MAED/ADM Clinical Experience

MAED/ADM Clinical Experiences Accommodations for Schools in a Distance Learning FormatYou are required to complete 30–40 hours of clinical (field) experience by the end of the MAED/ADM program. These hours are outside of the internship experience. The clinical experiences are designed to provide you with the opportunity to observe experienced administrators in the field and to participate in professional development activities. In addition, specific courses in the MAED/ADM program will provide opportunities for you to interact in real principal settings. These courses are listed below. All clinical experiences must be documented within My Time Log. If schools are in a distance learning or other format where students are not physically in school, accommodations for these formats are noted in italics. CourseDescription of Clinical (Field) ExperienceADMIN/518Leadership and Collaborative ProcessesConduct an observation of a school leader. Observe the following:The leadership style of the school leaderThe management style of the school leaderThe communication style of the school leaderThe rapport that the school leader has with students, parents, staff, and facultyAfter completing the observation, interview the school leader to find out the following:Type of leader the person would describe himself or herself as (does the self-image align with your observations?)Major challenges of his or her roleRewards of his or her roleAdvice that this person would share with someone who was a new administratorWrite a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper, or prepare a 7 to 10-minute digital recording that summarizes the findings of your observation and interview, and add a personal reflection on how the information shared was useful for your leadership development.Note: The Administrator Observation and Interview is due in Week 6. Record your observation and interview time as Field Experience in My Time Log.The observation of the school leader can take place in whatever setting the school is operating under. Observations can take place in on-site settings, or virtual meetings. The interview may be conducted by phone, FaceTime, Zoom or other media. The time spent on the observation and interview should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log.ADMIN/524Supervision of Curriculum and InstructionPlan and facilitate a professional development session for a group of teachers that relates to curriculum standards, instruction, and/or assessment of learning. Include the following:A sustainable vision of student learning supported by resourcesGoals for the session, a communication plan for the school and other relevant stakeholders, activities that are research-based, and an assessment (aligned with session goals)Future plans (including a time line) for on-going evaluation and monitoringInclude consultation and direct communication with relevant stakeholders (e.g. teachers, administrators, community, families) and how you would use technology, and both human and fiscal capital to organize and implement the session.Note: The professional development session must be facilitated by you and must be a minimum of one-hour in length.The professional development session may take place in a virtual format. There must be at least three teachers participating. If the session is conducted using Zoom or another audio/video conferencing format, the minimum time for the workshop is 40 minutes. The time in preparing and presenting the session should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log.ADMIN/528Administration of Special ProgramsInterview your school principal, grants manager, or internship site supervisor about the required reports or audits of an existing grant at the school/district.Outline the following:What are the requirements of the report or audit?What are the timelines and reporting periods—such as quarterly, semi-annually, or annual—that must be followed?What consequences are imposed by the granting agency if reports are late or inaccurate?How will the information presented in the report or audit be gathered and tracked? What systems are in place at the school to have this information available when needed?What staff members, other than the preparer of the report, are involved in providing information and data? How are these people made aware of the reporting or auditing requirements? How are they involved in its preparation?Who authorizes the final submission?What legal and ethical obligations do you face in managing the allocation of these funds?Write a 700- to 1,050-word, or prepare a 5 to 7-minute digital recording overview of the experience and your analysis based on these questions.?The interview may be conducted by phone, FaceTime, Zoom or another audio/video conferencing format. The time spent on the interview should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log.ADMIN/535 Business and Facilities ManagementConduct a walk-around of your school or internship site and make a visual assessment of the physical needs of the school. Based on your study of state and federal school safety and accessibility policies and regulations, do the following:Identify, and place in priority of need, five to seven construction, maintenance, or repair needs based on accessibility and/or safety issues.Research the district's policy on reporting safety and/or accessibility issues and the processes for making needed repairs or renovations.If it is not possible to walk the building, you may interview the building engineer, custodial staff, teachers, or administrators to identify the issues. A minimum of three people should be interviewed. This can take place by phone, FaceTime, Zoom or another audio/video conferencing format. The time spent on the interviews should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log. ADMIN 555School Policy and Law for PrincipalsInterview your school principal about emergency crisis. Formulate at least five questions from the weekly course readings about emergency response concerns in your school to use in your interview and summarize your responses.Review the Emergency Crisis Handbook from your school or district. Examine the level of preparedness for the following incidents:EvacuationsLockdownsBomb threats/explosionsIntruders/unauthorized visitorsGang related violence/drive-by shootingsUtility failuresWeather emergenciesHazardous material spill on or near the campusSummarize what you found in the handbook—in bulleted form or as a pare and contrast your findings from the interview and from the handbook to determine unaddressed issues that you would like to explore with follow-up questions.Formulate at least three follow-up questions.Conduct a follow-up interview with the principal and share your findings and possible recommendations with him or her.Write a 700- to 1,050-word, or prepare a 5 to 7-minute digital recording reflection of the process and of your findings from the interviews and the handbook review. Include the following items:Interview #1 questions, responses, and summarySummary of findings concerning the Emergency Crisis HandbookInterview #2 questions, responses, and summaryNote. The Emergency Crisis Interview and Reflection Paper is due in Week 6. The interview may be conducted by phone, FaceTime, Zoom or another audio/video conferencing format. If the principal is not available, you may interview an administrator or other staff member who has authority related to Emergency Crisis Handbook. The time spent on interviews should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log.ADMIN/560Human Resources Leadership and ManagementShadow an administrator through the observation process of a teacher evaluation.Observe a teacher evaluation under the guidance of the administrator.Using the school’s evaluation form, evaluate the teacher and meet with the administrator to compare evaluation forms.Speak with the administrator as to how this observation fits into the overall evaluation process.Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, or a 5 to 7-minute digital recording in which you describe the evaluation process and reflect on the administrator’s role in the process.If your school is operating in a distance learning format, discuss with the principal or other administrator, how the teacher observation process will function. If possible, shadow an administrator during that process and complete the assignment as written. If this is not possible, discuss the process with the administrator and their views of the pros and cons. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, or create a 5 to 7-minute digital recording, in which you describe the evaluation process and reflect on the administrator’s role, how it has been impacted by the use of distance learning and the pros and cons of this approach to teacher observation and evaluation. The time spent on the observation, discussion with the administrator, or the written reflection should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log.ADMIN/565 School Improvement ProcessesArrange to present your findings to the appropriate group of teachers at your school site (content area and/or grade level team). Gather input from the teachers about their interpretation of the data and their insights on the improvement goals.You will use the teachers' feedback to inform Part 2 of your School Improvement Plan due Week 4. You will present your action plan to the same group of teachers for review and feedback. You will use their feedback as part of your reflection in Part 3 of the School Improvement Plan due Week 5.This presentation can take place using Facetime, Zoom, Google Meet or another audio/video conferencing format. If the intern is not able to gather a group of teachers at one time, the presentation can be done to individuals, communicating with at least three teachers. The time spent on the presentation should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log.ADMIN/575 Family, Community, and Media RelationsPart 1 of the preparation will involve conducting a focus group with stakeholders, designed to assess parent and community involvement in your school building. Because this assignment is due in Week 4, you should make arrangements for conducting the focusing group as soon as possible.Report qualitative and quantitative data related to the results from your interviews or focus groups.The focus group information may be gathered through individual interviews, which may be conducted by phone, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Meet or another audio/video conferencing format. The time spent on the interviews should be recorded as Field Experience in My Time Log. ................

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