Coming from Aussie, the text message wasn’t all that ...

Coming from Aussie, the text message wasn’t all that unusual, but it still made me raise an eyebrow, leaving my grey-furred face with a puzzled expression.

“Come now, bring belly, tail, old clothes, tail, and tail! :D”

I smirked to myself as I padded along the footpath. If Aussie ever sent me a message that didn’t make reference to tails at some point it’d be a sure sign that the apocalypse was upon us. Fond memories made my tail, unusually large and bushy for a Corsac fox, wag softly in my wake, perhaps anticipating the greeting my friend was certain to give it when I arrived. With Aussie, greetings always consisted of a hug, followed by a tailhug if the friend was a close one, and I certainly qualified.

I’d respected my feline friend’s unusual request, and chosen to wear an old vest I no longer cared for, and some trousers from the same category. As requested, though as if I had any say in the matter, I’d also brought my belly, a modestly pudgy number that gave my vulpine silhouette a distinct bulge at the front. Overweight but not obese, it was my own little indulgence. I’d been carefully balancing my weight for several months, trying to achieve a nice even coating of fat, distributed equally across my frame. I was looking good, if I do say so myself. It did slow down travel time by a few minutes, but I wasn’t yet waddling between destinations, so I didn’t mind. It also gave me more time to soak up the fresh air on a brisk morning like this.

As I padded along the pavement to Aussie’s place, spotting it lurking around the next corner, I started noticing piles of junk along the nature strips of the houses I was passing. Mangled tricycles, burnt out pots, the odd rusted fridge or stained mattress, lots of junk. Evidently the neighbourhood was due for its annual hard waste collection by the council. At this point I would have paid no more heed to it, but there was an increasing prevalence of one particular item that attracted my attention: microwave ovens.

Once I’d noticed it I couldn’t help but see that each house was throwing out two, three, sometimes four microwaves. All shapes, sizes and colours. Some of them had their doors missing, and I could glimpse that the insides had been hollowed out, harvested for parts apparently.

My puzzlement increased as I progressed, and by the time I arrived at Aussie’s house and noticed that his hard waste pile consisted of six microwaves and nothing else, I was one puzzled vulpine. Scratching one ear in confusion I wobbled my way up to the door. I say wobbled because there were steps on the brickwork path, and ascending each one made my tummy wobble pleasantly back and forth.

Stairs traversed, I pressed the doorbell, a pleasant happy tune chiming forth from the other side of the door. There was a thump, a squeal, the rapid skittering of claws on wooden floor, then a slick sliding sound and another thump that I swear shook the door in its frame, accompanied by a grunt and a curse.

He hasn’t gotten rid of that rug, I thought bemusedly.

There was more skittering, increasing in intensity until the door was flung inward, and I was beset upon by some of the fluffiest fur I’d ever been hugged with.

‘Foxiieee~!’ squealed the snow leopard, snowy white fur mixing with grey to put one in mind of an overcast day with a slim chance of rain. Arms wrapped around me and squeezed me so tightly my stomach was indented with the shape of my greeter. My legs were encircled by a long and very thick tail, so that no part of me was spared the feline’s fluffy embrace. I could feel him trying to lift me off my feet with the power of his hug, but with my increased weight he had no hope, and he quickly realised it and went back to just hugging. I giggled loudly, fondly nibbling at what I believed to be chest or neck fur. A few more prolonged moments of vertical cuddling and I was reluctantly released, though my welcome wasn’t yet over.

I barely got a glimpse of his ecstatic face before he spun me around a half-revolution, and scooped up my tail before I could react. I watched over my shoulder, chuckling in bemusement as he rubbed it against his face, purring audibly and stroking through the grey fur, tickling in just the right spots to make me automatically fluff it up, which just made him cuddle all the harder.

He wasn’t selfish though, and in due course he offered me his own tail. Far more dexterous with it than I, he cheekily batted my muzzle and ears with its tip until I caught it in my mouth and gave it a gentle nibble. The feline giggled happily until I released it. The non-verbal greetings over with, we could now communicate.

