1.0 The Communication Process - Peters Township School ...

1.00 Vocal Techniques9.1.8 A, B, & C1.01observation


801.01apply knowledge of proper posture and body position in singing technique.1.0101discuss and demonstrate proper posture and body position as applied to singing technique and have the students practice.1.0101Teacher demonstration

Teacher supplements: handouts or video examples.1.0101Aprovide routine reinforcement in posture and body position1.0102ATeacher demonstration


self assessment

listening and observing1.02801.02demonstrate knowledge of diaphragmatic breathing in singing technique.1.0201demonstrate proper diaphragmatic and intercostals breathing as applied to singing technique and have the students practice with guided exercises1.0201Teacher demonstration

Teacher supplements1.0202provide routine reinforcement in breathing technique.1.0202Teacher demonstration1.03observation

self assessment

listening and observing1.03801.03demonstrate knowledge of proper vocal embouchure in singing technique.1.0301discuss and demonstrate proper vocal embouchure as applied to singing technique and have the students practice.1.0301Teacher demonstration

Teacher supplements: handouts or video examples.1.0302provide routine reinforcement in proper vocal embouchure technique and have students practice1.0302Teacher demonstration1.04observation

solo performance assessment1.04801.04demonstrate a healthy tone production. 1.0401discuss and demonstrate proper tone production.1.0401Teacher demonstration

Teacher supplements: handouts or video examples.1.0401Aprovide routine reinforcement of healthy tone production through daily vocalizes applicable to the choral literature.1.0401ATeacher demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Stereo / Audio Equipment2.00Tone9.1.8 A, B, C, D, H, J, & K2.01listening and observing2.01802.01perform a vocal tone with varying degrees, of pitch, dynamics, timbre, duration, and vibrato which are stylistically appropriate to the selected repertoire.2.0101discuss and demonstrate tone production with varying degrees of pitch, dynamics, timbre, duration, and vibrato as it is stylistically appropriate.2.0101Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Sample Recordings

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications2.0102guide practice sessions in which varying vocal tones are appropriate2.0102Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Sample Recordings

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications2.0102Aprovide routine reinforcement of healthy tone production through daily vocalizes applicable to the choral literature.2.0102ATeacher demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Stereo / Audio Equipment2.0102Bprovide opportunities for solos or other challenges for students that excel in these areas in order to further develop this talent.2.0102BChorus Library

3.00Rhythm9.1.8 A, B, C, H, J, & K3.01listening and observing

written assessment(s)

performance assessment(s)

concert performance3.01803.01identify and perform rhythmic aspects such as beat, tempo, accent, syncopation, simple and complex meter, accelerando and ritardando.3.0101explain and demonstrate rhythmic aspects such as beat, tempo, accent, syncopation, simple and complex meter, accelerando and ritardando.3.0101Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications3.0102discuss rhythmic aspects with a partner or in small groups and complete related worksheets. 3.0102Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications3.02listening and observing

written assessment(s)

performance assessment(s)

concert performance3.02703.02identify and perform rhythmic aspects such as thesis, anacrusis, dimunition, augmentation, and hemiola3.0201introduce, explain, and demonstrate these rhythmic aspects. Have the students explain these aspects.3.0201Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications3.03listening and observing

performance assessments

concert performance3.03703.03perform aspects such as thesis, anacrusis, dimunition, augmentation, and hemiola through choral literature.3.0301guide practice in applying these rhythmic aspects to the choral literature of this developmental chorus.3.0301Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications3.0301Aprovide routine reinforcement of these rhythmic aspects through daily vocalizes applicable to the choral literature.3.0301ATeacher demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Stereo / Audio Equipment

4.00Melody and Tonality9.1.8 A, B, C, H, J, & K4.01listening and observing

written assessment(s)

performance assessments(s)

4.01704.01identify and perform melodic aspects such as call and response (echo), rhythmic speech, (speech-song), intervals, articulation, phrasing, contour, sequence, diatonic, and arpeggio.4.0101explain, lead discussion, and demonstrate these melodic aspects and have the students rehearse these aspects.4.0101Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library4.0102guide practice in performing these melodic aspects.4.0102Teacher Demonstration

4.02listening and observing

written assessment(s)

performance assessments(s)

4.01704.02identify and perform melodic aspects such as chromatic, blue notes, glissando, portamento, cadence.4.0201explain, lead discussion, and demonstrate these melodic aspects and have the students rehearse these aspects.4.0201Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library4.0202guide practice in performing these melodic aspects.4.0202Teacher Demonstration

