Latin America: Conquest and Exchange 3-10

|Latin America: Conquest and Exchange 4-1 |

|Latin America |This is the term used for South America, Central |We call South America and Central America |

| |America, and parts of the Caribbean. People from this |________ ______________ |

| |region are called Latinos. | |

|The Aztecs, |The Aztecs were a powerful Native tribe in central |The native tribe in Mexico was the ____________. |

| |Mexico, 1300-1520. Their emperor, Montezuma, led them | |

|Montezuma, |to expand their empire and conquer other Native People.|The Aztec emperor was |

|(Mon-tay-zoo-ma) | |________________. |

| |The Aztecs were expert farmers, soldiers, and builders.| |

|Cortes |The Aztecs had a huge capital city with a gigantic |Who conquered the Aztecs? |

| |stone pyramid. |_______ ________. |

| | |What year? _________ |

| |In 1520, the Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes conquered |What European country was he from? _____________ |

| |the Aztecs and claimed their land for Spain. Montezuma| |

| |welcomed Cortes as a guest. Cortes had Montezuma |What did the Aztec emperor Montezuma do to the Spanish |

| |killed. The Spanish called the land New Spain. They |conqueror Cortes? ______________ |

| |made the Aztecs tear down their pyramid and use the | |

| |stones to build a Christian church. |What did Cortes do to Montezuma? _________ |

|The Incas, |The Incas ruled the Andes Mountains. They conquered |The native people of the Andes Mountains were the |

| |other tribes and created an empire 2000 miles long. |__________. |

|Atahualpa, |Their emperor Atahualpa was their sun god. |The Inca emperor was |

|(A-ta- wal-pa) | |___________________. |

| |In 1533, the Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro | |

|Pizarro |defeated the Inca army and captured the emperor |Who conquered the Incas? |

| |Atahualpa. The Inca people brought 50,000 pounds of |_________ ____________ |

| |gold to buy his release. Pizarro took the gold and |What year? ________ |

| |killed Atahualpa anyway. Then he conquered the Inca |What did the Inca people bring to save the emperor? |

| |empire. |_____________________ |

| | |What did Pizarro do? |

| | |1. ___________________ |

| | |2. _________________ |

| |

|Columbian |European explorers and Native People shared ideas, |Native People and European explorers traded |

|Exchange |skills, plants, and animals. They also shared |p __ __ __ __ __, |

| |diseases. |a __ __ __ __ __ __, and |

| |The exchange of plants, animals, and diseases across |d ____ __ __ __ __ __. |

| |the Atlantic from 1492 to 1650 is called the Columbian |This is called the |

| |Exchange. |C ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ |

| |It is named after Columbus because he was the first |E __ __ __ __ __ __ __ |

| |person to cross the Atlantic. |The first person to cross the Atlantic was Christopher |

| | |____________ |

|Native People | |List six plants the Native People showed Europeans: |

|showed |how to grow corn, squash, potatoes, and tomatoes. |1_________,2__________, 3_________,4__________, |

|Europeans |Native People grew tobacco and cocoa, introducing |5_________,6__________ |

| |Europeans to smoking and chocolate. | |

|Europeans showed Native | |Europeans showed Native People how to grow _____, |

|People |how to grow wheat, sugarcane, and oranges. Native |_________, and _________. |

| |People had never seen farm animals before. Europeans |What five farm animals did Native People learn about? |

| |taught Native People to ride horses and use them for |1_____, 2______, 3______, |

| |farm work. Europeans shared their cows, pigs, sheep, |4 _________, 5 _________ |

| |and chickens. | |

|Diseases |Europeans had been exposed to many infectious diseases |What happened when Europeans caught smallpox? |

|[pic] |for centuries. They could catch diseases like |They would not ___ ___ ___ |

|[pic] |smallpox, but they would not get very sick. |What happened when Native People caught new diseases? |

| |Native People had never been exposed to these diseases.|They _________ |

| | |very ______ and _______. |

| |As soon as Europeans arrived, Native People caught new | |

| |diseases from them, became very sick, and died. The |The Columbian Exchange was about plants, animals, and |

| |main result of Columbian Exchange was this fact: |this fact: |

| | |From ___% to ____% of |

| |From 50% to 90% of Native People died from European |N________ P__________ |

| |diseases, 1492-1650. |__ __ __ __ from _________ |

| | |________, 14_ _-16 _ _ |


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