‘How are you?’ Aussie asked excitedly, running his eyes over my frame curiously. ‘You’ve gotten biiig! I wondered why I couldn’t lift you!’

I modestly rubbed over my stomach, smiling. ‘Thanks, I’ve been working on it.’

The leopard grinned cheekily. ‘Tubby foxy~’

I felt the beginnings of a blush come to my cheeks. He knew just how much I liked being called every possible adjective connected with “fat”, and took delight in giving me the strongest blush he could. I merely smiled in response, not giving him the satisfaction so easily.

He chuckled and invited me in. He led me straight to the living room, which was a deviation from our normal route. Unless he was cooking something (and with my appetite he often was), we normally went straight to his bedroom. It was where his powerful desktop computer and all the games associated with it resided, as well as a rather comfy bed for snuggling on when we were tired of watching movies or playing games.

I wondered if there’d some sort of important change to the living room that had vastly improved it, and which might explain why Aussie called me over so unexpectedly, but as we exited the hallway it was clear that it hadn’t changed. It was as Spartan as I had always known it, perhaps even more so as the room had been cleared of all furniture. Aussie didn’t own a TV, and now that the room didn’t even contain its customary couch and coffee table, I was baffled why he would bring me in here.

That was until I saw the huge plastic sack that sat in the middle of the floor.

‘What’re you up to, snowmew?’ I asked quizzically, beginning to suspect the truth as I caught a glimpse of the label, and the contents through the translucent material. He was bouncing along in front of me like he had springs in his footpaws. I’d describe his bouncing as eager and joyful, but that was just normal. He always bounced when he had company, so eager he was to please them and make them comfortable.

‘I thought I’d help you with that belly of yours, and maybe you could help me with my own,’ he sniggered. It would have been a cryptic response if he hadn’t reached into the sack and pulled out a handful of what lay inside, and the mystery was solved.

‘Marshmallows?’ I grinned, watching the handful of pink and white objects tumble from his paw. I peered into the beanbag-sized sack, my tail starting to wag of its own accord as I saw how many thousands of the squishy treats must lie inside, begging to be devoured. ‘Ohhh, that’s not fair,’ I whined in mock reproach.

‘Eating contest!’ crowed the feline, evidently pleased with my reaction. ‘Biggest belly wins!’

I shook my head with a smile. Aussie loved bellies almost as much as I did, especially when it came to making them bigger. Not nearly as much as he loved tails, but it was still something we both indulged in with each other from time to time, taking turns with each others favourite fetish. The last time I’d visited I’d wobbled away with my tail swollen nearly as large as his house, so we both knew it was my turn to choose the activity, and he’d chosen well. There were few things I enjoyed more than eating so much food that I could watch myself visibly expand. Occasionally I enjoyed seeing, or should I say forcing, this effect on others, and more then once Aussie had obliged and ended up with enough mass to crack the floorboards.

Lost in fond memories, I shook my head and yipped softly in apology. ‘Sorry, what did you say?’

‘Do you like my choice? It’s not big deal if you don’t like marshmallows, I’ll make you something else. I’m sure I could eat them all… eventually,’ he admitted, making me grin. We both knew who was the best eater in the room. The leopard wouldn’t have a chance against me, but I appreciated the gesture, and as it happened I liked marshmallows a lot.

‘Suits me!’ I chirped, tail still wagging happily at the thought of the mammoth meal to come. I picked up a pink treat from the sack and chewed it slowly to whet my appetite. ‘When do you want to start?’

He copied me, nomming on a white one as he perused the sack, possibly pondering just how badly he was going to lose to me. ‘Whenever you like!’

I eyed his frame under the casual shirt and shorts he was wearing. He was still as skinny as ever, though beneath that fluffy pelt was a body that could stretch to impossible proportions when filled with air or liquid. It was another hobby we both shared, and while I was the better eater, he could stretch well past my maximum size. Still, it wouldn’t be fair for me to start out with such a generous advantage, by which I meant the belly overhanging my waistband by a respectable margin.

‘You should start first,’ I suggested. ‘I won’t begin eating until we’re both the same weight.’

