“Harrison Bergeron”

“Harrison Bergeron”

Literary Analysis

Plot and Conflict

The plot of a story is the action that takes place. The plot is driven by a conflict, or struggle between opposing forces. This might be a struggle between two characters, between a character and nature, within a character, or between a character and society as in the story, “Harrison Bergeron.”

Directions: In the chart, record the ways in which Harrison and the government oppose each other.

|What the Government Believes |How Harrison is Different |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Use the details you recorded in the chart to write a summary of the main conflict in the story. Your summary of the main conflict should be five sentences in length:



“Harrison Bergeron”

Vocabulary Practice

Word List

A. Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct word from the word list above.

1. If you were cornered by a wild beast, you might ____________________.

2. If you burned your finger on a hot stove, you might _________________.

3. If a series of burglaries occurred in your neighborhood, you might increase your _____________________.

4. If you never found time to eat dinner with your family, you might suggest that your schedules needed _________________________.

5. If you found your mother reading your diary, you might feel _____________.

6. If you had a rash from poison ivy, your doctor might suggest ____________ the effect with a special cream.

B. Directions: Think about the meaning of each phrase in the first column. Then find the phrase in the second column that is closest in meaning. Write the letter of that phrase on the blank line.

1. _____ yelps of confused amazement

2. _____ cringe and conceal

3. _____ unending alertness

4. _____ flinch from soreness

5. _____ coordinating timepieces

6. _____ deactivating the foe

C. Writing: Harrison Bergeron rebelled against the laws of society that regulated equality. Write a note the Harrison might have written to his parents explaining his reasons. Use at least two words from the box in your note.


“Harrison Bergeron”

Reading Check and Literary Analysis

Directions: Recall the events from the short story by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Then answer the questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. What is the purpose of the handicaps?


2. How are George and Hazel related to Harrison?


3. What keeps happening to George that prevents him from finishing his thoughts?


4. Why is Harrison in jail?


5. What happens to Harrison at the end of the story?


Analyze Plot and Conflict

6. What is Harrison fighting against in the story?


7. How does the conflict end?


Recognize Conflict

8. The climax of the story is the high point of interest and tension. Circle the climax of this story.

a. Hazel and George start watching TV

b. A photograph of Harrison flashes on the screen

c. Harrison and his Empress kiss the ceiling

d. George goes to the kitchen for a beer

Draw Conclusion

9. Circle the words that best describe the society described in the story.

a. Free

b. Tolerant

c. Repressive

d. Strict

e. Conformist

f. Open-minded

Interpret Theme

10. Does the author like the society he describes? Support your answer with evidence from the story.



11. Suppose Harrison took over the country. What might happen? Write three ideas


“Harrison Bergeron”

Practice Test

Multiple Choice—Comprehension

Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which word best describes the mood of the Bergeron household?

a. Subdued

b. Overwhelming

c. Inspiring

d. Restless

2. In this story, people with above-average intelligence have to

a. Watch a lot of television every night

b. Marry someone with less intelligence

c. Report weekly to the Handicapper General

d. Wear mental-handicap transmitters

3. Based on the number of handicaps Harrison wears, you can conclude he is

a. The same as everyone else

b. Dangerous to others in society

c. Above average in many ways

d. Glad he doesn’t live at home

4. Throughout most of the story, you can conclude that George treats Martha

a. Unfairly

b. Gently

c. Rudely

d. Poorly

5. Harrison is in conflict with

a. His parents

b. The government

c. His teachers

d. A ballerina


Choose the answer that best explains the meaning of each underlined word.

6. What does vigilance mean?

a. Alertness

b. Panic

c. Enthusiasm

d. Carelessness

7. A look of consternation is one of

a. Great excitement

b. Confusion and fear

c. Deep sadness

d. Anger and hatred

8. To wince means to

a. Complain loudly

b. Relax completely

c. Flinch involuntarily

d. Cry out in fear

9. What does cower mean?

a. Crouch in fear

b. Laugh loudly

c. Swear to tell the truth

d. Attempt to escape

10. To synchronize two watches will make them

a. Shine

b. Stop

c. Agree

d. Glow

Written Response

Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of the story. Write one or two sentences on the lines provided.

11. Give one reason why the Handicapper General considers Harrison a threat to society.



12. Give two examples from the story that show how the mood of the story becomes more serious after Harrison has been shot.



Extended Response

Answer the following question based on your knowledge of the story. Write two paragraphs on the lines provided.

13. Explain how Harrison’s feelings toward government-imposed handicaps conflict with his father’s. Give two examples from the story that show how each one feels about this government practice.


“Everyday Use”

Literary Analysis

Conflict and Character

The plot of a story revolves around a conflict between opposing forces. The conflict directs the action of the story and may be settled in the resolution of the story. Often, the conflict is between two characters who may have different values and priorities.

Directions: Write the conflicts between Dee and her family on the chart. One conflict has been recorded for you.

1. Which conflicts are resolved?


2. Which conflicts are not resolved?


“Everyday Use”

Reading Skill

Make Inferences

Writers don’t always tell you everything you need to know. You must read between the lines, or make inferences, or logical guesses, based on story details and your own experiences.

