US History Homework Sheet

US History Homework Sheet

Due Friday, February 1st

Read pages 447-450- Big Business and Labor

1. Identify: Social Darwinism, business cycle

2. Why have some 19th century business leaders been labeled “Robber Barons”?

3. Explain how each has been used to eliminate competition:

a. Monopoly, trust, cartel

4. How does vertical integration differ from horizontal integration?

5. What was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and why was it successful?

Due Monday, February 4th

Read pages 450-455- Big Business and Labor (con’t)

1. Describe the conditions of industrial workers.

2. Why did the practice of child labor flourish during the late 19th century?

3. Why was the philosophy of socialism unattractive to most Americans?

4. How did the Knights of Labor differ from the American Federation of Labor?

5. Who was responsible for the labor violence of the late 19th century- the workers or the management? Explain.

Due Thursday, February 7th

The immigrant experience article- write a one-page reflection addressing the following ideas:

Except for Native Americans all Americans are immigrants; we came here from another country whether it was on the Mayflower, during the great immigration periods in the 1850’s or the beginning of the 20th century, or in the past 10-20 years. What generation are you? When did your family emigrate to the United States and why did the come? Was it for economic reasons, for political or religious freedom? When they came do you know what their first impressions were of the United States? Please talk to your family and ask them to provide you with facts and impressions.

Due Friday, February 8th

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you identify yourself as an American, someone from another country, or do you identify with both countries equally?

2. Do you believe immigrants contribute to America’s progress? Explain your answer.

3. What are some current immigration policies issues impacting immigrants in your community? Nationally? (Refer to the news-give me specifics)

Due Monday, February 11th

Read pages 460-465- The New Immigrants

1. Identify the following terms: steerage, quarantine, alien, Ellis Island, melting pot, Angel Island

2. What trends or events in other countries prompted people to move to the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

3. What difficulties did these new immigrants face?

Due Tuesday, February 12th

Read pages 464-465- The New Immigrant

1. Why did Congress pass the Chinese exclusion act in 1882?

2. Describe the circumstances leading to the Gentleman’s agreement of 1907?

3. Define nativism

Due Wednesday, February 13th

Based on the movie Hester Street answer the following questions:

What aspects of life did you learn about? How did immigrant culture shape life in lower-class cityscapes such as the Lower East? How did people work? Where did people live? What did people do for fun? What was difficult about living a hundred years ago? What might have been easier? What were the effects of industrialization on the American landscape?

Due Thursday, February 14th

Review Sheet Due

Exam Today

Due Monday, February 25th

Read pages 408-417- Cultures Clash on the Prairie

1. Contrast the cultures of Native Americans and white settlers and explain why white settlers moved west.

2. Identify restrictions imposed by the government on Native Americans and describe the consequences.

3. Identify the government’s policy of assimilation as well as continuing conflicts between Native Americans and settlers.

4. Describe both the myth and the reality of the American cowboy and explain the end of the open range.

Due Tuesday, February 26th

Read pages 420-424- Settling on the Plains

1. Explain the rapid settlement of the Great Plains due to homesteading.

2. What hardships did farmers face in the late 1800’s?

3. Describe how early settlers survived on the plains and transformed them into profitable farmland.

Due Wednesday, February 27th

Read pages 425-429-Farmers and the Populist Movement

1. Identify the following terms and people: Oliver Hudson Kelley, Grange, Farmers’ Alliance, Populism, gold standard, William McKinley, William Jennings Bryan

Due Thursday, February 28th

Read pages 425-429-Farmers and the Populist Movement

1. Identify the problems the farmers faced and their cooperative efforts to solve them.

2. How did the Grange and the Farmers’ Alliance pave the way for the Populist Party?

3. What do you think were the most significant factors in bringing an end to the Populist Party?

Due Friday, February 29th

1. Read the Handouts on Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike and answer questions that go along with the reading

Due Monday, March 3rd

Read pages 442-446- The Age of Railroads

1. List the positives and negatives of railroads on the nation’s economy.

2. Explain the importance of:

a. Munn V Illinois

b. Interstate Commerce Act

Read pages 468- 472- The Challenges of Urbanization

1. Describe the movement of immigrants to cities and the opportunities they found there

2. Explain how cities dealt with housing, transportation, sanitation, and safety issues.

3. Describe some of the organizations and people who offered help to urban immigrants.

Due Tuesday, March 4th

Read pages 473-477- Politics in the Gilded Age

1. What was a political machine?

2. What was the role of the political boss?

3. Explain how some politicians’ greed and fraud cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

4. Describe the measures taken by Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur to reform the spoils system.

5. Explain the positions taken by presidents Cleveland, Harrison, and McKinley on the tariff issue.

6. Identify the following terms: graft, patronage, civil service, Pendleton Civil Service Act

Read pages 498- 503- The Dawn of Mass Culture

1. Give examples of turn-of-the-century leisure activities and popular sports.

2. Describe the turn-of-the-century innovations in marketing and advertising

3. Identify: Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst

Due Wednesday, March 5th

Read pages 512-518- The Origins of Progressivism

1. Describe the four reform ideas/goals that became popular at the beginning of the century.

2. Summarize the methods used by the muckrakers to bring about reform.

3. Compare and contrast the goals of the progressives.

4. Define: initiative, referendum, recall, direct primary

5. In a half-page response- do you believe the Wizard of Oz is a parable on populism? Use evidence from the article and the clips we watched to explain your answer.

