|Purpose: |Defines the suitable qualifications and supervision required for personnel providing early intervention services based on |

| |entry level and credentialing requirements. |


A quality program begins with employing or contracting with personnel who meet the highest entry-level requirements for their discipline. Those requirements are listed on the CT Birth to Three System Personnel Standards grid in this procedure. The grid includes all of the professions listed as Qualified Personnel in the Federal Part C Regulations.

Most employees are required to hold a valid Connecticut licensure or certification in order to conduct the activities of their profession. All staff must follow the requirements in the personal standards as well as follow the state licensing or certification requirements and standards of practice for their individual professions. State licensing and certification standards including scope of practice and supervision requirements supersede personnel standards. It is the responsibility of each professional to know and follow their specific discipline requirements. Programs must verify the credentials indicated for personnel employed or contracted. The program must maintain copies of current certifications and licenses and make them available for review upon request by the Birth to Three System.

Required Training and Supervision

It is recommended that programs prioritize hiring people in all disciplines who have a demonstrated knowledge through coursework and preferably through work experience, with very young children. All new staff who work one or more hours per week with families, regardless of experience, will have to complete required training within 90 days of their start date in order to successfully complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate. Additional training requirements will need to be completed in order to receive the Service Coordinator Certificate. When qualified staff are hired who have limited experience in the Connecticut Birth to Three System, it is the responsibility of the program to ensure that the proper training and supervision of these staff has been provided.

Use of Students Completing Internships/Practicums

Students who are completing coursework for any related discipline may complete their internships or practicums in the Birth to Three System in either paid or unpaid positions for up to 6 months. They may not go out on visits alone.

Standards for Developmental Therapists

A developmental therapist must possess a valid initial, provisional or professional teaching certificate from the Connecticut State Department of Education (SDE) in endorsements #112, #113,#065, or #165. If certification is lapsed, the individual cannot be employed as a developmental therapist. State Department of Education Regulations authorize and recognize #112, #113, #065 as working under their certification standards while working in Birth to Three.

A developmental therapist with a #165 certificate will be able to work in Birth to Three as a professional for the purposes of meeting these personnel standards and meeting insurance billing requirements. However, as per State Department of Education Regulations (Sec. 10-145d-539) “The comprehensive special education certificate (#165) shall be endorsed for pre-kindergarten through grade 12. On and after July 1, 1998, the comprehensive special education certificate shall be endorsed for grades one through 12”. Therefore, per State Department of Education Regulations, a developmental therapist with a #165 certification will not be considered working under their #165 comprehensive special education certification while employed in Birth to Three. Consequently their time in Birth to Three will not be credited towards years of service under their #165 certification towards advancement or for Teacher Retirement Board (TRB) purposes. For TRB purposes, a developmental therapist working in Birth to Three at a school district, a Regional Education Service Center (RESC), or an approved private school and holding a #165 certification would need to be enrolled in an approved #112 or #113 university program and hold a Durational Shortage Area Permit (DSAP). Developmental therapists with a #165 certification should contact the State Department of Education directly to explore the specifics of their situation.

Developmental therapists with any of the following certifications (#112, #113, #065, #165) who are employed by private Birth to Three programs are considered professionals in the Birth to Three System but are not considered by the State Department of Education to be working under their certifications as they are not employed by local or regional boards of education.

To Renew Developmental Therapist (Teacher) Certification through SDE and Change Status

In accordance with Public Act 12-116, An Act Concerning Educational Reform, all certified and employed educators employed by a local or regional board of education or other public entity are required to participate in and document a minimum of 18 hours of professional learning per year. The process for renewal or advancement of SDE certification is outlined in the following chart.

