| |Development of Ideas |Organization |Attention to Audience |Language and Writing Conventions |

|Score | | | | |

| |Outstanding analysis of a major |Shows logical progression of ideas with multiple | |Vocabulary is varied and gives vivid and analytical |

| |character includes detailed description |references to text to support analysis; |Word choice and tone effectively engage and |description of the character. Uses a variety of |

|4 |of at least 3 traits, with supporting |five-paragraph essay format, including strong |maintain the reader’s interest. |sentence structures with appropriate verb tense. |

| |actions and motivations. |introduction, body and conclusion; effective use of | | |

| | |transitions. | | |

| |Adequate analysis of character includes |Offers a flow of ideas with few lapses in logical | | |

| |description of 3 traits, with some |order, with some reference to text; five-paragraph |Shows some attention to word choice and tone |Vocabulary used is sufficient for the purpose. Uses |

|3 |reference to actions or motivations. |essay format with introduction, body and conclusion; |which engages reader’s interest most of the |a variety of sentence structures with few errors that|

| | |uses transitions. |time. |do not diminish meaning. |

| | |Attempts to show logical progression with few | | |

| |Inadequate analysis of character uses |references; writes loosely connected ideas in essay |Word choice and tone are not adequately linked |Limited vocabulary. Writing is mainly in simple |

|2 |limited or inaccurate description of |format that may include introduction, body and |to audience; occasionally engages reader’s |sentences; contains errors that may impede |

| |traits, actions or motivations. |conclusion; limited use of transitions. |interest. |communication. |

| |No analysis of character. Description of|Shows little logical organization and no references; | | |

| |traits, actions or motivations is |inadequate order of ideas in unorganized paragraphs; |Word choice and tone are not appropriate or |Vocabulary is inadequate. Writes in simple sentences|

|1 |superficial. |no transitions. |present. |or phrases that impede communication. |


| |Development of Ideas |Organization |Attention to Audience |Language and Writing Conventions |

|Score | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Includes a strong summary, analysis of strengths and|Shows logical progression of ideas in |Uses vocabulary specific to analysis and |Vocabulary is varied and vivid. Uses a |

|4 |weaknesses within literary elements, and an overall |five-paragraph essay format, including |opinions, with appropriate tone that |variety of sentence structures and |

| |opinion with a clear recommendation. |introduction, body and conclusion; effective use |effectively engages reader’s interest. |appropriate verb tense. |

| | |of transitions. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Includes a summary, analysis of strengths and |Shows flow of ideas with some lapses in logic; |Uses some vocabulary specific to analysis and|Vocabulary is sufficient for the purpose. |

|3 |weaknesses within some literary elements, and an |five-paragraph essay format with introduction, |opinion, with tone that engages reader’s |Uses a variety of sentence structures with |

| |opinion with a recommendation. |body and conclusion; some use of transitions. |interest most of the time. |errors that seldom diminish meaning. |

| | | | | |

| |Incomplete summary with general analysis that does |Writes loosely connected ideas in essay format |Word choice and tone occasionally engage |Vocabulary is limited. Often writes in |

|2 |not focus on specific literary elements; opinion or |that may include introduction, body and |reader’s interest. |simple sentences with errors that may impede |

| |recommendation is unclear. |conclusion; limited use of transitions. | |communication. |

| |Includes a poorly written summary with weak analysis|Simple sentences and unorganized paragraphs with |Word choice and tone are inappropriate and do|Vocabulary is inadequate. Writes in simple |

| |and no opinion or recommendation. |no transitions; little logical organization. |not engage reader’s interest. |sentences or phrases that impede |

|1 | | | |communication. |


| |Development of Ideas |Organization |Attention to Audience |Language and Writing Conventions |

|Score | | | | |

| |The response identifies and clearly describes the |Shows logical progression of ideas in | | |

| |turning point, its impact on characters and in the |five-paragraph essay format, including |Use of precise vocabulary and tone that |Vocabulary is frequently varied. Uses a |

|4 |plot; statements are well supported and explained with |introduction, body and conclusion; effective |effectively engage and maintain reader’s |variety of sentence structures and appropriate |

| |references to text. |use of transitions. |interest. |verb tense with minimal errors. |

| | |Shows flow of ideas with some lapses in | | |

| |The response identifies and attempts to describe the |logic; five-paragraph essay format with |Uses vocabulary and tone that engage and |Vocabulary is sufficient for the purpose. Uses|

|3 |turning point, its impact on the story and in the plot;|introduction, body and conclusion; uses |attempt to maintain the reader’s interest. |a variety of sentence structures with verb |

| |statements are supported and explained with reference |transitions. | |tense that is usually correct. |

| |to the text. | | | |

| | |Writes loosely connected ideas in essay | | |

| |The response identifies and minimally describes the |format that may include introduction, body |Use of vocabulary is not adequately linked to|Vocabulary is limited. Uses simple sentences |

|2 |turning point and its impact on character and plot. |and conclusion; limited use of transitions. |audience. |with errors that may impede communication. |

| |The response does not identify the turning point. Uses| | | |

| |simple sentences to describe the turning point’s impact|Simple sentences and unorganized paragraphs |Word choice or tone is not appropriate or |Vocabulary is inadequate. Writes in simple |

|1 |on characters and plot. |with no transitions; shows little logical |apparent; do not engage reader. |sentences or phrases that impede communication.|

| | |organization. | | |


| |Development of Ideas |Organization |Attention to Audience |Language and Writing Conventions |