Directions: As you read, record the details about the characters’ words and actions. Then make inferences about their personalities and attitudes based on these details and your own experiences. One has been done for you.

|Character |Story Details |Inferences |

|Dee |Thinks orchids are tacky flowers |Is pretentious |

|Mama | | |

|Maggie | | |

“Everyday Use”

Vocabulary Practice

Vocabulary Word Squares (Frayer Model)

|Word |Definition |

|Examples |Picture |

Directions: For each of the four words, create a vocabulary word square to identify the word’s definition. Follow the example above.

1. Furtive

| | |

| | |

2. Recompose

| | |

| | |

3. Doctrine

| | |

| | |

4. Heritage

| | |

| | |

Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided.

5. Which of the words names an action?


6. Which of the words describes a person, place or thing?


7. Which of the words suggests the past?


8. Which of the words has the most negative connotation?


Vocabulary Practice

Directions: Fill in each set of blanks with the correct word from the box.

9. This is a set of guidelines or views _____________________________________

10. This is your legacy or birthright________________________________________

11. This means “to settle down again” ______________________________________

12. This means “stealthy” or “cautious” ____________________________________

Directions: Choose three of the words from the box. Use each one in a descriptive sentence about either Dee or Maggie.

13. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Everyday Use”

Reading Check and Literary Analysis

Directions: Recall the events from the short story by Alice Walker. Then answer the questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. How do Maggie’s scars affect her life?


2. Why does Dee change her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo?


3. How has Dee changed since she last saw her mother and sister?


4. Why does Dee want the quilts?


5. Why is Dee angry at the end of the story?


Make Inferences

6. For each character, write one good and one bad character trait.

|Character |Good Trait |Bad Trait |

|Dee | | |

|Maggie | | |

|Mama | | |

Compare and Contrast

7. Why does Dee want the quilts?


Why does Maggie want the quilts? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Analyze Plot

8. Reread lines 264—269. Why does Mama give Maggie the quilts?


Analyze Conflict

9. Circle the sentences that describe the conflicts between Dee and her family.

a. Dee appreciates where she grew up

b. Mama wants Maggie to have the quilts

c. Maggie changes her name

d. Dee has become well-educated

Interpret Theme

10. Circle the statement that tells what the author thinks about heritage.

a. Heritage is a title or property that passes to an heir by law

b. Heritage is those objects and places that have social significance

c. Heritage is a person’s cultural legacy from the distant past

d. Heritage is those things that help us remember and connect to our families

“Everyday Use”

Practice Test

Multiple Choice—Comprehension

Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following can you infer about Maggie?

a. She is eager to see her sister

b. She misses the old house

c. She’s been unsure of herself for years

d. She will soon sell the quilts

2. What is the conflict between Dee and Maggie over?

a. The differences in their styles of clothes

b. Which quilt is worth the most money

c. Where their mother should live

d. Who will get the family’s quilts

3. Dee doesn’t want to bring her friends to Mama’s house because

a. The house is not well kept

b. Dee is ashamed of how Mama lives

c. Dee has no friends

d. The house is difficult to reach

4. Mama’s attitude toward appearances is that she

a. Envies Dee for her fine clothes

b. Is ashamed of how Maggie looks

c. Is comfortable with her looks

d. Secretly wants to own nice clothes

5. The end of the story suggests that Maggie

a. Thought Dee was comical

b. Felt relieved that she could sell the quilts

c. Finally knew her mother liked her better

d. Was content to be who she was

6. Which inference can you make about Dee?

a. She often gets what she wants

b. Her life has been very difficult

c. Most people she meets admire her

d. She respects her mother’s opinion


Choose the answer that best explains the meaning of each underlined word.

7. To recompose yourself is to

a. Write about yourself

b. Calm yourself

c. Be angry at yourself

d. Prepare yourself for sleep

8. A doctrine is

a. An advanced degree

b. The rules of a game

c. A set of beliefs

d. A medical profession

9. A nation’s heritage is its

a. System of money

b. Number of homes

c. Total population

d. Culture and traditions

10. What does furtive mean?

a. Secretive

b. Brave

c. Frightening

d. Serious

Written Response

Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of the story. Write one or two sentences on the lines provided.

11. What does the narrator mean when she says that Maggie thinks Dee “has held life always in the palm of one hand, that ‘no’ is a word the world never learned to say to her”?


12. In what way does the house fire affect Maggie? Describe how this event explains her character.


Extended Response

Answer the following question based on your knowledge of the story. Write one paragraph on the lines provided.

13. Describe the differences in Maggie’s and Dee’s characters. Use two examples from the story to explain your answer.









Consternation Neutralizing Vigilance

Cower Synchronizing Wince

A. unceasing vigilance

B. cries of consternation

C. synchronizing watches

D. cower and hide

E. neutralizing the enemy

F. wince in pain












And Maggie

Wants quilts

Want Maggie to have quilts







Doctrine Furtive Heritage Recompose








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