• .

|Developmental Therapist Working in Birth to Three |

|Certification Currently Held |Employer is an LEA, RESC or Approved Private |Employer is not an LEA, RESC or Approved Private Special Ed. Facility |

| |Special Ed. Facility | |

|Initial |To advance from Initial to Provisional, |To advance from Initial to Provisional, developmental therapists in |

|(#112 or 113) |developmental therapists in Birth to Three must |Birth to Three must complete 30 school months of work in a Birth to |

| |complete 10 school months of work in a birth to |Three program. |

| |three program.  |Submit ED 170 and ED 126. |

| |Submit ED 170 and ED 126.  The District |Forms can be found at sde/cert. |

| |Facilitator must submit a TEAM waiver request. | |

| |Forms can be found at sde/cert. | |

|Provisional |Provisional certificates may be renewed if the |Provisional certificates may be renewed if the educator has not met |

|(#112 or 113) |educator has not met requirements to advance. To |requirements to advance. To renew submit form ED 170. If you have |

| |renew, submit ED 170. If you have served under |served under the certificate, you should also submit ED 126. |

| |the certificate, you should also submit ED 126. |Forms can be found at sde/cert. |

| |Forms can be found at sde/cert. | |

| | | |

| |To advance from Provisional to Professional, the | |

| |candidate must have three years of work |To advance from Provisional to Professional, the candidate must have |

| |experience under a Provisional Certificate in a |three years of work experience under the Provisional Certificate in an|

| |public school or RESC, and have completed a |approved Birth to Three program, and have completed a master’s degree.|

| |master’s degree. | |

| |Submit ED 170, ED 126, and an official graduate |Submit ED 170, ED 126, and an official graduate transcript. |

| |transcript. |Forms can be found at sde/cert. |

| |Forms can be found at sde/cert. | |

|Professional |To renew submit ED 179. |To renew submit ED 179. |

|(#112 or 113) |Forms can be found at sde/cert. |Forms can be found at sde/cert |

|#165 Certified |Individuals can renew their certification through SDE, but time working in Birth to Three cannot count as time working |

| |under this certification. |

Temporary 90-Day Certificates

Developmental therapists who are finishing an Alternate Route to Certification (ARC) must work as fully certified developmental therapists in Birth to Three during the 90 day temporary certificate period. The 90 days includes school days only.

When a Birth to Three provider completes an ARC at Charter Oak State College they must submit form ED 172 () to SDE to request a Temporary 90-Day Certificate. The form must be signed by the program director at the program that employs the developmental therapist. The applicant must submit an original completed form, and complete the employment information section.

Developmental Therapy Specialist

Referred to previously and in the Infant, Toddler, Family Specialist Credential as Early Intervention Specialist. This position is considered a Birth to Three professional delivering special instruction under IDEA. A staff member who has attained the Infant, Toddler, Family Specialist Credential from the Connecticut Birth to Three System with endorsement # 123 may use the title Developmental Therapy Specialist (DSP) and may:

• Perform evaluations and assessments.

• Be listed as a professional on the IFSP without having another professional listed for supervisory purposes.

• Not require sign off on contact notes.

• Be reimbursed at professional rate. (See Payment Procedure)

For more information on DSP (formerly Early Intervention Specialist) see Credentialing and Certification Guidance on the Birth to Three website.

CT Birth to Three System Infant Toddler Family Specialist Credential (Voluntary)

The Infant Toddler Family Specialist (ITFS) credential was developed to assure the quality of personnel providing supports and services to families. The practice of early intervention requires very specific knowledge and skills that change and develop over time and are not adequately presented in most pre-service training programs. Anyone who provides direct services to children and families in their home or community may obtain an Infant Toddler Family Specialist credential with the proper endorsement for their role. For more information

Standards for Licensed Personnel

All personnel noted in the following grid of this procedure for which a license is issued by the Department of Public Health must have a current license in order to be employed or contracted with a Birth to Three program. Renewal of each appropriate staff’s license must be verified and a copy maintained by the program. All staff must follow the requirements in the personal standards as well as follow the state licensing requirements and state standards of practice for their individual professions. State licensing standards including scope of practice and supervision requirements supersede personnel standards. It is the responsibility of each professional to know and follow their specific discipline requirements.

Guidelines for the Use of Paraprofessionals

Physical Therapy Assistants (PTAs), Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants (COTAs) Developmental Therapy Associates (DTA), and Board Certified Associate Behavior Analysts (BCaBAs)

These positions have the following restrictions:

• Paraprofessionals must receive at least one hour per month of direct supervision by professionally licensed or certified early intervention personnel. Direct supervision should be documented with, at a minimum a log of supervision occurences.

