Supplement 66: Catheterization Lab Structured Reports

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)

Supplement 66: Catheterization Lab Structured Reports

DICOM Standards Committee, Working Group 1 Cardiovascular Information

1300 N. 17th Street Suite 1847

Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 USA

VERSION: Public Comment Draft, December 14, 2001

Note: The templates in this document rely heavily on the Parameterized Template construct proposed in DICOM Change Proposal 274.

The use of Baseline and Defined follow the definitions proposed in DICOM Change Proposal 275.

Open Issues for Public Comment

1. A. Is the definition of Observation DateTime proposed for Part 3 Section A.35.X.3.1.2 consistent with the semantics as defined in the SR Content Module? Do we need improved text in Table C.17.3-4?

B. Will the use of the Synchronization Module to define the synchronization of Observation DateTime affect existing SR implementations?

2. A. Is the proposed redefinition of the Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence in the SR Document General Module (Part 3 Table C.17-2 and Section C.17.2.3) appropriate for a procedure log and measurement type reports, as well as clinical reports?

B. Is this attribute redefinition compatible with the current definition as used for existing SR implementations?

3. Is the use of a Containerless item structure in the Procedure Log sufficient for expected uses? We propose forbidding Containers below the top-level Document Container, since this is supposed to be a time-based recording of atomic events, not a generic structured report. Containers with a rich structure may obfuscate the association of a specific time with a specific event.

4. Are the assigned Baseline / Defined classifications of invoked TIDs and CIDs appropriate?

5. Are the sets of terms in the Context Groups sufficient for initial real-world use?

6. Should the Procedure Log SOP Class IOD allow the use of alternate templates for non-cath lab logs, or only extensions to TID Tx3001 as a Defined Template?

7. Are the post-coordinated terms from CIDs 7452 Organizational Roles and 7453 Performing Roles (invoked through TID 1003 Observer Context) sufficient and appropriate for the cath lab Procedure Log? Should we have pre-coordinated terms for common cath lab use?

8. A. To what extent should measurements be reported in the log, rather than solely in a referenced hemo or QCA/QVA report? Does the clinical use case for the log require the key measurement values to be repeated, or is that just a hangover concept from pre-electronic interchange workflow?

B. If repeated, how much of the structure of the measurement report (which carries an implicit acquisition context) be replicated in the log? Will that require the use of a container substructure within the log (heretofore unnecessary)?

9. Similarly, to what extent should image acquisition parameters be reported in log?

10. Is the proposed Event Logging Service Class, used to send image acquisition parameters (or other events from disparate systems) to the logging system, appropriate? Alternatives considered include using a mini-Procedure Log, but we would need to ensure that that use case is well defined somewhere (IHE?); that would also raise the issue of whether those Log objects need to be recorded in the PPS of the originating system. Alternatively, we might be able to use PPS, expanded to include procedure-log type data beyond just the instance UIDs; that would raise the issue of impact to existing implementations of PPS, and the issue of the logging system needing to be an MPPS server.

11. What should be the Modality of the Procedure log, and of the measurement reports? If not SR, how should the Series level attributes be defined (since the SR Series Module requires an enumerated value of "SR" for Modality)?

12. Should assessments on a small numeric range scale, i.e. approximately 5 values (e.g., TIMI Flow, which is a scale of 0-3 ) use a CODE with specific code values (see TID Tx3806 row 12 and CID Cx38013), or use a NUM with a units of measurement of "{scale 0:n}" or "{scale 1:m}"?

13. The various hemo pressure measurement groups (see text and figure in proposed PS3.3 Annex N) consist of a Container labeled with the phase of the procedure and with an acquisition context of the patient state, that includes subsidiary Containers labeled with the general class of measurements and with an acquisition context of the specific anatomic site, that in turn contain (e.g.) systolic, diastolic, mean, and other measurements. This implies that the name of each measurement is effectively post-coordinated from the measurement name, the container names, and the acquisition context of the anatomic location. Is this method of post-coordination appropriate?

14. Should the lowest level hemo measurements use pre-coordinated measurement names when available? If so, how should they be defined in the Templates/Context Groups when they would be dependent on the specific context of the hierarchical tree?

15. Defining unique coded terms for all derived measurements may cause a combinatorial explosion of terms. This can be managed by post-coordinating the "molecular" measurements from "atomic" components. For example:

A. Should the derived hemo measurements use post-coordinated measurement names (e.g., "Area" /has concept modifier "Anatomic Structure" "Mitral Valve", vs. a single term "Mitral Valve Area")?

B. Should the derived indexed or normalized measurements use post-coordinated names (e.g., "Index" /has concept modifier "Numerator" "Pulmonary Flow" | has concept modifier "Denominator" "Body Surface Area", vs. a single term "Pulmonary Flow Index")?

C. Alternatively, should derived indexed measurements use the numerator as the main concept name with only a single concept modifier (e.g., "Pulmonary Vascular Resistance" /has concept modifier "Index" "Body Surface Area")?

16. Are the value types and realtionships used appropriate? E.g., should we change hemo measurement group from Container [acq ctxt Anatomy]/Contains-measurements to Code [value Anatomy]/Has Properties-measurements?

17. The various pressure measurement groups need to identify the waveform used for the measurements; the same waveform segment/channel is used for all measurements in the group. This document uses an INFERRED FROM relationship from the CONTAINER to a TCOORD to provide a single waveform reference for all measurements within the container. Is this appropriate? I.e., should a CONTAINER be able to have an INFERRED FROM relationship to a waveform?

18. A. Is it appropriate for DICOM to codify the various equations for derived hemodynamic measurements? Should this be left to vendor-specific codes?

B. Is it appropriate to specify the pairing of derived hemodynamic measurements with specific equations, as structured in TID Tx3560?

19. What is an appropriate structure of relationships between content items for the encoding of derived measurements (TID Tx0300)? This Supplement in Tx0300 proposes a NUM that may be INFERRED FROM other NUMs, or may be INFERRED FROM an equation/table that HAS PROPERTIES of the parameters of the equation/table.

20. Is Normality and Significance TID Tx0200 sufficiently general and robust to be more widely used in non-cath numeric measurements?

21. A. Is it appropriate to have one SOP Class for Cath Lab Measurements, used for Hemo, and in the future QCA/QVA and possibly IVUS, with the specific type distinguished by Report Title? Should there be separate SOP Classes, one per Measurement Report Type? Or should these mesaurements be carried in the general Enhanced SR SOP Class? This proposal specifies a SOP Class for Cath Lab Measurements since they have generally the same domain of interoperation, and a receiver of any one of them should probably be required to be able to receive all of them; moreover, the domain of interoperability for these measurements is quite distinct from that of general SR report objects of the Enhanced SR SOP Class.

B. Is it appropriate to have a separate SOP Class for ECG Reports, per the reasoning in the section "Scope and Field of Application"?

C. Should the Clinical Cath Results be encoded under the Enhanced SR SOP Class?

22. A. Should the ECG Report Template be titled for ECG reports (in general), only resting ECGs (of any lead configuration), or only 12-lead resting ECGs.

B. If the more general cases are appropriate, are there changes required in the Templates or Context Groups?

23. Is there a place within the DICOM Standard to document that the Clinical Cath Results should be encoded using the Enhanced SR SOP Class? Is this necessary?

Table of Contents

Open Issues for Public Comment 2

Table of Contents 5

Foreword 13

Scope and Field of Application 13

Procedure Log 13

Procedural Event Logging 14

Hemodynamics Report 14

Electrocardiography Report 14

Cardiac Cath Results 14

Conventions Used in this Document 15

Part 3 Addendum 16

A.35.x Procedure Log Information Object Definition 16

A.35.x.1 Procedure Log Information Object Description 16

A.35.x.2 Procedure Log IOD Entity-Relationship Model 16

A.35.x.3 Procedure Log IOD Module Table 16

A.35.x.3.1 Procedure Log IOD Content Constraints 16

A.35.y Cath Lab Measurements Report Information Object Definition 18

A.35.y.1 Cath Lab Measurements Report Information Object Description 18

A.35.y.2 Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD Entity-Relationship Model 18

A.35.y.3 Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD Module Table 18

A.35.y.3.1 Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD Content Constraints 18

A.35.z ECG Report Information Object Definition 20

A.35.z.1 ECG Report Information Object Description 20

A.35.z.2 ECG Report IOD Entity-Relationship Model 20

A.35.z.3 ECG Report IOD Module Table 20

A.35.z.3.1 ECG Report IOD Content Constraints 20

C. Synchronization Attribute Descriptions 22

C.17.2 SR Document General Module 22

C.17.2.3 Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence and Pertinent Other Evidence Sequence 22

C.17.3 SR Document Content Module 23

Annex N Measurement Report Structures (Informative) 24

N.1 Cath Lab Measurements IOD 24

N.1.1 Hemodynamics Report 24

Part 4 Addendum 26

B.5 Standard SOP Classes 26

B.5.1.5 Structured Reporting Storage SOP Classes 26

I.4 Media Standard Storage SOP Classes 26

I.4.1.2 Structured Reporting Storage SOP Classes 26

Annex X APPLICATION EVENT LOGGING Service Class (Normative) 27

X.1 Overview 27

X.1.1 Scope 27

X.1.2 Service Definition 27

X.2 Procedural Event Logging SOP Class Definition 27

X.2.1 DIMSE Service Group 27

X.2.2 Operation 28

X.2.2.1 Action Information 28

X. Synchronization Frame of Reference UID 28

X. Constraints on Attributes of the SR Document Content Module 28

X.2.2.2 Service Class User Behavior 28

X.2.2.3 Service Class Provider Behavior 29

X.2.2.4 Status Codes 29

X.2.3 Procedural Event Logging SOP Class UID 29

X.2.4 Procedural Event Logging Instance Identification 29

X.2.5 Conformance Requirements 29

X.2.5.1 SCU Conformance 29

X.2.5.2 SCP Conformance 30

Part 6 Addendum 31

Annex A (Normative): Registry of DICOM Unique Identifiers (UID) 31

Part 16 Addendum 32

8 Coding Schemes 32

TID Tx0200 Normality and Significance 33

TID Tx0300 Measurement 33

Tx0300 Content Item Descriptions 34

TID Tx0320 Image or Spatial Coordinates 34

TID Tx0321 Waveform or Temporal Coordinates 35


TID Tx3001 Procedure Log 36

Tx3001 Content Item Descriptions 37

TID Tx3010 Log Entry Qualifiers 37

TID Tx3100 Procedure Action 38

Tx3100 Content Item Descriptions 39

TID Tx3101 Image Acquisition 39

TID Tx3102 Waveform Acquisition 40

TID Tx3103 Referenced Object 40

TID Tx3104 Consumables 41

TID Tx3105 Lesion Identification 41

Tx3105 Content Item Descriptions 42

TID Tx3106 Drugs/Contrast Administered 42

TID Tx3107 Device Used 43

TID Tx3108 Intervention 43

TID Tx3109 Measurements 44

TID Tx3110 Impressions or Findings 45

TID Tx3111 Percutaneous Entry 45

TID Tx3112 Specimen Obtained 46

TID Tx3113 Patient Support 46


TID Tx3500 Hemodynamics Report 49

TID Tx3501 Hemodynamics Measurement Group 49

Tx3501 Content Item Descriptions 50

TID Tx3504 Arterial Pressure Measurement 50

TID Tx3505 Atrial Pressure Measurement 51

TID Tx3506 Venous Pressure Measurement 52

TID Tx3507 Ventricular Pressure Measurement 52

TID Tx3508 Gradient Measurement 53

TID Tx3510 Vital Signs 54

TID Tx3515 Cardiac Output Measurement 55

TID Tx3516 Blood Lab Measurements 56

TID Tx3520 Clinical Context 56

TID Tx3530 Hemodynamic Acquisition Context 57

TID Tx3550 Pressure Waveform Measurements 58

TID Tx3560 Derived Hemodynamic Measurements 59

TID Tx3601 Lab Procedure Context 64

TID Tx3602 Patient Characteristics 65

TID Tx3603 Procedure Environmental Characteristics 65


TID Tx3700 ECG Report 66

TID Tx3701 Clinical Context, ECG 66

TID Tx3702 Prior ECG Exam 67

TID Tx3708 ECG Waveform Information 67

TID Tx3713 ECG Global Measurements 68

TID Tx3714 ECG Lead Measurements 69

TID Tx3715 Qualitative Analysis, ECG 69

TID Tx3718 ECG Interpretive Statement 70

TID Tx3719 Summary, ECG 70


TID Tx3800 Cardiac Catheterization Results Root 71

TID Tx3802 Patient History, Cath 72

TID Tx3803 Patient Presentation, Cath 73

TID Tx3806 Cath Procedure 74

TID Tx3807 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Procedure 75

TID Tx3808 Lesion Information 76

TID Tx3809 Other Interventional Procedures 77

TID Tx3810 Cardiac Catheterization Findings 77

TID Tx3812 Hemodynamic Findings 77

TID Tx3814 Left Ventriculography 78

TID Tx3815 Right Ventriculography 79

TID Tx3816 Coronary Arteriography 80

TID Tx3818 Aortogram 81

TID Tx3820 Complications, Cath 81

TID Tx3824 Summary, Cath 82

TID Tx3828 Discharge Summary, Cath 82

Annex B DCMR Context Groups (Normative) 83

Context Group Cx0000 – Procedure Log Titles 83

Context Group Cx0001 – Types of Log Notes 83

Context Group Cx0002 – Patient Events 83

Context Group Cx0002a – Percutaneous Entry 84

Context Group Cx0002b – Laterality 84

Context Group Cx0004 - Staff Actions 84

Context Group Cx0004a – Equipment Events 85

Context Group Cx0005 – Procedure Action Values 85

Context Group Cx0006 – Non-Coronary Transcatheter Interventions 86

Context Group Cx0007 – Purpose of Reference to Object 86

Context Group Cx0008 – Actions with Consumables 86

Context Group Cx0009 – Administration of Drugs/Contrast 86

Context Group Cx0010 – Numeric Parameters of Drugs/Contrast 87

Context Group Cx0011 – Intracoronary Devices 87

Context Group Cx0011a – Interventional Devices 88

Context Group Cx0012 – Intervention Actions and Status 88

Context Group Cx0013 – Complications 88

Context Group Cx0014 – Procedure Urgency 89

Context Group Cx0015 – Cardiac Rhythms 89

Context Group Cx0018 – Lesion Risk 91

Context Group Cx0019 – Findings Titles 91

Context Group Cx0021 – Procedure Action 91

Context Group Cx0022 – Device Use Actions 91

Context Group Cx0023 – Device Characteristics 92

Context Group Cx0025 – Intervention Parameters 92

Context Group Cx0220 - Level of Significance 92

Context Group Cx0221 - Measurement Range Concepts 92

Context Group Cx0222 – Normality Codes 93

Context Group Cx0223 – Normal-Abnormal 93

Context Group Cx0225 – Measurement Uncertainty Concepts 93

Context Group Cx0230 – Yes-No 94

Context Group Cx0500 – Pressure Units 94

Context Group Cx0502 – Hemodynamic Resistance Units 94

Context Group Cx0503 – Indexed Hemodynamic Resistance Units 94

Context Group Cx0510 – Catheter Size Units 94

Context Group Cx0520 – Blood Source Type 95

Context Group Cx0524 – Blood Gas Pressures 95

Context Group Cx0525 – Blood Gas Content 95

Context Group Cx0526 – Blood Gas Saturation 96

Context Group Cx0527 – Blood Base Excess 96

Context Group Cx0528 – Blood pH 96

Context Group Cx0529 – Arterial / Venous Content 96

Context Group Cx0530 – Oxygen Administration Actions 97

Context Group Cx0531 – Oxygen Administration 97

Context Group Cx0550 – Circulatory Support Actions 97

Context Group Cx0551 – Ventilation Actions 97

Context Group Cx0552 – Pacing Actions 97

Context Group Cx0553 – Circulatory Support 98

Context Group Cx0554 – Ventilation 98

Context Group Cx0555 – Pacing 98

Context Group Cx0560 – Blood Pressure Measurement Techniques 98

Context Group Cx0600 – Relative time 98

Context Group Cx0602 – Hemodynamic Patient State 99

Context Group Cx0606 – Arterial source locations 99

Context Group Cx0607 – Venous Source locations 101

Context Group Cx0608 – Atrial source locations 102

Context Group Cx0609 – Ventricle source locations 102

Context Group Cx0610 – Gradient Source Locations 103

Context Group Cx0611 – Pressure Measurements 103

Context Group Cx0612 – Blood Velocity Measurements 104

Context Group Cx0613 – Hemodynamic Time Measurements 104

Context Group Cx0614 – Valve Areas 104

Context Group Cx0615 – Valve Area Indexes 104

Context Group Cx0616 – Hemodynamic Period Measurements 105

Context Group Cx0617 – Valve Flows 105

Context Group Cx0619 – Indexed Hemodynamic Resistence Measurements 105

Context Group Cx0627 – Measurement Type 105

Context Group Cx0628 – Cardiac Output Methods 106

Context Group Cx0629 – Procedure Type 106

Context Group Cx0630 - Cardiovascular Anatomical locations 106

Context Group Cx0651 - Hemodynamic Measurement phase 106

Context Group Cx0702 - Fractional Flow Reserve 107

Context Group Cx0703 - Body Surface Area Equations 107

Context Group Cx0704 - Oxygen Consumption Equations and Tables 107

Context Group Cx0706 - P50 Equations 108

Context Group Cx0707 - Framingham Scores 108

Context Group Cx0708 - Framingham Tables 108

Context Group Cx0900 - ECG Report Titles 109

Context Group Cx0901 - Reason for Exam 109

Context Group Cx0902 - Pacemakers 109

Context Group Cx0903 Diagnosis 110

Context Group Cx0905 - Other Filters 110

Context Group Cx0906 - Lead Measurement Technique 111

Context Group Cx0907 - Summary Codes ECG 111

Context Group Cx0908 - QT Correction Algorithms 111

Context Group Cx0909 - ECG Morphology Descriptions 112

Context Group Cx0910 - ECG Lead Noise Descriptions 112

Context Group Cx0911 - ECG Lead Noise Modifiers 113

Context Group Cx0912 - Probability 113

Context Group Cx0913 - Modifiers 113

Context Group Cx0914 - Trend 115

Context Group Cx0915 - Conjunctive Terms 115

Context Group Cx0916 ECG Interpretive Statements 116

Context Group Cx0917 - Electrophysiology Waveform Durations 126

Context Group Cx0918 Electrophysiology Waveform Voltages 126

Context Group Cx1002 Cath Diagnosis 127

Context Group Cx1003 Cardiac Valves and Tracts 128

Context Group Cx1004 Wall Motion 129

Context Group Cx1005 Chamber Size 129

Context Group Cx1006 Overall Contractility 129

Context Group Cx1007 VSD Description 130

Context Group Cx1008 Valve Stenosis and Regurgitation 130

Context Group Cx1009 Aortic Root Description 130

Context Group Cx1010 Coronary Dominance 131

Context Group Cx1011 Valvular Abnormalities 131

Context Group Cx1012 Coronary Lesion Descriptors 131

Context Group Cx38013 TIMI Flow Characteristics 132

Context Group Cx1014 Thrombus 132

Context Group Cx1015 Morphology 133

Context Group Cx1016 Severity 133

Context Group Cx1017 Ventriculography Wall Segments 133

Context Group Cx1019 Canadian Clinical Classification 134

Context Group Cx1020 Cardiac History Dates 134

Context Group Cx1021 Cath Patient History / Risk Factors 134

Context Group Cx1022 Diabetic Therapy 135

Context Group Cx1023 MI Types 135

Context Group Cx1024 Smoking History 135

Context Group Cx1027 Indications for Catheterization 136

Context Group Cx1028 Cath Findings 136

Context Group Cx1029 Admission Status 137

Context Group Cx1030 Insurance Payor 138

Context Group Cx1031 CAB Status This Admission 138

Context Group Cx1032 Discharge Status 138

Context Group Cx1033 Primary Cause of Death 138

Context Group Cx1034 Location of Death 139

Context Group Cx1035 Acute Coronary Syndrome Time Period 139

Context Group Cx1036 NYHA Classification 139

Context Group Cx1037 Non-Invasive Test - Ischemia 140

Context Group Cx1038 Pre-Cath Angina Type 140

Context Group Cx1039 Cath Procedure Type 140

Context Group Cx1040 Thrombolytic Administration 141

Context Group Cx1041 Medication Administration, Lab Visit 141

Context Group Cx1042 Medication Administration, PCI 141

Context Group Cx1043 Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine Administration 142

Context Group Cx1044 EF Testing Method 142

Context Group Cx1045 EF Testing Calculation Method 142

Context Group Cx1046 Percutaneous Entry Site 143

Context Group Cx1047 Closure Device 143

Context Group Cx1049 PCI Procedure Result 143

Context Group Cx1050 Previously Dilated Lesion 144

Context Group Cx1051 Location in Graft 144

Context Group Cx1053 Coronary Intervention Devices 144

Context Group Cx1054 Vascular Complications 145

Context Group Cx1055 Cath Complications 145

Context Group Cx1058 Catheterization Hemodynamic Support 145

Annex D DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions (Normative) 147


This Supplement to the DICOM Standard introduces IODs, Templates, and SOP Classes for the following classes of cath lab structured reports:

• Procedure Log

• Hemodynamic Measurements Report

• Electrocardiography Report

• Cath Lab Clinical Report

Additionally, it introduces a new Service Class for Application Event Logging, and a specific SOP Class for Procedural Event Logging. This SOP Class would be used for multiple independent devices to cooperatively participate in the construction of a Procedure Log.

This Supplement was developed by Working Group 1 (Cardiovascular Information) of the DICOM Standards Committee, with significant input from the European Society of Cardiology and the American College of Cardiology.

Scope and Field of Application

The information objects and services defined in this Supplement are part of the effort to fully digitize and integrate data flow within and beyond the cardiac catheterization laboratory. The cath procedure is an image-guided interventional procedure, involving the acquisition and analysis of images and waveforms, the administration of drugs and therapies, and consultation and interaction between many medical disciplines. The cath lab is a multi-modality mix of many types of equipment from many different manufacturers.

Integration of this mix involves various structured data interchanges in the cath lab. This structured data includes procedure logs, quantitative and qualitative measurements, and clinical reports, and requires several specializations of the DICOM Structured Report capabilities.

Procedure Log

One of the critical items in coordinating the information products of the cath lab is a time-stamped record of all events that occur during a procedure which may last several hours. This is essential to documenting the acquisition context for images, waveforms, and measurements. In the cath lab, acquisition context is a complex set of interrelated components, including various aspects of patient medical state, current and prior therapies, and diagnostic task. Because the particular aspects of acquisition context that may be relevant for any specific data acquisition cannot be predetermined or known at the time of acquisition, it is crucial to have a comprehensive record of all procedural events for retrospective clinical analysis.

The procedure logs also may be mined for administrative measures of the efficacy or efficiency of particular procedures or devices.

The Procedure Log defined in this Supplement, while initially developed for the cardiac catheterization lab, is sufficiently generic that it may be adapted by extension of the templates and context groups for use in other image-guided interventional procedures.

The fundamental log entry is a time-stamped free text comment (e.g., under the concept category of General Notes). This is supplemented by log entries of structured data (coded and numeric values), which are critical for effective automatic data extraction. Note that many types of log entries may be represented either as free text or as structured data; which form is used will be dependent on the capabilities of the logging system to record structured data, and on the desire to be able to apply automatic extraction and analysis (data mining) tools to the Procedure Log objects. The template defined for the Procedure Log defines a quite comprehensive set of structured data constructs to facilitate advanced applications, but it does not cover all possible desires for coded data logging.

Procedural Event Logging

In the multi-modality catheterization laboratory, there may be as many as ten devices (or more) which will be generating information that could be included in the procedure log. To facilitate the distributed contribution of item to the log, this Supplement defines a Procedural Event Logging SOP Class. The Service Class Provider for this SOP Class would be the device constructing the Procedure Log SOP Instance. The Service Class Users would create mini-procedure logs (typically with a single log entry), which are passed by this SOP Class to the SCP. Even "dumb" devices without knowledge of the patient or study identification can act as SCUs if they can provide enough context information (e.g., device location) for the SCP to match their submissions to the proper procedure log.

Hemodynamics Report

The purpose of the Hemodynamics Report is to detail the scientific findings obtained from waveforms and other measurements taken during a catheterization procedure, together with data derived from these measurements. It does not contain any clinical interpretation, which is more appropriate to other DICOM SR documents such as the cath lab clinical results.

The report contains one or more measurement containers, each corresponding to a phase of the cath procedure. Within each container may be one or more sub-containers, each associated with a single measurement set. A full description is provided in a new Annex N to Part 3.

