Technical Architecture - University of Edinburgh

<Service>Technical ArchitectureVersion 1.0dd/mm/yyyyContents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1Project planning PAGEREF _Toc394664809 \h 41.1<Project code> <project name> PAGEREF _Toc394664810 \h 42Service design PAGEREF _Toc394664811 \h 62.1Service description PAGEREF _Toc394664812 \h 62.2Resilience measures PAGEREF _Toc394664813 \h 62.3Disaster recovery category PAGEREF _Toc394664814 \h 72.4Backup policy PAGEREF _Toc394664815 \h 72.5Security issues PAGEREF _Toc394664816 \h 72.6Authentication and authorisation PAGEREF _Toc394664817 \h 72.7External access PAGEREF _Toc394664818 \h 82.8Interfaces and dependencies PAGEREF _Toc394664819 \h 82.9Exceptions and other issues PAGEREF _Toc394664820 \h 83Service specification PAGEREF _Toc394664821 \h 93.1URLs, certificates and channels PAGEREF _Toc394664822 \h 93.2Servers PAGEREF _Toc394664823 \h 103.3Users, roles and groups PAGEREF _Toc394664824 \h 113.4Data sources PAGEREF _Toc394664825 \h 133.5Firewall configuration PAGEREF _Toc394664826 \h 143.6Scheduled tasks PAGEREF _Toc394664827 \h 153.7Software licences PAGEREF _Toc394664828 \h 164Service operation PAGEREF _Toc394664829 \h 174.1Support contacts PAGEREF _Toc394664830 \h 174.2Startup and shutdown steps PAGEREF _Toc394664831 \h 174.3Log files PAGEREF _Toc394664832 \h 174.4Configuration files PAGEREF _Toc394664833 \h 174.5Patching PAGEREF _Toc394664834 \h 185Common procedures PAGEREF _Toc394664835 \h 195.1e.g. Create a new user PAGEREF _Toc394664836 \h 196Disaster recovery plan PAGEREF _Toc394664837 \h 20Version controlDateVersionAuthorSectionsAmendments1.0AllInitial draft.Some keyboard shortcuts have been added to this document: Alt-P changes to paragraph style; Alt-N changes to normal style; Alt-R changes to preformatted style; Alt-C changes to code character format, use Ctrl-Spacebar to clear; Alt-1, Alt-2 and Alt-3 create headings; Alt-B creates a bulleted list and Alt-0 (zero) creates a numbered list. You can also create appendices using the Shift-Alt-1, Shift-Alt-2 and Shift-Alt-3 shortcuts.When you insert new tables they may appear too big because of the formatting of the default paragraph style. To fix this issue, select all rows and change to normal style (Alt-N). You can change the heading style of a table by placing the cursor anywhere inside it, selecting the Design tab and clicking one of the first three table designs.To update the table of contents and any cross-references, hit ctrl-A to select all then F9, choose ‘update entire table’ and click OK. You might also want to select ‘update fields before printing’ under File > Options > Display > Printing Options.Project planningCreate a subsection for each project that makes changes to this service, keeping the subsections in reverse chronological order (newest projects first).<Project code> <project name>StakeholdersRoleUnitNameTechnical Architect Development TechnologyPeer ReviewerDevelopment TechnologyProject ManagerProject ServicesProduction RepresentativeProduction ManagementITI RepresentativeIT InfrastructureKey deliverablesOutline the key technical achievements that this project will deliver along with the business benefit that each deliverable will realise.DeliverableBusiness benefitTechnical commitmentsAdd a justification below if any of these commitments are not being met by the mitmentY/NJustification (if not)Will the project conduct a load test?Will the project conduct a DR test?Has a service restart been tested?Summary of technical changesDescribe the changes this project will make to the infrastructure, including any new servers, new users, new configuration etc.Estimated costsCosts should cover five years of service life, including capital costs and annual recurrent costs.ItemDevelopmentTestLivee.g. hardware???e.g. disk on SAN???e.g. backup???e.g. licences???e.g. maintenance???e.g. support???Subtotals???Total?Service designService descriptionDescribe the architecture and purpose of this service, highlighting specific design or technological features. Include diagrams where appropriate.Key technologiesList the technologies being used by this service and indicate whether they are new to IS Applications Division.TechnologyVersionNew or existingTechnical diagramsProvide diagrams of infrastructure used by this service, showing relationships between servers, tiers, networks and sites for each environment. Where possible, highlight the flow of data