Pursuant to Sections 5.1(e) and 5.4 of the By-Laws and Section 18.4(h) of the Illinois Condominium Property Act, the Board of Directors (“Board”) of 4918 South Indiana Condominium Association (“Association”) adopts these Rules and Regulations (“Rules”) governing the administration, management, operation and use of the Association and Common Elements (sometimes referred to as “Premises”), and may amend such Rules from time to time.

These Rules were approved by the Board to benefit all Unit Owners and occupants and to provide a practical framework for everyday living. The Board’s intent is to ensure mutually comfortable surroundings while enhancing the value of your investment.

ALL UNIT OWNER, LESSEES, DEPENDENTS, RESIDENTS, LICENSEES, EMPLOYEES, OCCUPANTS, AND GUESTS ARE LEGALLY OBLIGATED TO OBSERVE THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDOMINIUM DOCUMENTS (THE DECLARATION, BY-LAWS AND RULES). In the event that these individuals do not observe these provisions, the Unit Owner is responsible for their actions. As required by law, the Condominium Documents will be enforced with consistency.

Violations of the Condominium Documents will result in appropriate action by the Board in accordance with its powers and duties, including fines assessed against the Unit Owner.


Unit Owners must comply with Federal Communications Commission guidelines and the Association’s Antenna Rules and Regulations attached to these Rules as Exhibit A.

barbecue grills

Residents may use gas or electric grills on their decks, balconies or terraces, but charcoal grills are prohibited. The burning of wood in any container is prohibited. Barbecue grills may not be used on the driveways.


Throwing cigarette butts on the common areas of The homeowners association is not permitted. Balconies and decks are not to be used as storage areas. Violators will receive a written warning notice on the first offense. Beginning with the second offense, violators will be fined $50. Subsequent offenses will result in fines that may escalate at the discretion of the Board.


If, due to the act of Unit Owner, a family member, household pet, guests, lessees, or occupants (a) damages are caused to the Common Elements or to a Unit or to Units owned by others; or (b) maintenance, repair or replacement is required to the Common Elements or another Unit, then such Unit Owner is obligated to pay for such damage, maintenance, repairs or replacements as determined by the Board.


Unit Owners shall report to the Board and/or management any damage to the Common Elements or Premises (not damages associated with individual Units), including landscaping damage.


Decks, balconies, terraces and associated railings, if any, are Limited Common Elements. The aforementioned Limited Common Elements may not be altered without the written consent of the Board.


Unit Owners may not alter the exterior appearances of the Units or the Common Elements without the written consent of the Board. Similarly, Unit Owners may not alter or modify the exterior electrical fixtures attached to the Units or the Common Elements.


With the exception of harassment and dog bites, all violations will result in a written warning for first offenses. Subsequent offenses are subject to fines as outlined in these rules and regulations or at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


Each Unit Owner who shall elect to install in any portion of his Unit (other than in bath and powder rooms) hard surface floor covering (i.e., tile, slate, ceramic, parquet, etc.) shall be first required to install a sound absorbent under-cushion of such kind and quality as may be specified in the rules and regulations of the Board to minimize transmission of noise to another Unit.

The minimum underlay for any floor surface not covered by required carpeting shall consist, from top to bottom of:

one-fourth inch plywood

one-eighth inch cork

one-fourth inch plywood

one-eighth inch cork

with a minimum one-eighth inch mastic on both the top and bottom sides of each layer of the plywood and cork, or its equivalent for sound insulation.

In any case, the entire non-carpet floor assembly shall at least result in an Impact Insulation Class rating determined in the field, of fifty-five (55), such result to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Board by tests conducted in accordance with standard American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) procedures.

Residents are required to notify the Advantage Management in writing when any hard floor replacement is undertaken on a second floor area.

To be sure you are in compliance with these restrictions, it is recommended that you contact the Homeowners Association before starting any remodeling work in your Unit where flooring materials are changed or where ceiling or wall penetrations are to be made. The Board has the authority to require that any improper work done in a Unit (if the sound insulating qualities of the Unit are compromised) be corrected at the expense of the Unit Owner.

Residents are required to notify the Board in writing when any hard floor replacement is undertaken on a second floor area.


All residents of the Homeowners Association are required to place their trash in the bins provided by the Association. The Association shall pay for garbage removal trough assessments.