The Hemodynamics Waveform SOP Class is a critical adjunct to the Hemodynamics Report. It provides the means to transfer the raw data from which the hemodynamics measurements were made, so that a receiver of the Hemodynamics Report can, if desired, review the data and perhaps recalculate some of the measurement values.

This Supplement defines a Cath Lab Measurements Report SOP Class for all quantitative measurement objects created in the cath lab, including Hemodynamics and, in the future, Quantitative Arteriography, Quantitative Ventriculography, Intravascular Ultrasound Measurements, and other reports with a similar domain of interoperation. While use of a more generic SOP Class, such as the Enhanced SR SOP Class, would be possible, the separate workflow pattern of object interchange for the cath lab warrants a SOP Class constrained to this domain.

Electrocardiography Report

The Electrocardiography Report provides the findings associated with an ECG acquisition, including standard resting 12-lead ECGs, stress ECGs, pediatric 15-lead ECGs, and others. Findings may also include serial comparison with one or more prior ECGs.

The Electrocardiography Report may be generated by the ECG device, an ECG management system, or a physician. In the machine-generated reports, the Verification Flag in the report header will indicate "unverified".

The Electrocardiography Report and the Electrocardiography Waveform SOP Classes are together essential for effective clinical use of ECGs under DICOM. Both the SCP-ECG standard and proprietary ECG interchange formats include aspects of both waveform and report data. The DICOM standard formats provide for a robust and extensible ECG interchange environment.

This Supplement defines a separate SOP Class for Electrocardiography Reports. This will facilitate conformance to DICOM for the well-established class of ECG management systems, which handle both ECG waveforms and ECG reports. The separate SOP Class also supports the quite different domain of interoperation for ECGs, whose use in the cath lab is just one part of a very broad use model.

Cardiac Cath Results

The Cardiac Cath Results provides the overall clinical results of the catheterization procedure. This report, or a subset thereof, may be used for interchange between database applications, or may distributed to the referring physician, to the attending physician, to a surgeon, or to a consulting physician. This broad use argues for its role as a general clinical report, and hence this Supplement presumes that the Cardiac Cath Results will be encoded using the Enhanced SR SOP Class.

In using this general SOP Class, the Cardiac Cath Results template defined herein is simply another baseline report template that may be replaced; it is therefore in no sense binding for exchange of this type of report. It is solely an example of a possible encoding of Cardiac Cath Results. One salient feature of this template is that it provides a large set of coded concepts that may be useful in automatically extracting data for submission to regional or national outcomes registries, such as the ACC NCDR™.

Conventions Used in this Document

TxNNNN, CxNNNN, and VxNNNN are the temporary identifiers for (respectively) Templates, Context Groups, and Coded Values defined in this Supplement. These identifiers will be replaced when Final Text of the Supplement is prepared following a successful Letter Ballot.

Similarly, SOP Class UIDs have temporary identifiers that will be replaced in Final Text.

Part 3 Addendum

Add the following to PS3.3 Annex A for Procedure Log:

A.35.x Procedure Log Information Object Definition

A.35.x.1 Procedure Log Information Object Description

The Procedure Log IOD is intended for the representation of reports or logs of time-stamped events occurring during an extended diagnostic or interventional procedure, typical of the cardiac catheterization lab.

A.35.x.2 Procedure Log IOD Entity-Relationship Model

The E-R Model in Section A.1.2 of this Part applies to the Procedure Log IOD. Table A.35.x-1 specifies the Modules of the Procedure Log IOD.

Note: Unlike other SR IODs, the Frame of Reference IE is critical to the synchronized time stamping of events in the Procedure Log IOD and to multi-modality coordination.

A.35.x.3 Procedure Log IOD Module Table

Table A.35.x-1


|IE |Module |Reference |Usage |

|Patient |Patient |C.7.1.1 |M |

|Study |General Study |C.7.2.1 |M |

|Series |SR Document Series |C.17.1 |M |

|Frame of Reference |Synchronization |C.7.4.2 |M |

|Equipment |General Equipment |C.7.5.1 |M |

|Document |SR Document General |C.17.2 |M |

| |SR Document Content |C.17.3 |M |

| |SOP Common |C.12.1 |M |

A.35.x.3.1 Procedure Log IOD Content Constraints

A.35.X.3.1.1 Template

The document shall be constructed from DTID Tx3001 "Procedure Log" (defined in PS3.16) invoked at the root node.

Note: This template defines a container (the root) with subsidiary content items, each of which represents a single procedure log entry. There is a defined recording observer (the person responsible for recording the log, generally a technician or nurse). The log entries follow a canonical model of a coded log entry type (the concept name of the content item), the value associated with the concept name as one of the SR Value Types, and optionally a subsidiary free text comment and/or an identifier of the author or device source of the log entry (which may be other than the recording observer).

A.35.X.3.1.2 Observation DateTime

Each Item in the Content Sequence (0040,A730) of the SR Document Content Module that is a target of a "CONTAINS" relationship from the root node, i.e., the first level Log Content Items, shall include the Observation DateTime (0040,A032) as a Type 1 attribute. This attribute shall represent the datetime at which the event recorded in the Content Item occurred, not the time at which the Item was recorded.

The first level Procedure Log Content Items in the Content Sequence shall be strictly ordered by increasing Observation DateTime values.

A.35.x.3.1.3 Value Type

Value Type (0040,A040) in the Content Sequence (0040,A730) of the SR Document Content Module is constrained to the following Enumerated Values (see Table C.17.3-1 for Value Type definitions):











A.35.x.3.1.4 Relationship Constraints

Relationships between Content Items in the content of this IOD shall be conveyed in the by-value mode. See Table C.17.3-2 for Relationship Type definitions.

Notes: 1. Relationships by-reference are forbidden. Therefore, Referenced Content Item Identifier (0040,DB73) is not present in any of the Content Items within the SR Document Content Module.

2. CONTAINERs are not permitted as a target of any relationship.

Table A.35.x-2 specifies the relationship constraints of this IOD.

Table A.35.x-2


|Source Value Type |Relationship Type (Enumerated |Target Value Type |

| |Values) | |




| | |PNAME |





| | |PNAME |


Add the following to PS3.3 Annex A for Cath Lab Measurements:

A.35.y Cath Lab Measurements Report Information Object Definition

A.35.y.1 Cath Lab Measurements Report Information Object Description

The Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD is intended for the representation of measurements based on images or waveforms acquired during a cardiac catheterization procedure, including hemodynamics, and coronary and ventricular analyses.

A.35.y.2 Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD Entity-Relationship Model

The E-R Model in Section A.1.2 of this Part applies to the Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD. Table A.35.y-1 specifies the Modules of the Cath Lab Measurements IOD.

A.35.y.3 Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD Module Table

Table A.35.y-1

Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD MODULES

|IE |Module |Reference |Usage |

|Patient |Patient |C.7.1.1 |M |

|Study |General Study |C.7.2.1 |M |

|Series |SR Document Series |C.17.1 |M |

|Frame of Reference |Synchronization |C.7.4.2 |M |

|Equipment |General Equipment |C.7.5.1 |M |

|Document |SR Document General |C.17.2 |M |

| |SR Document Content |C.17.3 |M |

| |SOP Common |C.12.1 |M |

A.35.y.3.1 Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD Content Constraints

A.35.y.3.1.1 Template

The Cath Lab Measurements Report may be constructed from any of the following Baseline Templates (defined in PS3.16) invoked at the root node:

TID Tx3500 "Hemodynamics Report"

Notes 1. This list of Baseline Templates may be extended.

2. See Annex N for an informative description of these templates.

A.35.y.3.1.2 Observation DateTime

Each Item in the Content Sequence (0040,A730) of the SR Document Content Module which is a direct measurement shall include the Observation DateTime (0040,A032) as a Type 1 attribute. This attribute shall represent the datetime at which the measurement recorded in the Content Item was acquired, not the time at which Item was recorded.

A.35.y.3.1.3 Value Type

Value Type (0040,A040) in the Content Sequence (0040,A730) of the SR Document Content Module is constrained to the following Enumerated Values (see Table C.17.3-1 for Value Type definitions):











A.35.y.3.1.4 Relationship Constraints

Relationships between Content Items in the content of this IOD may be conveyed in the by-value or the by-reference mode. See Table C.17.3-2 for Relationship Type definitions.

Table A.35.y-2 specifies the relationship constraints of this IOD.

Table A.35.y-2


|Source Value Type |Relationship Type (Enumerated |Target Value Type |

| |Values) | |




| | |PNAME |


| | |PNAME |



| | |PNAME |


Add the following to PS3.3 Annex A for ECG Measurements:

A.35.z ECG Report Information Object Definition

A.35.z.1 ECG Report Information Object Description

The ECG Report IOD provides the findings associated with an ECG acquisition, including standard resting 12-lead ECGs, stress ECGs, pediatric 15-lead ECGs, and others. Findings may also include serial comparison with one or more prior ECGs.

A.35.z.2 ECG Report IOD Entity-Relationship Model

The E-R Model in Section A.1.2 of this Part applies to the ECG Report IOD. Table A.35.z-1 specifies the Modules of the ECG IOD.

A.35.z.3 ECG Report IOD Module Table

Table A.35.z-1


|IE |Module |Reference |Usage |

|Patient |Patient |C.7.1.1 |M |

|Study |General Study |C.7.2.1 |M |

|Series |SR Document Series |C.17.1 |M |

|Frame of Reference |Synchronization |C.7.4.2 |U |

|Equipment |General Equipment |C.7.5.1 |M |

|Document |SR Document General |C.17.2 |M |

| |SR Document Content |C.17.3 |M |

| |SOP Common |C.12.1 |M |

A.35.z.3.1 ECG Report IOD Content Constraints

A.35.z.3.1.1 Template

The ECG Report may be constructed from any of the following Baseline Templates (defined in PS3.16) invoked at the root node:

TID Tx3700 "ECG Report"

Note: This list of Baseline Templates may be extended.

A.35.z.3.1.2 Value Type

Value Type (0040,A040) in the Content Sequence (0040,A730) of the SR Document Content Module is constrained to the following Enumerated Values (see Table C.17.3-1 for Value Type definitions):









A.35.z.3.1.4 Relationship Constraints

Relationships between Content Items in the content of this IOD may be conveyed in the by-value or the by-reference mode. See Table C.17.3-2 for Relationship Type definitions.

Table A.35.z-2 specifies the relationship constraints of this IOD.

Table A.35.z-2


|Source Value Type |Relationship Type (Enumerated |Target Value Type |

| |Values) | |




| | |PNAME |


| | |PNAME |



| | |PNAME |


Update PS3.3 Section C.

C. Synchronization Attribute Descriptions

C. Acquisition Time Synchronized

The Acquisition Time Synchronized (0018,1800) attribute specifies whether the Acquisition Datetime (0008,002A) attribute of the Waveform Identification Module or the General Image Module represents an accurate synchronized timestamp for the acquisition of the waveform and/or image data . For triggered multi-frame images, the Acquisition Datetime applies to the trigger for the first image frame (see attribute Image Trigger Delay (0018,1067) in the Cine Module).

For IODs which include the SR Document Content Module, the Acquisition Time Synchronized (0018,1800) attribute specifies whether the Observation Datetime (0040,A032) attribute of Items in the Content Sequence (0040,A730) of the SR Document Content Module represents an accurate synchronized timestamp for the Item.

Update PS3.3 Table C.17-2 and Section C.17.2.3

C.17.2 SR Document General Module

Table C.17-2


|Attribute Name |Tag |Type |Attribute Description |

|… | | | |

|Current Requested Procedure Evidence |(0040,A375) |1C |Full set of Composite SOP Instances in created to satisfy the|

|Sequence | | |current Requested Procedure(s) evidenced for which this SR |

| | | |Document is generated. One or more Items may be included in |

| | | |this sequence. |

| | | |Required if Composite Objects are referenced in the content |

| | | |tree, or were acquired in order to satisfy the Requested |

| | | |Procedure(s) for which the SR Document is generated. |

| | | |See C.17.2.3 for further explanation. |

|… | | | |

C.17.2.3 Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence and Pertinent Other Evidence Sequence

The intent of the Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence is to reference all evidence created in order to satisfy the current Requested Procedure(s) evaluated for this SR Document. This shall include, but is not limited to, all current evidence referenced in the content tree. For an SR Document satisfying (i.e., being the final report for) the current Requested Procedure(s), this sequence shall contain the full set of Composite SOP Instances created for the current Requested Procedure(s). For an SR Document satisfying a Procedure Step or Action Item (i.e., a part of the Requested Procedure), this sequence shall contain at minimum the set of Composite SOP Instances referenced in the content tree.

Update PS3.3 Table C.17.3-4:

C.17.3 SR Document Content Module

Table C.17.3-4


|Attribute Name |Tag |Type |Attribute Description |

|Observation DateTime |(0040,A032) |1C |The date and time on which this Content Item was completed, |

| | | |or the time of data acquisition for measurements. |

| | | |Required if the date and time are different from the Content|

| | | |Date (0008,0023) and Content Time (0008,0033) or the |

| | | |Observation DateTime (0040,A032) defined in higher items. |

| | | |Note: When Content Items are copied into successor reports, |

| | | |the Content Date (0008,0023) and Content Time (0008,0033) of|

| | | |the new report are likely to be different than the date and |

| | | |time of the original observation. Therefore this attribute |

| | | |may need to be included in any copied Content Items to |

| | | |satisfy the condition. |

|… | | | |

Add new informative Annex to PS3.3:

Annex N Measurement Report Structures (Informative)

N.1 Cath Lab Measurements IOD

The Cath Lab Measurements IOD is used to encode various quantitative analysis reports associated with a catheterization procedure. Templates for each report type are defined in PS3.16.

N.1.1 Hemodynamics Report

The Hemodynamics Report, using the Cath Lab Measurements IOD, is based on TID Tx3500. The report contains one or more measurement containers, each corresponding to a phase of the cath procedure. Within each container may be one or more sub-containers, each associated with a single measurement set. A measurement set consists of measurements from a single anatomic location. The resulting hierarchical structure is depicted in Figure N-1.


Figure N-1 Hemodynamics Report Structure

The container for each phase has an optional subsidiary container for Clinical Context with a parent-child relationship of has-acquisition-context. This Clinical Context container allows the recoding of pertinent patient state information that may be essential to understanding the measurements made during that procedure phase. It should be noted that any such patient state information is necessarily only a summary; a more complete clinical picture may be obtained by review of the cath procedure log.

The lowest level containers for the measurement sets are specialized by the class of anatomic location - arterial, venous, atrial, ventricular - for the particular measurements appropriate to that type of location. These containers explicitly identify the anatomic location with a has-acquisition-context relationship. Since such measurement sets are typically measured on the same source (e.g., pressure waveform), the container may also have a has-acquisition-context relationship with a source DICOM waveform SOP Instance.

The "atomic" level of measurements within the measurement set containers includes three types of data. First is the specific measurement data acquired from waveforms related to the site. Second is general measurement data that may include any hemodynamic, patient vital sign, or blood chemistry data. Third, derived data are produced from a combination of other data using a mathematical formula or table, and may provide reference to the equation.

Part 4 Addendum

Add to PS3.4 Annex B

B.5 Standard SOP Classes

Table B.5-1


|SOP Class Name |SOP Class UID |IOD (See PS 3.3) |

|Procedure Log |1.2.840.10008. |Procedure Log |

|Cath Lab Measurements Report |1.2.840.10008. |Cath Lab Measurements Report |

|ECG Report |1.2.840.10008. |ECG Report |

B.5.1.5 Structured Reporting Storage SOP Classes

The requirements of Annex O apply to the following SOP Classes:

Basic Text SR

Enhanced SR

Comprehensive SR

Procedure Log

Cath Lab Measurements Report

ECG Report

Add to PS3.4 Annex I

I.4 Media Standard Storage SOP Classes

Table I.4-1

Media Storage Standard SOP Classes

|SOP Class Name |SOP Class UID |IOD (See PS 3.3) |

|Procedure Log |1.2.840.10008. |Procedure Log |

|Cath Lab Measurements Report |1.2.840.10008. |Hemodynamics Report |

|ECG Report |1.2.840.10008. |ECG Report |

I.4.1.2 Structured Reporting Storage SOP Classes

The requirements of Annex O apply to the following SOP Classes:

Basic Text SR

Enhanced SR

Comprehensive SR

Procedure Log

Cath Lab Measurements Report

ECG Report

Add new Annex X to PS3.4

Annex X APPLICATION EVENT LOGGING Service Class (Normative)

X.1 Overview

X.1.1 Scope

The Application Event Logging Service Class defines an application-level class-of-service which facilitates the network transfer of Event Log Records to be logged or recorded in a central location.

The Application Event Logging Service Class covers a set of application specific logs (e.g., procedural event logs, traffic logs, access logs) which all share a similar behavior.

The Application Event Logging Service Class does not specify the means of accessing the central logs.

X.1.2 Service Definition

Two peer DICOM AEs implement a SOP Class of the Application Event Logging Service Class with one serving in the SCU role and one serving in the SCP role. SOP Classes of the Application Event Logging Service Class are implemented using the DIMSE-N N-ACTION service as defined in PS 3.7.

The N-ACTION service conveys the following semantics:

— The SCU notifies the SCP that an event has occurred that the SCP should record in a log. The Action Information of the N-ACTION-RQ contains the information about the event.

— The SCP responds with a confirmation of the status of the recording action.

The association negotiation procedure is used to negotiate the supported SOP Classes. PS 3.7 specifies the association procedure. The Application Event Logging Service Class does not support extended negotiation.

The release of an association shall not have any effect on the contents of the log managed by the SCP.

X.2 Procedural Event Logging SOP Class Definition

The Procedural Event Logging SOP Class allows SCUs to report to an SCP the events which are to be recorded in a Procedure Log SOP Instance, as described in PS3.3. This allows multiple devices participating in a Study to cooperatively construct a log of events that occur during that Study.

The multiple procedural events reported through this SOP Class are related by Patient ID, Study Instance UID, and/or Performed Location. The mechanism by which multiple devices obtain these shared identifiers is not defined by this SOP Class.

Note: The Modality Worklist or General Purpose Worklist SOP Classes may be used for this purpose.

The SCP may also provide for recording events which are not given specific identifiers by the SCU. The mechanism by which the SCP determines the association of such an unidentified event with the log for a specific procedure is not defined by this SOP Class.

Note: The network address and/or AE Title of the SCU may be used to identify the device as a participant in a particular procedure.

X.2.1 DIMSE Service Group

The DIMSE-N Services applicable to the Procedural Event Logging SOP Class are shown in Table X.2-1.

Table X.2-1

DIMSE service group

|DIMSE Service Element |Usage SCU/SCP |


The DIMSE-N Services and Protocol are specified in PS 3.7.

X.2.2 Operation

The DICOM AEs which claim conformance to this SOP Class as an SCU shall invoke the N-ACTION request. The DICOM AEs which claim conformance to this SOP Class as an SCP shall support the N-ACTION request.

X.2.2.1 Action Information

The DICOM AEs which claim conformance to this SOP Class as an SCU and/or an SCP shall support the Action Type and Action Information in the N-ACTION-RQ as specified in Table X.2-2.

Table X.2-2


|Action Type Name |Action Type ID|Attribute |Tag |Requirement Type SCU/SCP |

|Record Procedural |1 |Specific Character Set |(0008,0005) |1C/1C |

|Event | | | |(Required if an extended or replacement |

| | | | |character set is used) |

| | |Patient ID |(0010,0020) |2/2 |

| | |Study Instance UID |(0020,000D) |2/2 |

| | |Synchronization Frame of Reference|(0020,0200) |2/2 |

| | |UID | | |

| | |Performed Location |(0040,0243) |2/2 |

| | |All other Attributes of the SR | |See Section X. |

| | |Document Content Module (PS3.3) | | |

| | |using Procedure Log IOD Content | | |

| | |Constraints | | |

X. Synchronization Frame of Reference UID

The Synchronization Frame of Reference UID (0020,0200) attribute identifies the temporal frame of reference for the Observation DateTime (0040,A032) attributes in the Procedural Event record. If the Observation DateTime attribute values are not synchronized in a identifiable Frame of Reference, the attribute shall be zero length.

X. Constraints on Attributes of the SR Document Content Module

The Procedural Event record shall be conveyed in a (top level) Content Item, and subsidiary Content Items, as specified by the SR Document Content Module definition in PS3.3.

The top level and subsidiary Content Items shall be constructed in accordance with the Procedure Log IOD Content Constraints of PS3.3.

Notes: 1. These constraints specify use of DTID Tx3001 Procedure Log defined in PS3.16, and specific particular use of the Observation DateTime (0040,A032) attributes.

2. TID Tx3001 requires the explicit identification of the Observer Context of the top level CONTAINER through TID 1002.

3. There may be multiple events (subsidiary Content Items) included in a single N-ACTION-RQ message.

X.2.2.2 Service Class User Behavior

The SCU shall request logging of events that occur during a Study, using the N-ACTION request primitive.

X.2.2.3 Service Class Provider Behavior

The SCP shall manage the creation of SOP Instances of the Procedure Log Storage Service. It shall receive, via the N-ACTION request primitive, requests for logging of events that occur during a Study. The SCP shall (consonant with application dependent constraints) incorporate those event records into a Procedure Log SOP Instance for the specified Study.

The SCP shall return, via the N-ACTION response primitive, the N-ACTION Response Status Code applicable to the associated action request.

X.2.2.4 Status Codes

The Service Class specific status values defined for the N-ACTION Service are specified in Table X.2-3. See PS 3.7 for additional general response status codes.

Table X.2-3


|Service Status |Response Status Code|Further Meaning |

|Success |0000 | |

|Warning |B101 |Specified Synchronization Frame of Reference UID does not |

| | |match SCP Synchronization Frame of Reference |

|Warning |B102 |Study Instance UID coercion; Event logged under a different |

| | |Study Instance UID |

|Warning |B104 |IDs inconsistent in matching a current study; Event logged |

|Failure |C101 |Procedural Logging not available for specified Study Instance|

| | |UID |

|Failure |C102 |Event Information does not match Template |

|Failure |C103 |Cannot match event to a current study |

|Failure |C104 |IDs inconsistent in matching a current study; Event not |

| | |logged |

With response status code B104, an identifier of the study into which the event has been logged shall be returned in the N-ACTION-RSP Command Element Error Comment (0000,0902).

X.2.3 Procedural Event Logging SOP Class UID

The Procedural Event Logging SOP Class shall be uniquely identified by the Procedural Event Logging SOP Class UID which shall have the value "".

X.2.4 Procedural Event Logging Instance Identification

The well-known UID of the Procedural Event Logging SOP Instance shall have the value "".

X.2.5 Conformance Requirements

The DICOM AE's Conformance Statement shall be formatted as defined in PS 3.2.

X.2.5.1 SCU Conformance

The SCU shall document in its Conformance Statement the behavior and actions which cause the SCU to generate an N-ACTION primitive (Procedural Event Notification). It shall specify the Template used for constructing the Event Information, and the Coding Schemes used for coded entries in the Event Information.

The SCU shall document the behavior and actions performed when a success, warning, or failure status is received.

The SCU shall document the mechanisms used for establishing time synchronization and specifying the Synchronization Frame of Reference UID.

X.2.5.2 SCP Conformance

The SCP shall document in its Conformance Statement the behavior and actions which cause the SCP to generate a success, warning, or failure status for a received N-ACTION (Procedural Event Notification).

The SCP shall document the behavior and actions which cause the SCP to generate a Procedure Log SOP Instance including the received Event Information.

Part 6 Addendum

Add the following UID to PS3.6 Annex A:

Annex A (Normative): Registry of DICOM Unique Identifiers (UID)

|UID Value |UID NAME |UID TYPE |Part |

|… | | | |

|1.2.840.10008. |Procedure Log Storage |SOP Class |PS 3.4 |

|1.2.840.10008. |Cath Lab Measurements Report Storage |SOP Class |PS 3.4 |

|1.2.840.10008. |ECG Report Storage |SOP Class |PS 3.4 |

| |Procedural Event Logging SOP Class |SOP Class |PS 3.4 |

| |Procedural Event Logging SOP Instance |Well-known SOP Instance |PS 3.4 |

Part 16 Addendum

Update PS3.16 Table 8-1:

8 Coding Schemes

Table 8-1 Coding Schemes

|Coding Scheme Designator|Description |

|… | |

|NCDR |American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Data Registry™ Cath Lab Module |

| |Version 1.1, 1997; Version 2.0b, 1999 |

Add the following to PS3.16 Annex A:

TID Tx0200 Normality and Significance

TID Tx0200

Normality and Significance

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx640035, DCM, “Normality”)|1 |U | |DCID (Cx0222) Normality |

| | | | | | | | |Codes |

|2 | |HAS PROPERTIES |CONTAINER |EV (Vx640041, DCM, “Normal |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Range”) | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |DCID (Cx0221) Measurement |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Range Concepts | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx640040, DCM, ”Normal |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Range description”) | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx640038, DCM, “Normal |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Range Authority”) | | | | |

|6 | |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx640039, DCM, “Level of |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0220) Level of |

| | | | |Significance”) | | | |Significance |

|7 | |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |DCID (Cx0225) Measurement |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Uncertainty Concepts | | | | |

TID Tx0300 Measurement

This Measurement Template provides a general structure for a numeric measurement, together with evaluations of its normality and/or significance, and the inference source(s) for its value.

