Learning Contract

|What are you going to learn (objectives)? |

|How are you going to learn it (specific resources and strategies)? |

|Target date for completion. |

|How are you going to know you have learned it (evidence)? |

|How are you going to prove that you have learned it (verification by judges)? Detail evaluation criteria. |

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|1. Define conflict and understand the difference between constructive and destructive conflict. |

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|Individually: |

|Research at least three definitions of conflict and the difference between constructive and destructive conflict. |

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|Group exercise: |

|Identify the most concise definition of conflict. Discuss personal or researched examples of constructive and destructive conflict. |

|Week 1 |

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|Classroom Exercise |

|Report to the class your group definition of conflict and at least one potential benefit of conflict and at least one example of destructive conflict. |

|Group accurately defines conflict and describes the difference between constructive and destructive conflict. |

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|2. Understand the various conflict styles. |

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|Review: |

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|Conduct independent research on each style to build a "big picture" understanding. |

|Week 2 |

|Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation (with notes) identifying appropriate situations for each conflict style. |

|Presentation demonstrates an ability to interpret the various conflict styles and their appropriate use. |

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|3. Identify and describe your personal conflict tendencies. |

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|Classroom exercise: |

|Complete the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument |

|Week 3 |

|Make a brief oral presentation (2-5 minutes) to in class explaining the pros and cons of your conflict style. |

|Student is able to examine and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their conflict style. |

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|4. Identify the most common causes of conflict. |

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|Study the list of Causes of Conflict at: |

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|Week 4 |

|Write a brief (1-2 pages) essay describing a conflict from your personal/business experience and identify the potential underlying causes. |

|Essay effectively describes a conflict situation and evaluates probable root causes. |

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|5. Describe constructive conflict management skills/techniques. |

|Read: Chapters 1 and 2 of the text: |

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|Furlong, G.T. (2005). The Conflict Resolution Toolbox: Models and Maps for Analyzing, Diagnosing, and Resolving Conflict. New York: Wiley. |

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|Teams will choose one of the eight models (based on an area of personal/career interest) and read that chapter as well. |

|Weeks 5 and 6 |

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|Time will be provided during class to create presentations. |

|Conduct a team role play for the class of a situation where your chosen model would be an effective conflict management strategy. |

|Team presentation captures the tenets the chosen model and demonstrates an understanding of how it can be used to constructively resolve conflict. |

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|6. Improve your ability to manage conflict. |

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|Based on your individual conflict style, review either Crucial Conversations or Crucial Confrontations. |

|Weeks 7 and 8 |

|Write a final essay (5-8 pages) describing how you plan to use the strategies of Crucial Conversations/Confrontations to improve your ability to manage conflict using specific conflict examples. |

|Essay accurately expresses conflict challenges of the student's style and effective use of the chosen strategy to appropriately address conflict situations. |

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Student Signature __________________________________ Instructor Signature __________________________________ Date ________

Contract template derived from: Knowles, M. (1986). Using learning contracts. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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