Plaza de Flores Condominium Association, Inc

Plaza de Flores Condominium Association, Inc.

Regular Board of Directors Meeting

Plaza de Flores Clubhouse, 4202 Central Sarasota Pkwy

February 21, 2017 7:00 p.m.

Call Meeting to Order: Gerald Ratzer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Determination of a Quorum: Carol Carter, Harvey Garver, Robert Ingraham & Gerald Ratzer present in person. Constance Shaw present by telephone conference call.

Proof of Notice: Notice was posted per FL Statute and Bylaws on February 17, 2017

Owner’s Present: James Atherton (Unit 422), Jerry Brief (Unit 1525), Anthony D’Elia (Unit 511), Manny & Gloria da Cunha (Unit 1226), John & Paulette Ferrara (Unit 414), David Herman (Unit 912), Greta Ingraham (Unit 416), Adreana Leopardi (Unit 1514), Bob & Carole Levanti (Unit 911), Dominick LoRiggio (Unit 1214), Deborah Newman & Arnold Galet (Unit 1424) and Andrew Spanyi (Unit 1015).

Approval of the Agenda: Gerald Ratzer proposed amending the agenda to add Emergency Management Planning as the last discussion under Old Business. Robert Ingraham made a motion to approve the amended agenda, Gerald Ratzer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the Minutes from the January 10, 2017 Organizational Meeting

Gerald Ratzer made a motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the January 10, 2017 organizational meeting, Carol Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Finance report:

Harvey Garver gave the finance report for the month ending January 31, 2017. Harvey stated our Cumulative Operating Expenses are $60,866.00. We are slightly over our 2017 budget due to $2,977.00 that needs to be transferred to 2016. The cost to power wash the roofs at buildings 10, 11 and 12, hit early in the year and that is also causing us to be over budget. Our Cumulative Operating Income is $52,575.00 and right on budget. Our reserves are $676,436.00. They are fully funded and reside in secure investments. Our equity account is $155,353.00 or 3 times our monthly expenses. Plaza de Flores is in good shape. Harvey Garver made a motion to approve the financial report, Gerald Ratzer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

Surveillance Camera Resolution

Robert Ingraham started a discussion concerning the installation of surveillance cameras at Plaza de Flores. Based on his research, the installation of surveillance cameras requires a vote of the membership unless a “history of harm to property or residents that is not minimal can be established”. He believes the attached Surveillance Camera Resolution establishes that history. Robert Ingraham made a motion to adopt the resolution, Harvey Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Surveillance Camera Policy

Robert Ingraham stated that the installation of surveillance cameras was opposed by one board member because PDF did not have a Surveillance Camera Policy. He submitted the attached policy for approval by the board.

Andrew Spanyi (Unit 1015) asked how many other Associations in Palmer Ranch have surveillance cameras. Gerald Ratzer thought quite a few have them.

Deborah Newman (Unit 1424) asked if there was any audio recording and if PDF had a legal requirement to notify residents that they are being recorded. Robert Ingraham said that since the cameras are located in public areas, signage is not legally required. He also confirmed that there would be no audio recording.

Jim Atherton (Unit 422) questioned using the term “Security” and whether PDF is creating a liability issue by giving the impression that we are providing security. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to change the policy to surveillance instead of Security.

Harvey Garver made a motion to change “security” to “surveillance”, Carol Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Robert Ingraham made a motion to adopt the policy as amended, Harvey Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Robert Ingraham made a motion to amend the Surveillance Camera Resolution from “security” to “surveillance”, Harvey Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Hurricane Shutter Policy

Gerald Ratzer explained in May 2005, the Board of Directors passed a resolution adopting a hurricane shutter policy in response to a February 2005 request to install hurricane windows. The resolution was passed and recorded in the minutes, but was never signed.

Robert Ingraham followed by saying that under Florida law, we are required to have a Hurricane Shutter Policy and recommended that the board adopt the policy from 2005 and amend it at a future meeting. After a brief discussion Robert Ingraham made a motion to adopt the 2005 Hurricane Shutter Policy as a temporary measure, Constance Shaw seconded and the motion passed by a 4 to 1 vote.

Emergency Management Planning

Jim Atherton lead the discussion by saying each member of the Emergency Management Planning Committee was assigned a role. Constance Shaw would handle insurance, Gerald Ratzer would handle communication and “Robo calls” and Jim Atherton would meet with representatives of Sarasota County and Palmer Ranch Master Association.

Jim met with the Sarasota County Emergency Management group and discussed what they do in preparation of a storm and at the time of emergency. Jim also met with Tracy Smith of Palmer Ranch Master Association. He found out each community stands alone before and after a storm. The roadways outside of our community are county responsibility. He spoke about a program Sarasota County offers called CERT and talked about the water management responsibility of our retention ponds.

Due to a full agenda, further discussion was tabled to a future meeting.

Constance Shaw said Susan Baxley of PCS Insurance group asked permission to address the board and Unit Owners about the disaster plan and other comments. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that this should be planned for the March meeting at 6:00 pm, prior to the start of the board meeting.