Input Parameters:






TID Tx0300


| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |NUM |$Measurement |1 |M | |Units = $Units |

|2 |> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |$ModType |1 |U | |$ModValue |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |INCLUDE |DTID Tx0200 Normality and |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Significance | | | | |

|4 |> |INFERRED FROM |NUM | |1-n |U | | |

|5 |> |R-INFERRED FROM |NUM | |1-n |U | | |

|6 |> |INFERRED FROM |CODE |DT (Vx0100, DCM, "Equation") or|1 |U | |$Equation |

| | | | |(Vx0099, DCM, "Table") | | | | |

|7 |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM | |1-n |U | | |

|8 |>> |R-HAS PROPERTIES |NUM | |1-n |U | | |

Tx0300 Content Item Descriptions

Row 2 - The HAS CONCEPT MOD item allows the explicit definition of terms for post-coordination of the measurement concept name. Additional post-coordinated modifier terms may be included in a SOP Instance based on this template, in accordance with section 6.2.4.

Row 4 - The INFERRED FROM allows the specification of numeric values that were used in the derivation of the numeric measurement of Row 1. The nature of the inference is not explicitly conveyed; it may be implicit in the Concept Names of the measurements.

Row 5 - The INFERRED FROM allows the specification by-reference of numeric values that were used in the derivation of the numeric measurement of Row 1. This row is valid only in SOP Classes that permit the INFERRED FROM relationship by-reference.

Row 6 - The INFERRED FROM allows the specification of an equation or table, identified by a coded term, that was used in the derivation of the numeric measurement of Row 1.

Row 7 - The HAS PROPERTIES allows the specification of the numeric values used as input to the equation or table for the derivation of the numeric measurement of Row 1.

Row 8 - The HAS PROPERTIES allows the specification by-reference of the numeric values used as input to the equation or table. This row is valid only in SOP Classes that permit the HAS PROPERTIES relationship by-reference.

Note: For example, if Row 1 is a measurement with Concept Name meaning Body Surface Area, and Row 6 identifies a specific BSA equation, Rows 7 and 8 can be used to convey (by-value or by-reference) the Patient Height and Patient Weight numeric measurements used in the BSA computation.

TID Tx0320 Image or Spatial Coordinates

Note: This template is included in CP274, and will be removed from this document if CP274 is approved.

This Image or Spatial Coordinates Template provides a general structure for referencing an image, either as a whole, or with specific spatial coordinates, as a single included Template in the invoking Template.

Input Parameters:


TID Tx0320

Image or Spatial Coordinates

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |IMAGE |$Purpose |1 |MC |XOR Row 2 | |

|2 | | |SCOORD |$Purpose |1 |MC |XOR Row 1 | |

|3 |> |SELECTED FROM |IMAGE | |1 |M | | |

TID Tx0321 Waveform or Temporal Coordinates

Note: This template is included in CP274, and will be removed from this document if CP274 is approved.

This Waveform or Temporal Coordinates Template provides a general structure for referencing a waveform, either as a whole, or with specific temporal coordinates, as a single included Template in the invoking Template.

Input Parameters:


TID Tx0321

Waveform or Temporal Coordinates

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |WAVEFORM |$Purpose |1 |MC |XOR Row 2 | |

|2 | | |TCOORD |$Purpose |1 |MC |XOR Row 1 | |

|3 |> |SELECTED FROM |WAVEFORM | |1 |M | | |

Add the following to PS3.16 Annex A:


TID Tx3001 Procedure Log

The Procedure Log template is intended for the representation of reports or logs of time-stamped events occurring during an image-guided interventional or other procedure.

This Template does not require a particular ordering of the subsidiary Content Items.

Notes: 1. The (PS3.3) requires ordering by Observation Datetime; thus log entries of different types (i.e., specified by different Rows in the Template) may appear in any order.

2. While this Template is extesible, the Procedure Log IOD forbids Container Content Items subsidiary to the top level Container.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

Template Tx3001

Procedure Log

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |DCID (Cx0000) Procedure Log |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Titles | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS OBS CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (1002) Observer Context |1-n |M | | |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3601) Lab Procedure |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Context | | | | |

|4 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx0005, DCM, "Room |1 |U | | |

| | | | |identification") | | | | |

|5 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx0006, DCM, "Equipment |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |identification") | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |DCID (Cx0001) Types of Log Notes |1-n |U | | |

|7 |>> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx0010, DCM, “Patient Event”)|1-n |U | |DCID Cx0002 Patient Events |

|9 |>> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |PNAME |DCID (Cx0004) Staff Actions |1-n | | | |

|11 |>> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |DCID (Cx0004a) Equipment Events |1-n |U | |Equipment identifier |

|13 |>> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|14 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3111) Percutaneous Entry |1-n |U | | |

|15 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3112) Specimen Obtained |1-n |U | | |

|16 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3100) Procedure Action |1-n |U | | |

|17 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3101) Image Acquisition |1-n |U | | |

|18 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3102) Waveform |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Acquisition | | | | |

|19 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3103) Referenced Object |1-n |U | | |

|20 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3104) Consumables |1-n |U | | |

|21 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3105) Lesion |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Identification | | | | |

|22 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3109) Measurements |1-n |U | | |

|23 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3106) Drugs/Contrast |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Administered | | | | |

|24 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3107) Device Used |1-n |U | | |

|25 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3108) Intervention |1-n |U | | |

|26 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx0012, DCM, “Complication") |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0013) Complications|

|27 |>> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|28 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3113) Patient Support |1-n |U | | |

|29 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3110) Impressions or |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Findings | | | | |

Tx3001 Content Item Descriptions

Row 2 includes TID 1002 Observer Context. TID 1002 shall be used to record the identity of the person responsible for recording the log, as well as all other participants in the procedure, even though these personnel may not technically be "observers" of the Procedure Log. As participants in the procedure, they are potential sources for events and observations recorded in the Log.

Row 5 shall be used to record the identity of the major equipment used in the procedure.

Row 6 may be used to record any event not covered by a specific log entry template.

TID Tx3010 Log Entry Qualifiers

The Log Entry Qualifiers Template provides a common means for adding additional description to a procedure log content item. It allows identification of a source for the procedure log entry (other than the recording observer for the log as a whole), a free text comment, a link to a particular Procedure Action item, a link to a particular lesion, or the date/time of recording (if different than the time of the event occurrence recorded in the Observation Datetime of the parent content item).

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

Template Tx3010

Log Entry Qualifiers

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |INCLUDE |DTID (1000) Quotation |1 |U | | |

|2 | |HAS PROPERTIES |TEXT |EV (Vx0011, DCM, “Comment”) |1 |U | | |

|3 | |HAS OBS CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx0013, DCM, "Procedure |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Action ID") | | | | |

|4 | |HAS OBS CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx0050, DCM, "Lesion |1-n |U | |Up to 3 numeric characters |

| | | | |Identifier") | | | | |

|5 | |HAS OBS CONTEXT |DATETIME |EV (Vx0014, DCM, "DateTime of |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Recording of Log Entry") | | | | |

|6 | |INFERRED FROM |IMAGE | |1-n |U | | |

|7 | |INFERRED FROM |WAVEFORM | |1-n |U | | |

|8 | |INFERRED FROM |COMPOSITE | |1-n |U | | |

Note (to be removed before Letter Ballot): TID 1000 is defined in DICOM Part 16 (Supplement 53). It includes the following Observation Context content nodes:

Quotation Mode - Document or Verbal

Observer Type - Person or Device

Observer Identifiers (for Person or Device)

TID Tx3100 Procedure Action

The Procedure Action Template is intended for the recording of the beginning or end of procedure steps or action items in a procedure. The level of granularity of the recorded events is not specified, and may vary between institutions, or even be at multiple levels within a single procedure log. There is no requirement for the real-world procedure step or action item recorded with this template to end before another one begins; there may be overlapping or simultaneous procedure steps or action items.

This log entry template may be used to record the start or stop of timers.

Other recorded events in the procedure may be linked to a particular step or action item by Procedure Action ID (see TID Tx3010 Log Entry Qualifiers).

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3100

Procedure Action

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0021) Procedure Action |1 |M | |BCID (Cx0005) Procedure |

| | | | | | | | |Step or Action Values |

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |TEXT |EV (Vx0013, DCM, "Procedure |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Action ID") | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |PNAME |BCID (7453) Performing Roles |1-n |U | | |

|4 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |EV (Vx0017, DCM, "Procedure |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Action Duration") | | | | |

|5 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|6 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |UIDREF |EV (Vx0015, DCM, "Performed |1 |MC |Shall be present if DICOM | |

| | | | |Procedure Step SOP Instance UID")| | |PPS Service is used to | |

| | | | | | | |provide status of the | |

| | | | | | | |Procedure Step | |

|7 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |UIDREF |EV (Vx0016, DCM, "Performed |1 |MC |Shall be present if DICOM | |

| | | | |Procedure Step SOP Class UID") | | |PPS Service is used to | |

| | | | | | | |provide status of the | |

| | | | | | | |Procedure Step | |

Tx3100 Content Item Descriptions

Row 2 - The value of the Procedure Action ID shall be uniquely associated with the step or action within the context of the Study, and may be used to associate various Procedure Log entries with the step or action.

Row 3 may be used to record the identity of staff roles for the purpose of this Procedure Action, which may differ from their roles in the procedure as a whole.

TID Tx3101 Image Acquisition

The Image Acquisition Template allows recording of the essential parameters of a digital image acquired during the procedure.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3101

Image Acquisition

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |IMAGE |EV (Vx0030, DCM, “Image |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Acquired”) | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |UIDREF |EV (Vx00, DCM, "Series UID") |1 |M | | |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx0031, DCM, “Modality”) |1 |M | | |

|4 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |EV (Vx0032, DCM, “Number of |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Frames”) | | | | |

|5 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |TEXT |EV (Vx0033, DCM, “Image Type”) |1 |M | |From referenced image SOP |

| | | | | | | | |Instance attribute |

| | | | | | | | |(0008,0008) |

|6 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx0034, DCM, “Positioner |1 |MC |Required if Row 3 value is|UNITS = EV (deg, UCUM, |

| | | | |Primary Angle”) | | |"XA" |“º”) |

|7 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx0035, DCM, “Positioner |1 |MC |Required if Row 3 value is|UNITS = EV (deg, UCUM, |

| | | | |Secondary Angle”) | | |"XA" |“º”) |

|8 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx0040, DCM, “Peak X-ray |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (kV, UCUM, |

| | | | |Generator Voltage”) | | | |“kV”) |

|9 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx0041, DCM, “X-ray Generator|1 |U | |UNITS = EV (mA, UCUM, |

| | | | |Current”) | | | |“mA”) |

|10 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx0036, DCM, “Image Area Dose|1 |U | |UNITS = EV (dGy(cm2), UCUM,|

| | | | |Product”) | | | |“dGy*cm^2”) |

|11 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |EV (Vx0037, DCM, “Cine Rate”) |1 |MC |Required for multiframe |UNITS = EV (Hz, UCUM, |

| | | | | | | |cine image |“Hz”) |

|11 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

Notes (to be removed before Letter Ballot): The IMAGE content type includes the SOP Class/Instance UIDs for the referenced image, and optionally an icon and/or a grayscale presentation state.

The NUM content type allows an empty value, so that Mandatory NUM content items may be empty if the data is unknown.

TID Tx3102 Waveform Acquisition

The Waveform Acquisition Template allows recording of the essential parameters of a digital waveform acquired during the procedure.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3102

Waveform Acquisition

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |WAVEFORM |EV (Vx0038, DCM, “Waveform |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Acquired”) | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx0031, DCM, “Modality”) |1 |M | | |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |EV (Vx00, DCM, “Number of |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Channels”) | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx00, DCM, “Channel Source”) |1-n |M | |From referenced SOP |

| | | | | | | | |Instance attributes |

| | | | | | | | |(003A,0208) |

|4 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx00, DCM, “Channel Source |1-n |MC |Required if Channel Source|From referenced SOP |

| | | | |Modifiers”) | | |Modifiers present in |Instance attributes |

| | | | | | | |referenced SOP Instance |(003A,0209) |

| | | | | | | |waveform channel | |

| | | | | | | |definition | |

|5 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx00, DCM, “Acquisition |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Duration”) | | | | |

|6 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

Note (to be removed before Letter Ballot): The WAVEFORM content type includes the SOP Class/Instance UIDs for the referenced waveform.

TID Tx3103 Referenced Object

The Referenced Object Template allows reference to measurement or report objects, such as prior medical reports, laboratory results, hemodynamic measurement reports, or quantitative analysis reports.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3103

Referenced Object

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |COMPOSITE |BCID (Cx0007) Purpose of |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Reference to Object | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0039, DCM, “Document |1 |MC |IF Row 1 references an SR |Root node concept of |

| | | | |Title") | | |object |referenced SR object |

|3 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

Note (to be removed before Letter Ballot): The COMPOSITE content type includes the SOP Class/Instance UIDs for the referenced object.

TID Tx3104 Consumables

The Consumables Template allows recording of devices (e.g., catheters or stents), drugs, or contrast agents accessed in a procedure. This content item is directed towards inventory control and billing. The actual clinical use of the particular consumable is recorded using TID Tx3106 Drugs/Contrast Administered or TID Tx3107 Device Used.

This template allows recording both consumable retrieval from, and return to, inventory or stock, and disposal of used material. The quantity involved in each recorded transaction may be specified.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3104


| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0008) Actions with |1 |M | |Vendor or local bar coded |

| | | | |Consumables | | | |values |

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |TEXT |EV (Vx0042, DCM, "Description of |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Material") | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |EV (Vx0043, DCM, "Quantity of |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Material") | | | | |

|4 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0044, DCM, "Billing Code") |1 |U | |local billing codes |

|5 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

TID Tx3105 Lesion Identification

The Lesion Identification Template allows recording the identification of each lesion addressed in a procedure. The lesion identifier may be used to relate diagnostic or therapeutic actions with their target lesion (see Row 4 in TID Tx3010 Log Entry Qualifiers). This content item may include the initial visually estimated measurements of stenosis or TIMI flow; measured values from a quantitative measurement report may be referenced indirectly (through TID Tx3103 Referenced Object), or by quotation (TID Tx3109 Measurements template). Subsequent (e.g., post-intervention) stenosis measurements may be encoded using TID Tx3109 Measurements, with the Lesion Identifier conveyed through its subsidiary TID Tx3010 Log Entry Qualifiers template.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3105

Lesion Identification

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |TEXT |EV (Vx0050, DCM, “Lesion |1 |M | |Up to 3 numeric characters |

| | | | |Identifier") | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0051, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |M | |DCID (3014) Coronary artery|

| | | | |Location") | | | |segments |

|3 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx0052, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |U | |DCID (3019) Cardio-vascular|

| | | | |Location modifier") | | | |Anatomic Location Modifiers|

|4 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0055, DCM, “Lesion Risk") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0018) Lesion Risk |

|5 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |EV (Vx70351, DCM, |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (%, UCUM, "%") |

| | | | |"Pre-Intervention Stenosis | | | | |

| | | | |Measurement") | | | | |

|6 |>> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx1053, DCM, “Method of |1 |U | | |

| | | | |measurement") | | | | |

|7 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx70353, DCM, "Pre- |1 |U | |DTID (Cx38013) TIMI flow |

| | | | |Intervention TIMI Flow") | | | | |

|8 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |IMAGE |DT (121080, DCM, "Best |1 |U | | |

| | | | |illustration of finding" | | | | |

|9 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

Tx3105 Content Item Descriptions

Row 1 Lesion Identifier is specified as a numeric string in order to facilitate transcoding to DICOM Attribute (0018,3105) Lesion Number and to formats for outcomes registries, such as the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry™.

TID Tx3106 Drugs/Contrast Administered

The Drugs/Contrast Administered Template allows the recording of the start or end of that type of event, together with its parameters. If start and end are represented by a single log entry (e.g., for an injection), the concept name “Drug/contrast administered” shall be used.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3106

Drugs/Contrast Administered

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0009) Administration of |1 |M | |BCID (10) Interventional |

| | | | |Drugs/Contrast | | | |Drug, or BCID (12) |

| | | | | | | | |Radiographic Contrast Agent|

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |TEXT |EV (Vx0042, DCM, "Description of |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Material") | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0060, DCM, "Route of |1 |U | |BCID (11) Route of |

| | | | |administration") | | | |Administration |

|4 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |DCID (Cx0010) Numeric Parameters |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |of Drugs/Contrast | | | | |

|5 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

TID Tx3107 Device Used

The Device Used Template allows recording of the use of interventional diagnostic and therapeutic devices.

The identification of one device used to deploy another device (e.g., a balloon catheter to deploy a stent) may be described with two entries, with one identified as a deployment device in the Concept Modifier of Row 6 of this template, and linked by the same Procedure Action ID in the Log Entry Qualifiers of the included TID Tx3010.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3107

Device Used

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0022) Device use actions |1 |M | |BCID (Cx0011a) |

| | | | | | | | |Interventional Devices |

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0061, DCM, "Device Code") |1-n |U | |Vendor or local bar coded |

| | | | | | | | |values |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |TEXT |EV (Vx0042, DCM, "Description of |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Material") | | | | |

|4 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |DCID (Cx0023) Device |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Characteristics | | | | |

|5 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0051, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0630) |

| | | | |Location") | | | |Cardiovascular source |

| | | | | | | | |locations |

|6 |> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx00510, DCM, “Device use") |1 |U | |DT (Vx00511, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |“Deployment") |

|7 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

TID Tx3108 Intervention

The Intervention Template allows recording of interventions, including atherectomy, angioplasty, stent placement, brachytherapy, etc. The record may include reference to an image that documents the intervention.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3108


| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |EV (Vx1057, DCM, "Intervention |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Action") | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0057, DCM, "Intervention |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Type") | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0051, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |M | |DCID (3014) Coronary artery|

| | | | |Location") | | | |segments |

|4 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx0052, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |U | |DCID (3019) Cardio-vascular|

| | | | |Location modifier") | | | |Anatomic Location Modifiers|

|5 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |TEXT |EV (Vx0058, DCM, "Intervention |1 |M | |Up to 3 numeric characters |

| | | | |attempt identifier") | | | | |

|6 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0059, DCM, "Device type") |1-n |U | |BCID (Cx0011) Intracoronary|

| | | | | | | | |Devices |

|7 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |DCID (Cx0025) Intervention |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Parameters | | | | |

|8 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0056, DCM, "Intervention |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0012) Intervention |

| | | | |Status") | | | |Status |

|9 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |IMAGE |BCID (7003) Diagnostic Imaging |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Report Purposes of Reference | | | | |

|10 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

TID Tx3109 Measurements

The Measurements Template allows recording of significant measurements, such as vital signs, laboratory results, hemodynamic measurements, or quantitative analysis measurements. These measurements are often quoted from another source, which would be documented in the included TID Tx3010 Log Entry Qualifiers.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3109


| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |NUM |No BCID |1 |U | | |

|2 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0200) Normality and |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Significance | | | | |

|4 | | |CODE |No BCID |1 |U | | |

|5 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|6 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0200) Normality and |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Significance | | | | |

TID Tx3110 Impressions or Findings

The Impressions or Findings Template allows the recording of unconfirmed (provisional) impressions or findings noted during the procedure. It is not intended to convey the Cath Lab Clinical Report (the formal report from the performing physician), although it may be used (like any Procedure Log entry) for the subsequent construction of the Cath Lab Clinical Report.

A finding that is supported by a specific image frame may reference that image in the INFERRED FROM / IMAGE row of the included TID Tx3010 Log Entry Qualifiers template.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3110

Impressions or Findings

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |BCID (Cx0019) Findings Titles |1 |U | | |

|2 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|3 | | |TEXT |BCID (Cx0019) Findings Titles |1 |U | | |

|4 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

TID Tx3111 Percutaneous Entry

The Percutaneous Entry Template allows recording of the opening or closing of invasive access ports.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3111

Percutaneous Entry

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |EV (Vx0064, DCM, “Percutaneous |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0002a) Percutaneous|

| | | | |Entry Action”) | | | |Entry |

|2 |> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx0065, DCM, “Laterality") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0002b) Laterality |

|3 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

TID Tx3112 Specimen Obtained

The Specimen Obtained Template allows recording of obtaining a specimen, and the identifiers for that specimen. This is particularly designed for blood samples that will be analyzed for blood oxygen-related measurements. The analysis of the sample may be recorded in one or more log entries using TID Tx3109 Measurements Template, or in a separate Structured Report SOP Instance referenced by a log entry using TID Tx3103 Referenced Object Template.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3112

Specimen Obtained

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |EV (Vx0010, DCM, “Patient Event”)|1 |M | |EV (Vx3333, DCM, "Specimen |

| | | | | | | | |Obtained") |

|2 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx640503, DCM, "Blood Source |1 |UC |IFF specimen is blood |DCID (Cx0520) Blood Source |

| | | | |Type") | | |sample |Type |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx0051, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0630) |

| | | | |Site”) | | | |Cardiovascular Anatomic |

| | | | | | | | |locations |

|4 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |INCLUDE |DTID (1009) Subject Context, |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Specimen | | | | |

Note (to be removed before Letter Ballot): TID 1009 is defined in DICOM Part 16 (Supplement 53). It includes the following content nodes:

Specimen Accession Number

Specimen Identifier

Specimen Type Code

TID Tx3113 Patient Support

The Patient Support Template allows recording of the use of various support technologies, including oxygen, ventillation, pacing, etc..

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3113

Patient Support

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0530) Oxygen |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0531) Oxygen |

| | | | |Administration Actions | | | |Administration |

|2 |> |HAS PROPERTIES |NUM |EV (Vx31130, DCM, “Oxygen |1 |MC |Required if Row 1 Concept |Units = DT (ml/s, UCUM, |

| | | | |Administration Rate") | | |is (Vx05301, DCM, "Begin |"ml/s") |

| | | | | | | |Oxygen Administration") | |

|3 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|4 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0550) Circulatory Support|1 |U | |DCID (Cx0553) Circulatory |

| | | | |Actions | | | |Support |

|5 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|6 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0551) Ventilation Actions|1 |U | |DCID (Cx0554) Ventilation |

|7 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |

|8 | | |CODE |DCID (Cx0552) Pacing Actions |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0555) Pacing |

|9 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3010) Log Entry |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Qualifiers | | | | |


The templates that comprise the Hemodynamic Report within the Cath Lab Measurements Report IOD are interconnected as shown in Figure A-x.

Figure A-x Hemodynamic Report Template Hierarchy

The figure shows only the use of templates specific to the Hemodynamic Report; it does not show common structural templates such as TID Tx0300.

Note: The figure shows the relationship of templates; it does not show the structural hierarchy of Content Items in the IOD. See PS 3.3 Annex M.

TID Tx3500 Hemodynamics Report

The Hemodynamic Report template is the root structure for the representation of measurements acquired during a procedure in a cardiac catheterization lab.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3500

Hemodynamics Report

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx50001, DCM, “Hemodynamics |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Report”) | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS OBS CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (1002) Observer Context |1-n |M | | |

|3 |> |HAS OBS CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3601) Lab Procedure |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Context | | | | |

|4 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3602) Patient |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Characteristics | | | | |

|5 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3603) Procedure |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Environmental Characteristics | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3501) Hemodynamic |1-n |M | | |

| | | | |Measurement Group | | | | |

TID Tx3501 Hemodynamics Measurement Group

The Hemodynamic Measurement Group template provides a structure for measurements acquired during a single procedure phase in a cardiac catheterization lab.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3501

Hemodynamics Measurement Group

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |DCID (Cx0651) Hemodynamic |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Measurement phase | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3520) Clinical Context |1 |U | | |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx0013, DCM, "Procedure |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Action ID") | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3510) Vital signs |1-n |U | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3504) Arterial Pressure |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Measurement | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3505) Atrial Pressure |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Measurement | | | | |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3506) Venous Pressure |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Measurement | | | | |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3507) Ventricular |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Pressure Measurement | | | | |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3508) Gradient |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Measurement | | | | |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3515) Cardiac Output |1-n |U | | |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3516) Blood lab |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |measurements | | | | |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3560) Derived Hemodynamic|1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Measurements | | | | |

Tx3501 Content Item Descriptions

Row 3 Procedure Action ID allows linkage between the hemodynamic measurements recorded in this Template and a procedure step or phase recorded in the Procedure Log, e.g., using TID Tx3100.