The feline whined and shuffled from paw to paw. ‘Aww, I don’t want to eat on my own!’ he pleaded, trying to make me feel sorry for him, though I knew it was all an act. It amused me that he still got embarrassed about being fattened, when he wouldn’t even blush about being inflated to the size of a blimp.

‘No, it wouldn’t be fair, we’ve got to be equal before we start. No excuses!’ I barked, as he had the cheek to give me the begging-kitty-eyes. He sighed, defeated, and sat cross-legged in front of the sack, tipping it towards himself and spilling a wave of soft marshmallows into his lap. I smirked and took a seat to his side, wriggling my toes in anticipation as I looked forward to the prospect of that slim body swelling to match my dimensions while I got to watch.

He started eating with unusual gusto, four of them at a time in his mouth. I was mildly surprised. ‘When was the last time you ate?’

‘A may agho,’ he mumbled, mouth full, grinning stupidly.

‘A day ago? Aww, you planned ahead, how cute. You’ll still lose,’ I goaded, poking his stomach, which had begun to poke outward shyly from his torso.

He grunted something unintelligible and pawed at my muzzle, scooping up another pawful with the other paw. I chuckled and nipped at his fingers, chirping softly with satisfaction as I watched his belly steadily pushing outward the more he ate. He was barely making a dent in his pile, yet he’d already begun to fill up his stomach. Soon his body would start processing all the sugary slush and turn it into fat that would spread to the rest of his body.

‘Getting chubby, kitty,’ I teased playfully, putting my paw on the white sphere that was swelling out from under the t-shirt, rubbing softly and feeling it gurgle appreciatively. Aussie’s white cheeks turned a soft pink as he pushed down another mouthful of marshmallow, and I got another paw in my face for the jibe. I knew that quite soon I would be joining in his expansion and the fat jokes would flow both ways, so I was making the most of it. I murred with glee as I watched him swallow, and a moment later felt another small surge in size beneath my paw. I giggled and tickled at the snowy surface, watching my friend squirm and moan through a wet mouthful.

‘Nyeeeh, foxie!’ he grunted once he’d swallowed again, kicking his legs about with my tickles, marshmallows spilling out of his lap. His thighs were starting to become covered by his bulbous belly, big as a medicine ball and quivering as it churned the mass within it.

I made my best innocent face, which is incredibly hard for a fox to do. Not fooled, the leopard swiftly scooped a paw around my neck and pulled me down on top of his belly. Now it was my turn to have pink cheeks as I murred softly, the ear that was pressed against the white surface detecting every gurgle and slosh from within. I wrapped my arms around his torso, pressing my face tighter to the mound, wagging my tail with glee as I chirped a single command.


‘Mrrff,’ he grunted, sheepishly obeying. I smiled and stroked at his swollen midsection, his t-shirt ridden fully up onto his chest at this point. I bumped my belly against his, comparing their sizes. Aussie’s frame hadn’t yet started to fatten, but his stomach had outgrown mine, so I guessed it was time for me to start this contest properly. But I found that I didn’t want to leave the fluffy sphere of feline gut, soft and cuddly as it was. I gave it a firm hug, feeling it distend under me, wagging my tail harder as I heard Aussie gulp and burp with the stress. It also made him notice the difference in size.

‘H-Hey, you cheeky fox, it’s your turn!’

‘Nnn, just another minute?’ I begged, nuzzling my muzzle deep into the squishy surface. I heard him chuckle appreciatively and felt my ears being playfully scratched.

‘Of course,’ he purred, then burped again, making me giggle childishly. His arms encircled me and hugged me closer, and I fancied his arms felt thicker and flabbier than they had before. I looked up to examine him, and he did indeed appear to be getting slowly fatter across his body. I yipped happily, hugging back warmly, wriggling my toes with delight at the thought of how much bigger he had yet to grow.

