



May 8, 2012 Action Items:


Reviewed at the Board of Directors Meeting of June 23, 2012


The Membership Committee has adopted a policy that acknowledges members’ success in achieving initial certification and/or progression through the certification levels. The purpose of the welcome letter is to improve communication with our members and at the same to generate an avenue of support with respect to their recent accomplishments through participation by the DRI CANADA Regional Directors.


A policy has been adopted whereby letters will be created for all new ABCP members; new CBCP, CFCP, CBCA and CBCLA certified members; and those that acquired have successfully completed the MBCP certification course. The letters will be prepared by the Administration Office and will be generated from the education and certification records for the previous two (2) month period and will be . The welcome letters will be prepared and distributed electronically in hard copy on a two (2) month cycle.

In order to improve communications with our above mentioned members, the letters that are prepared will be signed (electronically) by the Regional Director in which the member resides. In this way, a local contact will be provided to the member whereby it is expected that this initial communication will generate an ongoing association with the Regional Director and with DRI CANADA.


A standard letter for each welcome/acknowledgement category has been prepared. Each letter will be prepared and signed. The letters will be personally addressed to the recipient. The letters will be automatically signed with the Regional Directors signature. An electronic hand script signature can be used or a standard printed (email) signature if preferred by the Regional Director. An option will be available to the member to send a copy of this letter to his supervisor and/or manager.

English and French versions of the standard letters will be available.

A policy/process (Attachment A) outline is attached (Attachment A). This policy/process attached outlines the specific steps that will be followed in the delivery of this communication activity.

Sample Letters

Three (3) Draft letters have been prepared Sample letters are attached for information purposes:


These letters are:

1. ABCP Letter – Attachment B

2. CBCP, CFCP, CBCA, CBCLA Letter – Attachment C

3. MBCP Letter - Attachment D


It will be important to ensure that the sample letters (attached) are updated so that they remain fresh throughout the year. The Membership Committee will be responsible for providing updated letter text to the Administrative Office where the letters will be modified accordingly. The letter content maintenance cycle will be determined by the Membership Committee.






The objective of providing a welcome/acknowledgement letter to new members is to reinforce DRI CANADA’s commitment to the new member and to acknowledge those members that have upgraded their certification or obtained a new certification.


The purpose of the welcome letter is to provide a “personalized” link for the new member within his geographic area. It will also provide a feeling of familiarity for the member and will reinforce “value” of his/her membership.


The process for letter preparation and electronic mailing follows:The policy for welcome letter preparation and distribution follows:

|1. |On a two (2) monthly cycle, the list of new ABCP, CBCP, CBFC, CBCA, CBCLA and MBCP members and for members that have achieved higher level |

| |certifications will be created. These letters, once finalized, will be saved as a pdf file to email. |

| | |

|2. |The attached letters will be used for the 3 levels of certification based on the member’s choice of language (Refer to Language of Choice |

| |Policy). |

| | |

|3. |The letters will be sent electronically by the Administration Office be mailed (hard copy) to each member with an option of having a copy |

| |(English or French) also sent electronically to their supervisor and/or manager. A template of the letter and a list of members will be |

| |provided to each Regional director.. |

| | |

|4. |Regional Directors will be act as the letter signatory and to act as contacts with the members and DRI CANADA. The signature will be |

| |provided to the administration office so that it can be used for signing. The letters will be sorted by region to allow an electronic |

| |signature of the Regional Director. The Regional Directors’ DRI CANADA email address will be included in the letter. |

| | |

| | |

|5. |This process policy will be monitored and maintained by the Membership Committee to improve member communication. |

| | |

| |Feedback from the new members will be provided in their monthly report to the Board of Directors’ meeting. |

| | |

|Process |

|The process for letter preparation and mailing follows: |

|1. |A working file of all members that have been awarded an ABCP or has obtained any other DRI CANADA certification for the past 2 month period|

| |will be created |

| | |

| |A mail merge will be prepared so that each new member is mailed a personalized letter. |

| | |

| |The members file will be scanned for “language of preference”. Separate file for English and French preference members will be prepared. |

