioned by the Bicol University Comprehensive Development Plan.CSB1CSB3CSB4Research and extension are among the four-fold functions of Bicol University along instruction and production. Through the years, the university have assisted in the development of the region through various research undertakings that helped and reached target clients from farmers, fishermen, out-of-school youths, women and other sectors both in rural and urban areas, government and non-government organizations. These activities vary according to the multidiscipline and field of specialization being offered by the university. The college of Science whose specialization is in the fields of information technology, natural sciences, both physical and biological, faces the challenge of “Uplifting the Bicolano’s quality of life through the understanding, wise use and management of its natural resources”.To respond to these challenges, the BU College of Science, in coordination with the Bicol University Research and Development Center (BURDC), implements its research programs reflected in this Five-Year Research & Development Action Plan (2012-2016). These are aligned with the university’s R&D vision, mission as follows:Vision:A relevant and responsive research culture in the university addressing institutional, regional and national thrusts uplifting the quality of life, social, economic and cultural environment of the Bicolanos.Mission:The college will continue to support the development of the Bicol University in particular and the region and the nation in general. This is in the realm of agriculture, fisheries, agroforestry, environmental science, education, health, socio-economics, engineering, industrial-communication-information technology and institutional researches supportive of effective and efficient operation and management of the university.Research activities/ projects of the Program under survey.Research Activity/ProjectInstitutional Research Agenda Parallel to the Programs Research Activity/Project1Project: Employability of BU Graduates - Study: Employability of BUCS Graduates by: Ryan A. RodriguezImproving University management Services2Project: Web-based Nutrition Information System for the Public Elementary Pupils of the Province of Albay - Study 1: Development of a Web-based Nutrition Information System of the Public Elementary Pupils in Albay by: Michael Angelo D. BrogadaImproving Basic Social Services Delivery / Gender and Development3Project: Web-based Nutrition Information System for the Public Elementary Pupils of the Province of Albay - Study 2: Evaluation of the Developed Web-based Nutrition Information System of the Public Elementary Pupils in Albay by: Aris J. OrdonezImproving Basic Social Services Delivery / Gender and Development4Albay Gulf Sea Grass Habitat Mapping by: Felix R. PenetranteClimate Change and Environment and Natural Resource Management (CCENRM)5BUCaptive Portal System by Felix R. PenetranteImproving University management Services6BUCS Payroll System by Jayvee Christopher VibarImproving University management Services7Mobile Disaster Response Synchronization System by Benedicto Balilo Jr, Frank H. Miranda, Davie B. BalmadridClimate Change and Environment and Natural Resource Management (CCENRM)8Project: Nutritional and Microbiological Analyses of Selected Bicol OTOP Products with Export Potential - Study: Predictive Modelling for Relevant Microorganism of Selected OTOP Products by Michael Angelo D. BrogadaFood Security and Poverty Reduction (FSPR)9Development of LGU Juban Sorsogon Official Website by Michael Angelo D. BrogadaEnhancing the Competitiveness of Business and Industry10Development of LGU Barcelona Sorsogon Official Website by Michael Angelo D. BrogadaEnhancing the Competitiveness of Business and Industry11Bicol University Correspondence Management System by Rodel N. NazImproving University management Services12eBUCMS: Bicol University’s Web 2.0 Content Management System by Laarni D. PanchoImproving University management Services13ASTERISK@BU VOIP Using Session Initiation Protocol by Rolando L. MendonesImproving University management ServicesFunding and Other ResourcesActual expenditures for research of the Academic Unit in the last 5 yearsExpenditureItemsCY 2008CY 2009CY 2010CY 2011CY 2012CY 20121.Researcher's Incentives87,714.5428,890.302.Supplies and Materials4,325.0025,270.00771.7535,616.0065,182.423.Travel and Fuel25,700.0048,0705,8457,766.007,926.004.Capability Building22,997.36-5.Acquisition of Equipment49,950.007,990.006.Repair of Facilities7.Others / WAGES of RAs17,700.0074,700.0029,250.0013,200.0025,200.00Total135,439.54176,93035,666.75129,529.61106,298.42Linkages established with research agencies/institutionsAgency or InstitutionAddressLevelFund/Assistance grantedDeagan Multipurpose Cooperative, Deagan Island, Dimasalang, MasbateMasbateLocalAssumes the accommodations of the faculty researchers during the data gathering schedule under the project DICOREMAP.City Government of SorsogonSorsogon CityLocal /Provided the honorarium of researchers under the project Bacon District RRSA;Provided facilities for field analysis of sediment and water under the Sorsogon Bay Red Tide Monitoring ProgramCommission on Higher EducationManilaNationalProvided the fund requirement of the Project Medicinal Flora of Albay Province, PhilippinesCommission on Higher EducationManilaNationalProvided funds BU Higher Educational Research Center for Food Safety and Quality AssuranceFiber Industry Development AuthorityRegion VRegionalProvides technical Assistance to Farmer Cooperators under the project Abaca Rehabilitation Project. CICT Main OfficeManilaNationalProvided honorarium for projects leaders and lecturers2LGU Juban SorsogonSorsogonLocalProvided the honorarium of researcher under the development of the LGU website3LGU Barcelona SorsogonSorsogonLocalProvided the honorarium to the developer of the web portalResearch Facilities, Equipment, ICT and Other ResourcesFacility/ResourceLocationArea or CapacityResearch ServiceOffered1. Computer and printerCS Research Office1For use by researchers; 2. VehicleGASS4 unitsFor use during field visits, but on schedule / booking.3. PhotocopierBURDC (1); BUCS (2) and BU Admin Office (2)4 unitsFor use in the preparation of documents in research admin. Transactions; for use in producing enough copies of reports of researchers.4. CameraBURDC (3); BUCS Research (1-still camera and 1 videocam)4 units still cam.; 1 unit video-camFor use in documenting research process / resuslts and products5.Field equipments(see attached list)For use by researchers, both faculty and students.6. Equipment(see attached list)For use by researchers, both faculty and students.7. LandSmall area with green house is available at the vicinity of the college.Whenever bigger space is needed, collaboration with CAF is made; or else, demo farms are used thru farmer cooperators.8. Laboratory room BUCS Bldg. 2 and BUCS Bldg. 3Computer and Digital Design Laboratory, General biology laboratory roomsUsed both for instruction and research such that research works are scheduled whenever there are no classes going on.9. LibraryBU MP Bldg.General library which includes journals and unpublished theses10. LCD and laptopBUCS Research Office1 unit each11. Statistical softwareBU RDC2 softwaresFor use in verifying results incorporated in the report; 12. Internet FacilitiesBU RDC and BUCS 3 mbpsFor use by researchers, both faculty and studentsOther resources/Specialized Research Center (e.g Center for GAD, Center for Population