between components.Resilience measuresDescribe any resilience measures being used including application load balancing and database resilience techniques.Disaster recovery categoryAll services are category 3 unless business requirements demand higher levels. The category must be determined by the project team. Information on DR categories can be found on InSite ().ApplicationCategory3Backup policyDetail any variance from the currently agreed backup ponentVariance from backup policyOperating System None (standard backup)DatabaseNone (standard backup)File systemNone (standard backup)OtherNone (standard backup)Security issuesDescribe any issues relating to security that will be considered including any risks that must be understood and accepted.Authentication and authorisationDescribe the authentication and authorisation methods being used by the service.External accessDetail any access requirements to IT infrastructure for external partners.NameContact detailsAccess methodDescription of neede.g. named persone.g. telephone number, email etc.e.g. terminal, RDP, file system etc.Interfaces and dependenciesDescribe any system interfaces to other corporate services and define their criticality, i.e. what would happen in the event of the interface becoming unavailable.Exceptions and other issuesUse this section to detail any issues that have not already been covered.Service specificationURLs, certificates and channelsDevelopmentApplicationURLTestApplicationURLLiveApplicationURLCertificatesCertificate CNCAServerLocation MyED channelsChannel nameTypeDescriptionServersApplication serversDevelopmentTestLiveServersPhysical / VirtualShared / DedicatedCPU coresMemoryOSSoftware and versionsDependenciese.g. SMTP, CosignDatabase serversDevelopmentTestLiveServerPhysical / VirtualShared / DedicatedCPU coresMemoryOSInstanceDatabase versionDependenciese.g. Java, packagesFile systemsServer namesVolumeSizePurposee.g. F:e.g. 50MBe.g. loggingFile sharesServer namesShared pathShare nameShare nameUsers / groupsPermissionsUsers, roles and groupsUnixUsernameHome directoryDescriptionGroupMembersDescriptionApplication DirectoryOwnerDescriptionWindowsUsernameDescriptionGroup NameMembersDescriptionOracleInstanceUsernameRolesDescriptionInstanceOPS$ usernameRolesDescriptionInstanceDatabase roleDescriptionInstanceSchemaTablespaceInstanceDB link nameOwnerSource instanceSource userSQL ServerDatabaseDescriptionLoginDescriptionDatabase UserDatabaseMapped rolesLinked serverSource databaseSource userData sourcesSections for ColdFusion and Java are provided below. Add sections for the connection technology the service is using and remove any sections that do not apply.ColdFusionData source namee.g. applicationCF instanceUsernameDatabaseAdditional settingsJavaConnection namee.g. applicationUsernameDatabaseAdditional settingsFirewall configurationDrum firewallSourceDestinationPortProtocolCentral firewallSourceDestinationPortProtocolWindows firewallSourceDestinationPortProtocolScheduled tasksUnix cron jobsServerAccountScript nameScheduleDescriptionWindows scheduled tasksServerRun asTask nameScheduleDescriptionOracle DBMS jobsInstanceOwnerJob nameScheduleDescriptionSQL Server jobsServerJob nameScheduleDescriptionSoftware licencesIf new licences are required at any point, remember to add the costs to the estimated costs section for the project in section REF _Ref391648278 \r \h 1.SoftwareSupplierRequirementsExpiresService operationSupport contactsList a technical support contact for any vendors along with instructions on how they should be engaged.VendorContact detailsRequired informatione.g. customer IDStartup and shutdown stepsDocument the steps that must be taken to shut down and start up the service.Shut downStart upLog filesDescribe any log files below, including the location and purpose of each file.Configuration filesDescribe any configuration files below, including the location and purpose of each file.PatchingDescribe how patches are applied to the service, when patches are released, where they can be downloaded from and any other pertinent mon proceduresDescribe any common administrative procedures that are associated with this server (e.g. creating new users, changing access rights etc).e.g. Create a new userDisaster recovery planDescribe the steps that must be taken to recover the service in the event of a site loss. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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