UW-Platteville SoE Lesson Planning Template

|Name: Cassie Heusinkveld |

|Lesson Title: The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium (Aquarium “field trip”) |

|Grade level(s)/Course: 2nd Grade Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Program |

|Date taught: Tuesday April 16, 2013 |


|Textbook or Instructional Program referenced to guide your instruction (if any) |

|Title: The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium |

|Publisher: Heinemann Publishing |

|Date of Publication: 2009 |

|District, school or cooperating teacher requirement or expectations that might influence your planning or delivery of instruction. |

|Expectations from all involved in the LLI program to help improve fluency, build word knowledge, comprehension and an overall reading |

|experience as a whole. |

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|Amount of time devoted each day or week in your classroom to the content or topic of your instruction. |

|The LLI program is a daily program at Westview school and in Mrs. Jones room it is run from 8:30-9:00. |

|Describe how ability grouping or tracking (if any) affects your planning and teaching of this content. |

|The group I work with needs various amounts and types of assistance in reading and comprehending the books we read daily. |

|List any other special features of your school or classroom that will affect the teaching of this lesson. |

|I will use small white boards and a white board easel that is provided in the room in which we work. I also will use the leveled books, |

|activities, and lesson ideas that are part of the LLI program. |


|Total students______3___ Males______2____ Females_______1___ |

|Students with Special Needs: |Number of Students|Accommodations and/or pertinent IEP Objectives |

|Category | | |

|Students with IEPs |0 | |

|English Language Learners |0 | |

|Gifted |0 | |

|504 |0 | |

|Students with autism or other |0 | |

|special needs | | |

|Students with Behavioral Disorders |1 |Working closely with the student in order to keep him focused and from getting |

| | |frustrated. If he does get frustrated, working with him to take a few seconds to calm |

| | |down and get back on task. |


|Content Strand – found within the Wisconsin Academic Content Standards|

|or Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards |

|Reading Fiction, Reading Foundational Skills, Listening and Speaking |

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|Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question |

|The lessons main goal is to read The Singing Duck with accuracy and |

|comprehension. Also to have a better understanding of forming words |

|with the endings: -pt,-ft,-mp, and –ld. |

|GLE(s) or EOC and Symbolic Notation |DOK |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, |2 |

|where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details | |

|in a text. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to| |

|major events and challenges. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.7 Use information gained from the illustrations| |

|and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of | |

|its characters, setting, or plot. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.2.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word | |

|analysis skills in decoding words. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.2.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to | |

|support comprehension. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.2.4a Read grade-level text with purpose and | |

|understanding. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.2.4b Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, | |

|appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.2.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word | |

|recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations | |

|with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and | |

|adults in small and larger groups. | |

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|Outcome(s) |

|After finishing the lesson, the students will be able to: |

|1. Read The Singing Duck with improved fluency that I will be able to |

|observe the next time we read the story together |

|2. The students will be able to recall main parts of the story, |

|characters, plot, and setting |

|3. The students will be able to form words using consonant blends |

|suing the blends (ft, ld, pt, and mp) |

|4. Students will be able to define the consonant blends we learned |

|about and come up with words that fit the consonant blends. |

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|Academic Language related to the lesson |

|Content specific terms: Consonant clusters, (examples that I will use |

|to pre-teach are right, light,night, and old, hold, sold) Blending, |

|Fluency, Comprehension, Phonics, Animal Fantasy, Moral, and Fiction |

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|Prior Learning/Prior Thinking |

|Students will have been working with me for about 4 weeks using the |

|LLI program. We meet daily so they are very familiar with what we are |

|doing and what is expected from them. The students will re-read a book|

|from the previous day aloud that we read together and have already |

|discussed. This story has common themes and relatable topics. They |

|also will have already worked with words that are formed using |

|consonant blends, whether they are aware of it or not. Some of the |

|words we will make are old spelling words they have learned or sight |

|words they have worked with. |

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|Anticipatory Set/Elicit Prior Knowledge |

|I will begin with a picture walk and have the students tell me what they think the book will be about. I will prompt them with questions to |

|see if they are familiar with the concepts and ideas the book will present. |

|For the consonant blending I will ask the students what sounds our endings will make and ask then what other sound endings they can come up |

|with. I will do an example of a word formation and ask the students to help me through it to see just how much prompting I will have to do |

|when it comes to their turn. (Right, Light, Night-what do all of these words have in common? What is different about them?) |

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|Focus/Purpose Statement |

|It is important for us to learn consonant blends because they are a big part of words we use every day. Also when we learn how to make the |

|word endings it will be easier for us to spell more words, read more words, and know more words. |

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|Procedures |

|Content Introduction Activity |

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|Time: 5-8 Minutes |

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|Activity Description: I will begin by having the students stand in front of 3 different whiteboards and me in front of the fourth one. On |

|each board there will be a word ending that is a consonant cluster or blend. They will include –pt, -ft, -mp, and –ld. I will use the one I am|

|standing in front of to demonstrate the activity. Let’s say I stand in front of the –ld board. I will begin by saying I am going to make a |

|word using the letters on my board and my body. So I will make an “O” out of my arms and describe that I made the word “old”. I will then |

|allow each student to take turns sharing a word that they made up. If they are struggling I will have Post It notes on the back in which they |

|can take a word and make it for us with their body. |

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|Content Development Activities |

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|Activity = The Singing Duck/ Recap of All About Robots |

