International Case Studies – conflicts

International Case Studies – use Rubenstein

|Name of conflict + Who is at conflict |Description of conflict – what is at issue in the conflict? Why are they fighting? |

|Religion vs Government Policies |

|Taliban vs Western Values (social | |

|change) | |

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|Hinduism vs Social equality (social | |

|change) | |

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|Eastern orthodox and Islam vs Soviet | |

|Union (communism vs religion) | |

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|Buddhism vs SE Asian countries | |

|(communism vs religion) | |

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|Religion vs Religion |

|Christians vs Muslims | |

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|Jews vs Muslims | |

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|Religious Wars in Ireland | |

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|Ethnic Conflicts |

|Division by Race in South Africa | |

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|Turmoil in the Caucasus |

|Azeris | |

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|Armenians | |

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|Geogians | |

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|Ethnic Competition in the Horn of Africa |

|Ethiopia and Eritrea | |

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|Sudan | |

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|Somalia | |

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|Dividing Ethnicities Among More Than One State |

|Kurds | |

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|South Asia – discuss Pakistan, India and| |

|Sri Lanka | |

|Ethnic Cleansing – define: |

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|Breaking up of Yugoslavia | |

|Bosnia | |

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|Kosovo | |

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|Balkanization (define) | |

|AKA: shatter belt | |

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|Ethnic Cleansing in Africa |

|Rwanda | |

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|Burundi | |

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|Congo (Zaire) | |

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|Write one paragraph synthesizing how religion, ethnicity and politics can cause conflict. |

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