• They must participate as a member of a team that meets at least monthly to receive support as needed to address child and family outcomes. They may function independently, providing direct services to children and families in home, or community-based settings, however all progress notes must be countersigned by their supervisor.

• They cannot be the only service provider listed on the IFSP.

• They may not conduct initial evaluations or formal assessments; however they may provide information that contributes to those evaluations or assessments, and may update curriculum assessments with families as part of providing Early Intervention Treatment Services.

Early Intervention Assistants

Staff members who are in the personnel category of EI Assistant as of July 1, 2013 may continue to function in that role. After July 1, 2013 the category of EI Assistant will no longer be available.

Dually Certified/Licensed Staff

Dually certified staff (for instance, SW & BCBA) should write both degrees on the paper IFSP and sign with both degree initials on the visit notes (for audit purposes these the IFSP and visit note have to match). In alignment with what was provided on the visit and as dictated by scope of practice for the specific license, as appropriate the degree/license with the highest likelihood of being covered by insurance should be entered into SPIDER (in this case it may be SW). The IFSP that the parent signs will be considered the official IFSP, not the data extracts in SPIDER.

Service Coordinators

Certain Birth to Three personnel may function as Service Coordinators, as delineated in the grid that follows. In order to function as a Service Coordinator, the appropriate staff member must have completed applicable training as required and specified by the lead agency. Proof of completion of required training should be maintained by the individual and available upon request by the EIS program.

|Connecticut Birth to Three System Personnel Standards |

|Required Training: ALL personnel working 1 or more hours/week with families must complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate within 90 days of their start date. Personnel authorized to act as Service |

|Coordinators must also complete the Service Coordinator Certificate prior to functioning in that role. |

|Licensed personnel, as listed in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Plan Amendment 17-0019, may sign IFSPs. |

|Personnel |Entry Degree |Licensure/Certification |Additional Supervision Required |Job Responsibilities |Act as Service |

|Category | | | | |Coordinator? |

|Assistive |Associates or Bachelor’s |RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering Society | |Completes assistive technology evaluations and assists|Yes |

|Technology |degree with AT coursework and |of North America) Certification as: ATP | |the IFSP team to analyze needs of child with | |

|Provider |experience |Assistive Technology Practitioner or | |disabilities; assist in selection or service of | |

| | |ATS Assistive Technology Supplier or | |assistive technology devices and may provide training | |

| | |RET Rehabilitation Engineering | |in the use of the selected device(s).  | |

| | |Technologist. | |(Audiologists, Physical Therapists, Occupational | |

| | | | |Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Developmental | |

| | | | |therapist s may also possess the skills to perform | |

| | | | |these functions.) | |

|Audiologist |Masters or AuD |Licensed by the Department of Public | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes |

| | |Health Under §2-411 C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

| | | | |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Audiologist CFY| |Clinical Fellowship Year (CFY) |Must be supervised by a licensed |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes |

| | |Status Permissive. |audiologist as required under § 20-411 |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

| | | |C.G.S At least one hour of supervision per |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | |month. |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | |Participates as a member of a team that |the child. | |

| | | |meets at least monthly to receive support | | |

| | | |as needed to address child and family | | |

| | | |outcomes. | | |

| | | |All notes must be countersigned by a | | |

| | | |licensed audiologist. | | |

|Licensed |MA or Doctorate |Licensed by the Department of Public | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes |

|Behavioral | |Health as a behavior analyst (section | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

|Analyst (LBA) | |1905(a)(6) which includes certification as| |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | |a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | |by the Behavior Analyst Certification | |the child. | |

| | |Board (BACB) (section 1905(a)(13)(C) | | | |

|Board Certified|BA in behavior analysis or in |Certification from the Behavior Analyst |Periodic consultation from Board Certified |Participates in IFSP development and implementation, |Yes |

|Associate |psychology, spec education or |Certification Board, Inc. or the states of|Behavior Analyst or licensed Psychologist. |monitors outcomes as part of a transdisciplinary team,| |

|Behavior |another human service |Pennsylvania or Florida. |At least one hour of supervision per month.|and provides early intervention supports to families | |