| |(Please see the “Language of Choice Policy”) |

| | |

|2. |The letters will be sorted by region. Each letter will be modified so that the signature of the appropriate Director of the Region will be|

| |used. The letters will be sorted |

| | |

|3. |The letters will be signed with an electronic signature. The signature will be provided to the administration office so that it can be |

| |used for signing. |

| | |

|4. |The letters will be mailed to the new members from the administration office. |

| | |

|5. |A template of the letter and a list of members will be provided to each Regional director. |

| | |

|6. |The Regional Director’s DRI CANADA email address will be included in the letter. |

| | |

|7. |Feedback from the new members will be provided in their monthly report to the Board of Directors’ meeting. |




J. Jones ABCP (new member)



Dear J. Jones:

RE: Congratulations and a warm welcome to DRI CANADA

As Regional Director, it is my pleasure to congratulate you on your achievement of becoming an Associate Business Continuity Professional (ABCP) and to welcome you as a DRI CANADA Member. In my capacity as Regional Director, I am pleased to offer our assistance to you in understanding how DRI CANADA can support you in your new business continuity management (BCM) role. I look forward to being of assistance and making you feel comfortable in your new professional association.

Communications is always an important aspect for members of any organization. You are invited to contact our Administration Office at or feel free to contact me by email at my address below. We will be pleased to help where we can and to source answers to your questions from your colleagues.

As general information, presently, DRI CANADA provides the following benefits. As we move forward, information on new benefits will be provided as they become available.

| |* |puts you in touch with the leaders in education in the business continuity field |

| |* |offers discounts to the industry trade shows and advance notice of conferences |

| |* |connects you to the BCM community and allows you to share in the knowledge base that members bring |

| |* |provides discounts on courses |

| |* |introduces networking and job opportunities |

| |* |shares information and best practices |

| |* |connects you to social media: networking, webinar, online forums and other valuable resources, from where ever you are working |

It is my pleasure to have you join our Institute. I look forward to a long and beneficial association and we welcome your ideas and concepts.

Yours truly,

Regional Director


(Regional Director Email)



(for all levels of certification, excluding ABCP and MBCP)


J. Jones CBCP



(newly Certified CBCP Members)

(Members that have received CFCP, CBCA, CBCLA Certifications)

Email :

Dear J. Jones

RE: Congratulations on your recent success

As Regional Director, it is my pleasure to congratulate you for achieving your new certification level of CBCP. I am pleased to offer assistance to you in understanding how DRI CANADA can support you in your new bbusiness continuity management (BCM) role. We look forward to continued assistance to you. to being of assistance and making you feel comfortable in your new professional association.

Communications is always an important aspect for members of any organization. You are invited to contact our Administration Office at Also, feel free to contact me by email at my address below. We will be pleased to help where we can and to source answers to your questions from your colleagues.

As general information, presently, DRI CANADA strives to create and provide new and innovative training and certification for our members and others in the BCM industry. As we move forward, information on new courses as well as new benefits will be provided as they become available.

It is our pleasure to have you move forward in our Institute. We look forward to a long and beneficial association and we welcome your ideas and concepts.

Yours truly,

Regional Director


(Regional Director’s email)




(newly Certified MBCP)

Name (J. Jones), MBCP


RE: Congratulations on your recent success


Dear Jane

Congratulations on your achievement in obtaining your Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP) certification. DRI CANADA is very pleased that you have chosen our Institute to achieve this very prestigious level of certification.

This significant accomplishment places you at the top of the Business Continuity Management (BCM) Profession, world-wide. At this level, you will be recognized for you career accomplishments as well as your dedication to ongoing improvement of the profession. Again congratulations!

DRI CANADA strives to provide practical education and certification to industry practitioners and we are constantly working to improve the training products we provide. Your suggestions will be most welcome to assist us in ensuring that our programs and courses are comprehensive and relevant to the times. Please feel free to contact myself, the commission chairs or members of the Board of Directors with your suggestions and recommendations for improvement.

On behalf of DRI CANADA, welcome as a senior member of the Institute; congratulations and best wishes as you move forward in your career and onward to future success.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

(Director’s name)

Regional Director

(Regional director’s email)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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