4.03listening and observing

performance assessments

concert performance4.03804.03apply melodic aspects to choral literature.4.0301guide practice in applying these rhythmic aspects to the choral literature of this developmental chorus4.0301Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library

5.00Harmony 9.1.8 A, B, C, H, J, & K5.01listening and observing


written assessment(s)


performance assessment(s)5.01705.01identify and perform harmonic aspects such as consonance, dissonance, major / minor / augmented / diminished / triads and other chords.5.0101explain, discuss, and demonstrate these harmonic aspects and the students will practice demonstrating these aspects.5.0101Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library         5.0102guide practice in performing these harmonic aspects.5.0102Teacher Demonstration

   5.02listening and observing


performance assessments


concert performance5.02705.02apply these harmonic aspects to two and three part treble choral literature and three part SAB literature.5.0201guide practice in performing these harmonic aspects to the choral literature.5.0201Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration


Finale Notation Software

Chorus Library5.0201Aprovide routine reinforcement of these harmonic aspects through daily vocalizes applicable to the choral literature.5.0201ATeacher demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Stereo / Audio Equipment5.0201Bprovide opportunities for two, three, or four part duets, trios, & quartets or other challenges for students that excel in these areas in order to further develop this talent.5.0201BChorus Library

6.00Tonality9.1.8 A, B, C, H, J, & K6.01listening and observing


written assessment(s)


performance assessment(s)6.01806.01classify and perform tonality aspects such as pentatonic, major, minor, tonalities and key signatures.6.0101explain, discuss, and demonstrate these tonality aspects and have the students classify the examples given.6.0101Teacher demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications


Finale Notation Software6.0102guide practice in performing these tonality aspects.6.0102Teacher demonstration

6.02listening and observing


written assessment(s)


performance assessment(s)6.02706.02identify and perform tonality aspects such as modulation, transposition, diatonic, chromatic, and blues scales.6.0201introduce and demonstrate these tonality aspects from examples given and have the students identify and perform these aspects.6.0201Teacher demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications


Finale Notation Software6.0202guide practice in performing these tonality aspects.6.0202Teacher demonstration

6.03listening and observing


performance assessments


concert performance6.03706.03apply these tonality aspects to two and three part treble choral literature and three part SAB literature.6.0301guide practice in performing these tonality aspects to the choral literature.6.0301Teacher demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications


Finale Notation Software6.0301Aprovide routine reinforcement of these tonality aspects through daily vocalizes applicable to the choral literature.6.0301ATeacher demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Stereo / Audio Equipment

7.00Texture9.1.8 A, B, C, H, J, & K7.01listening and observing


written assessment(s)


performance assessment(s7.01707.01identify and perform textural aspects such as monophony, homophony, polyphony, canon, countermelody, ostinato, and descant.7.0101discuss and demonstrate textural aspects and have the students identify these aspects through recorded examples.7.0101Teacher demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications


Finale Notation Software7.0102guide practice in performing with textural aspects.7.0102Teacher demonstration7.02listening and observing


performance assessments


concert performance7.02807.02apply these textural aspects to two and three part treble choral literature and three part SAB literature.7.0201guide practice in performing with textural aspects to choral literature.7.0201Teacher demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications


Finale Notation Software7.0201Aprovide routine reinforcement of these texture aspects through daily vocalizes and repetition of choral literature containing these texture challenges.7.0201ATeacher demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Stereo / Audio Equipment``7.0201Bprovide opportunities for solos or other challenges for students that excel in these areas in order to further develop this talent (for example solos duets or trios in polyphonic texture).7.0201BChorus Library

8.00 Form9.1.8 A, B, C, H, J, & K8.01listening and observing


written assessment(s)


performance assessment(s)8.01808.01identify and perform form aspects such as interlude, repetition, first & second endings, D.C al Fine, D.S. al Coda, binary, ternary, music theater, introduction and coda.8.0101review form aspects and ask the students to identify these aspects in examples presented (this can be done for example by having the class point to or name the measure(s) where the D.S. sign exists)8.0101Teacher demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications


Finale Notation Software8.0102guide practice in performing these form aspects.8.0102Teacher demonstration8.02listening and observing


performance assessment(s)


concert performance8.02708.02apply these form aspects to two and three part treble choral literature and three part SAB literature.8.0201guide practice in performing with form aspects to choral literature.8.0201Teacher demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire / Guides / Publications


