This list shows all CEPF grants arranged by respective country

Organization Project Title


Institute of Zoology, Create baseline data on rare invertebrate animal for

National Academy of Sciences the national Red Book and prepare materials for

the Caucasus Red Book and IUCN Red List

Armenian Tourism Association Strengthening the protection regime of Garni and

Kaqavaberd tracts of Khosrove reserve

Khustup Nature Protection NGO Strengthening the protection regime of Shikahogh

Ecolur Informative NGO reserve Campaigning against highway construction through

Shikahogh Reserve

Fund for Biodiversity Conservation Status of Armenian mouflon (Ovis ammon gmelinii)

of Armenian Highland and Bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus) in Armenia and

its implications for conservation of these ungulates

Ecolur Informative NGO Stimulation of eco-journalism to monitor problems

of environment protection in the East Lesser

Caucasus Corridor

Lore Eco Club, NGO Campaigning against corruption in forests

supervision and participation of society in forests

management of Lore region

Biodiversity and Landscape Feasibility study on establishment of "Apri"

Conservation Union, NGO National Park

Institute of Zoology, Study of the present state of Amphibians and

National Academy of Sciences Reptiles population as a base for updating Red

Lists of Armenia and IUCN

Nature Rights Protection, NGO Estimation of the conditions of Meriones Dahli's

population and elaboration of recommendations

for species conservation

Charitable Fund for Protection of Creation of a book-album and scientific video on

Nature and Culture Value in “Escaping in the mountains: Armenian mouflon

and Bezoar goat”

Eco-Club Tapan, NGO Strengthening of environmental propaganda and

increase environmental awareness of local

communities in the East Lesser Caucasus Corridor

Association For Sustainable Support civil society capacity building in

Human Development NGO, participation and monitoring of large development

UNEP National Committee projects in Armenia

NGO-Ecotourism Association Establishment of new Protected Area "Arevik" in

the Southern Armenia

NGO – Khustup Establishment of new Protected Area 'Zangezur' in

the Southern Armenia

Armenian Forests Environmental Increasing the awareness and commitment of

NGO decision makers to biodiversity and ecosystem

conservation in Armenia’s part of East Lesser

Caucasus Corridor

Armenian Assembly of America Evaluation and Implementation of Sustainable

Tree Project (Armenia Forestry Models in Northern Armenia

Tree Project)

Professional and Entrepreneurial Wetland Management Training Course for the Staff

Orientation Union, NGO of Sevan National Park (Armenia) and Kolkheti

National Park (Georgia)

Fund for Biodiversity Conservation Promoting Sustainable Resource Use Among Local

of Armenian Highland Communities Near Protected Areas in Southern Armenia


Center for Biodiversity, NGO Planning workshop on sturgeon conservation in

the Caucasus hotspot

Ecology and Conservation of Birds, Improvement of protection of Caspian seal (Phoca

NGO caspica) breeding-grounds and habitats of priority

bird species in the Absheron Sanctuary

Centre for Economic and Political Release the CITES species determinant and

Researches, NGO carrying out trainings to the employees of Customs service

Center for Biodiversity, NGO Improvement of protection of the Dagestanian tur

(Capra cylindricornis) and other CEPF

outcome species in Zakatala Strict Nature Reserve

Sumgayit Center for Environmental Help to survive the otter (Lutra lutra)

Rehabilitation, NGO

Azerbaijan Society of Zoologists, Development of bee keeping is one of the main

NGO factors of the social problems solution

Ecology and Conservation of Birds, Quail Farming - the alternative source of income for village

NGO communities and one of the methods for survival of

Relict Hyrcanian Forests

Association of Social Economic Picture Your Nature

Researches, NGO

Michael Succow Foundation Improvement of the Azerbaijan and the IUCN Red Lists for

for the Protection of Nature Arthropoda and Higher Plant species in Hyrcan Corridor,

including establishment of a basefor Monitoring and

Conservation in the Hyrcan National Park

Center for Biodiversity, NGO Support protected areas to improve protection of priority

amphibian species - Buffoverrucosissimus and Pelodytes caucasicus in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijanian Society of Zoologists, Estimation of current condition and preparation of

NGO strategy plan for conservation of Dagestanian Tour

(Capra cylindricornis) in Azerbaijan

Institute of Bioresources at Nakhchivan Asian Mouflon (Ovis (orientalis) gmelinii) and Besoar Goat

Division of NAS of Azerbaijan (Capra aegagrus) in Azerbaijan - Present and Future

Centre for Protection of Natural Obtaining the information on alternative income and Cultural Heritage sources and ways of sustainable development of Zakatala-

