Work, Gravitational potential energy, Kinetic energy & Power calculations.

|Word equations. |

|work done = force x distance moved in the direction of the force |

|weight = mass x gravitational field strength |

|gravitational potential energy = mass x gravitational field strength x height |

|kinetic energy = 1/2 x mass x (speed)2 |

|power = energy change ÷ time taken |

|power = work done ÷ time taken |

| |Work done. | |

|1 |Calculate the work done when a force of 4N moves by 3m. | |

|2 |Calculate the work done when a force of 4kN moves by 8mm. | |

|3 |Calculate the force needed to do 400J of work over 10m. | |

|4 |Calculate the force needed to do 4000J of work over 80cm. | |

|5 |Calculate the distance moved by a force of 30N when doing 690J of work. | |

|6 |Calculate the distance moved by a force of 2kN when doing 200kJ of work. | |

|7 |Calculate the distance moved by a force of 60N when doing 3MJ of work. | |

|8 |Calculate the work done when a mass of 400kg is lifted up by 30cm. | |

|9 |What weight requires 400J of work to lift it by 10m? | |

|10 |What mass requires 80kJ of work to lift it by 40mm? | |

| |Gravitational potential energy. | |

|11 |Calculate the g.p.e. gained by a child of mass 30kg when it climbs up stairs of height 2m. | |

|12 |Calculate the g.p.e. gained by a car of mass 800kg when it climbs up a hill of height 40m. | |

|13 |Calculate the mass of a car if it gains 50 000J of g.p.e. when it climbs up a hill of height 25m. | |

|14 |Calculate the mass of a fly if it gains 0.2J of g.p.e. when it climbs up by 20m. | |

|15 |Calculate the height gained by a girl, of mass 60kg, if she gains 1800J of g.p.e. | |

|16 |Calculate the height gained by a bird, of mass 1.5kg, if it gains 300J of g.p.e. | |

|17 |Calculate the g.p.e. gained by a bird of mass 500g when it climbs up by 500m. | |

|18 |Calculate the g.p.e. gained by a fly of mass 2g when it climbs up by 50cm. | |

|19 |Calculate the weight of a car if it gains 60 kJ of g.p.e. when it climbs up a hill of height 50m. | |

|20 |Calculate the mass of a fly if it gains 4mJ of g.p.e. when it climbs up by 40cm. | |

| |Kinetic energy. | |

|21 |Calculate the kinetic energy of a car of mass 800kg moving at a speed of 10m/s. | |

|22 |Calculate the kinetic energy of a coin of mass 20g moving at a speed of 4m/s. | |

|23 |Calculate the kinetic energy of a feather of mass 500mg moving at a speed of 1m/s. | |

|24 |Calculate the mass of a car that has a kinetic energy of 17 000J when moving at 6m/s. | |

|25 |Calculate the mass of a child who has a kinetic energy of 40J when moving at 2m/s. | |

|26 |Calculate the mass of a missile with kinetic energy of 10 000 000J when moving at 200m/s. | |

|27 |Calculate the speed of a car of mass 1000kg that has 500J of kinetic energy. | |

|28 |Calculate the speed of a car of mass 800kg that has 6 400J of kinetic energy. | |

|29 |Calculate the kinetic energy of an orange of mass 150g moving at a speed of 6m/s. | |

|30 |Calculate the mass of a car that has a kinetic energy of 50 000J when moving at 10m/s. | |

| |Power. | |

|31 |Calculate the power of a motor that uses 800J of electrical energy in 20 seconds. | |

|32 |Calculate the power of a girl who performs 3000J of work in 6 seconds. | |

|33 |Calculate the power of a car that uses 120kJ of chemical energy in 5 seconds | |

|34 |Calculate the power of a train that uses 4MJ of electrical energy in 8 seconds | |

|35 |Calculate the energy used by an iron of power 700W in 20 seconds. | |

|36 |Calculate the work done by a marathon runner of power 200W in 3 hours. | |

|37 |Calculate the energy used by a light bulb of power 40W in 2 minutes. | |

|38 |Calculate the work done by a generator of power 3MW in 7 days. | |

|39 |How long does it take a television of power 300W to use 120kJ of energy? | |

|40 |How long does it take an electric fire of power 3kW to produce 6MJ of energy? | |

| |Extra practice questions. | | | | |

|42 |Calculate the g.p.e. gained by a fly of weight 0.05N when it | |47 |What mass requires 3kJ of work to lift it by 3mm? | |

| |climbs up 200mm. | | | | |

|43 |Calculate the power of a bell that uses 360kJ of electrical | |48 |Calculate the kinetic energy of a ball of mass 50g moving at a | |

| |energy in 200 hours | | |speed of 15m/s. | |

|44 |Calculate the distance moved by a force of 5MN when doing | |49 |Calculate the speed of an orange of mass 300g that has 3J of | |

| |200kJ of work. | | |kinetic energy. | |

|45 |Calculate the height gained by a girl, of mass 50kg, if she | |50 |Calculate the g.p.e. gained by a child of mass 25kg when it | |

| |gains 2500J of g.p.e. | | |climbs up a 3m staircase | |

51. (a) A technician uses a hammer to force a nail into a wooden beam.

The hammer has a mass of 0.40 kg. It has a speed of 5.0 m/s just before it hits the nail.


Calculate the kinetic energy of the hammer just before it hits the nail and give its unit.

(b) The technician raises the hammer to a height of 0.75 m above the beam before bringing it down to hit the nail.

Calculate the increased gravitational potential energy of the hammer at a height of 0.75 m above the


(c) (i) After raising the hammer to a height of 0.75 m, how much work does the technician do in hitting

the nail with the hammer? Give its unit.

(ii) Explain your answer.


For the following questions assume that the gravitational field strength g = 10 N/kg


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