Present Tense Conjugation

Present Tense Conjugation

All Spanish infinitives end with -ar, -er, -ir (the infinitive ending).

To form the present (indicative) tense first drop the infinitive ending to get the stem. Then, add the appropriate endings below.

-ar -er -ir

-o -amos -o -emos -o -imos

-as -es -es

-a -an -e -en -e -en

Hablar-to talk comer-to eat vivir-to live

hablo hablamos como comemos vivo vivimos

hablas comes vives

habla hablan come comen vive viven

There are many irregulars in the present tense.

Ir-to go ser-to be estar-to be

voy vamos soy somos estoy estamos

vas eres estás

va van es son está están

oír-to hear dar-to give ver-to see saber-to know

oigo oímos doy damos veo vemos sé sabemos

oyes das ves sabes

oye oyen da dan ve ven sabe saben

The Present tense form of several verbs end in -go. All other forms are regular. We refer to these verbs as yo-go verbs.

Hacer-to do/to make poner-to put/place others:

hago hacemos pongo ponemos caer: caigo

haces pones salir: salgo

hace hacen pone ponen traer: traigo

In the Present tense many verbs that end in -cer or -cir have a present tense yo form that ends in -zco or -zo.

Conducir-to drive others: concocer: conozco

conduzco conducimos pertenecer: pertenezco ofrecer: ofrezco

conduces convencer: convenzo

conduce conducen traducir: traduzco

In the Present tense verbs that end in -ger or -gir, the g changes to a -j in the yo form only.

Escoger-to choose proteger-to protect exigir-to demand

escoje escogimos protejo protegimos exijo exigimos

escoges proteges exiges

escoge escogen protege protegen exige exigen

Stem Changing Present Tense

In present tense stem changers have an internal vowel change or substitution. This change occurs in all verb forms except nosotros (and vosotros which means ya'll and we will not study in this class).

e-ie comenzar(ie)-to begin

comienzo comenzamos


comienza comienzan

o-ue or u-ue dormir-to sleep jugar-to play

duermo dormimos juego jugamos

duermes juegas

duerme duermen juega juegan

e-i pedir-to ask for or order

pido pedimos


pide piden

Yo-go verbs that are also stem changers carry the -go in first person then return to a regular stem changing pattern.

Decir(i)-to say venir(ie)-to come tener(ie)-to have

digo decimos vengo venimos tengo tenimos

dices vienes tienes

dice dicen viene vienen tiene tienen

Stem changing verbs that end in -gir the -g changes to a -j in yo only

Corregir (i)--to correct: corrijo eligir(i)--to choose/elect: elijo

Shoe Verb Wannabe's: Certain verbs have a spelling change in all but nosotros form. Verbs that end in -iar or -uar have a written accent on the final vowel of the stem. Verbs ending in -uir add a y before the regular ending.

esquiar--to ski actuar-to act incluir-to include

esquío esquiamos actúo actuamos incluyo incluimos

esquías actúas incluyes

esquía esquían actúa actúan incluye incluyen

Reflexive verbs in Spanish: Verbs can be reflexive in any tense. Verbs are reflexive if and only if the giver of the action is also receiving the action. The reflexive pronoun refers to the same person as the subject of the verb.

Lavarse-to wash one's self divertirse(ie) to enjoy one's self

me lavo nos lavamos me divierto nos divertimos

te lavas te diviertes

se lava se lavan se divierte se divierten


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