Finale Notation Software8.0201Aprovide routine reinforcement of these form aspects through daily practice in the choral literature.8.0201A


Stereo / Audio Equipment

Chorus Library8.0201Bprovide opportunities for solos or other challenges for students that excel in these areas in order to further develop this talent (example – memorize choral literature by applying form aspects – section by section analysis and memorization).8.0201BChorus Library

9.00Music Reading, Style, Expression, & Terminology9.1.8 A, B, C, D, E, H, J, & K


listening and observing


written assessment(s)


performance assessment(s)

rubric9.01809.01read, interpret, and perform musical notation for pitch, rhythm, articulation, dynamics, expression, and style.9.0101demonstrate a method of organized reading.9.0101Chorus Library

Teacher prepared worksheets

Sight reading supplements


Finale Notation Software

Audio Equipment9.0102guide practice in reading, interpreting, and performing musical notation.9.0102Piano

Teacher Demonstration

Audio Equipment9.0102Aoffer other examples of specific music notation challenges as a focus activity or follow up activity (some examples could be: beginning a lesson with a set of rhythm examples as a warm up or a song that illustrates a dynamic concept as a warm up).Teacher prepared worksheets and examples

Music Library9.0102Bencourage the students to create and perform music of their own and to perform other music.Finale Notation Software

Music Library9.1.8 A, B, C, D, H, J, & K 9.02self assessment checklist

written worksheets


performance assessment(s)9.02809.02read, interpret, and perform musical notation for pitch, rhythm, articulation, dynamics, expression, and style at progressively higher levels of achievement.9.0201guide practice in improving music reading skills.9.0201Chorus Library

Teacher prepared worksheets

Sight reading supplements


Finale Notation Software

Audio Equipment9.0202provide opportunities for students to advance to higher levels of music reading achievement.9.0202Music Library



performance assessment(s)9.03809.03solve musical reading problems.9.0301guide students through a step-by-step process when sight reading a new song. Ask the students to explain the process (time signature, key signature, tonality, form overview, etc…)9.0301Chorus Library

Teacher prepared worksheets

Sight reading supplements


Finale Notation Software

Audio Equipment9.0301Aprovide students with remedial exercises in sight reading.9.0301APiano

Teacher Demonstration

Teacher prepared worksheets

Chorus Library

9.0301Bprovide students with advanced levels of music reading activities.9.0301BPiano

Teacher Demonstration

Teacher prepared worksheets

Chorus Library

9.0302assign home practice of reading new songs.9.0302Choral Library

Music Library


written worksheets

performance assessment(s)9.04809.04apply musical terminology and symbols which appear in the choral literature. (tempo terms, dynamic terms, style terms, articulation symbols, dynamic symbols, etc…)9.0401review musical terminology and symbols as they appear in the choral literature and have the students discuss with a partner or in small groups.9.0401Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration

Teacher prepared worksheet or supplemental worksheet

Chorus Library

Piano9.0402provide opportunities for the application of musical terminology within the choral literature.9.0402Chorus Library

Piano9.0403ask the students to perform music with application of musical terminology on their own and in small groups.9.0403Chorus Library

Audio Equipment

10.00Music History and Culture9.2.8 A, C, D, E, & F10.01oral questioning

written assessment(s)10.017010.01identify & discuss / analyze composers, styles, and historical periods associated with the programmed choral literature.10.0101introduce, discuss, and compare the historical and stylistic aspects of chorus music studied.10.0101Teacher Lecture

Teacher Demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Teacher prepared handouts10.0102have the students read handouts discussing the background(s) of chorus music studied (this could be background on the composer or background on the music itself).10.0102Supplemental handouts

Teacher prepared handouts10.0103demonstrate how to compare representative composers from the various historical or stylistic period for the chorus music studied. Lead the students in discussing the various time periods and possibly construct a timeline / outline / concept map identifying several periods. 10.0103Teacher Demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Teacher prepared handouts10.02oral questioning

written assessment(s)10.027010.02identify and discuss / analyze historical or cultural aspects (outside of music) political events, trends, fashions and other social context associated with the programmed choral literature. (examples could be World War I if performing something from “The Music Man” since its setting is about this time or “The American Revolution” if performing “Chester” since it is an American Revolutionary song etc…)10.0201introduce, discuss, and compare the historical and cultural events of chorus music studied.10.0201Supplemental handouts

Teacher prepared handouts10.0201Ahave the students read handouts discussing the historical and cultural events of chorus music studied.10.0201ASupplemental handouts

