Conservation Biology - CEDEI


GEO 101 World Geography

Profesora: Dra. Teresa Clare

This introductory course aims to provide students with an understanding of the basic principles of geography and apply them to the study of world regions. It will include a consideration of the physical processes that shape the varied landscapes and climates of the earth and the many interactions that exist between humans and the environment. Students will learn to recognize the major distinctive realms of the world with an emphasis on environmental and key contemporary issues in each realm. Students will carry out an independent research project during the course, which will enable them to study a particular theme of their own choice in more depth. There will be a maximum of one homework assignment each week.

Course Objectives

1. Define Geography and become familiar with the five fundamental themes and the major sub-disciplines within Geography.

2. Understand the use of maps and the geographic grid.

3. Describe the structure of the earth and the processes involved in plate tectonics as well as their relationship with the occurrence of earthquakes and the formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges.

4. Understand the major physical systems in Geography that influence climate and ecosystems and how weather and climate affect the distribution of biomes and ecosystems on the planet.

5. Define the meaning of biogeography and provide examples

6. Identify key concepts relating to development and globalization with emphasis on natural resources and environmental issues.

7. Identify and describe the world’s major geographic realms in terms of their climate, physical landscape, natural environments and contemporary human issues.

Exams and grading

1. Mid-term exam 30%

2. Class work and assignments 10%

3. Final exam 30%

4. Term Project 25%

5. Oral presentation of project 5%

Texts: Selected readings from:

Physical Geography - Great Systems and Global Environments.

William M. Marsh and Martin M Kaufman 2013

Cambridge University Press.

Geography - Realms, Regions and Concepts. Harm J. de Blij, Peter O. Muller, Jan Nijman.

16th edition 2014.  Wiley.

AQA Geography

Amanda Barker, David Redfern and Malcolm Skinner

10th edition 2015.

Additional reading material is available.

1. Class 1

Introduction to Geography

What is Geography? The five fundamental themes.

Sub-disciplines in Geography

Maps and the Geographic Grid

Project ideas

2. Class 2

The Structure of the earth and Plate tectonics

Earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain ranges.

3. Class 3

Climate, climatic zones, ecosystems and biogeography

4. Class 4

Geographical systems (student presentations)

The Global Water System, Radiation and Heat systems, Global Air and Ocean Circulation, Atmospheric Moisture, Precipitation and Weather systems, Global Climate Change.

5. Class 5

Human changes in Physical Geography

Agriculture, industrial revolution, population growth, world cities and urbanization, climate change.

6. Class 6

Development and globalization – key issues (student presentations)

Development and natural resources, poverty, conflicts migrations etc.


7. Class 7


8. Class 8


9. Class 9

North America – Student presentations

10. Class 10

Latin America and the Caribbean

11. Class 11

Mid term exam

12. Class 12

Sub-Saharan Africa

13. Class 13

North Africa /South West Asia

14. Class 14

South Asia – student presentations

15. Class 15

East Asia

16. Class 16

Southeast Asia

17. Class 17

Austral Realm

18. Class 18

Pacific Realm

19. Class 19

Final Exam

20. Class 20

Project presentations


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