ACCT 285A & B Spring 2016 TR 9:30 10:45 AM TR 11:05 AM 12 ...

[Pages:4]ACCT 285A & B ? Spring 2016

Managerial Accounting

TR 9:30 ? 10:45 AM TR 11:05 AM ? 12:20 PM

. Gilman 1652

Gilman 1652 .

(Prerequisite: Acct 284)

(Should be enrolled in Acct 301 simultaneously if you wish to be an accounting major!)

Instructor: Office: Office Hours: E-mail: Phone:

Jim Cannon Gerdin 3284 TR 1:00-4:00pm (call or e-mail first) or by appointment (801) 927-7718

Course Objectives: Develop and use accounting information for supporting management decisions Create an understanding of cost concepts and when various concepts are relevant to a given decision. Understand planning and control and how cost information is used in budgeting and performance

evaluation Develop analytical skills through problem solving and unstructured team exercises Gain computer proficiency through using Microsoft Excel, Blackboard, and Connect Improve oral communication and teamwork through team exercises completed in class and a group


Required Course Materials: Text ? Managerial Accounting for Managers 3rd Edition by Noreen, Brewer, & Garrison Connect or ConnectPlus access - Connect will be used for the completion of all homework


You are encouraged to take advantage of resources on the ACCT 285 Blackboard page.

Course Syllabus

Practice Examinations

Course Overheads

Team Exercise, Quiz, and Exam Solutions

In-class Practice Problems

Scores to Date

Course Format: Before class each day, students should read the material and work the homework problems. Class time will include both lectures over the reading material and work-out of applicable problems. You will frequently be expected to solve problems in class.

Grading Criteria:

Exam 1


Exam 2


Final Exam


LearnSmart Assignments (13 @ 5 points each)


Quizzes (12 @ 10 points each)


Homework Assignments (11 @ 0 points each)


Group Project


Group Project Peer Evaluation




Grade Scale: A 555 - 600 A- 540 - 554 B+ 525 - 539 B 495 - 524

B- 480 - 494 C+ 465 - 479 C 435 - 464 C- 420 - 434

D+ 405 - 419 D 375 - 404 D- 360 - 374 F less than 360

Final Grades: Grades will be awarded on a basis no stricter than shown above, but most likely no more generous.

Exams: Exams will be in the form of multiple choice questions. The questions will require application of concepts and computations covered in class. I want you to be able to show me that you can work the problems that we practice in class, as well as display that you know what the concepts mean. We will be having NIGHT EXAMS outside of class time. Make-up tests will not be allowed unless the instructor is notified of absence and grants approval PRIOR to the administration of the scheduled tests.

LearnSmart (LS) Assignments: LearnSmart assignments are to be completed prior to the presentation of the material within class sessions and must be completed prior to the lecture to get credit for the assignment. LearnSmart assignments are worth 5 points each. By completing the LearnSmart modules, you should be better prepared to understand and engage in productive discussion of new material. Each LearnSmart Assignment covers material from chapters 1 through 12 and Appendix A. The LearnSmart assignments will be completed and submitted online using Connect. The Connect website is:

Quizzes: The quizzes will be administered through Connect. They are designed to provide an immediate assessment of comprehension following their completion. Quizzes are worth 10 points each. Thirteen quizzes will be given throughout the semester. Although each quiz is due the week following the presentation of the material in the class session, quizzes may be re-taken any number of times until the final exam (note that the quiz questions change each attempt). Only your best attempt directly influences your final grade, although multiple attempts may serve as an indicator of effort and learning.

Homework Assignments: Homework assignments will be completed and submitted online using Connect. There are thirteen assignments (one for each of the chapters 2 through 12). The homework assignments may be completed as many times as you desire. The assignments are graded each time you complete them. While the assignments do not directly influence your grade, they are an additional opportunity for learning (in addition to reading the textbook, attending class, group work, completing quizzes and exams) and reflect the degree of dedication to and preparation for the class.

Group Project: A group project will be required. The project is worth 50 points. The project will be completed out of class. The project will require the extensive use of Excel as a spreadsheet tool. The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to discover important management accounting concepts in an active learning environment while improving oral communication skills and teamwork skills. Teams generally consist of three to four students. Up to 15 additional points are awarded based on your teammates' assessment of your collaborative skills.

Classroom Etiquette: Professional behavior is expected from each student. This means that each student will be prepared with reading completed before each class session. Students must be prepared to thoughtfully respond to questions and engage in discussion. Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate mode. I reserve the right to answer any phones that ring (audibly) during class-time. I encourage the use of computers within the classroom so long as they are used for class-related purposes (note-taking, following lecture slides, calculating equations, etc). Please ensure your computer is muted when class is in session. Students should be attentive in class. If a student falls asleep (believe me, I have done this), then I will wake the student up in order to ensure the student has not had a heart-attack or suffered any other ailment. I encourage animated discussion, but I will not tolerate disrespect.

Attendance: Class participation and attendance are essential. Chapter materials will be posted on the class Blackboard page, but are intended as learning aids and supplemental information sources, not substitutes for class attendance.

