Making Connections Lesson Plan Template

CURR 114 Lesson Plan Template

|Contact Info |Lesson Title |Subject & Grade Level |

|Your name |Title of lesson plan |Grade or grade span |

|Your school/ district (if employed) |Approximate duration of lesson (minimum is 45 minutes |Main subject or content |

| |unless approved by instructor) | |

|Lesson Overview |Class Information |

|Brief written description of the lesson |Number of students |

|Should provide the “gist” of the lesson |Grade levels or ages of students |

|Should give the reader the “context” of the lesson |Complexity of the classroom (i.e. numbers of English Learners, IEP or 504 w/ accommodations, struggling |

|(connection to prior or subsequent lessons, connection|readers, etc.) |

|to unit or upcoming assessment, part of project, etc.)|If you are in the classroom, use real statistics. If you are not in the classroom, you must create a |

| |“hypothetical, complex” classroom |

|Content Standard(s) |Common Core Literacy or Numeracy Standard(s) |Essential Question |

|Main subject standard(s) |Supporting Common Core ELA or Math standard |Essential question that captures the academic language|

|Requirement is 1 standard |Requirement is 1 standard |and student relevance |

|DOK(s) of the standard |DOK(s) of the standard |Should guide the entry and development of lesson plan |

|Resources |Student Outcomes |

|Any technology in the lesson (computer, projector, |Outcomes for the lesson written in any of the following formats |

|student devices, etc.) |Students will be able to… |

|Any student materials (manipulatives, handouts, |I will know how to... |

|student whiteboards, etc.) |I will have learned…. |

|Any other resources that will be used in the lesson |Learners will be able to… |

|Lesson Procedure |

|Introduction |Content of Lesson |Closure |

|How will you start the lesson? |Outline the sequence of the lesson (you may use bullet|How will you effectively close the lesson? |

|What procedures will you use to gain students’ |points, time segments, etc.) |How will students’ summarize/ review what they have |

|attention? |Be very explicit and precise |learned? |

|How will you communicate the focus and outcomes for |Show both teacher and student actions |How will they know if they’ve met the student outcomes|

|the lesson to students? |Should align to your time chart |for the lesson? |

| |Should show the flow of activities, learning, |What (if any) take-home activities will extend the |

| |practice, and assessment |learning? |

|Relevance / Rationale |Remediation(s) |Explorations & Extensions |

|How did this lesson connect to prior learning? |How will you support students who struggle with lesson|How will you support advanced learners or early |

|How does it connect to students’ lives, interests, |concepts? |finishers? |

|etc.? |How will you ensure they get the help they need during|How will these learning opportunities increase the |

| |the lesson? |rigor and learning from the lesson? |

|Assessments |Accommodations/ Modifications |

|How will you assess students during the lesson |How will you support your English Learners of all levels? |

|(formative)? |How will you support your IEP and/ or 504 learners? |

|When, and how often, will you check for understanding |What strategies will you employ for struggling readers? |

|(formative)? | |

|What success criteria will you measure student | |

|outcomes by? (rubrics, checklist, answer key, etc.) | |

|List any summative assessments (if applicable) | |

|Supporting Resources |

|Any resources, links, or additional notes that will help clarify the lesson plan |


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