StudiesLocationArea or CapacityResearch ServiceOffered1.GAD CenterBU-CSSPThe center have an office and a mini-library.Technical Services for gender issues2.IPRU-ITSO3. BU-HERRCBURDCBURDCThe office have facilities for patent search and some resource materials for IP protection.Research and Innovation CenterProtection of the different IP’s of the faculty and Students of Bicol UniversityResearch laboratory facilities: Analytical microbiology, biology, food quality assurance laboratoriesResearch Personnel and Other Support ServicesNamesEducational QualificationLength of Research ExperiencePositionFunction1. Arnulfo M. Mascari?as Ph. D. 14DirectorAdministrative, Research & Instruction2. Michael Montealegre MsSc12Instructor 3Instruction, Research, Management 3. Ronnel R. DionedaPh.D.20Assoc. Professor IVResearch, Administrative, Instruction 4. Rebecca Rosario BercasioPh. D.15Professor IVInstruction, Research, Management5. Engr. Christopher PacardoMs. Sc15Assistant Professor IVInstruction, Research, Management6. Zaina Gonzales-BatallerMBA8Admin Aide IIIResearch, Editing7. Yolanda Julieta B. BrugadaBSC/MAPA units19Instructor IIIResearch, Instruction, Administrative8. Fe D. AtaizaBSEE/MM units13Instructor IIIResearch, Instruction, Administrative9. Carlos V. CortezBS Agri. /Educ./ MS En. Sc.9Instructor IResearch, Instruction, Administrative10. Angelo P. CandelariaBSBA, MBA15Instructor IIIResearch, Instruction, Administrative11. Ida Francia RevaleM. Sc. 21Assistant Professor IVInstruction, Research, Management13. Luis O. AmanoPh. D.26Professor VInstruction, Research, Management14. Maria Lara B. BalingasaBS Applied Biology, MS Plant Breeding8Admin. Aide IIIAdministrative15. Maria Aurea C. BorromeoBSF-CRM, MS Fisheries (on-going)8Research AssistantAdministrative16. Alfredo O. Olaviaga, Jr.BAT16Farm Worker IAdministrative, Farm Work17. Ananias O. Nate, Jr.DAT17Farm Worker IIAdministrative, Farm WorkIncome derived from researchrelated outputs and activitiesThe College of Science CategoryTitle of Technology/Invention/DiscoveryAmount of Income Generateda. PatentsHydroponic Solution using Abaca Sap - Patent application No. 1-2012-000235Commercial production is on process side-by-side with the field techno-incubation..b. CopyrightsFormulation of Abaca Sap Hyroponic Solution for Lettuce (Lactiva sativa) – Copyright Registration No. 02012-337Field Guide for Red Tide Monitoring of Sorsogon Bay – Copyright Registration No. 02012-331Teratogenecity of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Root Extract Using Duch Embryo Assay.- Copyright Registration No. 02012-340BUCS PayrollMobile Disaster Response Synchronization SystemField trials for the technology incubation is still on-goingInitial copies were produced and used for validation of the methods as adopted by student researchers. Production of copies will we endorsed to the extension and production offices.Copyrighted material will be made available into policy brief for use as literature or related study.The system is not directly gaining income, however the system has given advantage to the college under survey / accreditation, considering that it digitized the preparation and management of the salaries of the college personnel.The system is still in the process of development and refinement. Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Utilization of Research/OuputOrganizational Structure of the R&D Unit 1.1 Profile of the Research and Development HeadHeadNameEducationalQualificationSpecializationNo. of Years of R&DExperience1. Institution's R&D Head Dr. Arnulfo M. MascarinasPh. D in Community DevelopmentMS in Rural SociologyBS AgricultureCommunity DevelopmentRural SociologyAgronomy282. Academic Unit’sR&Head Prof. Ida F. H. RevaleMS(on going)BS ChemistryBiochemistryChemistry251.2 Policies and guidelines in the conduct of research activitiesBasic Policies and Principles (From MORD per BOR Res. No. 006, Series of 2009)The Bicol University shal undertake research and development as a major function along with instruction, extension, and production. The University shall implement its research programs through the various colleges/units anchored on the following principles and policies:The University shall promote national and regional development through institutional and collaborative research, commercial application of institution-owned intellectual property and provision of research technical assistance to the community;The University shall guarantee an open academic environment conducive to faculty members’ pursuit of knowledge knowledge and sharing of research results, and shall provide the students the opportunity to participate in the research as part of their academic training program.The University shall support research programs based on their scholarly and educational merits and not on speculations concerning the political or moral impropriety of the uses which might be made on their results.The University shall ensure that research performed using its facilities and resources shall be in line with its academic and non-academic mandates and geared towards attainment of goals and mission of the university.The University shall protect its student and personnel from exploitation and misuse by entities which are a party to unauthorized and inappropriate research. The University shall encourage and facilitate the interaction/collaboration of its faculty and students with other scientists, colleagues and students.The University shall assume primary responsibility for the prevention, detection and investigation of research misconduct and shall take action to ensure the integrity of research, the protection of the rights of the research subjects and the public, and the observance of legal requirements related to national and external funding.STUDY LEADERSPRESIDENTVP FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AFFAFFAIRSBURDC DIRECTORRDC RESEARCH COORDINATOR/ MONITORBUCS DEANASSISTANT DEANLEVEL ILEVEL IILEVEL IIILEVEL IVCOLLEGE RESEARCH COORDINATORDEPARTMENT RESEARCH COORDINATORPROGRAM LEADERPROJECT LEADERSPROGRAM LEADERSTUDY LEADERSSTUDY LEADERSSTUDENT RESEARCHER1.3 Incentives granted to faculty researchersType of incentiveBrief Description and BasisWork Equivalent Credit (WEC)Work equivalent credit shall be given to the faculty to give him release time to undertake the activities of the research based on approved work plan.Basis: Manual of Operations for Research, BURDC, 2009HonorariumResearchers of externally-fundedshall be given honorarium based on MOA, MOU, contract or other similar legal instrumentsResearchers funded either from regular fund or income of the Universityshall be given honorarium depending on the extent of participationBasis: Manual of Operations for Research, BURDC, 2009Cash incentiveTravel Incentives for Paper Presentation abroadPublication IncentivesInsurance of ResearchesResearchers shall be given incentive for winning awards in the in-house review, regional, national, and international research foraPublication to refereed journals of university generated research outputs shall likewise be given incentiveBasis: Manual of Operations for Research, BURDC, 2009Faculty researchers whose papers are officially approved by the University and are presenting their output in International Conferences abroad are given travel grants.Basis: BU BOR Resolution No. 55, series of 2011.The publication incentive is awarded to faculty researchers where the cost of publication in the refereed journal is shouldered by the university, payable to the