Parable= a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle

Due Thursday, March 6th

Read pages 519-522- Women in Public Life

1. Describe the growing presence of women in the workforce at the turn of the 20th century.

2. Identify leaders of the women suffrage movement.

3. Explain how women’s suffrage was achieved.

Due Friday, March 7th

Progressive Party- refer to Party Invitation. Written statement, gift and an explanation of the gift are due.

Due Monday, March 10th

Read pages 523-529- Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal

1. Explain what Teddy Roosevelt meant by “square deal”.

2. How did Roosevelt respond to the Coal Strike of 1902?

3. Why is Roosevelt often referred to as the “trust buster”?

4. Would you consider Roosevelt an environmentalist? Explain why?

Due Tuesday, March 11th

Read pages 530-531 and 496-497- African Americans and Progressivism

1. How were African Americans disenfranchised after 1890?

2. Why did W.E.B. Dubois oppose Booker T. Washington’s views on racial discrimination?

3. How did the decision of the court in Plessy vs. Ferguson affect African Americans?

4. Define: NAACP

Due Wednesday, March 12th

Read pages 534-543-Progessivism Under Taft and Wilson’s New Freedom

1. Why did Taft lose the support of many progressives?

2. Why did Woodrow Wilson win the election of 1912?

3. How did the Clayton Act differ from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

4. Explain how the Federal Reserve System organize US banking.

5. Define: Bull Moose Party

Due Friday, March 14th

Review Sheet Due

Exam Today

Due Monday, March 17th

Read pages 548-551- Imperialism and America

1. In your own words define imperialism

2. Explain the economic and cultural factors that fueled the growth of American imperialism.

3. Describe how the United States acquired Alaska.

4. Summarize how the United States took over the Hawaiian Islands.

5. Manifest destiny greatly influenced American policy during the first half of the 19th century. How do you think manifest destiny set the stage for American imperialism at the end of the century?

Due Tuesday, March 18th

Read pages 552- 557- The Spanish-American War

1. What increased the tensions between the US and Spain? How did the Spanish try to avoid war with the United States?

2. In 1898, a debate raged in the US over whether the US had the right to annex the Philippines. Use a graphic organizer to summarize the pros and cons of this debate.

3. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris?

4. Many anti-imperialists worried that imperialism might threaten the American system. How might this happen?

Due Wednesday, March 19th

Read pages 552- 557- The Spanish-American War

1. In your own words define yellow journalism

2. Sensationalism journalism, like that practiced at the turn of the century by William Randolph Hearst, is often referred to as “yellow journalism”, due to the lemon colored cartoon strips that made certain news popular. Is yellow journalism practiced today? How does it differ from that practiced in 1898? Does it still influence foreign policy decisions? Give examples.

3. There is a debate among historians whether President McKinley was a decisive leader intent on overseas expansion or a weaker figure guided by public opinion. Which do you think he was? Why?

4. Bring in a front-page headline from any newspaper. You can bring one in from any newspaper. Make sure you bring one in that catches your attention.

Due Thursday, March 20th

Read pages 558-564- Acquiring New Lands

1. How did the U.S. gain control of:

a. (a) Philippine Islands (b) Puerto Rico (c) Samoa

2. How did the Platt Amendment affect Cuban independence?

3. Was the “Open Door” a wise policy for the United States?

4. Why did anti-imperialists believe that the acquisition of a colonial empire violated American principles?

Due Monday, March 25th

Read pages 565-571 America as a World Power

1. Why was the U.S. interested in an Atlantic-Pacific canal?

2. How did the U.S. become involved in the Panamanian revolt?

3. Explain the Roosevelt Corollary and Dollar Diplomacy.

4. How were Roosevelt’s Big Stick policy and Wilson’s missionary diplomacy similar and/or different?

Due Tuesday, March 26th

Read pages 578-586- World War I Begins

1. What were the MAIN causes for the outbreak of WWI?

2. Why did the United States remain neutral when World War I began in 1914?

3. Why did Wilson believe that the use of the submarine should be banned?

4. How did the Zimmerman Note affect the decision to go to war?

Due Wednesday, March 27th

Read pages 594-596 and 598-601-The War at Home

1. Why would labor disputes affect the war effort?

2. How did the government raise money for the war effort?

3. What was the Great Migration?

4. What new opportunities did the war offer to women?

Due Thursday, March 28th

Read pages 597-598; 602-603 -The War at Home, Civil Liberties & Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court

1. What effect did the war have on civil liberties?

2. What impact did the Espionage and Sedition Acts have on free speech?

3. Why did Charles Schenck sue the U.S. government? How did this case affect the civil rights of all Americans?

Due Monday, March 31st

Read pages 604-609- Wilson Fights for Peace

1. Summarize Wilson’s 14 Points

2. How did the Fourteen Points differ from the Treaty of Versailles?

3. Why didn’t the Treaty of Versailles lay the foundations for a lasting peace?

4. Why did the Senate refuse to join the League of Nations?

Due Thursday, April 7th

Review Sheet Due- Exam Today

Extra Credit Opportunities: Read the following

1. Triangle: The Fire That Changed America by David von Drehle

2. The Jungle By Upton Sinclair


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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