New Business

Emotional Support Policy Amendment

Robert Ingraham stated the board passed a set of Leasing Rules in 2015, one of them pertaining to Emotional Support Animals. Robert read an amendment to Leasing Rule 3.17 allowing a letter from a Licensed HealthCare Professional (family doctor), to serve proof of the need of an Emotional Support Animal. Robert Ingraham made a motion to accept the amendment to Leasing Rule 3.17, Carol Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Explore PCM contract renegotiation to add duties

Robert Ingraham said that Florida law requires property management contracts to be in writing listing their job duties or it is not enforceable. Steve Wisniewski said PCM helps out as needed. They do a variety of duties, too many to put in writing. PCM offers 2 to 3 Administrative Assistants and since they always offer their help and are more than happy to help, he did not feel the contract needed to be renegotiated. Robert Ingraham said that if things change and it becomes difficult to get the help needed, then it will be time to renegotiate.

Resident Handbook update

Robert Ingraham said that the current Resident Handbook is outdated and needs to be revised. He spoke of a number of revisions that needed to be made. Robert said he will update the handbook making the necessary revisions and submit it to the board for approval.

Wind mitigation Inspection Report

Steve Wisniewski said the last wind mitigation inspection was completed in 2012 because the reports were revised to include color photos. The inspections are good for 5 years, but a new inspection is not needed unless the Association’s insurance carrier requests another inspection. In checking with Susan Baxley of PCS Insurance, we do not need to re-inspect. A Unit Owner can receive a discount for the wind mitigation inspection and it is their responsibility to get the inspection. Steve suggested the board have the inspections done for $1,500.00 so individual owners are not ordering inspections and having random inspectors entering the attic area of our building which is a dangerous place to be, with water pipes and electricity. Gerald Ratzer made a motion to order the inspections, Harvey Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Criminal background check guidelines

Robert Ingraham said that criminal background checks are required for all new owners and tenants. Guidelines were sent out by HUD stating that Associations should only consider convictions and not arrests, and it can only be a conviction that would affect the safety of our community. It was also stated that the Association should consider of how recent the convictions were, the age of the individual when convicted and if there is evidence of rehabilitation.

The Association can also be held liable for the negligent screening of tenants so the applications will have to be considered as a whole. It was agreed that on future applications, the Leasing Committee will take the guidelines into consideration and make the best decisions possible.

Surveillance Camera Signs

A brief discussion took place on the need, the wording and the placement of surveillance camera signs. No decision was reached.

Manager’s Report

Over flowing gutters – Due to a problem with gutters over flowing this past summer, gutters were re-attached and properly pitched at buildings 5, 12 and 15.

Surveillance cameras – 4 surveillance cameras were installed and are operational at the front gate, the trash area, in the clubhouse hallway and at the pool.

Pressure wash & Roof-A-Cide – The roofs of buildings 10, 11 and 12 were power washed and a product called Roof-A-Cide was applied to protect the roof from mold.

Annual Inspections – Due to problems with Alliance Fire, the annual inspections were moved to Piper Fire. Hydrants and backflows will be inspected in February, emergency lights and extinguishers will be inspected in April and the building sprinklers systems will be inspected in July. Fire Brigade will perform fire alarm testing in May.

Loose handrail – The loose handrail at building 12 was secured with a carriage bolt. The rail will not loosen up again.

Noisy motor on treadmill – Complaints were received that the motor on the Nautilus treadmill is noisy. The cost to replace the motor is $890.00. A new treadmill would cost $3,000.00 to $4,000.00.

Harvey Garver made a motion to replace the motor for $890.00, Robert Ingraham seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Fitness Room – A quote was received for $2,400.00 to replace the ceiling in the fitness room. A second quote will be requested.

Leasing report – Currently there are 67 units rented or a 34% rental rate.

Roof repair – Additional quotes will be requested to replace the flashing on our buildings. One quote was received for $14,400.00.

Painting of buildings 10, 11 & 12 – The painting of buildings 10, 11 and 12 will be scheduled for late March or early April.

Comcast – A new line has to be pulled under the front sidewalk of the clubhouse. Since we have been waiting so long, our Comcast representative gave out the telephone number of the Escalation Department at Comcast.

Clubhouse window washing – A quote was received to wash the inside and outside of the clubhouse windows for a cost of $500.00. The window washing was approved.

Tennis court – A quote was received from Stewart Tennis Courts to resurface the tennis court. The bad areas would be cut out for a cost of $2,500.00. A root barrier would be installed for $5,400.00 to prevent future root damage to the surface. The court would be refinished for $7,200.00. The total cost of the project would be $15,100.00. Harvey Garver questioned whether the roots from the palm trees would affect the court. A second quote would be requested due to the cost of the job.

Security fob at tennis court – A quote was received for $2,371.00 to install a Security fob on the gate of the tennis court. The fence would need to be raised higher in the area around the entrance gate.

Relocate handicapped parking – Going out for quotes.

Parking lot sealcoating – A quote was received for $21,840.00 to sealcoat the parking lot.

Parking lot repaving – Going out for quotes.

Roof replacement – Going out for quotes.

Committee reports

Landscaping – A bulletin board has been put up in the card room to post landscaping news.

Communications – A spring newsletter will be mailed out soon.

Social – Monthly happy hours and luncheons have been a success. The International Night is scheduled for Saturday March 18, 2017.

Next meeting dates

The next meeting will be Tuesday March 21, 2017


Robert Ingraham made a motion to adjourn at 8:58 pm, Carol Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Prepared by Steve Wisniewski, Association Manager – Plaza de Flores


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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