TID Tx3504 Arterial Pressure Measurement

The Arterial Pressure Measurement template consists of a CONTAINER, with an acquisition context of the measurement anatomic site, and containing systolic, diastolic, and mean measurements. This implies that the name of the measurement is effectively post-coordinated from the measurement name, the Hemodynamic Measurement Group container (procedure phase) name, and the acquisition context (anatomic location) value.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3504

Arterial Pressure Measurement

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV(Cx50401, DCM, “Arterial |1 |M | | |

| | | | |pressure measurements") | | | | |

|2 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3530) Hemodynamic |1 |M | |$LocationName = EV (Vx0051,|

| | | | |Acquisition Context | | | |DCM, “Anatomic Location”) |

| | | | | | | | |$LocationValue = DCID |

| | | | | | | | |(Cx0606,”Arterial source |

| | | | | | | | |locations”) |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV (8480-6, |

| | | | | | | | |LN, “Intravascular arterial|

| | | | | | | | |Systolic pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV (8462-4, |

| | | | | | | | |LN, “Intravascular arterial|

| | | | | | | | |Diastolic pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV (8478-0, |

| | | | | | | | |LN, “Intravascular arterial|

| | | | | | | | |mean pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3550) Pressure waveform|1-n |U | | |

| | | | |measurements | | | | |

TID Tx3505 Atrial Pressure Measurement

The Atrial Pressure Measurement template consists of a CONTAINER, with an acquisition context of the measurement anatomic site, and containing a-wave, v-wave, and mean measurements. This implies that the name of the measurement is effectively post-coordinated from the measurement name, the Hemodynamic Measurement Group container (procedure phase) name, and the acquisition context (anatomic location) value.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3505

Atrial Pressure Measurement

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx50501, DCM, “Atrial |1 |M | | |

| | | | |pressure measurements") | | | | |

|2 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3530) Hemodynamic |1 |M | |$LocationName = EV (Vx0051,|

| | | | |Acquisition Context | | | |DCM, “Anatomic Location”) |

| | | | | | | | |$LocationValue = DCID |

| | | | | | | | |(Cx0608) Atrial source |

| | | | | | | | |locations |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV (109016, |

| | | | | | | | |DCM, “a-wave pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV (109034, |

| | | | | | | | |DCM, “v-wave pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV (109027, |

| | | | | | | | |DCM, “mean pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3550) Pressure waveform|1-n |U | | |

| | | | |measurements | | | | |

TID Tx3506 Venous Pressure Measurement

The Venous Pressure Measurement template consists of a CONTAINER, with an acquisition context of the measurement anatomic site, and containing a mean measurement. This implies that the name of the measurement is effectively post-coordinated from the measurement name, the Hemodynamic Measurement Group container (procedure phase) name, and the acquisition context (anatomic location) value.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3506

Venous Pressure Measurement

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx50601, DCM, “Venous |1 |M | | |

| | | | |pressure measurements") | | | | |

|2 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3530) Hemodynamic |1 |M | |$LocationName = EV (Vx0051,|

| | | | |Acquisition Context | | | |DCM, “Anatomic Location”) |

| | | | | | | | |$LocationValue = DCID |

| | | | | | | | |(Cx0607) Venous source |

| | | | | | | | |locations |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV (109027, |

| | | | | | | | |DCM, “mean pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3550) Pressure waveform|1-n |U | | |

| | | | |measurements | | | | |

TID Tx3507 Ventricular Pressure Measurement

The Ventricular Pressure Measurement template consists of a CONTAINER, with an acquisition context of the measurement anatomic site, and containing systolic and end-diastolic measurements. This implies that the name of the measurement is effectively post-coordinated from the measurement name, the Hemodynamic Measurement Group container (procedure phase) name, and the acquisition context (anatomic location) value.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3507

Ventricular Pressure Measurement

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx50701, DCM, “Ventricular |1 |M | | |

| | | | |pressure measurements") | | | | |

|2 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3530) Hemodynamic |1 |M | |$LocationName = EV (Vx0051,|

| | | | |Acquisition Context | | | |DCM, “Anatomic Location”) |

| | | | | | | | |$LocationValue = DCID |

| | | | | | | | |(Cx0609) Ventricular source|

| | | | | | | | |locations |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV |

| | | | | | | | |(Vx605036, DCM, “Systolic |

| | | | | | | | |pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV |

| | | | | | | | |(Vx605015, DCM, “End |

| | | | | | | | |Diastolic pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3550) Pressure waveform|1-n |U | | |

| | | | |measurements | | | | |

TID Tx3508 Gradient Measurement

The Gradient Measurement template consists of a CONTAINER, with an acquisition context of the measurement anatomic site, and containing the gradient measurement. This implies that the name of the measurement is effectively post-coordinated from the measurement name, the Hemodynamic Measurement Group container (procedure phase) name, and the acquisition context (anatomic location) value.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3508

Gradient Measurement

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx50801, DCM, “Gradient |1 |M | | |

| | | | |assessment”) | | | | |

|2 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3530) Hemodynamic |1 |MC |XOR with Rows 3 & 4 |$LocationName = EV (Vx0051,|

| | | | |Acquisition Context | | |Shall be used if single |DCM, “Anatomic Location”) |

| | | | | | | |location is appropriate |$LocationValue = DCID |

| | | | | | | | |(Cx0610) Gradient source |

| | | | | | | | |locations |

|3 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3530) Hemodynamic |1 |MC |XOR with Row 2 |$LocationName = EV |

| | | | |Acquisition Context | | |shall be used if a dual |(Vx640009, DCM, “Proximal |

| | | | | | | |location is appropriate |Anatomic Location”) |

| | | | | | | | |$LocationValue = DCID |

| | | | | | | | |(Cx0630) Cardiovascular |

| | | | | | | | |source locations |

|4 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3530) Hemodynamic |1 |MC |XOR with Row 2 |$LocationName = EV |

| | | | |Acquisition Context | | |shall be used if a dual |(Vx640010, DCM, “Distal |

| | | | | | | |location is appropriate |Anatomic Location”) |

| | | | | | | | |$LocationValue = DCID |

| | | | | | | | |(Cx0630) Cardiovascular |

| | | | | | | | |source locations |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |M | |$Measurement = EV |

| | | | | | | | |(Vx605016, DCM, ”Pressure |

| | | | | | | | |Gradient”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Units |

| | | | | | | | |$ModType = EV (Vx640012, |

| | | | | | | | |DCM, “Measurement Type”) |

| | | | | | | | |$ModValue = DCID (Cx0627) |

| | | | | | | | |Measurement Type |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3550) Pressure waveform|1-n |U | | |

| | | | |measurements | | | | |

TID Tx3510 Vital Signs

The Vital Signs template consists of a CONTAINER containing the various vital signs measurements. These measurements may be acquired automatically from patient monitoring equipment, or may be entered based on manual measurements.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

Template Tx3510

Vital Signs

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx0008, DCM, “Vital Signs”)|1 |M | | |

|2 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1-n |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605036, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Systolic blood pressure") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |$ModType = EV (Vx35105, DCM, "Method of|

| | | | | | | | |measurement") |

| | | | | | | | |$ModValue = BCID (Cx0560) Blood |

| | | | | | | | |Pressure Methods |

|3 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1-n |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605008, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Diastolic blood pressure") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8867-4, LN, "Heart |

| | | | | | | | |rate") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = ("{H.B.}/min", UCUM, "BPM") |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8310-5, LN, "Body |

| | | | | | | | |temperature") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (Cel, UCUM, “°C”) |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0526) Blood gas |

| | | | | | | | |saturation |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (%, UCUM, "%") |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605030, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Respiration rate") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (/min, UCUM, "breaths/min") |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx606003, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Pulse Strength") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT("{0:4}", UCUM, "scale 0:4")|

|9 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx606xxx, DCM, Pain)|

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT("{1:10}", UCUM, "scale |

| | | | | | | | |1:10") |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |DT (8884-9, LN, "Cardiac |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0015) Cardiac Rhythms |

| | | | |Rhythm") | | | | |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |DT (9304-7, LN, "Respiration |1 |U | |No BCID |

| | | | |Rhythm") | | | | |

TID Tx3515 Cardiac Output Measurement

The Cardiac Output Measurement template consists of a CONTAINER containing the measurement and significant parameters of the technical method. If the measurement is based on a DICOM Hemodynamic Waveform SOP Instance, that object may also be referenced.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3515

Cardiac Output Measurement

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx640017, DCM, “Cardiac |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Output measurement”) | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (8737-9, LN, “Cardiac Output|1 |M | |UNITS = EV (l/min,, UCUM, |

| | | | |by Indicator Dilution”) | | | |”l/min”) |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx640018, DCM, “Cardiac |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0628) Cardiac |

| | | | |Output Method”) | | | |Output Methods |

|4 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx640019, DCM, “Catheter |1 |MC |IF Row 3 indicates a |UNITS = DCID (Cx0510) |

| | | | |Size”) | | |thermal method |Catheter Size Units |

|5 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx640020, DCM, “Injectate |1 |MC |IF Row 3 indicates a |UNITS = EV (Cel, UCUM, |

| | | | |Temperature”) | | |thermal method |“°C”) |

|6 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx640021, DCM, “Injectate |1 |M | |UNITS = DT (ml, UCUM, “ml”)|

| | | | |Volume”) | | | | |

|7 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx640022, DCM, “Calibration|1 |M | |UNITS = DT (1, UCUM, “no |

| | | | |Factor”) | | | |units”) |

|13 |> |INFERRED FROM |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0321) Waveform or |1 |U | |$Purpose = DT (Vx0080, DCM,|

| | | | |Temporal Coordinates | | | |"Source of measurement”) |

TID Tx3516 Blood Lab Measurements

The Blood Lab Measurements template provides for the recording of measurements made on blood samples obtained during a catheterization procedure. The type and anatomic source of the blood is recorded as acquisition context. The results from the blood chemistry measurement system are quoted; the measurement names may be pre-coordinated with the type or source of the blood, or generic measurement names may be reported. In the latter case, the full measurement concept name may be effectively post-coordinated using the recorded acquisition context.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3516

Blood Lab Measurements

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx640502, DCM, ”Blood lab |1 |M | | |

| | | | |measurements”) | | | | |

|2 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx640503, DCM, "Blood |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0520) Blood Source Type |

| | | | |Source Type") | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx0051, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |M | |BCID (Cx0630) Cardiovascular Anatomic |

| | | | |Location”) | | | |locations |

|4 |> | |INCLUDE |DTID (1000) Quotation |1 |U | | |

|5 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (718-7, LN, |

| | | | | | | | |Hemoglobin) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (g/dl, UCUM, "g/dl") |

|6 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0524) Blood gas |

| | | | | | | | |pressures |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

|7 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0525) Blood gas |

| | | | | | | | |content |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ml/dl, UCUM, "ml/dl") |

|8 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0528) Blood pH |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = EV ([pH], UCUM, "pH") |

|9 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0526) Blood gas |

| | | | | | | | |saturation |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = EV (%, UCUM, "%") |

|10 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0526) Blood base|

| | | | | | | | |excess |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (meq/dl, UCUM, "meq/dl") |

|11 | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx601003, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Blood temperature") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = EV (Cel, UCUM, “°C”) |

TID Tx3520 Clinical Context

The Clinical Context template allows the recording of information about the patient's clinical state that may affect interpretation of the hemodynamic measurements.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3520

Clinical Context

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70032, DCM, "Clinical |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Context") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (109054,DCM,”Patient State”)|1-n |U | |BCID (Cx0602) Hemodynamic Patient |

| | | | | | | | |State |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (109054,DCM,”Patient State”)|1 |U | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |EV (Vx0012, DCM, |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0013) |

| | | | |“Complication") | | | | |

|5 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70148, DCM, "Relative |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0600) Relative time |

| | | | |time") | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |EV (Vx70106, DCM, "Drugs") |1-n |U | | |

|7 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70148, DCM, "Relative |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0600) Relative time |

| | | | |time") | | | | |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |EV (109059, DCM, ”Physiological|1 |U | |BCID (3271) |

| | | | |challenges”) | | | | |

|9 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70148, DCM, "Relative |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0600) Relative time |

| | | | |time") | | | | |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |EV (Vx70108, DCM, "Circulatory |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0603) |

| | | | |Support") | | | | |

|11 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70148, DCM, "Relative |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0600) Relative time |

| | | | |time") | | | | |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |EV (Vx70147, DCM, |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0604) |

| | | | |"Ventilation") | | | | |

|13 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70148, DCM, "Relative |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0600) Relative time |

| | | | |time") | | | | |

|14 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |EV (Vx70148 , DCM, "Pacing") | |U | |BCID (Cx0605) |

|15 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70148, DCM, "Relative |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0600) Relative time |

| | | | |time") | | | | |

TID Tx3530 Hemodynamic Acquisition Context

The Hemodynamic Acquisition Context template is invoked by the various hemodynamic measurement templates.

Input Parameters:



Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3530

Hemodynamic Acquisition Context

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |$LocationName |1 |M | |$LocationValue |

|2 |> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx0052, DCM, “Anatomic |1 |U | |BCID (3019) Cardiovascular |

| | | | |Location modifier”) | | | |anatomic location modifiers|

|3 | |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx640011, DCM, “Hemodynamic|1 |U | |BCID (3241) Hemodynamic |

| | | | |Measurement Technique”) | | | |Measurement Technique |

|4 | |INFERRED FROM |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx0321) Waveform or |1 |U | |$Purpose = DT (Vx0080, DCM,|

| | | | |Temporal Coordinates | | | |"Source of measurement”) |

TID Tx3550 Pressure Waveform Measurements

The Pressure Waveform Measurements template is invoked by the various hemodynamic measurement templates for recording general measurements made in conjunction with the specific required mesurements for that anatomic location.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3550

Pressure Waveform Measurements

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1-n |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0611) Pressure |

| | | | | | | | |Measurements |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1-n |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0612) Blood |

| | | | | | | | |Velocity Measurements |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = EV (mm/s, UCUM, "mm/s") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0613) |

| | | | | | | | |Hemodynamic Time Measurements |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ms, UCUM, "ms") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605003, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Cardiac Output") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (l/min, UCUM, "l/min") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605032, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Stroke Volume”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (ml, UCUM, "ml") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (10230-1, LN, "LV |

| | | | | | | | |Ejection Fraction") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (%, UCUM, "%") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8867-4, LN, "Heart |

| | | | | | | | |rate") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = ("{H.B.}/min", UCUM, "BPM") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605030, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Respiration rate") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (/min, UCUM, "breaths/min") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605011, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Dicrotic notch") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (mm[Hg]/s, UCUM, "mmHg/s") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (109025, DCM, "Max |

| | | | | | | | |dp/dt") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (mm[Hg]/s, UCUM, "mmHg/s") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (109026, DCM, "Max |

| | | | | | | | |neg dp/dt") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (mm[Hg]/s, UCUM, "mmHg/s") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605013, DCM, "Max |

| | | | | | | | |dp/dt/P") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (s-1, UCUM, "/s") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605019, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Indicator appearance time") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (s, UCUM, "s") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605020, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Maximum acceleration") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (mm[Hg]/s2, UCUM, "mmHg/s/s") |

| | |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx605040, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Valve flow") |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (ml/min, UCUM, "ml/min") |

TID Tx3560 Derived Hemodynamic Measurements

The Derived Hemodynamic Measurements template consists of a CONTAINER containing measurements derived from one or more other measurements. These measurements are associated with a particular procedure phase, but not necessarily with a particular anatomic location.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3560

Derived Hemodynamic Measurements

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

| | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx702510, DCM, "Derived|1 |U | | |

| | | | |Hemodynamic Measurements") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0614) Valve Areas |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = EV (cm2, UCUM, "cm2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703006, DCM, “Area = |

| | | | | | | | |Flow / 44.5 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg])”) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702033, DCM, "Mitral |

| | | | | | | | |Valve Area”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = EV (cm2, UCUM, "cm2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703033, DCM, “MVA= Flow |

| | | | | | | | |/ 38.0 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg])”) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0615) Valve Area |

| | | | | | | | |Indexes |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (cm2/m2, UCUM, "cm2/m2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703067, DCM, "Index = |

| | | | | | | | |Area / BSA") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0616) Hemodynamic |

| | | | | | | | |Period Measurements |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT ("s/min" UCUM, "s/min") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703003, DCM, “Period = |

| | | | | | | | |Time * HR”) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0617) Valve Flows |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ml/s, UCUM, "ml/s") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703005, DCM, “Flow = CO |

| | | | | | | | |/ Period”) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702012, DCM, "Cardiac|

| | | | | | | | |Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min/m2, UCUM, "l/min/m2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703012, DCM, "CI = CO /|

| | | | | | | | |BSA") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0529) Arterial / |

| | | | | | | | |Venous Content |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ml/dl, UCUM, "ml/dl") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703007, DCM, "FC = |

| | | | | | | | |(sat[%] / 100) * Hb * 1.36 + (PO2 * |

| | | | | | | | |0.002934)" ) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702040, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Pulmonary Flow”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min, UCUM, "l/min") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703040, DCM, "Qp = VO2 /|

| | | | | | | | |(FCpv – FCpa)" ) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702054, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Systemic Flow”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min, UCUM, "l/min") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703054, DCM, "Qs = VO2 /|

| | | | | | | | |(FCa – FCv)" ) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8736-1, LN, "FICK |

| | | | | | | | |Cardiac Output”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min, UCUM, "l/min") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703022, DCM, "COf = VO2|

| | | | | | | | |/ (FCa – FCv) ") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8750-2, LN, "FICK |

| | | | | | | | |Cardiac Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min/m2, UCUM, "l/min/m2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703021, DCM, "CIf = COf |

| | | | | | | | |/ BSA") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702008, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Atrio-Venous difference”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ml/dl, UCUM, "ml/dl") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703008, DCM, "AVdiff = |

| | | | | | | | |FCa - FCp" ) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702024, DCM, "Flow |

| | | | | | | | |Ratio”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (1, UCUM, "ratio") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703024, DCM, "Qp/Qs") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702001, DCM, "Ankle |

| | | | | | | | |brachial index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (1, UCUM, ”ratio”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703001, DCM, “ABI = |

| | | | | | | | |Ankle pressure / brachial pressure”) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702014, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Coronary Flow reserve”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = (1,UCUM,"ratio") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703014, DCM, "AVPh/AVP")|

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702015, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Corrected Sinus Node Recovery Time”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ms, UCUM, "ms") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703015, DCM, "CSNRT = |

| | | | | | | | |SNRT – SCL") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702016, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Diastolic/Systolic velocity ratio”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (1, UCUM, "ratio") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703016, DCM, "DV/SV'") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0702) Fractional |

| | | | | | | | |Flow Reserve |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (1, UCUM, "ratio") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703019, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |(Pd-Pv/(Pa-Pv)) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702026, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Hyperemic ratio”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (1, UCUM, "ratio") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703026, DCM, AVPhyp / |

| | | | | | | | |AVP) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8861-7, LN, "Left |

| | | | | | | | |Ventricular Stroke Work”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (g.m, UCUM, "g.m") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703028, DCM, "LVSW = |

| | | | | | | | |(AOm – LAm) * (CO / HRao) * 0.0136") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8862-5, LN, "Right |

| | | | | | | | |Ventricular Stroke Work”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (g.m, UCUM, "g.m") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703051, DCM, "RVSW = |

| | | | | | | | |(PAm - RAm) * (CO/HRpa) * 0.0136" ) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8863-3, LN, "Left |

| | | | | | | | |Ventricular Stroke Work Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (g.m/m2, UCUM, "g.m/m2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703029, DCM, "LVSWI = |

| | | | | | | | |LVSW / BSA") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (8864-1, LN, "Right |

| | | | | | | | |Ventricular Stroke Work Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (g.m/m2, UCUM, "g.m/m2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703052, DCM, "RVSWI = |

| | | | | | | | |RVSW / BSA) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702030, DCM, "Max |

| | | | | | | | |volume normalized to 50mmHg pulse |

| | | | | | | | |pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ml, UCUM, "ml") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702035, DCM, "Oxygen |

| | | | | | | | |Consumption”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ml/min, UCUM, "ml/min") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = BCID (Cx0704) Oxygen |

| | | | | | | | |Consumption Equations and Tables |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (19217-9, LN, "Oxygen |

| | | | | | | | |partial pressure at 50% saturation (P50)")|

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = BCID (Cx0706) P50 Equations |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (11556-8, LN, "Blood |

| | | | | | | | |Oxygen partial pressure”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DCID (Cx0500) |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703037, |

| | | | | | | | |DCM, "(P50 * 10^(0.48 * (7.4 – pH) + 0.013|

| | | | | | | | |* BE + 0.024 (Temp – 37) ) / (Sat / 100 – |

| | | | | | | | |Sat)") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702041, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Pulmonary Flow Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min/m2, UCUM, "l/min/m2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703041, DCM, "Qpi = Qp |

| | | | | | | | |/ BSA") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702055, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Systemic Flow Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min/m2, UCUM, "l/min/m2") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703055, DCM, "Qsi = Qs /|

| | | | | | | | |BSA") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702046, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Pulmonary Vascular Resistance”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = BCID (Cx0502) Hemodynamic |

| | | | | | | | |Resistance Units |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703046, DCM, "PVR = |

| | | | | | | | |79.98 * (PAm – LAm) / CO") or DT |

| | | | | | | | |(Vx703047, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"PVR[Wood] = (PAm – LAm) / CO") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702056, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Systemic Vascular Resistance”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = BCID (Cx0502) Hemodynamic |

| | | | | | | | |Resistance Units |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703056, DCM, "SVR = |

| | | | | | | | |79.98 * (SAm - RAm) / CO") or DT |

| | | | | | | | |(Vx703057, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"SVR[Wood] = (SAm - RAm) / CO") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702059, DCM, "Total |

| | | | | | | | |Pulmonary Resistance”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = BCID (Cx0502) Hemodynamic |

| | | | | | | | |Resistance Units |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703059, DCM, "TPR = |

| | | | | | | | |79.98 * PAm / CO") |

| | | | | | | | |or DT (Vx703060, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"TPR[Wood] = PAm / CO") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702061, DCM, "Total |

| | | | | | | | |Vacular Resistance”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = BCID (Cx0502) Hemodynamic |

| | | | | | | | |Resistance Units |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703061, DCM, "TVR = |

| | | | | | | | |79.98 * SAm / CO") |

| | | | | | | | |or DT (Vx703062, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"TVR[Wood] = SAm / CO") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0619) Indexed |

| | | | | | | | |Hemodynamic Resistence Measurements |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = BCID (Cx0503) |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703047, DCM, "Resistance|

| | | | | | | | |/ BSA") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702013, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Cardiometrics Pulsitility Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (1,UCUM,"ratio") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703013, DCM, "(IPVmax- |

| | | | | | | | |IPVmin)/APV") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702049, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Resistance Index”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (UCUM, 1, "ratio") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703049, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"(IPVmax-IPVmin)/ IPVmax") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702027, DCM, "Left to|

| | | | | | | | |Right Flow”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min, UCUM, "l/min") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703027, DCM, "Qp * (FCv|

| | | | | | | | |– Fcpa) / (FCv – FCpv)") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702050, DCM, "Right |

| | | | | | | | |to Left Flow”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l/min, UCUM, "l/min") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703050, DCM, |

| | | | | | | | |"Qp*(FCpv-FCa)*(FCpa-FCpv) / (FCa |

| | | | | | | | |-FCv)*(FCv-FCpv)" ) |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (20562-5, LN, "Stroke |

| | | | | | | | |Volume”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (ml, UCUM, "ml") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DT (Vx703053, DCM, "SV = CO / |

| | | | | | | | |HR") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = EV (Vx702058, DCM, "Total |

| | | | | | | | |blood volume”) |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (l, UCUM, "l") |

| |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |TID (Tx0300) Measurement |1 |U | |$Measurement = DCID (Cx0707) Framingham |

| | | | | | | | |Scores |

| | | | | | | | |$Units = DT (%, UCUM, "%") |

| | | | | | | | |$Equation = DCID (Cx0708) Framingham |

| | | | | | | | |Tables |

TID Tx3601 Lab Procedure Context

The Lab Procedure Context template describes acquisition context for measurements made or events recorded in a procedure.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3601