|Analyst |discipline with an emphasis in| | |for the benefit of the child. | |

|(BCA) |behavior analysis | |Participates as a member of a team that | | |

|Or | | |meets at least monthly to receive support |Under supervision by licensed/certified personnel, may| |

|Board Certified| | |as needed to address child and family |function independently. | |

|Behavioral | | |outcomes | | |

|Analyst (not | | |All progress notes must be countersigned by|Does not perform evaluations or assessments but | |

|licensed) | | |a supervisor who is a certified Behavior |provides data and input. May update Curriculum-based | |

| | | |Analyst or licensed Psychologist. |tool with family as part of Early Intervention | |

| | | | |Treatment Services. | |

|Connecticut Birth to Three System Personnel Standards |

|Required Training: ALL personnel working 1 or more hours/week with families must complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate within 90 days of their start date. Personnel authorized to act as Service |

|Coordinators must also complete the Service Coordinator Certificate prior to functioning in that role. |

|Licensed personnel, as listed in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Plan Amendment 17-0019, may sign IFSPs. |

|Personnel |Entry Degree |Licensure/Certification |Additional Supervision Required |Job Responsibilities |Act as Service |

|Category | | | | |Coordinator? |

|Developmental |High School Diploma or GED|Documentation of training specific to |At least one hour per week of supervision |Provides direct services to children and families by |No. |

|Therapy Assistant | |child, the child’s disability or delays |and at least one team meeting per month. |performing routine tasks assigned by professionally | |

|This category is | |and the specific techniques being used | |licensed or certified personnel. | |

|not available for | |with the child. |All notes must be countersigned by a | | |

|hiring purposes | | |supervisor who is licensed or certified. |Takes no independent action. Carries out written | |

|after 7/1/13 | | | |programs and service plans designed by licensed or | |

| | | | |certified personnel. | |

| | | | |Does not perform evaluations or assessments but | |

| | | | |provides data and input. | |

|Developmental |BA degree in a human |None |At least one hour of supervision per month.|Participates in IFSP development and implementation, |Yes |

|Therapy Associate |service field | | |monitors outcomes as part of a transdisciplinary team,| |

|(DTA) | | | |and provides early intervention supports to families | |

| | | |Participates as a member of a team that |for the benefit of the child. | |

|(Previously Early |Or |Or |that meets at least monthly to receive | | |

|Intervention | | |support as needed to address child and |Under regular supervision by professionally licensed | |

|Associate – EIA) |Bachelor’s degree in |RBT Credential from Behavior Analyst |family outcomes |or certified personnel, may function independently. | |

| |unrelated field with |Certification Board | |Does not perform evaluations or assessments but | |

| |Registered Behavioral | |All progress notes must be countersigned by|provides data and input. May update Curriculum-based | |

| |Technician Credential | |a supervisor |tool with family as part Early Intervention Treatment | |

| |(RBT) | |All progress notes countersigned by a |Services. | |

| | | |supervisor who is licensed or certified | | |

|Developmental |BA or MA in education, |Infant, Toddler, Family Specialist | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes |

|Therapy Specialist |special education, |Credential from the Connecticut Birth to | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

|(DSP) |psychology, early |Three System with endorsement # 123. | |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| |intervention, child and | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

|(Previously Early |family studies, or closely| | |the child. | |

|Intervention |related field. Requires | | | | |

|Specialist – ESP) |college level courses in | | |Supervises EI assistants or associates as appropriate | |

| |each: infant/toddler; | | |Provides special instruction. | |

| |evaluation and assessment;| | | | |

| |working with families or | | |Cannot be paired with a developmental therapist for a | |

| |early language and | | |multidisciplinary evaluation. | |

| |literacy; 300 hrs of | | | | |

| |experience working with | | | | |

| |infants /toddlers and | | | | |

| |completion of other | | | | |

| |requirements of the | | | | |

| |credential process. | | | | |

|Connecticut Birth to Three System Personnel Standards |

|Required Training: ALL personnel working 1 or more hours/week with families must complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate within 90 days of their start date. Personnel authorized to act as Service |

|Coordinators must also complete the Service Coordinator Certificate prior to functioning in that role. |