|Score | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Analyzes theme correctly and clearly; develops |Organizes accurate and coherent interpretations around clear |Use of precise vocabulary and tone|Vocabulary is frequently varied. Uses a |

|4 |interpretations that demonstrate a thoughtful, |ideas, or images from the literary work; maintains a consistent|that effectively engage and |variety of sentence structures and appropriate |

| |comprehensive grasp of the text; provides |point of view, focus, and organizational structure, including |maintain reader’s interest. |verb tense with minimal errors. |

| |specific textual examples and details to |effective use of transitions. | | |

| |support interpretations. | | | |

| |Analyzes theme correctly; develops |Organizes accurate and reasonably coherent interpretations | | |

| |interpretations that demonstrate understanding |around clear ideas, or images from the literary work; maintains|Uses vocabulary and tone that |Vocabulary is sufficient for the purpose. Uses|

|3 |of the text; provides textual examples and |a mostly consistent point of view, focus, and organizational |engage and attempt to maintain the|a variety of sentence structures with verb |

| |details to support interpretations. |structure, including effective use of some transitions. |reader’s interest. |tense that is usually correct. |

| |Suggests the correct theme; develops |Some interpretations lack accuracy or coherence as related to | | |

| |interpretations that demonstrate a limited |ideas or images from the literary work; maintains an |Use of vocabulary is not |Vocabulary is limited. Uses simple sentences |

|2 |grasp of the text; provides few, if any, |inconsistent point of view, focus, or organizational structure,|adequately linked to audience. |with errors that may impede communication. |

| |textual examples and details to support |which may include ineffective or awkward transitions. | | |

| |interpretations. | | | |

| |Presents an incorrect theme or is merely a | |Word choice or tone is not | |

| |summary of the work; lacks textual examples and|Lacks an interpretation or may be a simple retelling of the |appropriate or apparent. Does not|Vocabulary is inadequate. Writes in simple |

|1 |details. |passage; little or no focus, organizational structure, or |engage reader. |sentences or phrases that impede communication.|

| | |transitions. | | |


| |Development of Ideas |Organization |Attention to Audience |Language and Writing Conventions |

|Score | | | | |

| |Includes a complete and detailed description of a | | | |

| |story’s problem, all complications (rising action), |Shows logical progression of ideas in five-paragraph |Uses vocabulary specific to analysis |Vocabulary is varied and vivid. Uses a variety |

|4 |climax (turning point), and resolution (falling |essay format, including introduction, body and |and opinions, with appropriate tone |of sentence structures and appropriate verb |

| |action), in one’s own words. |conclusion; effective use of transitions. |that effectively engages reader’s |tense. |

| | | |interest. | |

| | | | | |

| |Includes a complete description of a story’s |Shows flow of ideas with some lapses in logic; |Uses some vocabulary specific to |Vocabulary is varied. Variety in sentence |

|3 |problem, most complications, climax and resolution, |five-paragraph essay format with introduction, body |analysis and opinion; tone engages |structure and verb tense with errors that |

| |in one’s own words. |and conclusion; uses transitions. |reader’s interest most of the time. |seldom diminish meaning. |

| | | | | |

| |Incomplete or partially inaccurate description of a |Writes loosely connected ideas in essay format that |Word choice and tone occasionally |Vocabulary is limited. Often writes in simple |

|2 |story’s problem, complications, climax and |may include introduction, body and conclusion; |engage reader’s interest. |sentences with errors that may impede |

| |resolution. |limited use of transitions. | |communication. |

| | |Simple sentences and unorganized paragraphs with no |Word choice and tone are inappropriate |Vocabulary is inadequate. Writes in simple |

| |Includes a poorly written description with missing |transitions; shows little logical organization. |and do not engage readers interest. |sentences or phrases that impede communication.|

|1 |or copied data. | | | |


| |Development of Ideas |Organization |Attention to Audience |Language and Writing Conventions |

|Score | | | | |

| | |Shows purposeful organization in five-paragraph essay| | |

| |Conveys meaning clearly and presents detailed, |format, including introduction, body and conclusion; |Uses word choice that effectively |Vocabulary is precise and varied. Uses a |

|4 |accurate facts about a real person based on |includes logical progression of ideas with effective |engages and maintains the reader’s |variety of sentence structures with minimal |

| |research. |transitions. |interest. |verb tense errors. |

| | | | |Vocabulary is sufficient for the purpose. Uses |

| |Conveys meaning most of the time and presents mostly|Includes an introduction, body and conclusion with |Shows some attention to word choice |varied sentence structures with verb tense that|

|3 |accurate facts about a real person based on |some lapses in logical order; some use of |which often engages the reader’s |is usually correct with errors that seldom |

| |research. |transitions. |interest. |diminish meaning. |

| | | | | |

| |Conveys some meaning, provides limited use of facts |Writes loosely connected ideas into paragraphs; |Word choice is not effective in |Vocabulary is often limited. Writes primarily |

|2 |and does not demonstrate much research about a |limited use of transitions; one or more parts of the |engaging the reader’s interest. |with simple sentences that are frequently |

| |person. |report may be missing. | |incorrect; errors sometimes impede |

| | | | |communication. |

| |Uses simple sentences and phrases to convey meaning,|Simple sentences are randomly organized; no | |Vocabulary is inadequate. Writes in simple |

| |minimally reflecting research or facts about a |transitions; shows little logical organization. |Word choice and sequencing of events |sentences with errors that impede |

|1 |person. | |are not appropriate. |communication. |


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