No harassment, verbal or physical, toward any resident, employee, management agent, board member or visitor will be tolerated. Each incident will result in a fine of $250. If physical violence is threatened, or the activities are criminal in nature, a report will be filed with the local Police Department.


Each Unit Owner is required to maintain homeowners/condominium insurance for his/her own Unit. A current copy of the insurance declaration page for the unit must be provided to the management company.


Clotheslines and drying racks are not permitted in any common area.


There shall be no leasing of units at anytime either by the original owners or subsequent purchasers of units.


The Association or its management company will be permitted to charge a reasonable fee for the preparation of paid assessment letters. Further, the Association or its management company may impose rules on the moving in/out of units and require documentation prior to closing.


Pursuant to Section 7.01 (f) of the Declarations, “No noxious, unlawful or offensive activity shall be carried on in any unit or in the common elements, nor shall anything be done therein, either willfully or negligently, which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the other unit owners or occupants or which shall in the judgment of the Board cause unreasonable noise or disturbance to others.

No noise offensive to others will be tolerated at any time. Loud and offensive noise, which include the following: loud voices, music, televisions, barking dogs, will result in a fine


No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Unit, Common Elements or Limited Common Elements except dogs, cats and other common household pets (not to exceed a total of two (2) pets for each Unit may be so kept). The homeowners association and the City of Chicago require that all dogs are registered and vaccinated. Proof of such registration and vaccinations must be provided to the management company by February 1 of each year. All dogs must also be registered with the management company. All dogs must be leashed at all times. Pets may not be left unattended on the property or tied up to any common element. All ,pet incident. Subsequent offenses and fines are at the discretion of the Board. Nuisance animals may ultimately be removed from the premises. An incident involving a dog biting another dog or person will result in an immediate fine of $250. Failure to register any dog will result in a fine of $100.00.


All requests for information must be acknowledged and provided to the Association. Failure to provide requested information within 10 business days will result in a substantial fine.


Unit Owners must comply with Federal Communications Commission guidelines and the Association’s Antenna Rules and Regulations attached to these Rules as Exhibit A.


Except for the Developer, no signs of any kind, including “For Sale” and For Rent” signs, may be displayed on the exterior or interior of any unit including the windows and doors.


The Association is responsible for the snow plowing of the interior drives. Snow removal of all other areas on the Premises is also the responsibility of the Association. The Association may, when necessitated by large snowfalls, set aside certain parking areas for snow storage during the winter. No vehicles will be allowed to park in these areas during these times. Violators will be towed at the owner’s expense.


Unit Owners may not store personal property outside of their Unit in the balconies or patios or any other common areas. Further, Unit Owners may not store personal property in front of B-Unit meter room doors.


Unit Owner responsibility includes:

• All maintenance, repairs and replacements within the Unit;

• Garage door and trim damage caused by a Unit Owner or his/her guests.

• All decorating within the Unit and the interior surfaces within the Unit.

• Broken windows appurtenant to the Unit.

• All maintenance, repairs and replacements of the Optional Limited Elements which serve such Unit Owner’s Unit and any other portions of the Limited Common Elements which the Declaration expressly provides are to be maintained, improved, repaired and replaced by Unit Owners whose Units are served by such portions.


All owners/tenants are required to complete a vehicle registration form for any vehicle parked on the property. All owners shall park in their designated spaces only. The association or management shall be notified if any vehicle other than a unit owner’s shall be parked in that unit owners space.

No inoperative vehicles may be parked in any parking area within The homeowners association. No auto mechanical work may be done in the parking areas. All illegally parked vehicles will be towed at owner expense.

A vehicle can not be parked in the same space for 5 consecutive days unless approved by Advantage.

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|The Board of Directors adopted the Rules and Regulations on ____________ 2011. |

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|Since compliance with the Rules benefits all of us, the Board anticipates the voluntary compliance by all Unit Owners, |

|occupants, and guests. However, in the event of a violation of any of these Rules, the Board will provide written notice |

|to the respective Unit Owner and provide an opportunity for the Unit Owner to be heard before the Board. Following the |

|notice and hearing, the Board is authorized to take legal action, including the power to levy fines and/or file a lawsuit |

|for the violations of these Rules. |

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|Under the Illinois Condominium Property Act, unpaid fines (including costs of collection constitute a lien on the |

|respective Unit. |


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