publisher.Basis: The insurance incentive is given to all faculty researchers and extensionists, including the research assistants. This is to ensure that over and above their GSIS insurance, there is a group insurance that would warrant their outdoor activities, most specially during the data gathering.Basis: BU BOR Resolution No. 038, series of 20111.4 Completed researches in the last five years Faculty ResearchesResearch TitleSchedule of ImplementationDate of CompletionResearch CostFunding SourceResearchersBUCaptive Portal System2011-20122012?BUFELIX PENETRANTE“Ecological and Economic Assessment of Seagrasses along the Coasts of Albay Province, Philippines”S-3: Seagrass Habitat Mapping20102013BUCS and BURDCFELIX PENETRANTEBUCS Payroll2011-20122012?BUJAYVEE CHRISTOPHER VIBARe-BU: Document Tracking and Management System, Personnel Management Information System, and Integrated Library System2012-2013On-goingBUMaceda, Lany L.Llovido, Jennifer L.ASTERISK@BU VOIP Using Session Initiation Protocol2011-20122012?PersonalROLANDO MENDONESBicol University Correspondence Management System2009-20102010?PersonalRODEL N. NAZeBUCMS: Bicol University’s Web 2.0 Content Management System?2009 -2010?2010?BULAARNI D. PANCHODevelopment of LGU Juban Sorsogon Official Website2010-2011January 2011?LGU Juban SorsogonMICHAEL ANGELO D. BROGADADevelopment of LGU Juban Sorsogon Official Website20122013?LGU Barcelona SorsogonMICHAEL ANGELO D. BROGADAStudent Researchers 2013Research TitleTime FrameDate of CompletionResearchersFaculty Adviser/sEvaluatorsBulacao NHS E-Registration and Integrated Information System??Perez, John Rey J.Jennifer L. LlovidoRyan A. Rodriguez2012-2013April, 2013Reginaldo, Carlo Paolo A.?Franklin M. Miranda Jr.????Christian Y. SyDocument Tracking and Archiving System for DENR2012-2013March, 2013Layderos, Francia P.Ryan A. RodriguezBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.????Rodel N. Naz??Mojeno, Jelamarie Shayne M.?Aris J. OrdońezHRH-Regional IS and Activity Scheduler of DOH-CHD Region V2012-2013March, 2013Arnaldo, RannieJayvee Christopher N. VibarJennifer L. Llovido??Jaranilla, Maria Cristy?Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Lectura,Princess?Ryan A. RodriguezOffice and Information Management System of MORMS??Operio, Efren Allan????Zaballa, Jeric??MORMS En-Grade System2012-2013March, 2013Nicol, Rachel C.Ryan A. RodriguezJennifer L. Llovido??Rico, April M.?Michael Angelo D. Brogada??Cha, Garlhynn Marie O.?Aris J. Ordońez??Heath, Precious Jade B.??BMS for BU Administrative Office Cluster II2012-2013March, 2013Espejo, Carlo E.Aris J. OrdońezBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Delima, Divine Grace M.?Jennifer L. Llovido??Lim, Hennie Aira B.?Christian Y. SyAlbay Central School Information System2012-2013March, 2013Sarza, Quiamenh S.Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Jayvee Christopher N. Vibar??Vibar, Exequiel S.?Franklin M. Miranda Jr.??Nares,Jordan?Lea P. Dela Rama Student Records Management and Monitoring System for St.Raphael Academy Guidance and Counseling Office2012-2013March, 2013Roy, Marinelle A.Christian Y. SyRolando Mendones????Michael Angelo D. Brogada??Lomadilla, Karen M.?Lany L. MacedaStudent Transaction Processing System for Legazpi City HS2012-2013March, 2013Borlagdan, Karen CateRyan A. RodriguezFranklin M. Miranda Jr.??Toledo, Harriet C.?Aris J. Ordońez??Briones, Jorie Mel B.?Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Marticio, Irene S.??Web-Based Term Loan ApplicationandMonitoring System for DBP Legazpi Branch2012-2013March, 2013Sayson, Christian JamesMichael Angelo D. BrogadaLany L. Maceda????Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Guiab, Gene Carl?Aris J. OrdońezMicro-Finance System for ARDCI NGO Group Incorporated2012-2013March, 2013Arcilla, Glayza Marie G.Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Jennifer L. Llovido??Lacsi, Catherine D.?Jayvee Christopher N. Vibar??Lucilla, Juvy A.?Ryan A. RodriguezEmployeess' Information and Payroll System of OWWA RO V2012-2013March, 2013Grajo, Eunice Faith P.Aris J. OrdońezChristian Y. Sy??Laurente, Donnalyn L.?Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Lozano, Monette T.?Franklin M. Miranda Jr.Loan Application, Document Tracking,and Personnel Information System for NFA2012-2013March, 2013Mendoza, Kevin Christian V.Jennifer L. LlovidoAris J. Ordońez??Zurbito, Veronica Dyan A.?Rodel N. Naz??Berdin, Michael B.?Ryan A. RodriguezLicensing Information System for NTC2012-2013March, 2013Capino, Catherine C.Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Aris J. Ordońez????Lany L. Maceda??Cepeda, Marah R.?Franklin M. Miranda Jr.Patient Information Management and nventory System for Rural Health Unit of Guinobatan??O?a, Vanessa????Orolfo, Maria Ariane??Patient's Record IS and Pharmacy Inventory System for the City Health Department of Legazpi2012-2013March, 2013Buela, Jessa B.Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Rodel N. Naz????Aris J. Ordońez??Padre,May-An B.?Christian Y. Sy Human Resource Management, Information System for DOT ROV2012-2013March, 2013Aquino, Jon Karlo O.????Jacob, Danica M.????Olaguer, Vanessa L.??Licensing and Production Record Management System for FIDA ROV2012-2013March, 2013Balean, Elda Lorraine B.Lea P. Dela RamaBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.????Michael Angelo D. Brogada??Doctama, Charmaine Joy D.?Lany L. MacedaE-Pedalled & Tricycle Registration for TRD Tabaco2012-2013March, 2013Besmonte, Analyn C.Lea P. Dela RamaJennifer L. Llovido????Jayvee Christopher N. Vibar??Burce, Jennelyn M.?Franklin M. Miranda Jr.Employment Resource Services for Latter Day Saints Bicol Region2012-2013March, 2013Codia, Ascel Mon Kervy B.Ryan A. RodriguezJayvee Christopher N. Vibar????Michael Angelo D. Brogada??Dorosan, Brian A.?Lany L. MacedaWeb-Based Information System for Albay Provincial Cooperative & Enterprise Development Office2012-2013March, 2013Lopez, JinkyLea P. Dela RamaRyan A. Rodriguez????Rolando Mendones??Loria, Nicole?Christian Y. SyWeb-Based Monitoring System for DPWH RO V (Hydrology Section)2012-2013March, 2013Toledo, Marie Connie L.Aris J. OrdońezChristian Y. Sy????Michael Angelo D. Brogada??Biso?a, Shahani S.?Franklin M. Miranda Jr.DPWH Document Tracking and Archival System2012-2013March, 2013Sicad, Julie Ann L.Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Rodel N. Naz????Aris J. Ordońez??Saclao, Genaro A. III?Ryan A. RodriguezBusiness Info System for Treasurers Office and Assessors of the Municipality of Guinobatan2012-2013March, 2013Pasuquin, Ni?oAris J. OrdońezRyan A. Rodriguez??Bagag?an, John Angelo ?Jennifer L. Llovido??Nu?ez, Marwin?Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.BU NSTP Website2012-2013March, 2013Bellen, Yancy Yves B.Rodel N. NazChristian Y. Sy????Franklin M. Miranda Jr.??Bonete,Arwin B.?Aris J. OrdońezDocument Management System for City Social Welfare and Development Legazpi City2012-2013March, 2013Andes, Annabelle A.Michael Angelo D. BrogadaJennifer L. Llovido????Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Velasco, Jinevie?Franklin M. Miranda Jr.BU-ESC Automated System2012-2013March, 2013Balbedina, James Paul G.Rodel N. NazLea P. Dela Rama????Jayvee Christopher N. Vibar??Protacio, Kevin Matthew?Michael Angelo D. BrogadaWeb-Based Research Management Information System for BURDC2012-2013March, 2013Ludovice, Rose Jean G.Michael Angelo D. BrogadaJennifer L. Llovido????Jayvee Christopher N. Vibar??Dela Rama, Mariella S.?Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Personnel and Scholars Monitoring System2012-2013March, 2013Preligera, Rochelle O.Jayvee Christopher N. VibarRolando Mendones????Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Elli,Karla B.?Ryan A. RodriguezJob Posting and Placment System2012-2013SummerAltavano, Raul AdrianRyan A. RodriguezChristian Y. Sy????Michael Angelo D. Brogada??Nual Ma. Jessica?Jennifer L. LlovidoWeb-Based Project Management and Monitoring System2012-2013March, 2013Bagasin, Rose Ann D.Franklin M. Miranda Jr.Jennifer L. Llovido??Bones, Raynette?Ryan A. Rodriguez??Llabore, Joy Ann C.?Christian Y. SyPersonnel Information and Document Tracking Systemforthe Municipality of Guinobatan2012-2013March, 2013Barbudo, EricaJayvee Christopher N. VibarChristian Y. Sy????Lea P. Dela Rama??Serrano, Kathleen Joy?Ryan A. RodriguezWeb-Based Information System for CSCDI2012-2013March, 2013Bas, Maridel G.Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Ryan A. Rodriguez??Bigueras, Melissa N.?Jayvee Christopher N. Vibar??Cantoria, Miraflor A.?Rodel N. Naz??Casim, Cheinille L.??Disaster Information Information Management System for OCD ROV2012-2013March, 2013Miranda, John Nestor V.Ryan A. RodriguezLea P. Dela Rama??Grivialde, Marbie Princess Z.?Rolando Mendones??Pasibe, Harvey M.?Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.Student Researchers 2012Research TitleTime FrameDate of CompletionResearchersFaculty Adviser/sEvaluatorsSalary Loan and Monitoring System for the Development Bank of the Philippines2011-2012December, 2011Catherine L. Ba?aderaChristian Y. SyBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Romano V. FusanaRyan A. RodriguezLany L. Maceda????Aris J. Ordo?ezWeb-Based Personnel Information System for National Food Authority ROV2011-2012November, 2011Cristina Jessica G. AlborChristian Y. SyBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Mary Joy B. CelzoRyan A. RodriguezJayvee Christopher N. Vibar????Christian Y. SyDr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology Enrolment System2011-2012January, 2012Ivy Ni?a P. HayahayLany L. MacedaChristian Y. Sy??Kristoffer A. RebayaRyan A. RodriguezBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.????Aris J. Ordo?ezResidential Free Patent Application Management System of Department of Environment and Natural Resources ROV Land Management Division2011-2012November, 2011John Paul L. MusaLany L. MacedaFranklin M. Miranda??Manuel M Soratorio IIINoli B. Lucila Jr.Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.????Lany L. MacedaBicol University Alumni Information and Communication Management System (BU-AICMS)2011-2012January, 2012Marivic E. LorillaLaarni D. PanchoChristian Y. Sy??Marco C. FuloNoli B. Lucila Jr.Flor A. Jenkin????Jennifer L. LlovidoElectronic Registration and Information System for Philippine Science High School Bicol Region Campus2011-2012January, 2012Charmaine Kate R. OlanoLany L. MacedaChristian Y. Sy??Clare Aurea E. RedillasRyan A. RodriguezFranklin M. Miranda????Lea P. De la RamaWeb-Based Resource Information System for Local2011-2012January, 2012Maria Lourdes E. AntonesLea P. De la RamaRomulo Callos??Sybil E. UyRollie N. MontealegreFranklin M. Miranda????Ryan A. RodriguezEnrolment System for Anislag National High School2011-2012January, 2012Juicelle P. CerorialesLany L. MacedaFranklin M. Miranda??Jayson G. GevaChristian Y. SyLany L. Maceda????Ryan A. RodriguezWeb-Based Personnel Management System2011-2012November, 2011Lee B. BarraLany L. MacedaFranklin M. Miranda???Joseph H. BarteNoli B. Lucila Jr.Lany L. Maceda?????Sonia B. GregorioWeb-Based Supplies and Equipment Tracking and Management System for DENR ROV2011-2012December, 2011Eddieson M. MendonesLany L. MacedaJayvee Christopher N. Vibar??Ma. Sybil C. GamilChristian Y. SyJennifer L. Llovido????Franklin M. MirandaInventory and Monitoring System for Municipality of catilla (Municipal Agriculturist Office)2011-2012January, 2012Charlyn D. AlemaniaJennifer L. LlovidoFranklin M. Miranda??Mary Grace M. PorteriaBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Lea P. De la Rama????Jayvee Christopher N. VibarSupply and Equipment Inventory and Monitoring System for the National Statistics Office Regional Office No. V2011-2012January, 2012Nickjohn B. BalictarLea P. De la RamaRyan A. Rodriguez??Charmie E. BelisanoBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Noli B. Lucila Jr.????Aris J. Ordo?ezWeb-Based Performance Monitoring for Department of Agriculture of Municipality of Irosin2011-2012December, 2011Shiena D. FulayLea P. De la RamaRyan A. Rodriguez??Joan M. MartillanaBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Franklin M. Miranda????Jayvee Christopher N. VibarOnline Inventory and Monitoring System of City Agriculture Office in Legazpi City Hall2011-2012December, 2011Ayra E. BalinJennifer L. LlovidoLea P. De la Rama??Aida B. BelirChristian Y. SyRyan A. Rodriguez????Aris J. Ordo?ezSupply Monitoring and Inventory System for Department of Education Regional Office V2011-2012January, 2012Louela V. CamanoChristian Y. SyLea P. De la Rama??Alilii C. CestinaBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Franklin M. Miranda????Jayvee Christopher N. VibarBU-iLib: Circulation and Serials Management System2011-2012December, 2011Kevin A. CosaLaarni D. PanchoJennifer L. Llovido??Floarencio H. Escote Jr.Noli B. Lucila Jr.Neria E. Gomez????Ryan A. RodriguezNBI-Legazpi District Office Web-Based Application System (Warrant of Arrest)2011-2012December, 2011Marie Grace D. GabrielLany L. MacedaRyan A. Rodriguez??Marjorie J. GuanteroBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Christian Y. Sy????Franklin M. MirandaOnline Stallholder Application and Billing System of Legazpi City Public Market2011-2012November, 2011Liza Q. BartolayChristian Y. SyFranklin M. Miranda??Leizel Jane A. NgJennifer L. LlovidoBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.????Lany L. MacedaOnline Information System for DENR-Enviromental Management Bureau Regional Office V2011-2012November, 2011Jomar R. OcsinaRyan A. RodriguezBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Jonel L. Beltran?Jennifer L. Llovido????Jayvee Christopher N. VibarBicol University Admissions System2011-2012November, 2011Joysan M. CondaBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Franklin M. Miranda??Exodus M. DorotanLany L. MacedaLea P. De la Rama????Aris J. Ordo?ezLAN-Based Teacher and Personnel Information and Management System2011-2012December, 2011Brando P. Goyena Jr.Ryan A. RodriguezFranklin M. Miranda??Jonel A. HestiadaChristian Y. SyChristian Y. Sy????Jayvee Christopher N. VibarMIS For Philippine Postal Corporation Regional Office V: Online Ordering and Postal ID Application Tracking System2011-2012January, 2012Paul Emmanuel P. CantubaBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Christian Y. Sy??Evangel G. DayandateLany L. MacedaRyan A. Rodriguez????Jayvee Christopher N. VibarOnline Service Scheduling and Service Scheduling for Pullout Digital and Creative Productions2011-2012January, 2012Mark Alvic R. EsplanaRyan A. RodriguezBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.??Glaiza Mae S. ZurbanoJennifer L. LlovidoChristian Y. Sy????Aris J. Ordo?ezBU-iLib: Cataloging System and Web OPAC2011-2012December, 2011Mary Joy P. CanonNoli B. Lucila Jr.Jennifer L. Llovido??Mike Danielle L. EncisoLaarni D. PanchoNeria E. Gomez????Ryan A. RodriguezSales and Inventory Monitoring System of Eligen Drugmart2011-2012December, 2011Kenan B. CahiwatRollie N. MontealegreChristian Y. Sy??Gene