Lab Procedure Context

| |NL |Relation with |VT |Concept Name |VM |Req |Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | |Type | | |

|1 | |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx640002, DCM, “Procedure |1 |U | |Defaults to Study Description |

| | | | |Name”) | | | |(0008,1030) of the General Study|

| | | | | | | | |Module |

|2 | |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx640003, DCM, “Procedure |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0629) Procedure Type |

| | | | |Type”) | | | | |

|3 | |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx0007, DCM, "Procedure |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0014) Procedure Urgency |

| | | | |Urgency") | | | | |

|4 | |HAS OBS CONTEXT |CODE |EV (121023, DCM, ”Procedure |1-n |U | |Defaults to Procedure Code |

| | | | |Code”) | | | |Sequence (0008,1032) of General |

| | | | | | | | |Study Module |

TID Tx3602 Patient Characteristics

Patient Characteristics in this template, which may replicate values in the Patient Study Module, are included here as possible targets of by-reference relationships from other content items in the SR tree.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3602

Patient Characteristics

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx640023, DCM, “Patient |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Characteristics”) | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (121033, DCM, "Subject Age”)|1 |M | |Units = DCID (7456) Units |

| | | | | | | | |of Measure for Age |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (121032, DCM, "Subject Sex”)|1 |M | |DCID (7455) Sex |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (8302-2, LN, “Patient |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (cm, UCUM, “cm”)|

| | | | |Height”) | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (29463-7, LN, “Patient |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (kg, UCUM, “kg”)|

| | | | |Weight”) | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx640028, DCM, “Thorax |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (cm, UCUM, “cm”)|

| | | | |diameter, sagittal”) | | | | |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (8277-6, LN, “Body Surface |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (m2, UCUM, |

| | | | |Area”) | | | |"m^2") |

|8 |>> |INFERRED FROM |CODE |EV (8248-4, LN, "Body Surface |1 |U | |BCID (Cx0703) Body Surface |

| | | | |Area Formula" ) | | | |Area Equations |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx702009, DCM, “Body Mass |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (kg/m2, UCUM, |

| | | | |Index”) | | | |"kg/m^2") |

|10 |>> |INFERRED FROM |CODE |EV (Vx0100, DCM, "Equation") |1 |U | |DT (Vx703009, DCM, "BMI = |

| | | | | | | | |Wt/Ht^2") |

TID Tx3603 Procedure Environmental Characteristics

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3603

Procedure Environmental Characteristics

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx640031, DCM, “Procedure |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Environmental Characteristics”)| | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx640032, DCM, “Room oxygen|1 |U | |UNITS = EV (%, UCUM, “%”) |

| | | | |concentration”) | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx640033, DCM, “Room |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (Cel, UCUM, |

| | | | |temperature”) | | | |“ºC”) |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx640034, DCM, “Room |1 |U | |UNITS = DT (mbar, UCUM, |

| | | | |Barometric pressure”) | | | |“millibar”) |


TID Tx3700 ECG Report

The ECG Report template is the root structure for the representation of analysis of an ECG waveform, potentially in comparison to a prior ECG waveform analysis. The analyzed waveform may or may not be stored as a DICOM SOP Instance.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3700

ECG Report

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |DCID (Cx0900) ECG Report Titles |1 |M | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (1002) Observer Context |1 |M | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3701) "Clinical Context, |1 |U | | |

| | | | |ECG" | | | | |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3702) Prior ECG Exam |1 |U | | |

|13 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3708) ECG Waveform |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Information | | | | |

|14 |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70172, DCM, "Quantitative |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Analysis") | | | | |

|15 |>> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3713) Global Measurements|1 |M | | |

|16 |>> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3714) Lead Measurements |1-n |U | | |

|17 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3715) "Qualitative |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Analysis, ECG" | | | | |

|20 |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |DTID (Tx3719) "Summary, ECG" |1 |U | | |

TID Tx3701 Clinical Context, ECG

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3701

Clinical Context, ECG

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

| | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70032, DCM, "Clinical |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Context") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70149, DCM, "Reason for |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0901) Reason for |

| | | | |Exam") | | | |Exam |

| |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70149, DCM, "Reason for |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Exam") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70150, DCM, "Medications") |1-n |U | |DCID (xx) Cardiovascular |

| | | | | | | | |Drugs |

| |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70150, DCM, "Medications") |1 |U | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70151, DCM, "Pacemaker") |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0902) Pacemakers |

| |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70151, DCM, "Pacemaker") |1 |U | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70152, DCM, "Medical |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0903) Diagnosis |

| | | | |History") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70152, DCM, "Medical |1 |U | | |

| | | | |History") | | | | |

TID Tx3702 Prior ECG Exam

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3702

Prior ECG Exam

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (121066, DCM, "Prior Procedure|1 |M | | |

| | | | |Descriptions ") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70154, DCM, "Comparison |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |with Prior Exam Done") | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |DATETIME |EV (Vx70155, DCM, "Exam |1 |U | | |

| | | | |DateTime") | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |COMPOSITE |EV (Vx70158, DCM, "Referenced |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Report") | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |WAVEFORM |EV (Vx70159, DCM, "Referenced |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Waveform") | | | | |

TID Tx3708 ECG Waveform Information

The ECG Waveform Information template provides reference to, and important parameters of, the analyzed waveform.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3708

ECG Waveform Information

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70160, DCM, "ECG Waveform |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Information") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |WAVEFORM |EV (Vx70171, DCM, "Waveform |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Reference") | | | | |

|3 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx70161, DCM, "Electrode |1 |U | |DCID (3263) Electrode |

| | | | |Placement") | | | |Placement Values |

|4 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx70162, DCM, "Acquisition |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Device Type") | | | | |

|5 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx70163, DCM, "Acquisition |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Device ID") | | | | |

|6 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |INCLUDE |DTID (1003) Person Observer |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Identifying Attributes | | | | |

|7 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |TEXT |EV (Vx70165, DCM, |1 |U | | |

| | | | |"Room/Location") | | | | |

|8 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |DATETIME |EV (Vx70166, DCM, "Acquisition |1 |M | | |

| | | | |DateTime") | | | | |

|9 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx70168, DCM, "Baseline |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (Hz, |

| | | | |Filter") | | | |UCUM,"Hertz") |

|10 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |NUM |EV (Vx70169, DCM, "Lo Pass |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (Hz, |

| | | | |Filter") | | | |UCUM,"Hertz") |

|11 |> |HAS ACQ CONTEXT |CODE |EV (Vx70170, DCM, "Other |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0905) Other Filters|

| | | | |Filters") | | | | |

TID Tx3713 ECG Global Measurements

The ECG Global Measurements Template provides a structure for measurements calculated across the ECG waveform as a whole.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3713

ECG Global Measurements

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70192, DCM, "ECG Global |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Measurements") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70193, DCM, "Lead |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0906, "Lead |

| | | | |Measurement Technique") | | | |Measurement Technique") |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70194, DCM, "Atrial Rate") |1 |U | |UNITS = EV ({H.B.}/min, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM, "heart beats per |

| | | | | | | | |minute") |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70195, DCM, "Ventricular |1 |M | |UNITS = EV ({H.B.}/min, |

| | | | |Rate") | | | |UCUM, "heart beats per |

| | | | | | | | |minute") |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70196, DCM, "QT Duration") |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (ms, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"milliseconds") |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70197, DCM, "QT Corrected |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (ms, |

| | | | |Duration") | | | |UCUM,"milliseconds") |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70198, DCM, "Correction |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0908, "QT |

| | | | |Algorithm") | | | |Correction Algorithms") |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70199, DCM, "PR Duration") |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (ms, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"milliseconds") |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70200, DCM, "QRS Duration")|1 |M | |UNITS = EV (ms, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"milliseconds") |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70201, DCM, "P Axis") |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (deg, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"degrees") |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70202, DCM, "QRS Axis") |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (deg, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"degrees") |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70203, DCM, "T Axis") |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (deg, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"degrees") |

TID Tx3714 ECG Lead Measurements

The ECG Lead Measurements Template provides a structure for measurements calculated on individual ECG leads.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3714

ECG Lead Measurements

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70203, DCM, "ECG Lead |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Measurements") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70204, DCM, "Lead ID") |1 |M | |BCID (3001) ECG Leads |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70205, DCM, "Beat Number") |1 |U | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |DCID (Cx0917, "Electrophysiology |1-n |U | |UNITS = EV (ms, UCUM,"ms") |

| | | | |waveform durations") | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |DCID (Cx0918, "Electrophysiology |1-n |U | |UNITS = EV (mv, UCUM,"mv") |

| | | | |waveform voltages") | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70226, DCM, "T Morphology |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0909) ECG |

| | | | |Description") | | | |Morphology Descriptions |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70225, DCM, "P Morphology |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0909) ECG |

| | | | |Description") | | | |Morphology Descriptions |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70224, DCM, "ST Slope") |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (uV/S, |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"microvolts per |

| | | | | | | | |second") |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70156, DCM, "ECG Quality |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0910, "ECG Lead |

| | | | |Descriptor") | | | |Noise Descriptions") |

|10 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70167, DCM, "ECG Quality |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0911, "ECG Lead |

| | | | |Modifier") | | | |Noise Modifiers") |

TID Tx3715 Qualitative Analysis, ECG

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3715

Qualitative Analysis, ECG

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70175, DCM, "Qualitative |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Analysis") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70179, DCM, "Clinical |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Interpretation") | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3718) ECG Interpretive |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Statement | | | | |

TID Tx3718 ECG Interpretive Statement

The ECG Interpretive Statement template provides a structure for a coded analysis.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3718

ECG Interpretive Statement

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70180, DCM, "Interpretive |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Statement") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70181, DCM, "Trend") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0914) Trend |

|3 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70187, DCM, "Probability") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0912) Probability |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70182, DCM, "Statement") |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0916) ECG |

| | | | | | | | |Interpretive Statements |

|5 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70183, DCM, "Statement |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0913) Modifiers |

| | | | |Modifier") | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70184, DCM, "Conjunctive |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0915) Conjunctive |

| | | | |Term") | | | |Terms |

TID Tx3719 Summary, ECG

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3719

Summary, ECG

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70004, DCM, "Summary") |1 |M | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70004, DCM, "Summary") |1 |U | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70004, DCM, "Summary") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0907) Summary Codes|

| | | | | | | | |ECG |


The templates that comprise the Cardiac Catheterization Results are interconnected as shown in Figure A-y.

Figure A-y Cardiac Catheterization Results Template Hierarchy

Note: The figure shows the relationship of templates; it does not show the structural hierarchy of Content Items in the IOD.

TID Tx3800 Cardiac Catheterization Results Root

The Cardiac Cath Results provides the overall clinical results of the catheterization procedure and interventions. In many cases, more detailed information is optionally available in other reports (Cardiac Catheterization Measurements, Procedure Log, etc.). That information is collected and summarized here (and referenced when available).

When a Discharge Summary section (row 11) is included, this report template covers the full set of information required for submission to the ACC NCDR™ (version 2.0) registry.

Note: The information required for such a submission must sometimes be reformatted from a single concept in these templates to two data elements for the registry, or vice versa.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3800

Cardiac Catheterization Results Root

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (18745-0, LN, "Cardiac |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Catheterization Report") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3601) Lab Procedure |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Context | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3802) "Patient History,|1 |M | | |

| | | | |Cath" | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3803) "Patient |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Presentation, Cath" | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3806) Cath Procedure |1 |M | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3807) Percutaneous |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Coronary Intervention Procedure| | | | |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3809) Other |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Interventional Procedures | | | | |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3810) Cardiac |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Catheterization Findings | | | | |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3820) "Complications, |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Cath" | | | | |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3824) "Summary, Cath" |1 |M | | |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3828) "Discharge |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Summary, Cath" | | | | |

TID Tx3802 Patient History, Cath

This template contains information about the catheterization patient’s past medical history. This information is considered to have some degree of “persistence” across different episodes.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3802

Patient History, Cath

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (121060, DCM, "History") |1 |M | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (121060, DCM, "History") |1 |U | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |DCID (Cx1021, "Cath Patient |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |History / Risk Factors") | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |DATE |DCID (Cx1020) Cardiac History |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Dates | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (36, NCDR [2.0b], "Previous |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1023) MI Types |

| | | | |Myocardial Infarction, > 1 week | | | | |

| | | | |prior") | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (31.1, NCDR [2.0b], "Diabetic |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx1022, "Diabetic |

| | | | |Therapy") | | | |Therapy") |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (38, NCDR [2.0b], "Smoking |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1024, "Smoking |

| | | | |History") | | | |History") |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |COMPOSITE |EV (Vx0705, DCM, "Prior report |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |for current patient") | | | | |

|9 |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx0039, DCM, “Document |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Title") | | | | |

TID Tx3803 Patient Presentation, Cath

This template describes the aspects of the patient that are specific to this clinical presentation (admission).

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3803

Patient Presentation, Cath

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx38031, DCM, "Patient |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Presentation") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70034, DCM, "Transferred |1 |U | | |

| | | | |From") | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |DATETIME |EV (15, NCDR [2.0b], "Admission |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Date/Time") | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (17, NCDR [2.0b], "Admission |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1029, "Admission |

| | | | |Status") | | | |Status") |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (18, NCDR [2.0b], "Insurance |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1030, "Insurance |

| | | | |Payor Type") | | | |Payor") |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (46, NCDR [2.0b], "Congestive |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |Heart Failure Prior to | | | | |

| | | | |Procedure") | | | | |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (47, NCDR [2.0b], "NYHA |1 |UC |IF Row 6 Value code |DCID (Cx1036, "NYHA |

| | | | |Classification") | | |meaning is |Classification") |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (48, NCDR [2.0b], "Noninvasive|1 |M | |DCID (Cx1037, "Non-Invasive|

| | | | |Testing - Ischemia") | | | |Test - Ischemia") |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (49, NCDR [2.0b], "Pre-Cath |1 |M | |DCID (Cx1038, "Pre-Cath |

| | | | |Angina Type") | | | |Angina Type") |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (50, NCDR [2.0b], "Pre-Cath |1 |M | |DCID (Cx1019, "Canadian |

| | | | |Canadian Classification") | | | |Clinical Classification") |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (51, NCDR [2.0b], "Acute |1 |MC |IF Row 9 Value code |DCID (Cx1035, "Acute |

| | | | |Coronary Syndrome Time Period") | | |meaning is |Coronary Syndrome Time |

| | | | | | | | |Period") |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70053, DCM, "Indication for|1-n |U | |DCID (Cx1027, "Indications |

| | | | |Catheterization") | | | |for Catheterization") |

|13 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (78, NCDR [2.0b], |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0014, "Procedure |

| | | | |"Catheterization Urgency Status")| | | |Urgency") |

TID Tx3806 Cath Procedure

This template describes the patient-related information about this specific clinical encounter (catheterization).

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3806

Cath Procedure

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx38061, DCM, "Cath Procedure|1 |M | | |

| | | | |Description") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |DATETIME |EV (52, NCDR [2.0b], "Procedure |1 |M | | |

| | | | |DateTime") | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (53, NCDR [2.0b], "Procedure |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Number (this admission)") | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (54, NCDR [2.0b], |1-n |M | |DCID (Cx1039, "Cath |

| | | | |"Catheterization Procedure Type")| | | |Procedure Type") |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (121065, DCM, "Procedure |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Description") | | | | |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |COMPOSITE |EV (Vx0000, DCM, "Cath Lab |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Procedure Log") | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (55, NCDR [2.0b], |1 |U | |UNITS = DT (min, UCUM, |

| | | | |"Fluoroscopy Time") | | | |"min") |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |PNAME |EV (76, NCDR [2.0b], |1 |M | | |

| | | | |"Catheterization Operator") | | | | |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |PNAME |EV (121088, DCM, "Fellow") |1-n |U | | |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (121071, DCM, "Finding") |1-n |M | |DCID (Cx1002, "Cath |

| | | | | | | | |Diagnosis") |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70052, DCM, "PCI during |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |this procedure") | | | | |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70150, DCM, "Medications") |1 |M | | |

|13 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (57, NCDR [2.0b], |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1040) Thrombolytic |

| | | | |"Thrombolytics") | | | |Administration |

|14 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (58, NCDR [2.0b], "IIb/IIIa |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1041) Medication |

| | | | |Blockade") | | | |Administration, Lab Visit |

|15 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (59, NCDR [2.0b], "Heparin") |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx1041) Medication |

| | | | | | | | |Administration, Lab Visit |

|16 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (60, NCDR [2.0b], "Aspirin") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1042) Medication |

| | | | | | | | |Administration, PCI |

|17 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (61, NCDR [2.0b], |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1043) |

| | | | |"Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine") | | | |Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine |

| | | | | | | | |Administration |

|18 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70375, DCM, "Hemodynamic |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx1058) |

| | | | |Support") | | | |Catheterization Hemodynamic|

| | | | | | | | |Support |

|19 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (74, NCDR [2.0b], |1 |M | |DCID (Cx1046) Percutaneous |

| | | | |"Percutaneous Entry Site") | | | |Entry Site |

|20 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (75, NCDR [2.0b], "Closure |1 |M | |DCID (Cx1047) Closure |

| | | | |Device") | | | |Device |

TID Tx3807 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Procedure

This template describes the various aspects of a coronary intervention.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3807

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Procedure

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx380012, DCM, "Percutaneous |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Coronary Intervention Procedure | | | | |

| | | | |Description") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |PNAME |EV (Vx70339, DCM, "PCI Primary |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Operator's Name") | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |PNAME |EV (Vx70038, DCM, "Fellow") |1-n |U | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70340, DCM, "PCI Status") |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0014, "Procedure |

| | | | | | | | |Urgency") |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70053, DCM, "Indications") |1 |M | | |

|6 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70341, DCM, "Coronary |1 |U | | |

| | | | |lesion >= 50%") | | | | |

|7 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70342, DCM, "Acute MI |1 |M | |DCID (Cx1023, "MI Types") |

| | | | |Present") | | | | |

|8 |>>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |DATETIME |EV (Vx70343, DCM, "ST Elevation |1 |MC | | |

| | | | |Onset") | | | | |

|9 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70055, DCM, "Cardiogenic |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |Shock") | | | | |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |DATETIME |EV (Vx70344, DCM, "Balloon/Stent |1 |UC | | |

| | | | |Deployment Time") | | | | |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70345, DCM, "Number of |1 |M | |UNITS = (1, UCUM, "units") |

| | | | |lesions attempted") | | | | |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70346, DCM, "Number of |1 |M | |UNITS = (1, UCUM, "units") |

| | | | |lesions successful") | | | | |

|13 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70347, DCM, "PCI Procedure |1 |M | |DCID (Cx1049, "PCI |

| | | | |Result") | | | |Procedure Result") |

|14 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (3808) Lesion Information |1-n |M | | |

TID Tx3808 Lesion Information

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3808

Lesion Information

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

| | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70348, DCM, "Lesion |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Information") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx0050, DCM, “Lesion |1 |M | |Up to 3 numeric characters |

| | | | |Identifier") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx0051, DCM, “Anatomic site")|1 |M | |DCID (3014) Coronary artery|

| | | | | | | | |segments |

| |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx0052, DCM, “Anatomic site |1 |U | |DCID (3019) Cardio-vascular|

| | | | |modifier") | | | |Anatomic Location Modifiers|

| |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70351, DCM, |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, UCUM, "%") |

| | | | |"Pre-Intervention Stenosis | | | | |

| | | | |Measurement") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70353, DCM, "Pre- |1 |U | |DCID (Cx38013) TIMI Flow |

| | | | |Intervention TIMI Flow") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70355, DCM, "Previous |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1050, "Previously |

| | | | |Dilation") | | | |Dilated Lesion") |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx0055, DCM, “Lesion Risk") |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0018) Lesion Risk |

| |> |CONTAINS |IMAGE |DT (121080, DCM, "Best |1 |U | | |

| | | | |illustration of finding" | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70350, DCM, "Guidewire |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |crossed successfully") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70359, DCM, "Device used") |1-n |M | | |

| |>> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70360, DCM, "Device |1 |M | |UNITS = |

| | | | |number") | | | | |

| |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70361, DCM, "Coronary |1 |M | |DCID (Cx1053, "Coronary |

| | | | |Intervention Device") | | | |Intervention Devices") |

| |>>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70362, DCM, "Is the primary|1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |device") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70352, DCM, "Post- |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, UCUM, "%") |

| | | | |Intervention Stenosis Measurement| | | | |

| | | | |") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70354, DCM, "Post- |1 |U | |DCID (Cx38013) TIMI Flow |

| | | | |Intervention TIMI Flow") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70364, DCM, "Dissection in |?? |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |segment") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70365, DCM, "Acute closure |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |observed") | | | | |

| |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70366, DCM, "Acute closure |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |re-opened") | | | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70367, DCM, "Perforation |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |occurred") | | | | |

TID Tx3809 Other Interventional Procedures

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3809

Other Interventional Procedures

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx38091, DCM, "Other |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Interventional Procedures") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (121065, DCM, "Procedure |1-n |M | | |

| | | | |Description") | | | | |

|3 |>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx38092, DCM, "Intervention|1 |U | |BCID (Cx0006) Non-Coronary |

| | | | |Type") | | | |Transcatheter Interventions|

TID Tx3810 Cardiac Catheterization Findings

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3810

Cardiac Catheterization Findings

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (121070, DCM, "Findings") |1 |M | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3812) Hemodynamic |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Findings | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3814) Left |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Ventriculography | | | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3815) Right |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Ventriculography | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3816) Coronary |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Arteriography | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |INCLUDE |DTID (Tx3818) Aortogram |1 |U | | |

TID Tx3812 Hemodynamic Findings

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3812

Hemodynamic Findings

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (, DCM, "Hemodynamic |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Findings") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |COMPOSITE |EV (Vx50001, DCM, “Hemodynamics|1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Report”) | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |No BCID |1-n |U | | |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (, DCM, "Hemodynamics | | | | |

| | | | |Description") | | | | |

TID Tx3814 Left Ventriculography

The information contained here about left ventricle is relatively qualitative in nature. It is a high-level summary of the more detailed information that may be contained in an optional QCA/QVA report.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3814

Left Ventriculography

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (TT-0004, DCM, "Left |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Ventriculography") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70064, DCM, "LV Status") |1 |M | |DCID (Cx0223) |

| | | | | | | | |Normal-Abnormal |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (10230-1, LN, "LV Ejection |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, |

| | | | |Fraction") | | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70335, DCM, "EF Testing |1 |MC | |DCID (Cx1044, "EF Testing |

| | | | |method") | | | |Method") |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70336, DCM, "EF Testing |1 |MC | |DCID (Cx1045, "EF Testing |

| | | | |calculation") | | | |Calculation Method") |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70067, DCM, "Pulmonary |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |Hypertension") | | | | |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |DCID (Cx1017, "Ventriculography |1-10 |U | |DCID (Cx1004, "Wall |

| | | | |Wall Segments") | | | |Motion") |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70081, DCM, "Chamber Size")|1 |U | |DCID (Cx1005, "Chamber |

| | | | | | | | |Size") |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70082, DCM, "Overall |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1006, "Overall |

| | | | |Contractility") | | | |Contractility") |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70083, DCM, "Ventricular |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1007, "VSD |

| | | | |Septal Defect") | | | |Description") |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70084, DCM, "LV Valvular |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |and Subvalvular Abnormalities") | | | | |

|12 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70085, DCM, "Valve") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1003, "Cardiac |

| | | | | | | | |Valves and Tracts") |

|13 |>>> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx70086, DCM, "Abnormality") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1011, "Valvular |

| | | | | | | | |Abnormalities") |

|14 |>>>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70005, DCM, "Severity") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1008, "Valve |

| | | | | | | | |Stenosis and |

| | | | | | | | |Regurgitation") |

|15 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70087, DCM, "Aortic Root") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1009, "Aortic Root |

| | | | | | | | |Description") |

|16 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70265, DCM, "Left |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Ventriculogram Description") | | | | |

|17 |> |CONTAINS |IMAGE |DT (121080, DCM, "Best |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |illustration of finding" | | | | |

|18 |> |CONTAINS |COMPOSITE |DT (?, DCM, "Quantitative |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Ventriculography Report") | | | | |

TID Tx3815 Right Ventriculography

The information contained here about right ventricle is relatively qualitative in nature. It is a high-level summary of the more detailed information that may be contained in an optional QCA/QVA report.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3815

Right Ventriculography

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (TT-0005, DCM, "Right |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Ventriculography") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (10231-9, LN, "RV Ejection |1 |U | |UNITS = DT (%, |

| | | | |Fraction") | | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70081, DCM, "Chamber Size")|1 |U | |DCID (Cx1005, "Chamber |

| | | | | | | | |Size") |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70082, DCM, "Overall |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1006, "Overall |

| | | | |Contractility") | | | |Contractility") |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70083, DCM, "Ventricular |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1007, "VSD |

| | | | |Septal Defect") | | | |Description") |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70270, DCM, "RV Valvular |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |and Subvalvular Abnormalities") | | | | |

|7 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70085, DCM, "Valve") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1003, "Cardiac |

| | | | | | | | |Valves and Tracts") |

|8 |>>> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx70086, DCM, "Abnormality") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1011, "Valvular |

| | | | | | | | |Abnormalities") |

|9 |>>>> |HAS CONCEPT MOD |CODE |EV (Vx70005, DCM, "Severity") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1008, "Valve |

| | | | | | | | |Stenosis and |

| | | | | | | | |Regurgitation") |

|10 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70266, DCM, "Right |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Ventriculogram Description") | | | | |

|11 |> |CONTAINS |IMAGE |DT (121080, DCM, "Best |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |illustration of finding" | | | | |

|12 |> |CONTAINS |COMPOSITE |DT (?, DCM, "Quantitative |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Ventriculography Report") | | | | |

TID Tx3816 Coronary Arteriography

The information contained here about with regards to coronary artery lesions is relatively qualitative in nature. It is a high-level summary of the more detailed information that may be contained in an optional QCA/QVA report.