Belokan region

“Agro-Meslehet”, NGO Community Based Ecotourism Development in

Azerbaijan’s part of Hyrcan Corridor of the Caucasus


Centre for Protection of Natural Creation of Selective-Tribal Beekeeping Economy in and Cultural Heritage Zakatala Region for Production of Bee Families as

Alternative Income Sources for Rural Communities

Veterinarian Sanitary and Alternative ways of saving ornithofauna of the Gizil-Agach Nature Reserve

Nature Protection

“Gakhir” Charitable Organization The alternative livelihood for local population of Ordubad Sanctuary

Youth Ecotourism Eco-Educational Trainings for future eco-tourist guides in Hyrkan

Public Organization " Piligrim " corridor in Azerbaijan

SAS.H Ltd Creation of Sustainable Hunting Area in Gabala i

Ismailli area as an alternative livelihood for local populations

Environmental Law Centre “Ecolex”, Support civil society capacity building in

NGO participation and monitoring of large development

projects in Azerbaijan

Sumgait Center for Environmental Model Project on Sustainable forestry and

Rehabilitation Introduction of Alternative Energy Sources for

Saving Habitats of CEPF Priority Species

Environmental Law Center 'Ecolex' Provide support to conservation agencies

specifically to improve implementation of

international conventions such as CSD, CITES and


Producer Center Yeni Dalga Mobilization of Civil Society to Solve Biodiversity

Conservation Problems


International Association of Ecology Perspectives of Ecotourism Development in

and Tourism, NGO Chaukhski Massif of Greater Caucasus

Association of Scientists-Ecologists Analysis of Socio-Economic-Demographic and

- “Caucasian Eco-house”, NGO Geo-ecological Characteristics for further planning

of new protected areas in the West Lesser Caucasus

Association for Environment Conservation of Endemic Plant Species of Ajara-

Protection and Sustainable Shavsheti Floristic Region

Development - “MTA-BARI”, NGO

Union - ``Ecopulse Association``, Support Government Conservation Agencies in the

NGO implementation and reinforcement of International

Conventions and Agreements related to

biodiversity conservation and sustainable use

Union for Sustainable Development Creation of base for improvement / perfection of

- “ECO-VIEW”, NGO national legislation to ensure implementation and

fully enforcement of CITES and RAMSAR Conventions

Association of Friends of Nature Planning Workshop on Caprinae species

“Tskhratskharo” Conservation in the Caucasus Hotspot

Caucasus Center for Ethological Amazing Caucasus Hotspot -Book and Slides

Research, NGO

Association “Journalists and the Journalist and the representatives of municipal

Society”, NGO institutions for the conservation of biodiversity -

forms and methods of cooperation

Caucasus Wild Plants Certification Capacity building of CWC and preparation for

Centre, NGO controlling and international certification in

Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

The Regional Environmental Centre Building of Regional NGO Platform in the South

for the Caucasus – REC Caucasus Caucasus for involvement of civil society in

formulation and implementation of European

neighborhood policy (ENP) Process

Goethe-Institute Tbilisi EcoTopia: Contemporary Art and Nature in the


Union - "Ano & Vano", NGO Improving of Ecological Culture in Young


Noah’s Arc Centre for the Recovery Conservation of the Capra Species in Georgia

of Endangered Species (NACRES),


Georgian Center for the Conservation GIS-based Habitat Modeling of West Caucasian

of Wildlife, NGO Tur, East Caucasian Tur, Bezoar goat, and Argali in

the Caucasus Hotspot

Caucasian Endemics Research Transboundary conservation-oriented study and

Centre, NGO conservation of the Western Lesser Caucasus

endemic species - Caucasian salamander

Union – “DURUJIS MADLI”, Honey Production - promotion of non-timber

NGO forest products use in Kvareli Forests

Found - “Aquamedia”, NGO Determination of conservation status and

conservation of the Mediterranean Tortoise

(Testudo graeca) in Southern Caucasus

Wild Plants Conservation Association Promotion of updated Georgian Red List

WWF Caucasus Programme Office Regional Council for Biodiversity Conservation

and Sustainable Resource use in the Caucasus

Noah’s Arc Centre for the Recovery NBSAP Implementation Program - International

of Endangered Species (NACRES), Conventions and Local Communities


Regional Environmental Centre Environmental Hot Spots Journalistic Monitoring

(REC) Caucasus

Black Sea Eco Academy Establishment of current conservation status of all

species of Acipenseridae family in South-Eastern

part of the black Sea and creation of rationale for

inclusion into the Red List

Field Researchers Union Development and Capacity Building of Trans-

- ``Campester``, NGO boundary Bats Monitoring Network in the


Caucasus Environmental NGO Environmental Communication Campaign –

Network (CENN) Conservation for Sustainable Development in the

Caucasus Ecoregion”