|Licensed personnel, as listed in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Plan Amendment 17-0019, may sign IFSPs. |

|Personnel |Entry Degree |Licensure/Certification |Additional Supervision Required |Job Responsibilities |Act as Service |

|Category | | | | |Coordinator? |

|Developmental |Bachelors |Department of Education |Refer to chart on page 3 for Developmental |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes. |

|Therapist | |a. Certificate endorsements: |Therapists. |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

|a. Early Childhood | |#112 Birth-Kindergarten | |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

|Special | |#113 Nursery-Third grade | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

|Education | |#065 Comprehensive Special | |the child. | |

| | |Education Pre-K to 12 | | | |

| | |#165 Comprehensive Special | |Supervises EI assistants or associates as appropriate.| |

| | |Education K-12 | |Provides special instruction. | |

|b. Hearing Impaired| | | | | |

| | |b. Certificate endorsement #057 | |Cannot be paired with a developmental therapist for a | |

|c. Visually | |Pre-K to 12 | |multidisciplinary evaluation. | |

|Impaired | | | | | |

| | |c. Certificate endorsements: | | | |

| | |#059 Blind Pre-12 | | | |

| | |#055 Partially sighted 1-12 | | | |

|Marital and Family |Masters Degree in |Department of Public Health license under | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes |

|Therapist |Marital and Family |§20-195c C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

| |Therapy | | |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Marital and Family |Masters Degree in |Working toward Department of Public Health |All progress notes, evaluations and |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes |

|Therapist Intern |Marital and Family |license under professional supervision. |assessments must be countersigned by a |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

| |Therapy | |supervisor who is licensed. |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | |Valid up to two years from date of hire into | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | |the Birth to Three System | |the child. | |

|Nurse | | | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in |Yes |

|a. APRN |a. Masters (MSN) |a. Licensed by the Department of Public | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors outcomes| |

| | |Health under §20-94a C.G.S. | |as a member of the team, and provides early | |

|b. R.N. |b. Bachelors (BSN) or |b. Licensed by the Department of Public | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| |Associates Degree or |Health under § 20-87 to 102 C.G.S. | |the child. | |

| |Diploma | | | | |

|Nurse, Practical |Diploma/Certificate |Licensed by the Department of Public Health |Supervision conducted by a registered |Under the supervision of the BSN/MSN assists in the |No. |

|(LPN) | |under § 20-87 to 102 C.G.S. |nurse. |provision of early intervention services | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Takes no independent action. Carries out |Provides direct services to children and families by | |

| | | |written programs and service plans designed|performing routine tasks assigned by professionally | |

| | | |by licensed or certified personnel. |licensed or certified personnel. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Does not perform initial evaluations, ongoing | |

| | | | |assessments or service coordination duties but | |

| | | | |provides data and input | |

|Connecticut Birth to Three System Personnel Standards |

|Required Training: ALL personnel working 1 or more hours/week with families must complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate within 90 days of their start date. Personnel authorized to act as Service |

|Coordinators must also complete the Service Coordinator Certificate prior to functioning in that role. |

|Licensed personnel, as listed in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Plan Amendment 17-0019, may sign IFSPs. |

|Personnel |Entry Degree |Licensure/Certification |Additional Supervision Required |Job Responsibilities |Act as Service |

|Category | | | | |Coordinator? |

|Dietician-Nutrit|Registered Dietician |Registered with the Commission of Dietetic | |Conducts nutrition evaluations and assessments, |Yes |

|ionist |MA or PhD. |Registration or certified by the Department | |participates in IFSP development and implementation, | |

| | |of Public Health under §20-206n | |monitors outcomes a member of the team, and provides | |

| | | | |early intervention supports to families for the | |

| | | | |benefit of the child. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |The Birth to Three Infant Toddler Family Specialist | |

| | | | |Credential with endorsement 120 or 123 is required | |

| | | | |before these personnel may conduct developmental | |

| | | | |evaluations or assessments. | |

|Occupational |Bachelors or Master’s |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Therapist |degree in Occupational |under § 20-74b C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