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3816

Coronary Arteriogaphy

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (TT-0006, DCM, "Coronary |1 |M | | |

| | | | |Arteriography") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70088, DCM, "Coronary |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1010, "Coronary |

| | | | |Dominance") | | | |Dominance") |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70089, DCM, "Percent |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, |

| | | | |Stenosis - Left Main") | | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70090, DCM, "Percent |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, |

| | | | |Stenosis - Proximal Left Anterior| | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

| | | | |Descending") | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70091, DCM, "Percent |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, |

| | | | |Stenosis - Other Left Anterior | | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

| | | | |Descending") | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70092, DCM, "Percent |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, |

| | | | |Stenosis - Right Coronary | | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

| | | | |Artery") | | | | |

|7 |> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70093, DCM, "Percent |1 |M | |UNITS = EV (%, |

| | | | |Stenosis - Circumflex") | | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

|8 |> |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70094, DCM, "Coronary |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Artery Lesion") | | | | |

|9 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70095, DCM, "Coronary |1 |M | |BCID (3014, "Coronary |

| | | | |Artery Segment") | | | |Artery Segments") |

|10 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70096, DCM, "Coronary |1 |U | |BCID (3019, "Cardiovascular|

| | | | |Artery Vessel Segment Modifier") | | | |Anatomic Location |

| | | | | | | | |Modifiers") |

|11 |>> |CONTAINS |NUM |EV (Vx70097, DCM, "Percent |1 |U | |UNITS = EV (%, |

| | | | |Stenosis") | | | |UCUM,"Percent") |

|12 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70098, DCM, "TIMI Flow") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx38013, "TIMI Flow |

| | | | | | | | |Characteristics") |

|13 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70099, DCM, "Thrombus") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1014, "Thrombus") |

|14 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70100, DCM, "Lesion |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1015, "Morphology")|

| | | | |Morphology") | | | | |

|15 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70101, DCM, "Lesion |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1016, "Severity") |

| | | | |Calcification") | | | | |

|16 |>> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70102, DCM, "Coronary |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx1012, "Coronary |

| | | | |Lesion Descriptors") | | | |Lesion Descriptors") |

|17 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70267, DCM, "Coronary |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Arteriography Description") | | | | |

|18 |> |CONTAINS |COMPOSITE |DT (?, DCM, "Quantitative |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |Arteriography Report") | | | | |

TID Tx3818 Aortogram

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3818


| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (, DCM, "Aortogram") |1 |M | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (, DCM, "Aortogram |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Description") | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |IMAGE |DT (121080, DCM, "Best |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |illustration of finding" | | | | |

TID Tx3820 Complications, Cath

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3820

Complications, Cath

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | | |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70103, DCM, |1 |U | | |

| | | | |"Complications") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70372, DCM, "Cath |1-9 |U | |DCID (Cx1055, "Cath |

| | | | |Complications") | | | |Complications") |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70373, DCM, "Vascular |1-6 |U | |DCID (Cx1054, "Vascular |

| | | | |Complications") | | | |Complications") |

|4 |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70272, DCM, |1 |U | | |

| | | | |"Complications") | | | | |

|5 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (Vx70368, DCM, |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |"Peri-procedural MI occurred") | | | | |

|6 |>> |INFERRED FROM |NUM |EV (Vx70370, DCM, "CK-MB |1 |U | |UNITS = EV ([iU], |

| | | | |baseline") | | | |UCUM,"International unit") |

|7 |>> |INFERRED FROM |NUM |EV (Vx70371, DCM, "CK-MB peak")|1 |U | |UNITS = EV ([iU], |

| | | | | | | | |UCUM,"International unit") |

|8 |>> |INFERRED FROM |NUM |EV (Vx70369, DCM, "CK-MB upper |1 |U | |UNITS = EV ([iU], |

| | | | |limit of normal") | | | |UCUM,"International unit") |

|9 |> |CONTAINS |IMAGE |DT (121080, DCM, "Best |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |illustration of finding" | | | | |

TID Tx3824 Summary, Cath

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3824

Summary, Cath

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

| | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70004, DCM, "Summary") |1 |U | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (121071, DCM, "Finding") |1-n |U | |DCID (Cx1028, "Cath |

| | | | | | | | |Findings") |

| |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (Vx70005, DCM, "Severity") |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1016, "Severity") |

| |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (Vx70004, DCM, "Summary") |1 |U | | |

| |> |CONTAINS |TEXT |EV (121075, DCM, |1-n |U | | |

| | | | |"Recommendation") | | | | |

TID Tx3828 Discharge Summary, Cath

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

TID Tx3828

Discharge Summary, Cath

| |NL |Relation with |Value Type |Concept Name |VM |Req Type|Condition |Value Set Constraint |

| | |Parent | | | | | | |

|1 | |CONTAINS |CONTAINER |EV (Vx70008, DCM, "Discharge |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Summary") | | | | |

|2 |> |CONTAINS |DATETIME |EV (TI-0307, DCM, "Discharge |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Date/Time") | | | | |

|3 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (TI-0312, DCM, "Coronary |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |Artery Bypass During This | | | | |

| | | | |Admission ") | | | | |

|4 |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (DCM Vx0007 "Procedure |1 |U | |BCID Cx0014 Procedure |

| | | | |Urgency") | | | |Urgency |

|5 |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |DATE |EV (, DCM, "Date of Coronary |1 |U | | |

| | | | |Artery Bypass") | | | | |

|6 |> |CONTAINS |CODE |EV (TI-0314, DCM, "Death During|1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |This Admission") | | | | |

|7 |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |DATE |EV ( , DCM, "Date of Death") |1 |U | | |

|8 |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (TI-0316, DCM, "Primary |1 |U | |DCID (Cx1033, "Primary |

| | | | |Cause of Death") | | | |Cause of Death") |

|9 |>> |HAS PROPERTIES |CODE |EV (TI-0317, DCM, Death During |1 |U | |DCID (Cx0230) Yes-No |

| | | | |Catheterization ") | | | | |

Add the following to PS3.16 Annex B:

Annex B DCMR Context Groups (Normative)

Context Group Cx0000 – Procedure Log Titles

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0000 |Cath Lab Procedure Log |

Context Group Cx0001 – Types of Log Notes

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0101 |Tech Note |

|DCM |Vx0102 |Nursing Note |

|DCM |Vx0103 |Physician Note |

|DCM |Vx0104 |Note (general) |

Context Group Cx0002 – Patient Events

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0201 |Patient called to procedure room |

|DCM |Vx0202 |Patient admitted to procedure room |

|DCM |Vx0203 |Patient given pre-procedure instruction |

|DCM |Vx0204 |Patient informed consent given |

|DCM |Vx0205 |Patient advance directive given |

|DCM |Vx0206 |Patient assisted to table |

|DCM |Vx0207 |Patient prepped and draped |

|DCM |Vx0221 |Patient reports nausea |

|DCM |Vx0222 |Patient restless |

|DCM |Vx0223 |Patient sedated |

|DCM |Vx0224 |Patient has respiratory difficulty |

|DCM |Vx0225 |Patient coughed |

|DCM |Vx0216 |Patient transferred to holding area |

|DCM |Vx0217 |Patient transferred to surgery |

|DCM |Vx0218 |Patient transferred to CCU |

|DCM |Vx0219 |Patient transferred to morgue |

|DCM |Vx0220 |Patient discharged |

Context Group Cx0002a – Percutaneous Entry

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Scheme Version |Code Value |Concept Name |

|NCDR |2.0b |74-1 |Percutaneous entry made via femoral artery |

|NCDR |2.0b |74-2 |Percutaneous entry made via brachial artery |

|NCDR |2.0b |74-3 |Percutaneous entry made via radial artery |

|NCDR |2.0b |74-4 |Percutaneous entry made via other artery |

|NCDR |2.0b |74-5 |Percutaneous entry made via venous access |

|NCDR |2.0b |75-1 |Percutaneous entry closed by suture |

|NCDR |2.0b |75-2 |Percutaneous entry closed by sealant |

|NCDR |2.0b |75-3 |Percutaneous entry closed by other mechanism |

Context Group Cx0002b – Laterality

Type: Enumerated

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SNM3 |G-A100 |Right |

|SNM3 |G-A101 |Left |

Context Group Cx0004 - Staff Actions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0401 |Personnel Arrived |

|DCM |Vx0402 |Personnel Departed |

|DCM |Vx0403 |Page Sent To |

|DCM |Vx0404 |Consultation With |

|DCM |Vx0405 |Office called |

Context Group Cx0004a – Equipment Events

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0200 |Procedure room ready for patient |

|DCM |Vx0410 |Equipment failure |

|DCM |Vx0411 |Equipment brought to procedure room |

|DCM |Vx0412 |Equipment ready |

|DCM |Vx0413 |Equipment removed |

Context Group Cx0005 – Procedure Action Values

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Scheme Version |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-31604 |Catheterization of left heart |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-31602 |Catheterization of right heart |

|SRT |V1 |G-7295 |Cardiac catheterization intervention phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7299 |Cardiac catheterization bailout phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7293 |Cardiac catheterization baseline phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7294 |Cardiac catheterization image acquisition phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7295 |Cardiac catheterization intervention phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7298 |Cardiac catheterization post-intervention phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7296 |Cardiac catheterization pre-intervention phase |

|SRT |V1.1 |G-929D |Cardiac catheterization test/challenging phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7297 |Cardiac catheterization therapy phase |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-31612 |Transseptal catheterization |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-30350 |Atherectomy, NOS |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-30350 |Removal of atherosclerotic plaque from artery, NOS |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-30351 |Atherectomy by rotary cutter |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-30352 |Atherectomy by laser |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-30530 |Selective embolization of artery |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P5-31500 |Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty, NOS |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P5-39010 |Transcatheter therapy for embolization, NOS |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P5-39050 |Percutaneous retrieval of intravascular foreign body, NOS |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P1-05550 |Stent placement |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P5-39015 |Transcatheter deployment of detachable balloon |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P5-39191 |Percutaneous insertion of intravascular filter |

|INCLUDE CID Cx0006 Non-Coronary Transcatheter Interventions |

Context Group Cx0006 – Non-Coronary Transcatheter Interventions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0503 |Valvular Intervention |

|DCM |Vx0504 |Aortic Intervention |

|DCM |Vx0505 |Septal Defect Intervention |

|DCM |Vx0506 |Vascular Intervention |

Context Group Cx0007 – Purpose of Reference to Object

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0701 |Patient History and Physical Report |

|DCM |Vx0702 |Pre-procedure log |

|DCM |Vx0703 |Analysis or measurements for current procedure |

|DCM |Vx0704 |Consultant report |

|DCM |Vx0705 |Prior report for current patient |

Context Group Cx0008 – Actions with Consumables

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0801 |Consumable taken from inventory |

|DCM |Vx0802 |Consumable returned to inventory |

|DCM |Vx0803 |Remaining consumable disposed |

Context Group Cx0009 – Administration of Drugs/Contrast

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0901 |Drug start |

|DCM |Vx0902 |Drug end |

|DCM |Vx0903 |Drug administered |

|DCM |Vx0904 |contrast start |

|DCM |Vx0905 |contrast end |

|DCM |Vx0906 |contrast administered |

|DCM |Vx0907 |Infusate start |

|DCM |Vx0908 |Infusate end |

Context Group Cx0010 – Numeric Parameters of Drugs/Contrast

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0061 |Volume administered |

|DCM |Vx0062 |Undiluted dose administered |

|DCM |Vx0063 |Concentration |

|DCM |Vx0064 |Rate of administration |

|DCM |Vx0065 |Duration of administration |

|DCM |Vx0066 |Volume unadministered or discarded |

Context Group Cx0011 – Intracoronary Devices

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SNM3 |A-26912 |Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty Balloon |

|SNM3 |A-25500 |Stent |

| | |Directional Coronary Atherectomy (DCA) Device |

|SNM3 |A-25610 |Rotational Atherectomy Device, Rotablator™ |

| | |Saline Thrombectomy, AngioJet™ |

| | |Cutting Balloon Angioplasty (CBA) Device |

| | |Transluminal Extraction Catheter (TEC) |

|SNM3 |A-81080 |Laser |

| | |Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Device |

| | |Intracoronary Doppler guide wire, Flowire™ |

| | |Intracoronary pressure guide wire |

| | |Brachytherapy Device |

| | |Radiofrequency Ablation Device |

Context Group Cx0011a – Interventional Devices

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) |

| | |Fluid filled catheter |

| | |Fiberoptic catheter |

| | |Hall catheter |

| | |Thermistor catheter |

| | |Tip manometer |

| | |Swann-Ganz catheter |

| | |Sheath |

|INCLUDE CID Cx0011 Intracoronary Devices |

Context Group Cx0012 – Intervention Actions and Status

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx1101 |Guidewire crossing lesion unsuccessful |

|DCM |Vx1102 |Guidewire crossing lesion successful |

|DCM |Vx1103 |Interventional device emplaced |

|DCM |Vx1104 |Intervention performed |

|DCM |Vx1105 |Interventional device withdrawn |

|DCM |Vx1106 |Dissection in Segment observed |

|DCM |Vx1107 |Acute Closure observed |

|DCM |Vx1108 |Successful Reopening |

|DCM |Vx1109 |Perforation in Segment |

Context Group Cx0013 – Complications

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx1216 |Death in Lab |

|INCLUDE CID Cx1054 Vascular Complications |

|INCLUDE CID Cx1055 Cath Complications |

Context Group Cx0014 – Procedure Urgency

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |78-I |Elective Procedure |

|NCDR |2.0b |78-II |Urgent Procedure |

|NCDR |2.0b |78-III |Emergent Procedure |

|NCDR |2.0b |78-IV |Salvage Procedure |

Context Group Cx0015 – Cardiac Rhythms

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SR |sinus rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-NSR |normal sinus rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SARRH |sinus arrhythmia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-MSAR |marked sinus arrhythmia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SVARR |supraventricular arrhythmia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-STACH |sinus tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ETACH |extreme tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SBRAD |sinus bradycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-EBRAD |extreme bradycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-JTACH |junctional tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SVTAC |supraventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-JBRAD |junctional bradycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SVBRA |supraventricular bradycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-WQTAC |wide QRS tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-NQTAC |narrow QRS tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-TACHO |tachycardia, origin unknown or not specified |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-BRADO |bradycardia, origin unknown or not specified |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ARRHY |arrhythmia, origin unknown |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-IRREG |irregular rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-REGRH |regular rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-JESCR |junctional escape rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-VESCR |ventricular escape rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ACAR |accelerated atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ACVR |accelerated ventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ACJR |accelerated junctional rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-AVJR |AV-junctional rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ARHYT |atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SVRHY |supraventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-JRHYT |junctional rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-VRHYT |ventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-UNRHY |undetermined rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-EAR |ectopic atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-LAR |left atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-MAR |multifocal atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-NODRH |nodal rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-RAR |low right atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-LGL |Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SHTPR |Short PR-interval |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-AFIB |atrial fibrillation |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-AFLT |atrial flutter |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ATACH |atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-PSVT |paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-PAT |paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-MFAT |multifocal atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-RATAC |run of atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-RJTAC |run of junctional tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-AVNRT |atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-AVRT |atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-IDIOR |idioventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-VFIB |ventricular fibrillation |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-VTACH |ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-RVTAC |run of ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-SVT |sustained ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-NSVT |non-sustained ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-TORSA |torsade des pointes ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-MTACH |multifocal tachycardia (multiform), supraventricular or |

| | |ventricular |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-VFLT |ventricular flutter |

|SCPECG |D.3.2.6-ASYST |asystole |

Context Group Cx0018 – Lesion Risk

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Scheme Version |Code Value |Concept Name |

|NCDR 2.0 |2.0b |111-1 |Low Risk Lesion |

|NCDR 2.0 |2.0b |111-2 |Moderate Risk Lesion |

|NCDR 2.0 |2.0b |111-3 |High Risk Lesion |

Context Group Cx0019 – Findings Titles

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |121071 |Finding |

|DCM |121073 |Impression |

|DCM |121075 |Recommendation |

Context Group Cx0021 – Procedure Action

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx0020 |Start Procedure Action |

|DCM |Vx0021 |End Procedure Action |

|DCM |Vx0022 |Suspend Procedure Action |

|DCM |Vx0023 |Resume Procedure Action |

Context Group Cx0022 – Device Use Actions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Device inserted into sheath |

| | |Device at site of interest |

| | |Device withdrawn / removed |

| | |Device applied to patient |

| | |Device used |

Context Group Cx0023 – Device Characteristics

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SRT |G-A22A |Length |

|SNM3 |M-02550 |Diameter |

| | | |

Context Group Cx0025 – Intervention Parameters

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Angioplasty Inflation pressure |

| | |Angioplasty Inflation duration |

| | |Rotational Atherectomy Speed |

| | |Delivered Radiation Dose |

Context Group Cx0220 - Level of Significance

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | | Most significant |

| | | Highly significant |

| | | Moderately significant |

| | | Minimally significant |

| | | Not significant |

Context Group Cx0221 - Measurement Range Concepts

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Normal Range Upper Limit |

| | |90th Percentile |

| | |95th Percentile |

| | |1 Sigma Upper Limit |

| | |2 Sigma Upper Limit |

| | |Normal Range Lower Limit |

| | |10th Percentile |

| | |5th Percentile |

| | |1 Sigma Lower Limit |

| | |2 Sigma Lower Limit |

| | |Percentile Ranking |

| | |Z-Score |

Context Group Cx0222 – Normality Codes

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Normal |

| | |Abnormal |

| | |Abnormally High |

| | |Abnormally Low |

| | |Normality Undetermined |

Context Group Cx0223 – Normal-Abnormal

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Normal |

| | |Abnormal |

| | |Normality Undetermined |

Context Group Cx0225 – Measurement Uncertainty Concepts

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |+/- , range of measurement uncertainty |

| | |+ , range of upper measurement uncertainty |

| | |- , range of lower measurement uncertainty |

Context Group Cx0230 – Yes-No

Type: Enumerated Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Yes |

| | |No |

| | |Undetermined |

Context Group Cx0500 – Pressure Units

Type: Enumerated

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|UCUM |mm[Hg] |mmHg |

|UCUM |kPa |kPa |

Context Group Cx0502 – Hemodynamic Resistance Units

Type: Enumerated

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|UCUM |[PRU] |Wood units |

|UCUM | | |

Context Group Cx0503 – Indexed Hemodynamic Resistance Units

Type: Enumerated

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|UCUM |[PRU]/m2 |Wood units / m2 |

|UCUM | | / m2 |

Context Group Cx0510 – Catheter Size Units

Type: Enumerated

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|UCUM |[Ch] |French |

|UCUM |mm |mm |

Context Group Cx0520 – Blood Source Type

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Systemic Artery Blood |

| | |Mixed Venous Blood |

| | |Pulmonary Artery Blood |

| | |Pulmonary Vein Blood |

Context Group Cx0524 – Blood Gas Pressures

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|LN |11557-6 |Blood Carbon dioxide partial pressure |

|LN |2019-8 |Arterial Blood Carbon dioxide partial pressure |

|LN |2021-4 |Venous Blood Carbon dioxide partial pressure |

|LN |11556-8 |Blood Oxygen partial pressure |

|LN |2703-7 |Arterial Oxygen partial pressure |

|LN |2705-2 |Venous Oxygen partial pressure |

|LN |19217-9 |Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation (P50) |

|LN |19214-6 |Arterial Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation |

|LN |19216-1 |Venous Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation |

Context Group Cx0525 – Blood Gas Content

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|LN |20565-8 |Blood Carbon dioxide content |

|LN |2026-3 |Arterial Blood Carbon dioxide content |

|LN |2027-1 |Venous Blood Carbon dioxide content |

| | |Blood Oxygen content |

|LN |19218-7 |Arterial Oxygen content |

|LN |19220-3 |Venous Oxygen content |

|LN |10232-7 |Aortic Root Oxygen content |

|LN |10245-9 |Pulmonary Artery Main Oxygen content |

|LN |10247-5 |Pulmonary Wedge Oxygen content |

Context Group Cx0526 – Blood Gas Saturation

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Blood Carbon dioxide saturation |

|LN |20564-1 |Blood Oxygen saturation |

|LN |2708-6 |Arterial Oxygen saturation |

|LN |2711-0 |Venous Oxygen saturation |

|LN |2709-4 |Capillary Blood Oxygen Saturation |

|LN |2710-2 |Capillary Blood Oxygen Saturation, by Oximetry |

Context Group Cx0527 – Blood Base Excess

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|LN |11555-0 |Blood Base Excess |

|LN |1925-7 |Arterial Blood Base Excess |

|LN |1927-3 |Venous Blood Base Excess |

Context Group Cx0528 – Blood pH

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|LN |11558-4 |Blood Base Excess |

|LN |2744-1 |Arterial Blood Base Excess |

|LN |2746-6 |Venous Blood Base Excess |

Context Group Cx0529 – Arterial / Venous Content

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Arterial Content (FCa) |

| | |Venous Content (FCv) |

| | |Pulmonary Arterial Content (FCpa) |

| | |Pulmonary Venous Content (FCpv) |

Context Group Cx0530 – Oxygen Administration Actions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx05301 |Begin oxygen administration |

| | |End oxygen administration |

Context Group Cx0531 – Oxygen Administration

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |by nasal canula |

| | |by mask |

Context Group Cx0550 – Circulatory Support Actions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Begin Circulatory Support |

| | |End Circulatory Support |

Context Group Cx0551 – Ventilation Actions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Begin Ventilation |

| | |End Ventilation |

Context Group Cx0552 – Pacing Actions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Begin Pacing |

| | |End Pacing |

Context Group Cx0553 – Circulatory Support

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump |

| | |External Counter-Pulsation |

| | |Left Ventricular Assist Device |

Context Group Cx0554 – Ventilation

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Ambue Bag |

| | |Pressure Support Ventilator |

| | |Volume Support Ventilator |

Context Group Cx0555 – Pacing

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Scheme Version |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SNM3 |3.5 |P2-35000 |Pacing |

|DCM | |D-3262-002 |pacing with magnet |

|DCM | |D-3262-003 |atrial pacing |

|DCM | |D-3262-004 |ventricular pacing |

|DCM | |D-3262-005 |A-V sequential pacing |

Context Group Cx0560 – Blood Pressure Measurement Techniques

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Blood pressure cuff method |

| | | |

Context Group Cx0600 – Relative time

Type: Enumerated

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Before |

| | |During |

| | |After |

Context Group Cx0602 – Hemodynamic Patient State

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Scheme Version |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SRT |V1 |F-01602 |Baseline state |

|SNM3 |3.5 |F-10340 |Supine body position |

|SRT |V1 |F-01604 |Resting state |

|SRT |V1 |F-01606 |Exercise state |

|SRT |V1 |F-01608 |Post-exercise state |

|DCM | |D-3262-007 |Post-contrast state |

Context Group Cx0606 – Arterial source locations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SNM3 |T-42500 |Abdominal aorta |

