Literary Devices Review

Literary Devices Review

Place the letter of the correct definition next to the literary device it describes.

____ 1. Simile a. hints or clues of things to come

____ 2. metaphor b. repeated consonant sounds in middle or end of word

____ 3. personification c. a repeated phrase or line

____ 4. hyperbole d. stands for something beyond itself

____ 5. alliteration e. the attitude the writer takes toward a subject

____ 6. rhyme f. main idea or insight on life

____ 7. refrain g. sound of word imitates the meaning

____ 8. rhythm h. arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables

____ 9. onomatopoeia i. giving a non-human thing human qualities

____ 10. symbolism j. extreme exaggeration

____ 11. assonance k. repetition of the same sound (usually at end of line)

____ 12. consonance l. refers to one thing as if it were another unlike thing

____ 13. theme m. repetition of similar vowels

____ 14. foreshadowing n. compares two objects using “like” or “as”

____ 15. tone o. repetition of a consonant sound

Define the following points of view:

1. First Person:

2. Third Person Limited:

3. Third Person Omniscient:

4. Objective:

Indicate which figure of speech is being used:

1. The spider’s web hung like delicate lace across the open door. _____________

2. “I’m so hungry I could eat a cow!” he cried. _____________

3. The car coughed down the road and died at the light. _____________

4. Life is a candle, too soon blown out! _____________

5. His presentation went over like a lead balloon _____________

6. It is seriously 1,000 degrees outside! _____________

7. Boom! Crash! _____________

8. The silly snake slithered slowly away. _____________

Identify the point of view on the following:

1. At a certain time I have no race. I am me. When I set down my hat at a certain angle and saunter down Seventh street, Harlem City, feeling as snotty as the lions in front of the 42nd Street library, I belong to no race or time. ______________

2. “I’m here to help you,” said the psychiatrist, frowning. Something was wrong with the room…He glanced around. The prisoner laughed. “Violent” thought the doctor. The prisoner read his thought and smiled. ____________________

3. Nelly found Simon dozing comfortably in front of the tree. He seemed relaxed. She thought that now was the perfect time to confront him about the fight that happened yesterday. Nervously, she approached. _______________________

Define the following terms:

1. Imagery: ____________________________________________________

2. Connotation: __________________________________________________

3. Denotation: __________________________________________________

4. Atmosphere: _________________________________________________

5. Irony: ______________________________________________________

6. Setting: _____________________________________________________

7. Characterization: ______________________________________________

8. Epiphany: ___________________________________________________

Indentify the Five Elements (or Stages) of a Plot:






In literature, there are internal and external conflicts created throughout the story to keep things interesting. Name as many as you can:



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