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|Time: 20-25 minutes |

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|Activity Description: To begin our lesson I will ask the students to read the book All About Robots quietly (but aloud) to themselves and I |

|will listen to each of them. I will perform a formal assessment on one of the student’s using the LLI formatted assessment. If someone |

|finishes early I will allow them to do the Robot Jobs worksheet in which they draw a picture and write a sentence on something they learned |

|from the book. Once they have finished I will have them hand in their books and give them the next book which is The Singing Duck. We will |

|work together reading through it because it is our first time and discussing the main ideas, characters, and reactions to the story. At the |

|end I will have each student draw their favorite part of the story on a whiteboard with a sentence stating what they have drawn. We will share|

|these and then I will have them pack up their things before we go. |

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|Differentiation |

|By working with the students I will have an understanding of where each of them stand. I have been assessing them and working with them for a |

|month now. By having each student read the story aloud I will be able to assess their fluency of the story as well as their comprehension by |

|the questions I ask them at the end. If a student needs more help I will be able to do more one on one work with them while the other students|

|are reading or doing the comprehension worksheet. |

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|Closure |

|Question # 1 – What are some of the word endings we worked with today? |

|Desired Student Response – pt, -ft, -mp, and –ld. |

|Question #2- What were some of the words we came up with that fit into those word endings? |

|Desired Student Response- Answers will vary some possibilities are kept, old, lift, jump. |

|Question #3- What was the main moral or thing that we can learn from the story? |

|Desired Student Response- The moral is we need to be kind to one another and appreciate everyone for their individual strengths. |

|Question #4- What are some ways we can do those things? |

|Desired Student Response- Answers will vary. |

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|Materials needed: |

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|(Warm Up) 4 white boards, whiteboard makers, Post It notes with prompting words and letters on them, and a space large enough the students can|

|act it out. |

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|(Lesson) The Singing Duck, All About Robots, white boards, white board markers, and a small amount of space. |

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|Classroom Management/Democratic Practices |

|If student behavior become out of line, I will give a verbal warning outlining my expectations. If student behavior continues to be a problem,|

|I will warn the student that if the behavior continues they will be asked to go back to the room with Mrs. Jones and will longer be able to |

|participate in our group that day. If it continues they will be required to leave and go back to the regular classroom. |

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|Before the lesson |

|Gathering information about student knowledge |

|Students will be told by my cooperating teacher that it is time to go with me. We will make our way to the other room in which we do the LLI |

|program stopping on the way to get their LLI folders out of their bags or mailboxes. When we get to the room the students will sit at our |

|table and give me the previous day’s book out of their folders. While doing so, we will talk about the main points of yesterday’s book. |

|Pre-assessment that may be used |

|I will listen to each student’s responses to make sure they got the main points they should have gotten. If not, I will help prompt them in |

|the right direction while filling in missing details. |

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|During the lesson |

|Informal Formative Assessment |

|I will use informal assessment because this is an active lesson and I will be able to hear and observe if they are comprehending the lesson or|

|not. By listening to them read I will hear if their fluency of the book has progressed or if it still needs some work. |

|Formal Formative Assessment |

|As I mentioned above it is a lesson that comes with a formal assessment so I will be conducting that on one of the students. |

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Assessment Rubric


□ Does the plan logically lay out what you will say and do?

□ Did you include specific questions you will ask to invite, guide, and develop students’ thinking throughout the lesson?

□ What strategies will you use?

□ Have you included how you will set expectations for student behavior before and during the lesson (picking up materials; collaborative work time; listening behaviors, moving from one place to the next, etc.)?

□ If students work in groups, have you included how you will group them and why that approach is appropriate to their learning needs?

□ Have you specified how you will ensure students understand the academic language needed to succeed during this lesson?

□ What content-specific vocabulary will you introduce and how will you introduce it?

□ Do you plan for guided work so that students must use the ideas/skills they learn?

□ Do you plan for students to independently work with or apply the ideas/skills?

□ Do you include how you will differentiate for the varying needs of diverse students (gifted/remedial; ELL; social/emotional)?

□ How will you collect evidence of students’ thinking and learning (formative assessments) during the lesson?


If you have not had a conference at the completion of your lesson, or if your instructor asks for this, send a REFLECTION to your practicum supervisor.

In your reflection address each of the following.

1. Focus on student thinking and learning.

• The students seemed to do really well with forming words using consonant blending. They also did well with finding the meaning, plot, setting, and characters involved in the story. I would like to spend more time expanding on the consonant blends because I feel like I have opened a door that we can really grow and build on this concept.

2. What was working? What was not working? For whom? Why?

• The moving your body to form letters while making our consonant blend words worked really well! The students really enjoyed the movement and it was much easier to manage their behavior afterwards because they got a chance to get some of their energy out.

• Prior to the movement activity it was hard for me to get the students on task. They seemed pretty wound up and unfocused. Like I said though once we got some of the wiggles out they did a really nice job finishing the lesson out with me.

3. Use specific examples of students’ work, actions or quotes to support your claims.

• The students were able to relate the moral of the story to the bucket filling policy they use at Westview. They also were able to point out consonant blends within the story and come up with other variations of that consonant blend that fit the ending as well.

4. What missed opportunities for student learning are you aware of that happened?

• I mentioned above that I feel that we barely scratched the surface of consonant blends due to the time period in which we have to work with. I do not feel this was “missed” but maybe just cut short.

5. If you could do it over, what might you have done to take advantage of missed opportunities to improve the learning of students with diverse needs?

• I wish I could say that I would allot more time but that is not my choice but I will spend more time during other lessons to elaborate on it better.

6. In your own classroom what would you teach next to build on this lesson?

• In my classroom or even in my LLI small group I am/would plan on revisiting the story we already read to recap it and give the lesson closure. I then would spend more time exploring consonant blends and show how they can change some letters to get more words out of the blend (wept, crept, slept, etc).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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