|SNM3 |T-45530 |anterior communicating artery |

|SNM3 |T-45530 |anterior spinal artery |

|SNM3 |T-42000 |Aorta |

|SNM3 |T-42300 |Aortic Arch |

|SRT |D3-81922 |Aortic fistula |

|SNM3 |T-41000 |Artery (NOS) |

|SNM3 |T-42100 |Ascending aorta |

|SNM3 |T-47100 |Axillary Artery |

|SRT |A-00203 |Baffle |

|SNM3 |T-45800 |basilar artery |

|SNM3 |T-47160 |Brachial artery |

|SNM3 |T-46010 |brachiocephalic trunk |

|SNM3 |T-45010 |Carotid Artery |

|SNM3 |T-45510 |cerebral artery |

|SNM3 |T-45100 |Common carotid artery |

|SNM3 |T-43000 |Coronary Artery (NOS) |

|SNM3 |T-42400 |Descending aorta |

|SNM3 |T-45240 |facial artery |

|SNM3 |T-47400 |Femoral artery |

|SRT |D4-32504 |Fistula coronary to left atrium |

|SRT |D4-32506 |Fistula coronary to left ventricle |

|SRT |D4-32508 |Fistula coronary to right atrium |

|SRT |D4-32510 |Fistula coronary to right ventricle |

|SRT |T-47490 |geniculate artery |

|SNM3 |T-46420 |Hepatic artery |

|SNM3 |T-46700 |Iliac artery |

|SNM3 |T-46010 |Innominate artery |

|SNM3 |T-45300 |internal carotid artery |

|SNM3 |T-46200 |Internal mammary artery |

|SNM3 |T-46200 |internal maxillary artery |

|SNM3 |T-45410 |lactrimal artery |

|SNM3 |T-44400 |Left pulmonary artery |

|SNM3 |T-45230 |lingual artery |

|SNM3 |T-46960 |lumbar artery |

|SNM3 |T-46500 |mesenteric artery |

|SNM3 |T-F7001 |Neo-aorta (primitive aorta) |

|SNM3 |T-F7040 |Neonatal pulmonary artery (primitive PA) |

|SNM3 |T-45250 |occipital artery |

|SNM3 |T-45400 |ophthalmic artery |

|SNM3 |D4-32012 |patent ductus arteriosus |

|SNM3 |T-47630 |peroneal artery |

| | |plantar artery |

|SNM3 |T-47500 |popliteal artery |

|SNM3 |T-45320 |posterior communicating artery |

|SNM3 |D3-40208 |Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula |

|SNM3 |T-44000 |Pulmonary artery |

|SRT |D4-33142 |Pulmonary artery conduit |

| | |Pulmonary vein wedge |

|SNM3 |T-47300 |radial artery |

|SNM3 |T-46600 |Renal artery |

|SNM3 |T-47410 |Right femoral artery |

|SNM3 |T-44200 |Right pulmonary artery |

| | |soleal artery |

|SNM3 |T-46100 |Subclavian Artery |

|SNM3 |T-45270 |superficial temporal artery |

|SNM3 |T-45270 |superior thyroid artery |

|SNM3 |T-44007 |Systemic collateral Artery to lung |

|SNM3 |T-42070 |Thoracic aorta |

| | |tibial artery |

|SNM3 |D4-31400 |Truncus Arteriosus Communis |

|SNM3 |T-88810 |Umbilical artery |

|SNM3 |T-45700 |Vertebral artery |

Context Group Cx0607 – Venous Source locations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SRT |T-48503 |Anomalous pulmonary vein |

|SRT |T-49215 |Antecubital Vein (NOS) |

|SNM3 |T-49110 |Axillary vein |

|SNM3 |T-48340 |Azygos vein |

| | |Basilic vein |

|SRT |T-49424 |Boyd perforating vein |

|SNM3 |T-49350 |Brachial vein |

|SNM3 |T-48003 |Central venous system |

|SNM3 |T-49240 |cephalic vein |

|SNM3 |T-49429 |Dodd perforating vein |

|SNM3 |T-49410 |Femoral vein |

|SNM3 |T-48820 |gastric vein |

|SNM3 |T-48720 |hepatic vein |

|SRT |T-4942A |Hunterian perforating vein |

|SNM3 |T-48710 |Inferior Vena cava |

|SNM3 |T-48620 |Innominate vein |

|SRT |T-4884A |mesenteric vein |

|SNM3 |T-48810 |portal vein |

|SRT |T-49535 |posterior medial tributary |

|SNM3 |T-48500 |Pulmonary vein |

|SRT |D4-33512 |Pulmonary vein confluence |

|SNM3 |T-48740 |Renal vein |

|SRT |T-D930A |Saphenofemoral junction |

|SNM3 |T-49530 |Saphenous vein |

|SNM3 |T-48890 |splenic vein |

|SNM3 |T-48330 |Subclavian vein |

|SNM3 |T-48610 |Superior vena cava |

|SNM3 |T-48817 |Umbilical vein |

|SNM3 |T-48000 |Vein (NOS) |

| | |Vena anonyma |

|SNM3 |T-48710 |Vena jugularis interna |

Context Group Cx0608 – Atrial source locations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SRT |A-00203 |Baffle |

|SNM3 |D4-31320 |Common atrium |

|SNM3 |T-32320 |Coronary sinus |

|SRT |D4-31052 |Juxtaposed appendage |

|SNM3 |T-32300 |Left atrium |

|DCM |D-608-001 |Pulmonary artery wedge |

|DCM |D-608-002 |Pulmonary capillary wedge |

|SRT |D4-33514 |Pulmonary venous atrium |

|SRT |T-32190 |Pulmonary chamber in cor triatriatum |

|SNM3 |T-32200 |Right Atrium |

|SRT |D4-33516 |Systemic venous atrium |

Context Group Cx0609 – Ventricle source locations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SNM3 |T-32400 |Common ventricle |

|SNM3 |T-32600 |Left ventricle, |

|SRT |T-32602 |left ventricle apex |

|SNM3 |T-32640 |Left ventricle inflow |

|SRT |D4-31022 |left ventricle outflow chamber |

|SNM3 |T-32650 |Left ventricle outflow tract |

|SNM3 |T-32500 |Right ventricle |

|SRT |T-32502 |Right ventricle apex |

|SNM3 |T-32540 |Right ventricle inflow |

|SRT |D4-31022 |Right ventricle outflow chamber |

|SNM3 |T-32550 |Right ventricle outflow tract |

Context Group Cx0610 – Gradient Source Locations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SNM3 |T-35300 |Mitral Valve |

|SNM3 |T-35400 |Aortic Valve |

|SNM3 |T-35100 |Tricuspid valve |

|SNM3 |T-35200 |Pulmonary valve |

|SNM3 |T-44000 |Pulmonary artery |

|SNM3 |T-32650 |Left ventricle outflow tract |

|SNM3 |T-32550 |Right ventricle outflow tract |

| | |Ventricular Septal defect |

| | |Atrial Septal defect |

| | |Coarctation of aorta |

Context Group Cx0611 – Pressure Measurements

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|DCM |109016 |a-wave pressure |

|DCM | |c-wave pressure |

|DCM | |Diastolic pressure |

|DCM | |Diastolic pressure, mean |

|DCM | |Diastolic pressure, nadir |

|DCM | |End diastolic pressure |

|DCM | |Gradient pressure, average |

|DCM | |Gradient pressure, peak |

|DCM |109027 |Mean pressure |

|DCM | |Pressure at dp/dt max |

|DCM | |Systolic pressure |

|DCM |109032 |Systolic pressure, mean |

|DCM |109033 |Systolic pressure, peak |

|DCM |109034 |v-wave pressure |

|DCM | |x-descent pressure |

|DCM | |y-descent pressure |

|DCM | |z-point pressure |

Context Group Cx0612 – Blood Velocity Measurements

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|DCM | |Diastolic blood velocity, mean |

|DCM | |Diastolic blood velocity, peak |

|DCM | |Systolic blood velocity, mean |

|DCM | |Systolic blood velocity, peak |

|DCM | |Blood velocity, mean |

|DCM | |Blood velocity, minimum |

|DCM | |Blood velocity, peak |

|DCM |109073 |Vmax |

Context Group Cx0613 – Hemodynamic Time Measurements

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|DCM | |R-R interval |

|DCM |109072 |Tau |

|DCM | |Left Ventricular ejection time |

|DCM | |Left Ventricular filling time |

|DCM | |Right Ventricular ejection time |

|DCM | |Right Ventricular filling time |

|DCM |109071 |Indicator mean transit time |

Context Group Cx0614 – Valve Areas

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

| |Vx702004 |Aortic Valve Area |

| |Vx702044 |Pulmonary Valve Area |

| |Vx702064 |Tricuspid Valve Area |

| |Vx702006 |Derived Area, Non-Valve |

Context Group Cx0615 – Valve Area Indexes

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

| |Vx702002 |Aortic Valve Area Index |

| |Vx702032 |Mitral Valve Area Index |

| |Vx702042 |Pulmonary Valve Area Index |

| |Vx702062 |Tricuspid Valve Area Index |

| |Vx702067 |Derived Area Index, Non-Valve |

Context Group Cx0616 – Hemodynamic Period Measurements

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

| | |Aortic Systolic Ejection Period (SEPa) |

| | |Pulmonary Systolic Ejection Period (SEPp) |

| | |Mitral Diastolic Filling Period (DFPm) |

| | |Tricuspid Diastolic Filling Period (DFPt) |

| | |Derived Period, Non-Valve |

Context Group Cx0617 – Valve Flows

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

| | |Aortic Valve Flow |

| | |Mitral Valve Flow |

| | |Pulmonary Valve Flow |

| | |Tricuspid Valve Flow |

| | |Derived Flow, Non-Valve |

Context Group Cx0619 – Indexed Hemodynamic Resistence Measurements

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

| | |Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index |

| | |Systemic Vascular Resistance Index |

| | |Total Pulmonary Resistance Index |

| | |Total Vacular Resistance Index |

Context Group Cx0627 – Measurement Type

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Best value |

| | |Mean |

| | |Median |

| | |Mode |

| | |Point source |

| | |Peak to peak |

| | |Visual estimation |

Context Group Cx0628 – Cardiac Output Methods

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Thermal Bath |

| | |Thermal Inline |

| | |Dye Dilution |

Context Group Cx0629 – Procedure Type

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

| | |Diagnostic |

| | |Therapeutic |

| | |Combined Diagnostic and Therapeutic |

Context Group Cx0630 - Cardiovascular Anatomical locations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|INCLUDE CID Cx0606 Arterial source locations |

|INCLUDE CID Cx0607 Venous Source locations |

|INCLUDE CID Cx0608 Atrial source locations |

|INCLUDE CID Cx0609 Ventricle source locations |

|INCLUDE CID Cx0610 Gradient Source Locations |

Context Group Cx0651 - Hemodynamic Measurement phase

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Scheme Version |Code Value |Concept Name |

|SRT |V1 |G-7293 |Cardiac catheterization baseline phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-729B |Cardiac catheterization post contrast phase |

|SRT |V1 |G-7298 |Cardiac catheterization post-intervention phase |

|SRT |V1.1 |G-929D |Cardiac catheterization test/challenging phase |

| | | |Cardiac catheterization gradient assessment phase |

| | | |Drug |

| | | |Exercise |

| | | |Patient on Intra aortic balloon pump assist |

| | | |Patient on circulatory assist |

| | | |Patient on Oxygen |

| | | |Patient paced |

| | | |Patient ventilated |

| | | |Post Angio |

| | | |Post PTCA |

| | | |Post Vgram |

| | | |Pullback |

| | | |Rest |

Context Group Cx0702 - Fractional Flow Reserve

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx702025 |Fractional flow reserve |

|DCM |Vx702019 |Fractional Flow Reserve using intracoronary bolus |

|DCM |Vx702020 |Fractional FlowReserve using intravenous infusion |

Context Group Cx0703 - Body Surface Area Equations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx703010 |BSA = 0.003207*WT^(0.7285-0.0188 log (WT))*HT^0.3 |

|DCM |Vx703010a |BSA = 0.007184*WT^0.425*HT^0.725 |

|DCM |Vx703010b |BSA = 0.0235*WT^0.51456*HTcm^0.42246 |

|DCM |Vx703010c |BSA = 0.024265*WT^0.5378*HTcm^0.3964 |

|DCM |Vx703010d |BSA = (HT * WT/36)^0.5 |

Context Group Cx0704 - Oxygen Consumption Equations and Tables

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx703037 |VO2male = BSA (138.1 - 11.49 * loge(age) + 0.378*HRf) |

|DCM |Vx703038 |VO2female = BSA (138.1 - 17.04 * loge(age) + 0.378*HRf) |

|DCM |Vx703039 |VO2 = VeSTPD * 10 * (FIO2 - FE02) |

|DCM |Vx703040 |VO2 = 152 * BSA |

|DCM |Vx703041 |VO2 = 175 * BSA |

|DCM |Vx703042 |VO2 = 176 * BSA |

|DCM |Vx703043 |Robertson & Reid table |

|DCM |Vx703044 |Fleisch table |

|DCM |Vx703045 |Boothby table |

Context Group Cx0706 - P50 Equations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx703046 |if (prem age< 3days) P50= 19.9 |

|DCM |Vx703047 |if (age < 1day) P50= 21.6 |

|DCM |Vx703048 |if (age < 30day) P50= 24.6 |

|DCM |Vx703049 |if (age < 18y) P50= 27.2 |

|DCM |Vx703050 |if (age < 40y) P50= 27.4 |

|DCM |Vx703051 |if (age > 60y) P50= 29.3 |

Context Group Cx0707 - Framingham Scores

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx702070 |10 Year CHD Risk |

|DCM |Vx702071 |Comparative Average 10 Year CHD Risk |

|DCM |Vx702072 |Comparative Low 10 Year CHD Risk |

Context Group Cx0708 - Framingham Tables

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

|Code Scheme |Code Value |Concept Name |

|DCM |Vx702073 |LDL Cholesterol Score Sheet for Men |

|DCM |Vx702074 |LDL Cholesterol Score Sheet for Women |

|DCM |Vx702075 |Toral Cholesterol Score Sheet for Men |

|DCM |Vx702076 |Toral Cholesterol Score Sheet for Women |

Context Group Cx0900 - ECG Report Titles

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0900

ECG Report Titles

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

| | |Resting 12-Lead ECG Report |

| | |15-Lead ECG Report |

|LN |28010-7 |ECG Report |

Context Group Cx0901 - Reason for Exam

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0901

Reason for Exam

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM | |Emergency |

|DCM | |Pre-Surgery |

|DCM | |Outpatient |

|DCM | |CCU |

|DCM | |ED |

|DCM | |Murmur |

|DCM | |Routine |

Context Group Cx0902 - Pacemakers

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0902


|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |PAVVI |VVI pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |PAAAI |AAI pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |PAVAT |VAT pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |PAVDD |VDD pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |PADVI |DVI pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |PADDD |DDD pacemaker |

Context Group Cx0903 Diagnosis

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0903


|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-1 |Apparently healthy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-10 |Acute myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-11 |Myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-12 |Previous myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-15 |Ischemic heart disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-18 |Peripheral vascular disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-20 |Cyanotic congenital heart disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-21 |Acyanotic congenital heart disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-22 |Valvular heart disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-25 |Hypertension |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-27 |Cerebrovascular accident |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-30 |Cardiomyopathy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-35 |Pericarditis |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-36 |Myocarditis |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-40 |Post-operative cardiac surgery |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-42 |Implanted cardiac pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-45 |Pulmonary embolism |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-50 |Respiratory disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-55 |Endocrine disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-60 |Neurological disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-65 |Alimentary disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-70 |Renal Disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-80 |Pre-operative general surgery |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-81 |Post-operative general surgery |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-90 |General medical |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-32-100 |Other |

Context Group Cx0905 - Other Filters

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0905

Other Filters

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-299-0 |60 Hertz notch filter |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-299-1 |50 Hertz notch filter |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-299-2 |Artifact filter |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-299-3 |Baseline filter |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5.4.5-299-4 |Filter, other |

Context Group Cx0906 - Lead Measurement Technique

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0906

Lead Measurement Technique

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM | |Averaged |

|DCM | |Routine |

|DCM | |Median |

|DCM | |Representative |

|DCM | |Single Beats |

Context Group Cx0907 - Summary Codes ECG

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0907

Summary Codes ECG

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM | |Normal |

|DCM | |Abnormal |

|DCM | |Borderline Normal |

|DCM | |Otherwise Normal |

Context Group Cx0908 - QT Correction Algorithms

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0908

QT Correction Algorithms

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |Bazett |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |Hodges |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |Other |

Context Group Cx0909 - ECG Morphology Descriptions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0909

ECG Morphology Descriptions

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |Unknown |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |Positive |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |Negative |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |positive/negative |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |negative/positive |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |positive/negative/positive |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |negative/positive/negative |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |notched M-shaped |

|SCPECG |1.3 | |notched W-shaped |

Context Group Cx0910 - ECG Lead Noise Descriptions

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0910

ECG Lead Noise Descriptions

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-1 |AC (mains) noise |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-2 |overrange |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-3 |wander |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-4 |tremor or muscle artifact |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-5 |spikes or sudden jumps |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-6 |electrode loose or off |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-7 |pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |Noise-8 |interchanged lead |

Context Group Cx0911 - ECG Lead Noise Modifiers

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0911

ECG Lead Noise Modifiers

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5-13-5-2-0 |None |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5-13-5-2-1 |Moderate |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5-13-5-2-2 |Severe |

|SCPECG |1.3 |5-13-5-2-3 |Unknown |

Context Group Cx0912 - Probability

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0912


|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-DE |definite |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-PR |probable |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-PS |possible |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-CE |rule out/cannot exclude |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-CO |consider |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-SS |strongly suggestive |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-CW |consistent with |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.2-UN |unknown |

Context Group Cx0913 - Modifiers

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0913


|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AB |abnormal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AC |acute |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AF |antero-inferior |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AI |age indeterminate |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AL |anterolateral |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AN |anterior |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AS |anteroseptal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AT |atrial |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-AU |age undetermined |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-BA |basal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-BA |borderline abnormal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-BN |borderline normal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-BO |borderline |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-CP |complete |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-DI |diffuse |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-EL |compatible with electrolyte abnormalities |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-EV |evolving |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-EX |extensive |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-HL |high lateral |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-IC |incomplete |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-IL |inferolateral |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-IN |inferior |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-IP |inferoposterior |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-LA |lateral |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-LV |compatible with left ventricular strain |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-MA |major |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-MD |compatible with myocardial ischemic damage |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-MI |minor |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-MO |moderate |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-ND |nodal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-NO |within normal limits |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-NX |may be normal variant |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-OL |old |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-PE |compatible with pericarditis |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-PL |posterolateral |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-PO |posterior |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-RE |recent |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-SE |septal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-SI |sinus |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-SN |subendocardial |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-SP |subepicardial |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-SU |subacute |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-SV |supraventricular |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-TY |typical |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-VE |ventricular |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-WI |widespread |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-XA |probably acute (recent) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-XO |probably old |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-YA |possibly acute (recent) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-YO |possibly old |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-YT |atypical |

Context Group Cx0914 - Trend

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0914


|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.3-4-SE |serial changes consistent with... |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-CC |continuing changes of... |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-OC |occasional |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-IM |intermittent |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-TE |temporary |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-EV |evolving |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-NE |new |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-MU |multiple |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-TR |transient |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-UF |unifocal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-MF |multifocal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2. 3-4-FR |frequent |

Context Group Cx0915 - Conjunctive Terms

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0915

Conjunctive Terms

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-2-AND |and |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-2-OR |or |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-2-NOT |not |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-2-XOR |exclusive or |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-SER |serial changes of |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-DEC |decreased (in comparison to the previous recording |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-INC |increased (in comparison to the previous recording |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-UNC |unchanged/has not changed (in comparison to the pr |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-CHG |changed/has changed (in comparison to the previous |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-DIS |(now) disappeared (in comparison to the previous r |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-REP |(now) replaced ((statement) reported previously ) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-IMP |improved (compared to) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-3-WRS |worse (compared to) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-4-RES |to indicate that the leading statement "results" in or "causes" the |

| | | |second statement |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-4-SEC |to indicate that the leading statement is "secondary to" the |

| | | |subsequent statement |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-4-ASS |is associated with |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-4-EXC |exclude, rule out, or consider also the next state |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-4-WTH |with |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.2.5-4-ALT |alternating with |

