Nombre: _____CLAVE_____________

Nombre: _____CLAVE_____________Hora: __________________Fecha: _________________Guía de estudiar: Midterm 2013 (nivel 2)El vocabulario: Review ALL of your old lists, notes, and study guides. Make sure you know the words on this study guide. Fill out the chart with the Spanish words.Capítulo 1A: Classroom rules and activities I arrive… early…lateLLEGO… TEMPRANO… TARDEHe eats lunchALMUERZAThey begin/startEMPIEZAN / COMIENZANYou guys understandENTIENDEN/ENTEND?ISHe repeats?L REPITEIt’s prohibited SE PROH?BEWe memorizeAPRENDEMOS DE MEMORIAI ask for helpPIDO AYUDAI chew gumMASTICO / MASCO CHICLEOne should…HAY QUE…I get a good gradeSACO UNA BUENA NOTAYou get a bad gradeT? SACAS UNA MALA NOTAThe suppliesLOS MATERIALESShe explains(ELLA) EXPLICA The rulesLAS REGLASCapítulo 1B: Extracurricular activities and clubs I am a memberSOY MIEMBRO The cheerleaderEL ANIMADOR / LA ANIMADORAThe practiceLA PR?CTICAThe chorusEL COROThe singerEL CANTANTE / LA CANTANTEThe songLA CANCI?NTo know (a fact, how to do something)SABERTo know (a person, familiar with a noun)CONOCERas_____as______ (comparing adjectives)TAN … COMOAs many ______ as_____ (comparing nouns)TANTO(A)(S)… COMOTo returnVOLVER / DEVOLVER (a thing)Capítulo 7A: Clothes, prices She thinks, plansELLA PIENSAI prefer PREFIEROWe look forBUSCAMOSYou buyT? COMPRASThe storeLA TIENDADollars D?LARESThe hatLA GORRA/EL SOMBREROThe shirtLA CAMISAIt costs/They costCUESTA / CUESTANThe price EL PRECIOThe jacketLA CHAQUETAThe shoesLOS ZAPATOSThe suitEL TRAJECapítulo 2A: Reflexive verbs and daily routines I batheME BA?OYou showerTE DUCHASHe wakes upSE DESPIERTAShe goes to bedSE ACUESTAJewelryJOYASWe get dressed NOS VESTIMOSI put on (clothes)ME PONGO (ROPA)He gets up?L SE LEVANTAYou brush (teeth, hair)TE CEPILLAS (LOS DIENTES, EL PELO)I wash (face)ME LAVO (LA CARA)He shaves?L SE AFEITACapítulo 7B: Gifts, stores, past tense Jewelry storeLA JOYER?AThe giftEL REGALOTo look atMIRARExpensiveCARO(A)CheapBARATO(A)The necklaceEL COLLARThe ringEL ANILLOThe earringsLOS ARETESThe braceletLA PULSERAThe sunglasses LOS ANTEOJOS DE SOLThe walletLA CARTERA To sellVENDERThe purseEL BOLSO YesterdayAYER_____days/weeks/months/years agoHACE + time expressionLast weekLA SEMANA PASADALast nightANOCHEThe marketEL MERCADOInterrogative (question) words: ?De dónde?FROM WHERE??Dónde?WHERE??Adónde?TO WHERE??Quién?WHO??Con quién?WITH WHOM??Cuándo?WHEN??Cuántos/as?HOW MANY? HOW MUCH??Por qué?WHY?*PorqueBECAUSE?Cómo?HOW??Qué?WHAT??Cuál?WHICH?Extra words to know (NOT found on your lists):However, nevertheless Sin embargoTo leaveSalir (yo salgo)The coachEl entrenadorPractice/training (for sports)El entrenamiento The stadiumEl estadio To finishTerminarThe theaterEl teatroTo visitvisitarTeacherMaestro (another way of saying profesor)Too (too expensive, too easy)demasiado Fixed (ex: fixed prices… that don’t change)fijosHigh priceprecio altoLow priceprecio bajoKitchenLa cocinaLiving roomLa salaBedroomEl dormitorio(made) of leatherDe cuero(made) cottonDe algodón(made) of silkDe seda(made) of woolDe lanaThe marketEl mercadoThe styleEl estiloTo spendgastarLa Gramática:Conjugating- Fill in the chart with the correct verb endings in the present tense:Los verbos “AR”-O-AMOS-AS-?IS-A-ANLos verbos “ER”-O-EMOS-ES-?IS-E-ENLos verbos “IR”-O-IMOS-ES-?S-E-ENConjugating- Fill in the chart with the correct verb endings in the preterite tense:Los verbos “AR”-?-AMOS-ASTE-ASTEIS-?-ARONLos verbos “ER”/ “IR” -?-IMOS-ISTE-ISTEIS-I?-IERONTo be: SER vs. ESTARConjugate SER:SOYSOMOSERESSOISESSONWhen is this verb used? T(time) O(origin) P(possession) I(identity) C(characteristics). Long-term states of being.Conjugate ESTAR:ESTOYESTAMOSEST?SEST?ISEST?EST?NWhen is this verb used? How you feel and where you are, always use the verb “estar.” Conditions, emotions, locations, positions. Short-term states of beingTo know: SABER vs. CONOCERConjugate SABER:S?SABEMOSSABESSAB?ISSABESABENWhen is this verb used? When referring to facts or a skill (verbs)Conjugate CONOCERCONOZCOCONOCEMOSCONOCESCONOC?ISCONOCECONOCENWhen is this verb used? When referring to people, used with the personal “a” or to be familiar with a noun4. Demonstrative Adjectives- We use demonstrative adjectives to point out nouns: this hat, these socks, that shirt, those shoes.To refer to nouns that are close to you, use:To refer to nouns that are far to you, use:THIS: _____ESTE_ _____ESTA____THAT: ___ESE___ _____ESA____THESE: ___ESTOS__ ___ESTAS__THOSE: ______ESOS____ ____ESAS_____Conjugate the following regular verbs in the preterite tense. comprar= to buyaprender= to learnsalir= to leaveYoCOMPR?APREND?SAL?TúCOMPRASTEAPRENDISTESALISTEél, ella, PR?APRENDI?SALI?Nosotros/asCOMPRAMOSAPRENDIMOSSALIMOSVosotros/asCOMPRASTEISAPRENDISTEISSALISTEISellos, ellas, PRARONAPRENDIERONSALIERONConjugate the following car and gar verbs in the preterite tense.buscar= topagar= to jugar= toYoBUSQU?PAGU?JUGU?TúBUSCASTEPAGASTEJUGASTEél, ella, Ud.BUSC?PAG?JUG?Nosotros/asBUSCAMOSPAGAMOSJUGAMOSVosotros/asBUSCASTEISPAGASTEISJUGASTEISellos, ellas, Uds.BUSCARONPAGARONJUGARONConjugate the following reflexive verbs in the present tense.ducharseponersepintarselavarsedespertarsevestirseba?arseyo me duchome pongome pintome lavome despiertome vistome ba?otúte duchaste poneste pintaste lavaste despiertaste visteste ba?asél, ella, duchase ponese pintase lavase despiertase vistese ba?anosotrosnos duchamosnos ponemosnos pintamosnos lavamosnos despertamosnos vestimosnos ba?amosvosotrosos ducháisos ponéisos pintáisos laváisos despertáisos vestísos ba?áisellos, ellas, duchanse ponense pintanse lavanse despiertanse vistense ba?an ................

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