| |Therapy, depending on year| | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| |of graduation | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Certified |Associate Degree from |Department of Public Health license under § |Supervised by a licensed occupational |Participates in IFSP development and implementation, |Yes |

|Occupational |accredited AOTA program |20-74b C.G.S. |therapist. |monitors outcomes as member of team, and provides | |

|Therapy | | | |early intervention supports to families for the | |

|Assistant | | |At least one hour of supervision per month.|benefit of the child. | |

|(COTA) | | | | | |

| | | | |Under regular supervision by professionally licensed | |

| | | |Participates as a member of a team that |or certified personnel, may function independently. | |

| | | |meets at least monthly to receive support | | |

| | | |as needed to address child and family |Does not perform evaluations or assessments but | |

| | | |outcomes |provides data and input. May update Curriculum-based | |

| | | | |tool with family as part of Early Intervention | |

| | | |All progress notes must be countersigned by|Treatment Services. | |

| | | |a supervisor who is a licensed OT. | | |

|Optometrist |Doctor of Optometry |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts vision evaluations and assessments, |Yes |

| | |under § 20-130 C.G.S. | |participates in IFSP development and implementation, | |

| | | | |monitors outcomes as a member of the team, and | |

| | | | |provides early intervention supports to families for | |

| | | | |the benefit of the child. | |

| | | | |The Birth to Three Credential with endorsement 120 or| |

| | | | |123 is required before these personnel may conduct | |

| | | | |developmental evaluations or on-going assessments. | |

|Connecticut Birth to Three System Personnel Standards |

|Required Training: ALL personnel working 1 or more hours/week with families must complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate within 90 days of their start date. Personnel authorized to act as Service |

|Coordinators must also complete the Service Coordinator Certificate prior to functioning in that role. |

|Licensed personnel, as listed in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Plan Amendment 17-0019, may sign IFSPs. |

|Personnel |Entry Degree |Licensure/Certification |Additional Supervision Required |Job Responsibilities |Act as Service |

|Category | | | | |Coordinator? |

|Orientation & |Bachelors Degree |Department of Education Certificate with | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Mobility | |endorsement #059 | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|Specialist | | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Physical Therapist|Doctorate, Masters or |Licensed by the Department of Public Health |Per CT PT practice Act, consultation may be|Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

| |Bachelors depending on |under § 20 -70 C.G.S. |required with a physician. * |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

| |year of graduation | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Physical Therapy |Associate degree from an|Graduation from an accredited PTA program |Supervised by a licensed physical |Participates in IFSP development and implementation, |Yes |

|Assistant |approved PTA program | |therapist. |monitors outcomes as member of team, and provides | |

| | |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |direct services to children and families. | |

| | |under § 20-73(b) C.G.S. |At least one hour of supervision per month.| | |

| | | | |Under regular supervision by professionally licensed | |

| | | | |Physical Therapist, may function independently. | |

| | | |Participates as a member of a team that | | |

| | | |meets at least monthly to receive support |Does not perform evaluations or assessments but | |

| | | |as needed to address child and family |provides data and input. May update Curriculum-based| |

| | | |outcomes |tool with family as part of Early Intervention | |

| | | | |Treatment Services. | |

| | | |All progress notes must be countersigned by| | |

| | | |a supervisor who is a licensed PT. | | |

|Physician |Doctor of Medicine (MD) |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|(Pediatrician or |or Doctor of Osteopathy |under § 20-10 (MD) or § 20-17 (OD) C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|other Physician) |(OD) | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Professional |Doctorate, Masters |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Counselor | |under § 20-195(b) C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|Licensed | | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Connecticut Birth to Three System Personnel Standards |

|Required Training: ALL personnel working 1 or more hours/week with families must complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate within 90 days of their start date. Personnel authorized to act as Service |

|Coordinators must also complete the Service Coordinator Certificate prior to functioning in that role. |

|Licensed personnel, as listed in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Plan Amendment 17-0019, may sign IFSPs. |

|Personnel |Entry Degree |Licensure/Certification |Additional Supervision Required |Job Responsibilities |Act as Service |

|Category | | | | |Coordinator? |

|Psychologist |Doctorate |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Licensed | |under §187a C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

| | | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Psychologist |Graduate level (masters |Department of Education certificate | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|School |or higher) |endorsement #070 | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

| | | | |outcomes as member of team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Licensed Clinical |Masters or doctorate of |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Social Worker |Social Work |under §20-195n C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|(LCSW) | | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Licensed Master |Masters or doctorate of |Licensed by Department of Public Health under|Requires professional supervision, under a |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Social Worker |Social Work |20-195n C.G.S. |licensed practitioner and consultation |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|(LMSW) | |Complies with requirements in section 20-195s|regarding mental health diagnoses with a |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | |C.G.S. concerning professional supervision |licensed practitioner such as physician, |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | |and consultation under a licensed |APRN, psychologist, licensed marital and |the child. | |

| | |practitioner |family therapist, professional counselor, | | |

| | | |LCSW. At least one hour per month of | | |

| | | |supervision. | | |

|Social Worker |Masters or doctorate of |Department of Education certificate | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|School |Social Work |endorsement #071 | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

| | | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Social Worker |Masters of Social Work |Temporary permit to an applicant for |By a licensed social worker. |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Intern | |licensure as in C.G.S. 20-195n authorizing |At least one hour per month of supervision.|IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

| | |the holder to practice as a master social |Participates as a member of a team that |outcomes as a member of the team and provides early | |

| | |worker as provided for in section 20-195s. |meets at least monthly to receive support |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | |as needed to address child and family |the child. | |

| | |Permit valid for up to one hundred twenty |outcomes | | |

| | |calendar days after the date of attaining |All progress notes, evaluation and | | |

| | |such master’s degree |assessment reports must be countersigned by| | |

| | | |a supervisor who is a licensed Social | | |

| | | |Worker. | | |

|Connecticut Birth to Three System Personnel Standards |

|Required Training: ALL personnel working 1 or more hours/week with families must complete the Birth to Three Initial Certificate within 90 days of their start date. Personnel authorized to act as Service |

|Coordinators must also complete the Service Coordinator Certificate prior to functioning in that role. |

|Licensed personnel, as listed in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Plan Amendment 17-0019, may sign IFSPs. |

|Personnel |Entry Degree |Licensure/Certification |Additional Supervision Required |Job Responsibilities |Act as Service |

|Category | | | | |Coordinator? |

|Speech/ |Masters |Clinical Fellowship Year (CFY) status |Must be supervised by a licensed |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Language | |permissive. |speech/language pathologist as required |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|Pathologist | | |under § 20-411 C.G.S. |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

|(CFY) | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | |At least one hour per month of supervision.|the child. | |

| | | |Participates as a member of a team that | | |

| | | |meets at least monthly to receive support | | |

| | | |as needed to address child and family | | |

| | | |outcomes | | |

| | | |Under regular supervision by professionally| | |

| | | |licensed or certified SLP, personnel may | | |

| | | |function independently. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |All progress notes, evaluations and | | |

| | | |assessments must be countersigned by a | | |

| | | |supervisor who is a licensed SLP. | | |

|Speech/ |Masters |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Language | |under §20-411 C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|Pathologist | | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | | | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | | | |the child. | |

|Speech/ Language |Masters |Licensed by the Department of Public Health | |Conducts evaluations and assessments, participates in|Yes |

|Pathologist | |under §20-411 C.G.S. | |IFSP development and implementation, monitors | |

|School | | | |outcomes as a member of the team, and provides early | |

| | |Department of Education | |intervention supports to families for the benefit of | |

| | |Special Services Endorsement #061 | |the child. | |

* For billing purposes, it is not required to have a physician signature in addition to another licensed professional, including Physical Therapist (PT). For PT license purposes, the CT. state PT practice act states that PT’s need to consult or refer to a physician when the medical condition is prolonged or does not show “objective, measurable, functional improvement in a period of thirty consecutive days or at the end of six visits, whichever is earlier.” To meet PT licensing requirements, it is recommended that IFSPs that include PT are sent for physician signature. Ultimately it is up to the PT and agency to assure alignment with the practice act, including when to consult with and obtain signature from a physician. This will be influenced, on a case by case basis, by the child’s progress and documentation of this progress.



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