Context Group Cx0916 ECG Interpretive Statements

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0916

ECG Interpretive Statements

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NORM |normal ECG |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NLQRS |normal QRS |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NLP |normal P wave |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NLSTT |normal ST-T |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WHNOR |ECG within normal limits for age and sex |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-POSNL |possibly normal ECG |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BOECG |borderline ECG |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABECG |abnormal ECG |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-POSAB |possibly abnormal ECG |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABQRS |abnormal QRS |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABSTT |abnormal ST-T |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NFA |normal for age |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NFB |normal for build |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABFA |abnormal for age |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABFB |abnormal for build |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-UFB |unusual for build |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LVH |left ventricular hypertrophy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VCLVH |voltage criteria (QRS) for left ventricular hypert |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RVH |right ventricular hypertrophy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VCRVH |voltage criteria (QRS) for right ventricular hyper |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BVH |biventricular hypertrophy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SEHYP |septal hypertrophy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PRANT |prominent anterior forces |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MI |myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AMI |anterior myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ASMI |anteroseptal myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ALMI |anterolateral myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LMI |lateral myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HLMI |high-lateral myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-APMI |apical myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IMI |inferior myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ILMI |inferolateral myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IPMI |inferoposterior myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IPLMI |inferoposterolateral myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PMI |posterior myocardial infarction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BBB |unspecified bundle branch block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CLBBB |complete left bundle branch block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ILBBB |incomplete left bundle branch block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ALBBB |atypical left bundle branch block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CRBBB |complete right bundle branch block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IRBBB |incomplete right bundle branch block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IVCD |non-specific intraventricular conduction disturban |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IVCD> |intraventricular conduction disturbance (QRS>120 m |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IVCD< |minor intraventricular conduction disturbance (QRS |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WPW |Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WPWA |Wolf-Parkinson type A |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WPWB |Wolf-Parkinson type B |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PREEX |pre-excitation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LAFB |left anterior fascicular block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LPFB |left posterior fascicular block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BIFAS |bifascicular block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TRFAS |trifascicular block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-COPD |ECG consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PE |pulmonary emphysema |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-QWAVE |Q waves present |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-POORR |poor R-wave progression in precordial leads |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABRPR |abnormal R-wave progression |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PROMR |prominent R waves in right precordial leads |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-DXTRO |dextrocardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LVOLT |low QRS voltages in the frontal and horizontal lea |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HVOLT |high QRS voltage |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LVOLF |low voltage in frontal leads |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LVOLH |low QRS voltages in the horizontal leads |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HVOLF |high QRS voltages in the frontal leads |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HVOLH |high QRS voltage in the horizontal leads. |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-S1S23 |S1 S2 S3 type QRS pattern |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RSR1 |rSr' type in V1 or V2 |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TRNZL |Transition zone in precordial leads displaced to t |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TRNZR |Transition zone in precordial leads displaced to t |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MYOPA |compatible with cardiomyopathy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MYOCA |compatible with myocarditis |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CRIMA |criteria for |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CRIMO |moderate criteria for |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CRIMI |minimal criteria for |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SR |sinus rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NSR |normal sinus rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SARRH |sinus arrhythmia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MSAR |marked sinus arrhythmia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVARR |supraventricular arrhythmia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STACH |sinus tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ETACH |extreme tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SBRAD |sinus bradycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EBRAD |extreme bradycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-JTACH |junctional tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVTAC |supraventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-JBRAD |junctional bradycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVBRA |supraventricular bradycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WQTAC |wide QRS tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NQTAC |narrow QRS tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TACHO |tachycardia, origin unknown or not specified |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BRADO |bradycardia, origin unknown or not specified |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ARRHY |arrhythmia, origin unknown |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IRREG |irregular rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-REGRH |regular rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-JESCR |junctional escape rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VESCR |ventricular escape rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ACAR |accelerated atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ACVR |accelerated ventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ACJR |accelerated junctional rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ARHYT |atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVRHY |supraventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-JRHYT |junctional rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VRHYT |ventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-UNRHY |undetermined rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EAR |ectopic atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LAR |left atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MAR |multifocal atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NODRH |nodal rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RAR |low right atrial rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LGL |Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SHTPR |Short PR-interval. |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AFIB |atrial fibrillation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AFLT |atrial flutter |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ATACH |atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PSVT |paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAT |paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MFAT |multifocal atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RATAC |run of atrial tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RJTAC |run of junctional tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AVNRT |atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AVRT |atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IDIOR |idioventricular rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VFIB |ventricular fibrillation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VTACH |ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RVTAC |run of ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVT |sustained ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NSVT |non-sustained ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TORSA |torsade des pointes ventricular tachycardia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MTACH |multifocal tachycardia (multiform), supraventr. or |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VFLT |ventricular flutter |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ASYST |asystole |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-1AVB |first degree AV block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-2AVB |second degree AV block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-3AVB |third degree AV block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-I2AVB |intermittent second degree AV block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-A2AVB |alternating second degree AV block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AVDIS |AV-dissociation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WENCK |Wenckebach phenomenon |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MOBI2 |Mobitz type 2 second degree AV block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SAR |sinus arrest |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SARA |sinus arrest with atrial escape |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SARSV |sinus arrest with supraventricular escape |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SARJ |sinus arrest with junctional escape |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SARV |sinus arrest with ventricular escape |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SABLK |sino-atrial block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SPAUS |sinus pause |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WANDP |wandering pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LRR |long R-R interval measured |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-OCAP |occasional capture |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PRC |premature complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-APC |atrial premature complex |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAC |atrial premature complex |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BPAC |BPAC blocked premature atrial contraction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MAPCS |MAPCS multiple atrial premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VPC |ventricular premature complex |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PVC |ventricular premature complex |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MVPCS |multiple premature ventricular complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RPVCS |run of ventricular premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RVPCS |run of ventricular premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RAPCS |run of atrial premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RJPCS |run of junctional premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VIC |ventricular interpolated complexes. |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MVICS |multiple ventricular interpolated complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MICS |multiple interpolated complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVPC |supraventricular premature complex |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVPCS |(multiple) supraventricular premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVIC |supraventricular interpolated complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABER |aberrantly conducted complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABPCS |aberrant premature complexes, origin unknown |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABSVC |aberrant complex, possibly supraventricular origin |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABSVS |aberrant complexes, possibly supraventricular orig |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABASH |aberrant supraventricular complexes of the Ashman |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-JPC |junctional premature complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MJPCS |multiple junctional premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PPVCS |paired ventricular premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PVPCS |paired ventricular premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAPCS |paired atrial premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PJPCS |paired junctional premature complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-OVPAC |occasional ventricular paced complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ONPAC |occasional non-paced complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VBIG |ventricular bigeminy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABIG |atrial bigeminy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVBIG |supraventricular bigeminy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BIGU |bigeminal pattern (unknown origin, SV or Ventricul |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-FUSC |fusion complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CAPT |capture complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VEC |ventricular escape complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AEC |atrial escape complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVEC |supraventricular escape complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-JEC |junctional escape complex(es) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ESCUN |escape complex, origin unknown |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VPARA |ventricular parasystole |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-APARA |atrial parasystole |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VTRIG |ventricular trigeminy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ATRIG |atrial trigeminy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVTRI |supraventricular trigeminy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TRIGU |trigeminal pattern (unknown origin, SV or Ventricu |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VQUAG |ventricular quadrigeminy |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RECIP |reciprocal or re-entrant impulse |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-B2T1 |(predominant) 2:1 block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-B351 |(predominant) 3:1 block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-B4T1 |(predominant) 4:1 block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-B5T1 |(predominant) 5:1 block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VARBL |variable block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EXIBL |exit block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ENTBL |entrance block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VABL |ventriculo-atrial block |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BLOCK |unspecified delay or failure of impulse propagatio |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-C2T1 |(predominant) 2:1 conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-C3T1 |(predominant) 3:1 conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-C4T1 |(predominant) 4:1 conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-C5T1 |(predominant) 5:1 conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VARCO |variable conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SVR |slow ventricular response |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IVR |irregular ventricular response |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RVR |rapid ventricular response |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WRV |wide rate variation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AAVCO |accelerated AV conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RETCO |retrograde conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ANTCO |anterograde conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ORTCO |orthograde conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABBCO |aberrant conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CONCO |concealed conduction |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AVREN |AV nodal re-entry |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CONRE |concealed re-entry |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RENTR |re-entry phenomenon |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AECHO |return of impulse to its chamber of origin: the at |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VECHO |return of impulse to its chamber of origin: the ve |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-FCOUP |fixed coupling interval |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VCOUP |variable coupling interval |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PACE |normal functioning artificial pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PACEA |artificial pacemaker rhythm with 100% capture |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PACEP |PACEP artificial pacemaker rhythm with partial cap |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PACEF |artificial pacemaker rhythm with underlying Cx16 |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PACED |demand pacemaker rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PACEM |malfunctioning artificial pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPAVS |electronic pacemaker AV sequential, normal capture |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPVC |electronic pacemaker, ventricular capture |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPDM |electronic pacemaker, demand mode |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPFC |electronic pacemaker, failure to capture |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPFS |electronic pacemaker, failure to sense |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPARV |bipolar electronic pacemaker at the apex of the ri |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPU |unipolar electronic pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPURV |unipolar electronic pacemaker at the apex of the r |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAA |electronic atrial pacing |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAD |dual chamber electronic pacing |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAVA |electronic ventricular pacing with atrial sensing |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PADEM |demand pacing, analysis based upon intrinsic compl |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-OVPAC |occasional ventricular paced complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ONPAC |occasional non-paced complexes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAVVI |VVI pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAAAI |AAI pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAVAT |VAT pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PAVDD |VDD pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PADVI |DVI pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PADDD |DDD pacemaker |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ARATE |atrial rate |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VRATE |ventricular rate |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RATE |rate, not specified ventricular or atrial (but mos |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RHY |rhythm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LAD |left axis deviation of QRS in frontal plane (< -30 |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RAD |right axis deviation of QRS in frontal plane (> +9 |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AXL |leftward axis (i.e. not severe enough to be called |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AXR |rightward axis (i.e. not severe enough to be calle |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AXIND |QRS axis indeterminate |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AXSUP |axis shifted superiorly |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AXPOS |axis shifted posteriorly |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AXVER |axis vertical in frontal plane |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AXHOR |horizontal axis in frontal plane |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TRSLT |transition in horizontal leads shifted leftward |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TRSRT |transition in horizontal leads shifted rightward |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CCWRT |counterclockwise rotation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CWRT |clockwise rotation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ISC |Ischemic |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-INJ |subendocardial injury |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EPI |epicardial injury |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STT |ST-T change |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NST |non-specific ST changes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STE |non-specific ST elevation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STD |non-specific ST depression |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RST |reciprocal ST-T changes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TAB |T-wave abnormality |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NT |non-specific T-wave changes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NDT |non-diagnostic T abnormalities |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TNOR |normal T-wave variations |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-DIG |digitalis-effect |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HTVOL |high T-voltages |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-QUIN |ST-T changes due to quinidine-effect |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PERIC |ST-T changes compatible with pericarditis |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STVAG |ST-elevation V1-V3 possibly due to enhanced vagal |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LNGQT |long QT-interval |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SHTQT |short QT-interval |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HIGHT |high amplitude T-waves |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LOWT |low amplitude T-waves |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-INVT |inverted T-waves |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HPOCA |consider hypocalcemia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HPOK |consider hypokalemia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HPRCA |consider hypercalcemia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HPRK |consider hyperkalemia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STDJ |junctional ST depression |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-REPOL |ST-T changes compatible with early repolarization |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ANEUR |ST-T changes compatible with ventricular aneurysm |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-POSTO |post-operative changes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PULM |compatible with pulmonary embolism |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ACET |related to pacemaker activity |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NDOC |compatible with endocrine disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-METAB |possibly due to metabolic changes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IBP |compatible with hypertension |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CONG |secondary to congenital heart disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-VALV |secondary to valvular heart disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RESP |secondary to respiratory disease |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-JUV |juvenile T waves |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-CLIN |interpret with clinical data |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MYOIN |suggests myocardial infarction (no location specif |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ISDIG |compatible with ischemia / digitalis effect |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STNOR |normal variant |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STPAC |review ST-T analysis for the effects of pacing |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-STPVC |post-extrasystolic T-wave changes |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LAO |left atrial overload |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LAE |left atrial enlargement |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RAO |right atrial overload |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RAE |right atrial enlargement |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BAO |bi-atrial overload |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-BAE |bi-atrial enlargement |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-IACD |intra-atrial conduction delay |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HPVOL |high P-voltages |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NSPEP |non-specific P wave abnormalities |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ABPAX |abnormal P-axis |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-UNPAX |unusual P-axis |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PED |pediatric interpretation |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-RVD |right ventricular dominance |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ASD |changes compatible with atrial septal defect (osti |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ECD |compatible endocardial cushion defect (ASD ostium |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-EBSTA |compatible with Ebstein's anomaly |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-TCA |compatible with tricuspid atresia |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ACA |compatible with anomalous location of the coronary |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HSCAL |all leads half standard calibration (i.e. 5 mm/mV) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HSPRE |precordial leads half standard calibration |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-HSLIM |limb leads half standard calibration |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-DSCAL |all leads double standard calibration (i.e. 20 mm/ |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-DSPRE |precordial leads double standard calibration |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-DSLIM |limb leads double standard calibration |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NSCAL |non-standard calibration |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ARMRE |suspect arm leads reversed |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-LMISP |lead misplacement |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-QCERR |poor data quality, interpretation may be adversely |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AHERR |acquisition/hardware error |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-MEASE |possibly measurement error |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NOISE |noisy recording |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-WANDR |baseline wander |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-FAULT |faulty lead |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-ARTEF |artifacts |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-SIMUL |input is from simulator or test pattern |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-PINFO |inconsistent or erroneous patient demographic data |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-INCAN |incomplete or no analysis (by the program) |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-NODAT |missing or no data |

|SCPECG |1.3 |D.3-AVJR |AV-junctional rhythm |

Context Group Cx0917 - Electrophysiology Waveform Durations

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0917

Electrophysiology Waveform Durations

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM | |P Duration |

|DCM | |PR Interval |

|DCM | |QRS Duration |

|DCM | |QT Interval |

|DCM | |Q Duration |

|DCM | |R Duration |

|DCM | |S Duration |

|DCM | |R' Duration |

|DCM | |S' Duration |

|DCM | |Intrisicoid Deflection |

Context Group Cx0918 Electrophysiology Waveform Voltages

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx0918

Electrophysiology Waveform Voltages

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM | |Q Amplitude |

|DCM | |R Amplitude |

|DCM | |S Amplitude |

|DCM | |R' Amplitude |

|DCM | |S' Amplitude |

|DCM | |J Point Amplitude |

|DCM | |P(+) Amplitude |

|DCM | |P(-) Amplitude |

|DCM | |T(+) Amplitude |

|DCM | |T(-) Amplitude |

|DCM | |Isoelectric Segment at the onset of QRS |

|DCM | |Isoelectric Segment at the end of QRS |

|DCM | |ST Amplitude at the J-Point plus 20 ms |

|DCM | |ST Amplitude at the J-Point plus 60 ms |

|DCM | |ST Amplitude at the J-Point plus 80 ms |

|DCM | |Amplitude at the J-Point plus 1/16 average R-R |

|DCM | |Amplitude at the J-Point plus 1/8 average R-R |

Context Group Cx1002 Cath Diagnosis

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1002

Cath Diagnosis

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM | |Vx100201 |Coronary artery disease |

|DCM | |Vx100202 |Acute myocardial infarction |

|DCM | |Vx100203 |s/p Thrombolytic therapy |

|DCM | |Vx100204 |Atypical chest pain |

|DCM | |Vx100205 |Stable Angina |

|DCM | |Vx100206 |Variant Angina |

|DCM | |Vx100207 |Unstable Angina |

|DCM | |Vx100208 |Progressive Angina |

|DCM | |Vx100209 |Atypical Angina |

|DCM | |Vx100210 |Post-infarction angina |

|DCM | |Vx100211 |Recurrent angina s/p PTCA |

|DCM | |Vx100212 |Recurrent angina s/p DCA |

|DCM | |Vx100213 |Recurrent angina s/p Roto |

|DCM | |Vx100214 |Recurrent angina s/p Stent |

|DCM | |Vx100215 |Recurrent angina s/p CABG |

|DCM | |Vx100216 |Congestive heart failure |

|DCM | |Vx100217 |Pulmonary edema |

|NCDR |2.0b |79 |cardiogenic shock |

|DCM | |Vx100219 |Acute ventricular septal rupture |

|NCDR |2.0b |86 |Mitral valve disease |

|DCM | |Vx102815 |Mitral stenosis |

|DCM | |Vx102816 |Mitral regurgitation |

|DCM | |Vx100223 |Acute mitral regurgitation |

|DCM | |Vx100224 |Silent ischemia |

|DCM | |Vx100225 |s/p MI positive stress for ischemia |

|DCM | |Vx100226 |Myocarditis |

|DCM | |Vx100227 |Subacute bacterial endocarditis |

|DCM | |Vx100228 |Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic sten. |

|NCDR |2.0b |85 |Pulmonary hypertension |

|NCDR |2.0b |87 |Tricuspid valve disease |

|DCM | |Vx100230 |Tricuspid regurgitation |

|DCM | |Vx102822 |Mitral valve prolapse |

|DCM | |Vx100232 |Ventricular tachycardia |

|DCM | |Vx100233 |Ventricular fibrillation |

|DCM | |Vx102823 |Congestive cardiomyopathy |

|DCM | |Vx102826 |Hypertensive heart disease |

|DCM | |Vx102827 |Restrictive cardiomyopathy |

|DCM | |Vx100237 |Pericardial disease |

|DCM | |Vx102828 |Pericardial tamponade |

|NCDR |2.0b |88 |Aortic valve disease |

|DCM | |Vx102813 |Aortic stenosis |

|DCM | |Vx102814 |Aortic insufficiency |

|DCM | |Vx102831 |Atrial septal defect |

|DCM | |Vx100243 |Aortic dissection |

|NCDR |2.0b |89 |Pulmonic valve disease |

|DCM | |Vx102832 |Ventricular septal defect |

|DCM | |Vx100245 |Aortic aneurysm |

|DCM | |Vx100246 |Arhythmia Evaluation |

|DCM | |Vx100247 |Atrial fibrillation |

|NCDR |2.0b |84.2 |heart disease - congenital |

|DCM | |Vx102829 |Constrictive pericarditis |

Context Group Cx1003 Cardiac Valves and Tracts

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1003

Cardiac Valves and Tracts

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|SNM3 |T-35300 |Mitral Valve |

|SNM3 |T-35400 |Aortic Valve |

|SNM3 |T-35100 |Tricuspid valve |

|SNM3 |T-35200 |Pulmonary valve |

|SNM3 |T-32650 |Left ventricle outflow tract |

Context Group Cx1004 Wall Motion

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1004

Wall Motion

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-1 |Not Done |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-2 |Unknown |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-3 |Normal |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-4 |Hyperkinesis |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-5 |Mild Hypokinesis |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-6 |Moderate Hypokinesis |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-7 |Severe Hypokinesis |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-8 |Akinesis |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH04-9 |Dyskinesis |

Context Group Cx1005 Chamber Size

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1005

Chamber Size

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH05-1 |Normal |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH05-2 |Small |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH05-3 |Mildly Enlarged |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH05-4 |Moderately Enlarged |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH05-5 |Markedly Enlarged |

Context Group Cx1006 Overall Contractility

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1006

Overall Contractility

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH06-1 |Normal |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH06-2 |Hyperkinetic |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH06-3 |Hypokinetic |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH06-4 |Akinetic |

Context Group Cx1007 VSD Description

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1007

VSD Description

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH07-1 |Membranous |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH07-2 |Non-restrictive |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH07-3 |Restrictive |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH07-4 |None |

Context Group Cx1008 Valve Stenosis and Regurgitation

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1008

Valve Stenosis and Regurgitation

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-1 |None |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-2 |1+ |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-3 |2+ |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-4 |3+ |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-5 |4+ |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-6 |Mild |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-7 |Moderate |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH08-8 |Severe |

Context Group Cx1009 Aortic Root Description

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1009

Aortic Root Description

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH09-1 |Normal |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH09-2 |Enlarged |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH09-3 |Aneurysm |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH09-4 |Annular Abscess |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH09-5 |Post Stenotic Dilation |

|DCM |1.0 |CATH09-6 |Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva |

Context Group Cx1010 Coronary Dominance

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1010

Coronary Dominance

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |68-1 |Left Coronary Dominance |

|NCDR |2.0b |68-2 |Right Coronary Dominance |

|NCDR |2.0b |68-3 |Mixed Coronary Dominance |

Context Group Cx1011 Valvular Abnormalities

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1011

Valvular Abnormalities

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1011-1 |Stenosis |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1011-2 |Regurgitation |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1011-3 |Calcified |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1011-4 |Immobile |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1011-5 |Flail |

Context Group Cx1012 Coronary Lesion Descriptors

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1012

Coronary Lesion Descriptors

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1012-1 |Ulcerated |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1012-2 |Restenotic |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1012-3 |Bifurcation |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1012-4 |Culprit |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1012-5 |Aneurysmal |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1012-6 |Diffuse Disease |

|DCM |1.0 |VX1012-7 |Luminal Irregularities |

Context Group Cx38013 TIMI Flow Characteristics

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx38013

TIMI Flow Characteristics

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1013-0 |0: No Perfusion |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1013-1 |1: Penetration w/o Perfusion |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1013-2 |2: Partial Perfusion |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1013-3 |3: Complete Perfusion |

Context Group Cx1014 Thrombus

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1014


|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1014-1 |None |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1014-2 |Possible |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1014-3 |Definite |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1014-4 |Severe |

Context Group Cx1015 Morphology

CID Cx1015


|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1015-1 |Smooth |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1015-2 |Irregular |

|DCM |1.0 |Vx1015-3 |Multiple Irregularities |

Context Group Cx1016 Severity

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1016


|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |Vx101601 |None |

|DCM |Vx101602 |Mild |

|DCM |Vx101603 |Mild to Moderate |

|DCM |Vx101604 |Moderate |

|DCM |Vx101605 |Moderate to Severe |

|DCM |Vx101606 |Severe |

Context Group Cx1017 Ventriculography Wall Segments

This 17-segment model of wall segments uses the terminology specified in Manuel D. Cerqueira, et al., "Standardized Myocardial Segmentation and Nomenclature for Tomographic Imaging of the Heart", 2001

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1017

Ventriculography Wall Segments

|Coding Scheme Designator |Code Value |Code Meaning |

| |1 |basal anterior segment |

| |2 |basal anteroseptal segment |

| |3 |basal inferoseptal segment |

| |4 |basal inferior segment |

| |5 |basal inferolateral segment |

| |6 |basal anterolateral segment |

| |7 |mid anterior segment |

| |8 |mid anteroseptal segment |

| |9 |mid inferoseptal segment |

| |10 |mid inferior segment |

| |11 |mid inferolateral segment |

| |12 |mid anterolateral segment |

| |13 |apical anterior segment |

| |14 |apical septal segment |

| |15 |apical inferior segment |

| |16 |apical lateral segment |

| |17 |apex |

Context Group Cx1019 Canadian Clinical Classification

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1019

Canadian Clinical Classification

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |50-0 |Class 0 |

|NCDR |2.0b |50-I |Class I |

|NCDR |2.0b |50-II |Class II |

|NCDR |2.0b |50-IIII |Class III |

|NCDR |2.0b |50-IV |Class IV |

Context Group Cx1020 Cardiac History Dates

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1020

Cardiac History Dates

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |41 |Date of Previous Percutaneous Coronary Intervention |

|NCDR |2.0b |43 |Date of Previous Coronary Artery Bypass Graft |

|NCDR |2.0b |45 |Date of Previous Valvular Surgery |

Context Group Cx1021 Cath Patient History / Risk Factors

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1021

Cath Patient History / Risk Factors

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |40 |previous precutaneous coronary intervention |

|NCDR |2.0b |42 |previous cardiovascular surgery |

|NCDR |2.0b |44 |previous valvular surgery |

|NCDR |2.0b |29 |family history of coronary artery disease |

|NCDR |2.0b |30 |congestive heart failure |

|NCDR |2.0b |31 |Diabetes |

|NCDR |2.0b |32 |renal failure |

|NCDR |2.0b |33 |chronic obstructive lung disease |

|NCDR |2.0b |34 |cerebrovascular disease |

|NCDR |2.0b |35 |peripheral vascular disease |

|NCDR |2.0b |37 |Hypertension |

|NCDR |2.0b |39 |hypercholesterolemia |

Context Group Cx1022 Diabetic Therapy

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1022

Diabetic Therapy

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |31-1 |Diet |

|NCDR |2.0b |31-2 |Oral Agent Treatment |

|NCDR |2.0b |31-3 |Insulin |

Context Group Cx1023 MI Types

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1023

MI Types

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |94-1 |Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction |

|NCDR |2.0b |94-2 |ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction |

|NCDR |2.0b |94-0 |No documented MI |

Context Group Cx1024 Smoking History

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1024

Smoking History

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |38-0 |No History of Smoking |

|NCDR |2.0b |38-1 |Current Smoker |

|NCDR |2.0b |38-2 |Former Smoker |

Context Group Cx1027 Indications for Catheterization

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1027

Indications for Catheterization

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |79 |cardiogenic shock |

|NCDR |2.0b |80 |valvular heart disease |

|NCDR |2.0b |81 |Arrhythmia |

|NCDR |2.0b |82 |ischemic heart disease |

|NCDR |2.0b |83 |positive functional tests |

|NCDR |2.0b |84.1 |heart disease - transplant |

|NCDR |2.0b |84.2 |heart disease - congenital |

|NCDR |2.0b |84.3 |heart disease - cardiomyopathy |

|NCDR |2.0b |84.4 |heart disease of other etiology |

Context Group Cx1028 Cath Findings

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1028

Cath Findings

|Coding Scheme Designator | |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM | |Cx102801 |Normal left heart hemodynamics |

|DCM | |Cx102802 |Normal right heart hemodynamics |

|DCM | |Cx102803 |Normal left and right heart hemodynamics |

|DCM | |Cx102804 |Normal left ventricular systolic function and wall motion |

|DCM | |Cx102805 |Normal coronary arteries |

|DCM | |Cx102806 |Mild intimal coronary irregularities w/o significant stenoses. |

|DCM | |Cx102807 |Single vessel coronary artery disease. |

|DCM | |Cx102808 |Double vessel coronary artery disease. |

|DCM | |Cx102809 |Triple vessel coronary artery disease. |

|DCM | |Cx102810 |Multi vessel coronary artery disease. |

|DCM | |Cx102811 |Left main coronary artery disease |

|DCM | |Cx102812 |Significant coronary bypass graft disease |

|DCM | |Cx102813 |Aortic stenosis |

|DCM | |Cx102814 |Aortic insufficiency |

|DCM | |Cx102815 |Mitral stenosis |

|DCM | |Cx102816 |Mitral regurgitation |

|DCM | |Cx102817 |Depression of left ventricular systolic function |

|DCM | |Cx102818 |Acute mitral regurgitation from chordal rupture |

|DCM | |Cx102819 |Acute mitral regurgitation from chordal dysfunction |

|DCM | |Cx102820 |Acute mitral regurgitation from papillary muscle rupture |

|DCM | |Cx102821 |Acute mitral regurgitation from papillary muscle dysfunction |

|DCM | |Cx102822 |Mitral valve prolapse |

|DCM | |Cx102823 |Congestive cardiomyopathy |

|DCM | |Cx102824 |Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with obstruction |

|DCM | |Cx102825 |Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy without obstruction |

|DCM | |Cx102826 |Hypertensive heart disease |

|DCM | |Cx102827 |Restrictive cardiomyopathy |

|DCM | |Cx102828 |Pericardial tamponade |

|DCM | |Cx102829 |Constrictive pericarditis |

|NCDR |2.0b |85 |Pulmonary hypertension |

|DCM | |Cx102831 |Atrial septal defect |

|DCM | |Cx102832 |Ventricular septal defect |

|DCM | |Cx102833 |Acute ventricular septal rupture |

|NCDR |2.0b |84.2 |heart disease - congenital |

Context Group Cx1029 Admission Status

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1029

Admission Status

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |17-1 |Referral / Elective |

|NCDR |2.0b |17-2 |Emergency Department |

|NCDR |2.0b |17-3 |Transfer |

|NCDR |2.0b |17-4 |Other |

Context Group Cx1030 Insurance Payor

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1030

Insurance Payor

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |18-1 |Government |

|NCDR |2.0b |18-2 |Commercial |

|NCDR |2.0b |18-3 |HMO |

|NCDR |2.0b |18-4 |None |

Context Group Cx1031 CAB Status This Admission

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1031

CAB Status This Admission

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |21-1 |Elective |

|NCDR |2.0b |21-2 |Urgent |

|NCDR |2.0b |21-3 |Emergency |

|NCDR |2.0b |21-4 |Salvage |

Context Group Cx1032 Discharge Status

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1032

Discharge Status

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|DCM |1.0 |Cath32-1 |Alive |

|DCM |1.0 |Cath32-2 |Dead |

Context Group Cx1033 Primary Cause of Death

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1033

Primary Cause of Death

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-1 |Cardiac |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-2 |Neurologic |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-3 |Renal |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-4 |Vascular |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-5 |Infection |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-6 |Pulmonary |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-7 |Valvular |

|NCDR |2.0b |25-8 |Other |

Context Group Cx1034 Location of Death

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1034

Location of Death

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |26-1 |During cath visit |

|NCDR |2.0b |26-2 |After cath visit |

Context Group Cx1035 Acute Coronary Syndrome Time Period

Type: Extensible Version: 2002

CID Cx1035

Acute Coronary Syndrome Time Period

|Coding Scheme Designator |Coding Scheme Version |Code Value |Code Meaning |

|NCDR |2.0b |51-1 | ................

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