Teacher prepared handouts10.0201Bdemonstrate how to compare representative composers and music from various historical or stylistic periods to similar trends in the other fine arts and the social context of the chorus music studied. Have the students practice identifying composers, style, & historical period through oral questioning.10.0201BTeacher Demonstration

Supplemental handouts

Teacher prepared handouts

11.00Music Listening, Analysis, and Response9.3.8 A, B, C, D & E

9.49C11.01oral questioning

critical response worksheet11.017011.01demonstrate listening and analysis skills.11.0101perform selections or play recordings for student listening and lead a discussion regarding critical response. (examples: performance technique / or expressive elements). Have the students practice this critical analysis after establishing criteria.11.0101Teacher Demonstration

Sample Recordings

Teacher prepared worksheet

Stereo Sound System11.0102perform selections or play recordings for student listening and lead a discussion regarding aesthetic response. Have the students share other performance experiences and their meanings.11.0102Teacher Demonstration

Sample Recordings

Teacher prepared worksheet

Stereo Sound System11.02oral presentation

peer assessment

critical response worksheet

post performance reflection worksheet11.027011.02apply listening and analysis skills to evaluate solo and ensemble performance.11.0201have the students perform for each other solo or in small groups and offer constructive criticism utilizing established criteria.11.0201Teacher Demonstration

Sample Recordings

Teacher prepared worksheet

Stereo Sound System

12.00Practice, Participation, Performance, and Etiquette9.1.8 A, B, C, & G12.01self assessment checklist

listening and observing

performance assessment(s)


performance12.0170/8012.01apply practice skills to outside of school practice.12.0101instruct and demonstrate individual practice techniques.12.0101Teacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.0101 Ainstruct students to keep a log of practice time, to include amount of time and descriptions of what was practiced.12.0101ATeacher Demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.0101Bassist students in developing a home practice routine.12.0101BTeacher Demonstration

Teacher Supplements


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.02observing


listening and observing

concert performance12.0270/8012.02participate and perform in all rehearsals as:

a member of a full ensemble.

a member of a small ensemble

a member of a section (soprano, alto or gentlemen)

d. a soloist12.0201guide the students through daily rehearsal sessions in which all of the previously mentioned units will be emphasized through study of diverse choral repertoire which may include but will not be limited to:





traditional glees and chorales





seasonal & holiday music







Teacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.0202guide the students through voice building exercises to assist in the development of the voice as a solo and ensemble instrument.12.0202Teacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.0203explain desired classroom behavior (classroom etiquette) which is essential in a music ensemble.12.0203Teacher prepared Behavior Guidelines Handout12.0204review conductor patterns and cues and have the students practice responding to these patterns and cues (4/ 4, 3/ 4, 6/8, cut offs, dynamic cues, etc…)12.0204Teacher Demonstration12.0205explain classroom routine regarding seating, care and storage of music and equipment and have the students practice this routine daily.12.0205Teacher Demonstration12.03performance


rehearsing and observing

listening and observing

concert performance12.038012.03demonstrate musical learning by participating in all scheduled performances which may include and are not limited to:

winter and spring concerts

adjudication festivals

school assemblies

community events12.0301organize performance opportunities and explain participation requirements. The students will participate in all scheduled public performances as a culmination of the learning.12.0301Teacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.03B80

12.03Bapply or audition for outside enrichment activities such as PMEA Choral Festivals.12.0301Bhave interested students apply and / or audition for outside enrichment activities such as PMEA Choral Festivals.12.0301BTeacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.04performance assessment(s)

rehearsing and observing

concert performance12.048012.04demonstrate growth in performance by progressing through performance levels.12.0401provide opportunities for students to demonstrate progress through music performance levels.12.0401Teacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.05observing


performance12.058012.05demonstrate “professional” performance etiquette.12.0501instruct the students to dress in clothing appropriate for public stage appearance; instruct the students about entrance and exit to and from the stage and acceptable behavior while on the stage and practice this procedure before performances; and instruct and demonstrate appropriate behavior regarding bows and audience applause acknowledgement.12.0501Teacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

Concert Folders

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications12.06observing

concert12.068012.06demonstrate appropriate conduct as audience members in all performance situations: in class and in the concert venue.12.0601explain behavior expectations for all the students when they are in the role of the audience and have the students practice this role in class and in the concert venue. Conduct a discussion following a performance to evaluate the accomplishment of this etiquette.12.0601Teacher Demonstration


Chorus Library

MENC Repertoire Guides/ Publications


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