D. PavilandoJennifer L. LlovidoRyan A. Rodriguez????Franklin M. MirandaWeb-Based File Management System for Daraga Water District (DAWD)2011-2012December, 2011May Ann P. LunaBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Rollie N. Montealegre??Myrwin Xyra Ll. ApinChristian Y. SyFranklin M. Miranda????Ryan A. RodriguezEquipment Inventory Monitoring System for the Department of the Interior and Local Government RO-V2011-2012November 26, 2011Alea Mae Joyce B. BenigChristian Y. SyBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.???Ryan A. RodriguezJayvee Christopher N. Vibar????Aris J. Ordo?ezWeb-Based Loan Application and Monitoring System for the BNVTS Multi-Purpose Cooperative2011-2012December 2, 2011Apple L. AgripaLany L. MacedaLea P. Dela Rama??Pauline R. DominguezChristian Y. SyJennifer L. Llovido????Franklin M. MirandaFile Management and Medicine Monitoring System for Bicol University Medical/Dental Clinic2011-2012January 20, 2012Mary Grace A. BeraquitChristian Y. SyRyan A. Rodriguez??Pinky A. VergaraBenedicto B. Balilo Jr.Lea P. Dela Rama????Lany L. MacedaWeb Based Personnel Information System for Bureau of Jail Management and Penology2011-2012December 10, 2011Anna Lou B. BriciaLany L. MacedaRyan A. Rodriguez??Donna N. MirandillaChristian Y. SyJennifer L. Llovido????Lany L. MacedaWeb-Based Personnel and Teachers Information System for Department of Education Ligao City Division2011-2012December 17, 2011Rico John D. FedericoChristian Y. SyFranklin M. Miranda??Joie Marie D. SaenzNoli B. LucilaRyan A. Rodriguez????Christian Y. SyStudent Research 2011Research TitleTime FrameDate of CompletionResearchersFaculty Adviser/sEvaluatorsWeb-Based Payroll and Loan Monitoring System for Commision on Audit RO V2010-2011January, 2011Crist M. MarfilBenedicto Balilo Jr.Lany L. Maceda??Mary Ann S. Vina?Jayvee Christopher Vibar????Franklin Miranda Jr.Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital Management System Information System2010-2011January, 2011Arnold Hildon M. EstacioChristian Y. SyLany L. Maceda??Carlo C. Gonzaga?Ryan A. Rodriguez????Juancho Gabriel G. KoHeavy Equipment and Maintenance Monitoring System of Sunwest Resources and Aggregates2010-2011February, 2011Paula Marie B. DayaonNoli B. Lucila Jr.Lany L. Maceda??John Alexander R. Virtucio?Jayvee Christopher Vibar????Christian Y. SyFace Recognition System for Electronic Time In and Time Out Logbook2010-2011February, 2011Kristina G. GigantoneJuancho Gabriel G. KoJayvee Christopher Vibar??Rosechel C. Emberga?Franklin Miranda Jr.????Jennifer L. LlovidoPersonnel and Inventory Information System for the City Government of Masbate2010-2011January, 2011Gladys Mae C. ApalitRyan A. RodriguezChristian Y. Sy??Diane E. Esca?ela?Franklin Miranda Jr.????Benedicto Balilo Jr.Web-Based Inventory and Monitoring System of Bicol Regional Blood Bank2010-2011January, 2011Laissa A. MirallesRyan A. RodriguezBenedicto Balilo Jr.??Ronna Faith M. Monzon?Jennifer L. Llovido????Juancho Gabriel G. KoPlanning Support Management System for the BUCS Planning and Management Office2010-2011February, 2011Osman Kieshen D. DarishJennifer L. LlovidoLany L. Maceda??Blescila E. Llanzana?Juancho Gabriel G. Ko????Christian Y. SyBicol University Union of Faculty Association Inc. Web-Based Information System Inc.2010-2011February, 2011Mae Anne P. GardonBenedicto Balilo Jr.Lany L. Maceda??Jemelyn May C. Hipona?Jennifer L. Llovido????Jayvee Christopher VibarWeb-Based Geographical Information System of Animal Habitat For PAWB ROV2010-2011January, 2011Ana Marie L. LlagunoJuancho Gabriel G. KoFranklin Miranda Jr.??Camella Jean C. Meralpis?Jayvee Christopher Vibar????Ryan A. RodriguezCommunications-Driven Decision Support System for the City Government of Legazpi2010-2011January, 2011Larra D. GonzalesArlene A. SatuitoLany L. Maceda??John Michael B. Pilapil?Ryan A. Rodriguez????Juancho Gabriel G. KoBudget System in SUC's: "THE BU MODEL"2010-2011February, 2011Shadel P. MedinaBenedicto Balilo Jr.Christian Y. Sy??Reizha O. Rito?Crisanta Botin????Ryan A. RodriguezBicol University Web-Based Publication Management System2010-2011January, 2011Jezelle G. De VegaRyan A. RodriguezBenedicto Balilo Jr.????Juancho Gabriel G. Ko????Jayvee Christopher VibarOnline Vet Information System with a Pet Adoption2010-2011February, 2011Clifford Ian J. BautistaJuancho Gabriel G. KoFranklin Miranda Jr.??Karell May R. Rosario?Benedicto Balilo Jr.????Ryan A. RodriguezProcurement System in State University and Colleges: The Bicol University Model2010-2011February, 2011Janine S. AlejoAmelia A. Dorosan, Ph.D.Lany L. Maceda??Frenz Aldwyn T. PalizaRyan A. RodriguezBenedicto Balilo Jr.????Juancho Gabriel G. KoIntegrated Monitoring System of Sunwest Resources and Aggregates2010-2011February, 2011Ron Ely R. AragonNoli B. Lucila Jr.Christian Y. Sy??Marlon Kenwahl B. Daza?Romulus Callos????Jayvee Christopher VibarManagement Information System for the Local Government Unit of Magallanes, Sorsogon2010-2011January, 2011Maricris P. HermosaBenedicto Balilo Jr.Jennifer L. Llovido??Larish Joy C. Lopera?Jayvee Christopher Vibar????Manuel B. ArdalesSupply and Inventory Monitoring System of Sunwest Resources and Aggregates2010-2011January, 2011Maria Daisy L. LlenoNoli B. Lucila Jr.Jennifer L. Llovido??Roland T. Marbella?Juancho Gabriel G. Ko????Ryan A. RodriguezBicol Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Online Monitoring System for Department of Trade and Industry Regional Office V2010-2011January, 2011Pia Zoraya B. ReveloArlene A. SatuitoLany L. Maceda??Emilyn V. Mabini?Benedicto Balilo Jr.????Christian Y. SyDepartment of Tourism Regional Office V Web-Based Information System2010-2011January, 2011Maylyn M. NuarinJuancho Gabriel G. KoChristian Y. Sy??Rose L. Regachuelo?Franklin Miranda Jr.????Ryan A. Rodrigueze-LTFRB2010-2011January, 2011Maria Ednelyn C. Ca?etaBenedicto Balilo Jr.Christian Y. Sy??Julius T. Sabile?Ryan A. Rodriguez????Franklin Miranda Jr.A Web-Based Loan Application and Evaluation System of Banco Santiago De Libon Incorporated2010-2011January, 2011Jovelyn P. LuisRyan A. RodriguezJayvee Christopher Vibar??Joan R. Somido?Juancho Gabriel G. Ko????Manuel B. ArdalesOnline Archival System of Land Survey Records for DENR Lands Management Service Regional Office V2010-2011February, 2011Jesse L. LorenzoBenedicto Balilo Jr.Lany L. Maceda????Ryan A. Rodriguez????Juancho Gabriel G. KoOnline Client Information System of Food and Drug Section of DOH-CHD Bicol2010-2011January, 2011Ivy N. FranciscoBenedicto Balilo Jr.Christian Y. Sy????Jayvee Christopher Vibar????Ryan A. RodriguezWeb-Based Inventory and Transaction Processing System of PC Site Computer Center2010-2011January, 2011Mark Joseph E. Detablan Laarni D. PanchoManuel B. Ardales????Franklin Miranda Jr.????Ryan A. RodriguezDOH RO V Online Bidding, Monitoring and Inventory System2010-2011January, 2011Melanie C. AsiadoRyan A. RodriguezLany L. Maceda??Maureen Faye A. Laderas?Christian Y. Sy????Benedicto Balilo Jr.E-Barangayster2010-2011January, 2011Jason B. BarramedaChristian Y. SyBenedicto Balilo Jr.??Lean Alejandro M. Martinez?Ryan A. Rodriguez????Jennifer L. Llovido 1.6 Opportunities for Research Capability BuildingSeminar/TrainingInclusive DatesVenueSponsorFaculty ParticipantInternationalACM International Inter Collegiate Programming ContestDecember 1-2, 2011UP Diliman, Quezon CityComputing Society of the PhilippinesRyan A. RodriguezNoli B. Lucila Jr.Michael Angelo D. BrogadaInternational Academic ColloquiumSeptember 9-11, 2009Bicol University, Legazpi CityBicol UniversityLany