Georgian Center for the Magazine on Nature Conservation in Georgian

Conservation of Wildlife (GCCW)

Association for Environment Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the

Protection and Sustainable Support/Buffer zone of Mtirala National Park

Development - “MTA-BARI”


Zoological Institute, Russian Initiation and harmonization of transboundary

Academy of Sciences/ cooperation in conservation of the

European Herpetological Society herpetocomplexes in the Caucasus ecoregion

Pre-Caspian Institute of Biological Spalax Giganteus conservation strategy on the

resources of the Daghestanian territory of Northern Caucasus

Scientific Centre at the

Academy of Science of Russia

The World Conservation Union Civil society and biodiversity - involvement of

(IUCN), Representative Office youth in conservation

for Russia and CIS

Autonomous Noncommercial Preservation of Caucasian Ecoregion Natural

Organization, Institute of Ecosystems on the Basis of Elaboration and

Environmental Economics and Application of Rational Environmental

Nature Resources Account Management Model


Autonomous Noncommercial Economic Estimation of Natural Resources and

Organization, Institute of Environmental Services as a Basis of Specially

Environmental Economics and Guarded Nature Territories (SGNT) Effective

Nature Resources Account Management and Biodiversity Preservation

- ``KADASTR`` (by the Example of the Sochi National Park)

World Wide Fund for Nature/ Inventory of internationally and nationally

Russian Representative Office important wetlands in the Russian Caucasus Region

Wetlands International

- Russia Programme

Biodiversity Conservation Center, Analysis of conservation project relevance to the

NGO Convention on Biological Diversity, the

Convention on International Trade in Endangered

Species and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

in Caucasus ecoregion

NGO “Partnership for Zapovedniks” Development of the Management plan for the

Kavkazsky Biosphere Nature Reserve

NGO “Partnership for Zapovedniks” Improve nature reserve and national park ranger’s

professional skill in the Greater Caucasus

World Wide Fund for Nature, Methodology support and special trainings to

Russian Representative Office prevent poaching activities and control timber

logging in Russian Caucasus

Pre-Caspian Institute of Biological Conservation of the Bezoar Goat in the East

resources of the Daghestanian Caucasus

Scientific Centre at the

Academy of Science of Russia

Pre-Caspian Institute of Biological Conservation of the Dagestan Tur in the East

resources of the Daghestanian Caucasus (Dagestan)

Scientific Centre at the

Academy of Science of Russia

The World Conservation Union Clarification of the Persian Sturgeons taxonomic

(IUCN), Representative Office status

for Russia and CIS

Dagestan Branch of interregional Practical activities for conservation of Testudo graeca

community organization in Russia

- “Russian Botanical Society”

Association of Natural Reserves Transboundary Strategy for conservation of

and National Parks of the Caucasus endemic species of Caucasus Vipers (Vipera

kaznakovi, Vipera dinniki) in Russia, Georgia and


European Herpetological Society Reassessment of the IUCN Red List for

Amphibians and Reptiles of the Caucasus in

accordance with IUCN categories and criteria

North Osetian State Nature Reserve Turs of the Caucasus - Taxonomy and

Conservation Strategy

WWF Russia Creation of the System of Protected Areas of the

North Caucasus (Green Corridor of the North


WWF Russia Development of the Econet scheme of the North

Caucasus on the base of analysis of satellite images

and topographical maps

WWF Russia / TRAFFIC - Russia Reduction of Illegal Catch of Sturgeons by the

slowdown of the demand for Caviar and Sturgeon

Flash on the Domestic Market

Russian Bird Conservation Union Site network for birds and wetlands: inventory,

& Russian office of Wetland protection and community management

International - Russia


The Society of Green Artvin Management Effectiveness of Protected Areas in

Turkish part of West Lesser Caucasus Corridor

using WWF’s RAPPAM Methodology

Research Association of Rural Publication In Regard to Determination and

Environment and Forestry, NGO Prevention of Economic, Social, Cultural and

Technical Reasons Which May Give Harm to

High-Mountain Ecosystems in the East Black Sea


Kackar Rafting and Climbing Club You or Them

Nature Conservation Center - Training for Conservation - Biodiversity

DKM (Doga Koruma Merkezi) Assessment and Monitoring Training Programme

in the Turkish Caucasus

WWF – Turkey Integrated River Basin Management in the Turkish

West Lesser Caucasus

Nature Society – DD Enhancing conservation in the West Lesser

Caucasus through transboundary cooperation and

blishing a training Programme on KBA


International organizations

IUNC Switzerland Coordination and Development of Plant Red List

Assessments for the Caucasus Biodiversity Hotspot

Birdlife International Development of an IBA Caretaker Network in the

priority Corridors

International Centre for Journalists Building Awareness of Conservation in the



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