Special Accommodations: Please address any special needs or special accommodations with me privately at the beginning of the semester or as soon as you become aware of your needs. Iowa State University is committed to assuring that all educational activities are free from discrimination and harassment based on disability status. All students requesting accommodations are required to meet with staff in Student Disability Resources (SDR) to establish eligibility. A Student Academic Accommodation Request (SAAR) form will be provided to eligible students. The provision of reasonable accommodations in this course will be arranged after timely delivery of the SAAR form to the instructor. Students are encouraged to deliver completed SAAR forms as early in the semester as possible. SDR, a unit in the Dean of Students Office, is located in room 1076, Student Services Building or online at Contact SDR by e-mail at or by phone at 515-294-7220 for additional information.

Academic Integrity: I define academic dishonesty in this class as offering or receiving help on an exam, or otherwise compromising or attempting to compromise the integrity of an exam, homework assignment, spreadsheet assignment, quiz or team exercise. All cases of suspected academic dishonesty are handled in strict accordance with University policy.

Tips for Success: Prepare for class each day. You should have read the material and attempted the homework

problems in advance of class. Lectures are not intended to "stand alone" meaning that if you have not prepared, you may find the pace too quick or the material confusing. PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! Struggling to work assigned homework & practice problems from the textbook is where you learn the most. The solutions manual is available for the practice problems from the textbook, but don't go there too quickly. Listen and participate actively in class. ASK QUESTIONS!!! If you have prepared for class by reading the text and completing the LearnSmart, you will be much better prepared to understand the material being covered. Use a study group! Correct mistakes on homework, team exercises, quizzes, and exams right when you get them back or when the feedback is posted on Blackboard. This will help you get caught up on material you didn't fully understand. The material covered in this course is highly comprehensive and you will find that the information will build on itself. Come and see me if you are having problems. Don't wait until the end of the semester when there is nothing that I can do to help.

Tentative class schedule: Attached below is a tentative class schedule. Minor changes to the schedule should be expected. All changes will be announced in class and through Blackboard.

Business Communications Center: Across the College of Business, it is our goal to strengthen student communication skills and enhance your critical thinking skills by creating opportunities for you to practice communication skills throughout your academic careers. Representatives in our Communications Center are available to support your written, oral, and visual communication assignments this semester. These Communications Consultants may be available to: 1) review basic grammar, 2) provide feedback on paper organization and flow, 3) give suggestions on document design, including written documents and slide presentations, and 4) other services as needed. The relevant contact information is shown below:

Communications Center Consultant Office: 2140 Gerdin Business Building Phone: (515) 294-9693 Email:

Date Jan. 12 Jan. 14

Day Tuesday Thursday

Jan. 19 Tuesday Jan. 21 Thursday

Jan. 26 Tuesday

Jan. 28 Thursday Feb. 2 Tuesday

Feb. 4 Thursday

Feb. 9, 11 Feb. 16

Tuesday/ Thursday Tuesday

Feb. 18 Thursday Feb. 23 Tuesday

Feb. 25 Thursday

Mar. 1 Mar. 3

Tuesday Thursday

Mar. 8 Tuesday Mar. 10 Thursday

Mar. 15, 17 Mar. 22 Mar. 24 Mar. 29

Tuesday/ Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday

Mar. 31 Apr. 5 Apr. 7

Thursday Tuesday Thursday

Apr. 12 Tuesday Apr. 14 Thursday

Apr. 19 Tuesday

Apr. 21 Thursday

Apr. 26 Apr. 28 May 2-6

Tuesday Thursday FINAL EXAM


Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 2 & 3 Chapter 3


Introductions / Syllabus Review Managerial Accounting: An Overview and Cost Concepts Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

Chapter 4

Job-Order Costing

Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Job-Order Costing Variable Costing & Segment Reporting

Chapter 5

Variable Costing & Segment Reporting: Tools for Management CATCH UP DAYS


Chapter 6 Chapter 6

Chapter 7

8:15-10:15 PM: Section A in TBD 8:15-10:15 PM: Section B in TBD Activity Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision Activity Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision Making Differential Analysis: Key to Decision Making

Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Differential Analysis: Key to Decision Making Capital Budgeting Decisions

Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Capital Budgeting Decisions Profit Planning

Chapter 9


Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Appendix A


Profit Planning NO CLASS 8:15-10:15 PM: Section A in TBD; 8:15-10:15 PM: Section B in TBD Flexible Budgets & Performance Analysis Flexible Budgets & Performance Analysis Standard Costs & Variances

Standard Costs & Variances Perf. Measurement in Decentralized Organizations Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations Pricing Products & Services

Appendix A Cumulative

Pricing Products & Services CATCH UP DAYS Time TBD: Section A in TBD; Time TBD: Section B in TBD

Assignments Due Ch. 1 LearnSmart due Ch. 2 LearnSmart due Ch. 2 Quiz due Ch. 3 LearnSmart due Ch. 3 Quiz due Ch. 4 LearnSmart due Ch. 4 Quiz due Ch. 5 LearnSmart due

Ch. 5 Quiz due

Ch. 6 LearnSmart due

Ch. 6 Quiz due Ch. 7 LearnSmart due Ch. 7 Quiz due Ch. 8 LearnSmart due Ch. 8 Quiz due Ch. 9 LearnSmart due

Ch. 9 Quiz due

Ch. 10 LearnSmart due Ch. 10 Quiz due Ch. 11 LearnSmart due Ch. 11 Quiz due Ch. 12 LearnSmart due

Ch. 12 Quiz due Appendix A LearnSmart due Appendix A Quiz due


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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