L. MacedaNationalCICT’s iSchools Close OutMarch 16-18, 2012DAPChristian Y. SyJAVA SE Fundamentals Ed 2 PRV TrainingApril 16-20, 2012Oracle Academy, DOST, Communication Technology OfficeLea P. dela RamaNational Academic Colloquium September 28-20, 2011Bicol University Graduate SchoolICT Literacy Conference for TeachersJuly 2-5, 2011Commission on Information and Communications TechnologyRommel Evan J. PajeJennifer L. LlovidoCILC eModule ReviewJune 15, 2011CICTLany L. MacedaIBM DB2 Academic Instructor TrainingOctober 24-27, 2011Ateneo de Naga University, Naga CityIBM PhilippinesMichael Angelo D. BrogadaPhilippine Computing Science CongressMarch 4-5, 2011Ateneo de Naga University, Naga CityComputing Society of the PhilippinesMichael Angelo D. BrogadaLea P. dela RamaNoli B. Lucila Jr.Philippine Youth Congress for IT 2010September 15, 2010UP Diliman, Quezon CityUP ITTCMichael Angelo D. BrogadaPublic Hearing on the Policies & Standards for Undergraduate Thesis/ Capstone Project for ComputingSeptember 13, 2010CHED National OfficeAris J. Ordo?ezICT Literacy Conference for TeachersJuly 2-5, 2010Commission on Information and Communication TechnologyArlene A. SatuitoNoli B. Lucila Jr.4th Philippine National Inter-Collegiate Programming CompetitionNovenber 20,2010Ateneo de Naga University, Naga CityComputing Society of the PhilippinesLea P. dela RamaMichael Angelo D. BrogadaCICT’s SPW Training WorkshopSeptember 15-17, 2010Royal Crown Hotel, BataanCICT - HCDGLaarni D. PanchoChristian Y. SyJennifer L. LlovidoICT Resource Acquisition Seminar(Terms of Reference)June 21- 25, 2010NCC/ Nat’ Computer InstituteNCC/ Nat’ Computer InstituteLaarni D. PanchoStrategic Planning Workshop on one Enterprise Architecture – One Enterprise PortalMarch 11-13, 2010ARC, ASU, BANGA, AKLAN/CICT`Laarni D. PanchoIT Audit, Security and Governance SeminarFebruary 8 – 12, 2010Nat’l Comp. CTR, NCI & ISACALaarni D. PanchoField Personnel Training on the G.I for BEI and the PCOS MachineFebruary 19-20, 2010Commission on ElectionsRyan A. RodriguezCICT’s Basic Online Writing TechniqueApril 21-24, 2010Visayas State University, Baybay City, LeyteVisayas State UniversityChristian Y. SyCICT’s Commitment Setting and Planning WorkshopMarch 15-17, 2010University Hotel, University of the PhilippinesUniversity Hotel, University of the PhilippinesChristian Y. SyCICT’s Training of Trainers on Basic Management CourseFebruary 23-26, 2010University Hotel, University of the PhilippinesUniversity Hotel, University of the PhilippinesChristian Y. SyDebriefing Workshop on the Responsible use of ICTJanuary 21-22, 2010Svillupo Consulting Service CooperativeLany L. MacedaEnd-User Training on the Responsible Use of ICTJanuary 18-20, 2010Svillupo Consulting Service CooperativeLany L. MacedaCloseout Facilitators Training for Trainers(TOT)November 27-30, 2010CICTNoli B. Lucila Jr.ICT Course Design and Development CourseMay 24, 2010 – June 4, 2010National Computer CenterNational Computer CenterNoli B. Lucila Jr.12th PSITE National ConventionFebruary 24-27, 2010PSITEPSITENoli B. Lucila Jr.Philippine Youth Congress for IT 2009September 10-11, 2009UP Diliman, Quezon CityUP Information Technology Training CenterMichael Angelo D. BrogadaRyan A. RodriguezConsultation Workshop on the Proposed Industry – Academe Roadmap for ITDecember 3, 2009Pili, Camarines SurTechnical Panel in It EducationMichael Angelo D. BrogadaOrientation on the Revised Policies & Standards for IT Graduate Education & DIT Consortium ProjectNovember 25-26, 2009Tagaytay Country Hotel, Tagaytay CityCHED TPITELaarni D. PanchoCICT-IOSN ASEAN+3 Linux Training Camp for LPI 1 CertificationMay 25-June 5, 2009Commission on ICT & Aklan State UniversityCommission on ICTArlene A. SatuitoTeacher Training on Mobile Application DevelopmentMay 11-13, 2009Java Education & Dev’t Initiative (JEDI)Arlene A. SatuitoTeacher Training Introduction to Programming 1&2 and Data StructureApril 20-24, 2009Java Education & Dev’t Initiative (JEDI)Arlene A. SatuitoCILC and ICT for Basic Education(ICT4BE) Framework and Training for TrainersFebruary 16-19, 2009Benguet State UniversityCommission on ICTArlene A. SatuitoOracle’s ThinkquestOctober 15-16, 2009Cebu Normal University, Cebu CityCebu Normal University, Cebu CityChristian Y. SySystems Analysis and Design Workshop IIMay 27-29, 2009Commission on Information and Communication Technology, eSkwelaLany L. MacedaSystems Analysis and Design Workshop IApril 21-23, 2009Commission on Information and Communication Technology, eSkwelaLany L. MacedaTeacher Training on Mobile Application DevelopmentMay 11-13, 2009JEDI, PSITE, JRDCJennifer L. LlovidoRyan A. RodriguezTeacher Training Introduction to Programming 1 & 2 and Data StructureApril 20-24, 2009Aquainas University of Legazpi, Legazpi CityJEDI, PSITE, JRDCJennifer L. LlovidoAris J. Ordo?ezBenedicto B. Balilo, Jr.Michael Angelo D. BrogadaComputer and Internet Literacy Course (CILC) and ICT for Basic EducationFebruary 16-19, 2009BSU, CICTJennifer L. LlovidoJEDI Training for IT Teachers Phase 2May 11-13, 2009Naga CityPSITE V/ CDITE VMichael Angelo D. BrogadaRegionalAteneo Programming Challenge 2012March 11, 2012Ateneo de Naga University, Naga CityAteneo de Naga UniversityNoli B. Lucila Jr.Ryan A. RodriguezMichael Angelo D. BrogadaRegional Quality Assessment Team(RQAT) Orientation/Reorientation ConferenceDecember 14, 2011Legazpi CityCHED Regional Office VAris J. Ordo?ez1st Provincial Consultative Conference with Higher Education Institutions in SorsogonAugust 19, 2011CHEDAris J. Ordo?ezMichael Angelo D.BrogadaAteneo Programming Challenge 2011March 11, 2011Ateneo de Naga University, Naga CityAteneo de Naga UniversityNoli B. Lucila Jr.Ryan A. RodriguezMichael Angelo D. Brogada2nd Bicol Youth Congress for ITNovember 18-19, 2011Camarines Sur Polytechnic CollegesCamarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, College of ICTMichael Angelo D. BrogadaAcademic forum (Education as a Strategy for Social Transformation)August 31, 2011CHED ROV/ Regional Council of Deans Inc.Aris J. Ordo?ezAcademic Forum(Trends, Issues & Challenges in Higher Education)August 9, 2011CHED ROV/ Council of Deans for Graduate SchoolAris J. Ordo?ezConsultative Meeting to Review/Update the ICT-related Courses in the Teacher Education CurriculumJune 1, 2010Legazpi CityCHEDLany L. MacedaCouncil of Deans for IT Education Region V ConferenceAugust 5, 2011Council of Deans for IT Education VMichael Angelo D. BrogadaOrientation Seminar on Legazpi City Ecological Solid Waste Management ProgramAugust 13, 2010Legazpi CityCity Gov’t of Legazpi and BUCSLaarni D. PanchoChristian Y. SyAnnual Conference and General Assembly of the BFHEAugust 12, 2010BHFE & CHEDLaarni D. Pancho3rd Ateneo Programming ChallengeMarch 1, 2010Ateneo de Naga University, Naga CityAteneo de Naga UniversityRyan A. RodriguezMichael Angelo D. BrogadaBUUFAI Planning WorkshopJuly 16-17, 2010Viento de Mar Resort, Bacacay, AlbayViento de Mar resortChristian Y. SyProject Management Training July 12-17, 2010Costa Palmera, Calayucay, Sto. Domingo/ CICTLaarni D. PanchoDigital Image ProcessingDecember 16-18, 2009Ateneo de Naga University, Naga CityAteneo de Naga UniversityArlene A. SatuitoConsultation Workshop on the Proposed Industry-Academe Roadmap for Information TechnologyDecember 3, 2009Naga Regent Hotel, Naga CityCHED TPITELaarni D. PanchoMichael Angelo D. BrogadaSearch Engine Marketing ConferenceFebruary 5-6, 2009Aquainas University, Legazpi CityBenedicto B. Balilo, Jr.Research Proposal Preparation WorkshopOctober 28-20, 2009CHED ROV/ Zonal Research Center/ Bicol UniversityAris J. Ordo?ezINFOTEK ’09 (iCon ‘09)October 29, 2009Concourse Convention Center, Gov. Forbes St. Legazpi CityConcourse Convention CenterBenedicto B. Balilo, Jr.Michael Angelo BrogadaJayvee Christopher N. VibarLocal/ InstitutionalOrientation Seminar for the newly Hired Faculty of the Bicol UniversityJuly 19-20, 2012Bicol University, Legazpi CityBicol University, Human Resource Management OfficeAris J. Ordo?ezMichael Angelo D. Brogada1st STI Conference in Information TechnologyMarch 17, 2012STI, Naga CitySTI Naga City CampusMichael Angelo D. BrogadaJob Orientation ProgramMarch 1, 2012The Lewis CollegeThe Lewis CollegeMichael Angelo D. BrogadaSeminar-Workshop on PHP and MYSQL November 5-6, 2011SSC Bulan, Bulan, SorsogonSSC Bulan CampusMichael Angelo D. BrogadaSeminar –Workshop on and MYSQLOctober 16-17, 2011SSC Bulan, Bulan, SorsogonSSC Bulan CampusMichael Angelo D. BrogadaGaming and AnimationSeptember 25, 2011Informatics Legazpi Center, Legazpi CityInformatics Legazpi CenterLea P. dela RamaSeminar –Workshop in Database using MYSQLOctober 8-9, 2011Veritas College of Irosin CS/IT Dept., Irosin, SorsogonVeritas College of IrosinMichael Angelo D. BrogadaPHP and MYSQL Development CourseAugust 28-29, 2011Bicol University Gubat Campus, Gubat, SotsogonBicol University Gubat CampusMichael Angelo D. BrogadaSeminar-Workshop on Excel, Publisher and BloggingMay 17, 2011SSC Graduate Studies, Main Campus, Sorsogon CitySSC Graduate Studies, Main CampusMichael Angelo D. BrogadaBUCS Enhancement Seminar 2010June 7-11, 2010BUCS Auditorium & Casa Basilisa, Guinobatan, AlbayBUCSLaarni D. PanchoLany L. MacedaRommel Evan J. PajeChristian Y. SyJennifer L. LlovidoNoli B. Lucila Jr.Ryan A. RodriguezJayvee Christopher N. VibarComputer Literacy ProgramMarch 24, 2010Bicol university, Legazpi CityBicol UniversityBenedicto B. Balilo, Jr.2010 Work and Financial Planning WorkshopMarch 22-23, 2010Bicol University, Legazpi CityBicol UniversityJennifer L. LlovidoTraining in Consumer Electronics Mobile Phone RepairingAugust 1-16, 2010Sto. Domingo, AlbaySto. Domingo – LGUFranklin M. MirandaComputer Literacy Training Program for the Non-Teaching Employees of Bicol UniversityJune 26, 2010Legazpi CityBU, Human Resource Management OfficeLany L. MacedaJennifer L. Llovido2009 BUCS Enhancement ActivitiesJune 8-9, 2009BUCS, Legazpi CityBicol University College of ScienceLany L. MacedaRyan A. RodriguezSearch Engine Marketing ConferenceFebruary 5-6, 2009AUL-DOST, Globe, DTIFranklin M. MirandaOrientation Seminar for the Newly Hired Employees of the Bicol UniversityNovember 17-18, 2009BUCS Auditorium, Legazpi CityBU Human Resource Management OfficeChristian Y. SyComputer Literacy Training Program for the Non-Teaching EmployeeApril 1, 2009Bicol University, Legazpi CityBU, Human Resource Management OfficeLany L. Maceda1.7 Description of Research Monitoring and Evaluation (MORD)No research undertaking shall be implemented without a duly approved research proposal which incorporates the comments and suggestions of the appropriate evalution committee.Prior to implementing an approved research proposal, the faculty will be issued an appointment by the Office of the President, duly endorsed by the Dean/Director of his/her mother unit, and the BURDC Director, through the Vice President of Academic Affair’s Office. The appointment shall stipulate the WEC or honorarium of the researcher, his/her duties and responsibilities, and the duration based on the approved work plan. A Terms of Reference (TOR) shall be issued together with the Appointment specifying the responsibilities of the researcher and the university.During implementation, researchers of institutionally- and externally-funded reseaches are:required to submit Quarterly R&D Monitoring and Evaluation Form (BU R&D Form No. 3), Progress/Accomplishment Report ((BU R&D Form No. 4), Year-End R&D Accomplishment Report (BU R&D Form No. 7), and Terminal Report (BU R&D Form No. 6) for completed researchesrequired to present their accomplishment in Project Leader’s Meeting held every quarter to assess whether objectives have been met and determine gaps and problems which need to be answeredIn-House Reviews are conducted at the college level as a preliminary venue for the critiquing and screening of completed and on-going research undertakings before presentation at the University In-House Review. All research undertakings either, completed or on-going, are presented in the In-House Reviews and other similar fora for further enhancements and dissemination.1.8 Utilization of research results/outputs (e.g. for instructional development, emhancement of instructional processes, technology transfer, etc.)Title of ResearchNature of UtilizationBrief DescriptionBUCaptive Portal SystemImplementation of the software project by Bicol UniversityThe usefullness, effectiveness and efficiency of the BU Captive Portal Project made BU adopt such system.BUCS Payroll SystemAutomated Payroll Information System for BUCSAutomatically computes the gross pay, deductions and net pay; automatically generate the payroll register, payroll voucher; allow an instant generation of monthly payroll reports.eBUCMS: Bicol University’s Web 2.0 Web Content Management SystemImproving Bicol University management processesA Content Management System embedded in the BU Website; A software of two major modules – Website administration and System Management.e-BU: Document Tracking and Management System, Personnel Management Information System, and Integrated Library System(Currently on client-test)Improving Bicol University management processes Automation of Bicol University transaction processes on Document Tracking, Personnel Information System and Integrated Library Management System. Development of LGU Juban Sorsogon Official WebsiteAn information dissemination tool.The website is an online information system that will provide relevant and up-to-date information about Juban’s thrusts, programs, projects and activities to the Jubanons and community as a whole.Development of LGU Barcelona Sorsogon Official WebsiteEnhancement of LGU servicesThe web portal intends to provide relevant and significant information to the community especially to the people of Barcelona. It includes news, pictures and updates about projects and activities of the LGU. 1.9 Description of the mechanism adopted to protect IPR and observance of research ethics among faculty and student researchesMechanism adopted to protect IPRBicol University has established the Intellectual Property Rights Unit–Innovation and Technology Support Office (IPRU–ITSO) as one unit under the Bicol University Research and Development Center (BURDC)The general objective of the IPRU-ITSO is to protect the different IP’s of the faculty and students of Bicol University. The specific objectives are to:serve as patent search facility and library for patent information;provide skills training in patent searching;provide patent search services;organize community of patent information user;provide general information on patent and patenting;provide skills training in patent drafting and prosecution;provide patent drafting and prosecution services;organize a community of experts to participate in patent examination;provide IP audit and evaluation services;provide licensing support;provide advice on IP management and commercialization strategies; and be a depository of patent-related documents, papers and statistics.Observance of research ethics among faculty Researches of faculty undergo