Digital Camera Operation and Creativity Task

3232785-254000Year 8 Information TechnologyDigital Camera Operation and Creativity TaskOverview of TaskThis task will give you the opportunity to demonstrate operational skills using digital cameras. It will also allow you to display your creative abilities while using technology.Task RequirementsYou will be placed in groups and be required to complete the activities below. Each member of your group should be in at least two of the photos. Put your pictures and the captions into a PowerPoint presentation to show the class.Your task is to take a picture for each of the topics below:Everyone agreed that one look at THIS and you just knew all the beauty in the world was a gift from God.Wow, year 8s are really strong!Amazing! THIS is an exact duplicate of Mr Hornsby’s face found in nature.All of Strath agreed. THIS was truly a sign of God's love.Should we call the police, do you think?Proof of tiny people living amongst us has finally been found.It was pretty obvious to the onlookers how THIS was going to end.480060011176000"Be Careful!" someone shouted at the group. An extreme close up of one group member’s eye.Most creative use of ‘leap-frog'Capture a group member’s reflection but not in a mirrorAn unusual perspective -- could be everyone's shoes, or the just top of their heads. . Mimic a statue -- fountains also work well Catalogue pose Make yourselves appear really small Can you find us?When you get back from taking the photosYou will need to copy the photos from the iPad into your IT folder. Follow these steps.Log on.Connect the iPad to the computer using the USB cable supplied by your teacher.Use Windows Explorer to create a photos folder inside your IT folder.Copy the photos from the iPad to the folder you just created.Now for the next step…Listen to your teacher…Group Members1234561Activity NumberGroup Members in PhotoPerson taking photoTick when completedEG. 3, 4, 2112345678910111213141516 ................

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