The Core-CT Production System will have an outage in ...

Instructions for Agencies Purchasing Food

The Core-CT Production System will have an outage in November to perform our upgrade from software version 8.4 to our new software version 8.9. The Core-CT team will take the system down at 5 p.m. Wednesday November 8 and the system will be unavailable for users until the afternoon of Tuesday November 14, if all upgrade functions go smoothly. Please read the Daily Mails as this will be the communication method to notify users when the Core-CT system is once again available.

As your agency currently orders food using e-Sysco, the e-Sysco system will remain open for your use while Core-CT is unavailable, there are no changes made to the way that you currently order food.

During the time that Core-CT is unavailable for Purchase Order processing, we are recommending that your agency business office follow the steps listed below during this outage.

1. The Purchasing Business Office should reserve enough purchase orders in the Core-CT system prior to the outage so these PO numbers can be placed on your valid e-Sysco orders and transmitted to the vendor.

2. Once the Core-CT system becomes available for use, the agency Purchasing Business Office should create the Core-CT purchase orders for the e-Sysco orders issued during the outage period, get those POs approved, budget checked and dispatched using the Core-CT scheduled batch processes. The POs would then be available for receipt and payment.

Business Office Staffing:

Instructions on how to Reserve a PO:


Use this procedure to reserve purchase order numbers.

Page Description

Reserving Purchase Order Numbers consists of one page:

The Reserve PO page enables you to reserve the next sequential purchase order number (or block of future purchase order numbers) for future use.  Once properly reserved, these PO numbers can be utilized in the future to create the true purchase order that will be dispatched to the vendor.


• There are no prerequisites for this procedure.

Helpful Hints

• There are some circumstances in which it is necessary to expedite the purchasing process.  When placing an emergency order, some vendors may require a purchase order number prior to filling the order.  Core-CT allows you the flexibility to reserve a purchase order number prior to completing the PO.  The Reserve Purchase Order page lets you reserve the next sequential purchase order number or a specific group of purchase order numbers.  Once reserved, these PO numbers can be utilized to create the correct PO after the fact.

• A purchase order number (or block of purchase order numbers) can be reserved at any time.

• Within Core-CT, you must define the vendor to whom the future PO will be dispatched and you must define the number of POs to be reserved.  In the event that you do not know the vendor name or the desired vendor is not in the vendor file, you can reserve the purchase order with your agency name.  This is just a temporary solution.  You will need to change this field on the reserved PO prior to dispatch.  That being said, the preferred method for reserving a purchase order is to designate the correct vendor at the time the PO is reserved.

• Once a PO number (or block of purchase order numbers) is successfully reserved, the PO numbers are no longer available for automatic assignment during the PO Create process.

• If you do not select a specific number for the purchase order, the PO field displays NEXT until you save the data.  Once successfully saved, the purchase order number is assigned by Core-CT. Once the PO number has been assigned, the purchase order can be completed in Core-CT.

• Core-CT does not allow you to reserve a purchase order number that is already in use.  If you attempt to do so, you will be prompted with a warning message.


1. Begin by selecting Purchasing ⎝ Purchase Orders ⎝ Reserve POs to display the Purchase Order Reservation Search page.

The Purchase Order Reservation Search page displays.

2. The Business Unit field defaults to your Purchasing Business Unit.  If this value is correct, accept the default.  If not, type or select the Purchasing Business Unit that will be associated with this PO reservation and the future PO.

3. The Purchase Order field defaults to "NEXT". Accepting a value of "NEXT" ensures that the reserved purchase order number is sequentially the next available PO number. If you do not need to reserve a specific PO number, accept a value of "NEXT".

It is possible to reserve a specific purchase order number.  Doing so requires an understanding of the PO numbers that have been used in Core-CT. If you need to request a specific PO number, type or select the desired PO number into the Purchase Order field.

4. Click [pic]. 

5. The Reserve PO page displays.

6. Click [pic]to the right of the Vendor field to select the vendor to whom the future PO will be dispatched.

The Lookup Vendor Search page displays.

7. If you know the Core-CT Vendor ID or the Vendor tax identification number (T.I.N.), type the information into the appropriate field and click [pic]. 

The Lookup Vendor Search page displays with Search Results.

8. Locate the desired vendor in the search results.  Select the desired vendor by clicking on any portion of the search result associated with the correct vendor.

9. The Reserve PO page displays with the correct vendor information in the Vendor and Vendor Name fields.

10. Determine the number of desired POs you need to reserve in Core-CT.  If you only need to reserve a single PO number, complete Steps 13 and 14.  If you need to reserve multiple PO numbers, complete Steps 11 through 14.

11. Place a checkmark (by clicking in the field) in the square to the left of the Block of POs field.  Upon doing this, the Nbr of PO's field becomes active.

12. In the Nbr of PO's field, type the number of desired POs you need to reserve.

13. Click [pic] to save the information.

If your reserved a single PO, saving populates the PO field at the top of the page with the next available (or specifically chosen) PO number. 

If your reserved a block of POs, saving populates the PO field at the top of the page with the first PO number in the reservation block.  Additionally the PO Range field is populated with the range of PO numbers that are now reserved.

14. Take a moment to write down the PO numbers that you just reserved in Core-CT.  This step is important because you use this information when you create the future purchase order in Core-CT.


You have successfully reserved a purchase order number or a sequence of purchase order numbers in Core-CT.  The reserved PO numbers are utilized to create the PO details in the future.

Do not create the POs ahead of time, just reserve them and leave them in the Initial status.

Should business office staffing have any questions regarding the PO reservation instructions please contact the Core-CT helpdesk.


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