a screening process to guarantee its integrity. Research proposals must be presented to the University Research and Evaluation Committee (UREC) for evaluation and endorsement to the Director for Research. The Director for Research recommends the research proposals for approval of the University President. On-going and Completed researches are presented in the in-house review for evaluation. Outstanding completed researches are recommended for presentation during the Regional Symposium on Research and Development. An implementing rules and regulation for the IP policy and the IP Management System of researches in Bicol University was crafted by BURDC was endorsed by the Administrative Council for approval of the BOR.BURDC also crafted and presented to the Administrative Council the Policy and Guidelines for Authorship of Papers for Presentation and Publication. The Administrative Council encourage the BURDC Director to present it to the Academic Council before its endorsement to BOR. The setting up of the University R&D Ethics committee is a priority activity for the year 2014. Several University faculty and personnel were in attendance to a number of Ethics orientation and training-workshops given by the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) as capability enhancements in preparation to the crafting of the University Research Ethics policies and guidelines.Publication and Dissemination.Description of the modes of dissemination of research results/ outputs (Publication, Paper Presentation, Forum, etc)Results of completed researches undertaken by faculty members are presented in the annual In-House Review sponsored by the Bicol University Research and Development Center. Selected thesis of the students are also presented in the Students’ Research ForumResearchers are also encouraged to publish the results of their researches in journals and other publications. The BicolUniversity publishes all completed researches conducted by the BU faculty/personnel and students in its official publication known as the BU R&D Journal, which has a yearly issuance. BU faculty researchers also find means of disseminating the results of their researches when they are invited to act as resource speakers in seminars, trainings, symposia or conferences attended by various sectors: students, farmers, agricultural technicians/ technologists, teachers/ professors, stakeholders and other clienteles. Published researchResearch TitleResearchersJournalISSNVolume/ Issue No.DatePublisherExtent of Circulation (Int’l, Nat’l,Loc)BUCaptive Portal SystemFelix R. Penetrante 2012LocalBUCS Payroll SystemJayvee Christopher VibarJanuary 2010LocaleBUCMSLaarni Desengano 2010GlobalDevelopment of LGU Juban Sorsogon Official WebsiteMichael Angelo D. Brogada 2011GlobalDevelopment of LGU Barcelona Sorsogon Official WebsiteMichael Angelo D. Brogada 2012GlobalDescription of administrative support in research-related undertaking. In addition to their regular functions, they are designated as Project Support Staff of the project being implemented by the College. If an externally-funded research is being implemented, they are given renumeration. Research results disseminated in fora, conferences, symposia, etcPresentorTitle of ResearchActivity/Event Where PresentedDate and Place1.Felix R. PenetranteAlbay Gulf Sea Grass Habitat MappingBUCaptive Portal System2011 BU Research Clearing HouseDeployment of BU Captive PortalBU August 29-31, 2012February 2012, BU Main Campus, Legazpi City2. Pancho, Laarni D.eBUCMS: Bicol University’s Web 2.0 Web Content Management SystemDeployment of BUCMSBU Main Campus, Legazpi City3.Maceda, Lany L.Llovido, Jennifer L.e-BU: Document Tracking and Management System, Personnel Management Information System, and Integrated Library SystemOffice of the President, VPA, HRMO, Main LibraryBU, April 27, 2012Extent of compliance with the Team Recommendations made in the last survey visit.FIRST SURVEY RECOMMENDATIONSACTION TAKEN (COMPLIANCE)PERCENTAGE OF COMPLIANCEEVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCEThe CS is encouraged to have a college and department research manual and journal.The CS/IT Department developed its own research manual patterned to TPITE guidelines.100%CSIT Research ManualTPITE Guidelines on ITE Research and Capstone ProjectsCS should have a clear research focus that is in congruence with the research thrust of the institution, the region and the nation.Faculty and students research projects are aligned to the institution research agenda. 100%List of Faculty research projects List of students theses and capstone projects. Motivate faculty and students to present their researches in for a, seminars and conferences and publish such works preferably in refereed national and international journals.Numerous CSIT faculty members projects and researches were accepted and deployed to its clienteles. These projects are currently being utilized, thus the papers need not be presented and disseminated. There is an annual conference where students present their research works. Most CS/IT researches garner best paper awards. The BU-iLib: Bicol University Integrated Library System research project has been endorsed for publication.80% Certificate of Deployment and Acceptance Presentation and Conference Program ActivitiesList of Paper Presentation WinnersCopy of BU-iLib Research Paper written in publishable formProvide and incentive mechanism that will motivate all faculty of the department to conduct and publish researchResolutions regarding faculty researchers incentives where formulated by the university which includes Work Equivalent (WEC),Honorarium, Cash Incentives, Travel Incentives for Paper Presentation abroad, Publication Incentives and Insurance of Researchers.100%Manual of Operations for Research, BURDC, 2009BU BOR Resolutions20. Summary of the findings and recommendations of the self-survey:A. StrengthsThe Research and Development agenda of the university and the college are aligned with the institutional, regional and national ernment agency representatives of DOST, CHED and NEDA are directly involved in the formulation of the R & D Agenda. Faculty and students research projects are in consonance with the R & D agenda of the Institution.The University/College is equipped with state-of-art hardware and software amenities that are used by faculty and students in their research works.The University and the College of Science allocate funds for faculty research enhancement such as attendance to research retooling/upgrading especially new research methodologies duly approved and ready for implementation for R & D projects. Most faculty research projects are directly utilized by its target clientele/end-users. B. Areas Needing ImprovementThere is a need to encourage the conduct of collaborative and interdisiplinary research activities.Research outputs are seldom not published in refereed journals; because, they are oftentimes accepted and deployed to its clients.C. RecommendationsMore faculty members are encouraged to prepare and submit proposals for approval most specially team/interdisiplinary type of R & D projects/programs. Faculty members are encourage to present papers in national and international fora and gain avenue for publication of the research outputs.Prepared by:MICHAEL ANGELO D. BROGADAChair, AREA V: ResearchBS IT ProgramIDA FRANCIA H. REVALECo-Chair, AREA V: ResearchNoted by:LUCY P. ESTIOKO, PhDDean – College of Science ................

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