He’d stopped eating however, and in time I felt some insistent pushing from my chubby mate. It was my turn to join him, and with one last appreciative nuzzle I crawled to my spot opposite the still quite full sack and began devouring the marshmallows, my friend resuming his eating too. It was obvious he couldn’t match my eager pace, so I paced myself to keep things interesting. Soon enough there was a light grey Corsac belly slowly expanding in time with the snow leopard’s one. I grinned as I stuffed a large pawful into my eager mouth. What an amusing way to spend a weekend.

As we kept eating, the level in the sack starting to gradually fall, we encountered resistance in the form of our clothing, which had begun to stretch noticeably taut against our bulging frames.

‘Mrrf~’ I moaned softly, patting my rotund stomach, grey fur peeking through the spaces between the tightly stretched buttons on my vest. Undoing it at this point would be impossible without scissors, and it became obvious why my friend had requested old clothes. My trousers were facing a similar problem, as my body had started to metabolise the mountain of marshmallow and pump fat into whatever areas of my body it could. This included my rump, which I could feel getting slowly plumper, taking up whatever space had been left inside my pants. Judging by the strained look on Aussie’s face, he was facing the same difficulty.

Looking each other in the eye, we knew what the only solution was, and together we doubled our eating speed, scarfing down as many of those sugary deserts as we could. Gurgling and grumbling in protest, our tummies began to swell almost before each others eyes, and our hips started to broaden with the pressure. A button pinged off my vest, bouncing off my friend’s nose. His sharp jump heralded a loud ripping sound. His moan and sudden blush told me the back of his pants had just split. I almost choked on my next mouthful.

‘You okay, kitty?’ I gurgled, then yelped as I felt the back of my own pants split like a ripe tomato, my flabby butt seeping out of the material eagerly. I blushed, my feline friend laughing heartily as I futilely tried to look behind myself, only causing another button to ping away with meteoric speed.

‘Just fine, fatty~’ he teased, flicking a marshmallow at my nose. I stuck my tongue out at him then resumed eating, anxious to be free of my constrictive clothing. Aussie somehow matched my efforts, and piece by piece our clothing gave way. My vest lost its last button as Aussie’s zipper started to undo itself, pushed down by his gigantic tummy. Seams opened up in both our pants, the fabric creaking as it tried to contain our blubbery thighs. White and grey fluff poked out respectively, yearning to be freed. I moaned softly, wanting to reach down and help it along with a slice of my claws, but that would be cheating. The clothes had to come off from our fatness alone. Anyway, it was quite clear who the loser would be in this battle.

Sure enough, my pants gave up entirely, and burst open all at once. My stomach lurched forward, completely smothering my lap and a good portion of my thighs. I blushed and giggled loudly, kicking my footpaws lightly in mild embarrassment. I had no shame however, because my bulbous belly completely covered what little could have been seen of my groin, given my thick fur. I sighed in relief, rubbing my tender rear, nearly doubled in size after the destruction of the dam that had been holding it in check. Likewise my thighs had ballooned outwards, my body now more than twice as wide as when I had sat down.

Aussie clapped his paws, fat folds on his arms jiggling erratically. I grinned and hugged my enormous belly, caressing the still soft fur that covered the taut skin beneath it. I took a break in my eating, politely waiting for my buddy to catch up to me. I noticed that Aussie had to lean forward to grab his next pawful. The marshmallow sack was now less than a quarter full, and at risk of being compressed and lost between our two glutinous guts. I wriggled myself back a little, not an easy thing when you weigh as much as a young orca whale, to give the bag breathing room so that we might continue our competition.

Aussie was struggling to keep going, and I could see he was tiring. His skin still had more than enough stretch left in it, but he’d never spent as much time as I had with his jaw in constant motion. Bravely he struggled onward, the seat of his shorts stretching and tearing as his hips and rump swelled. His long tail thumped against the floor anxiously as he shifted and groaned, trying to free himself. I giggled as I watched in anticipation, awaiting the inevitable. In the meantime I shrugged off my vest so that I was completely free. Upper clothes were much harder and more uncomfortable to rip off with fatness alone, and we didn’t have enough marshmallows to do the job anyway.

Aussie gulped down an extra large mouthful and let out a loud moan, that I’m embarrassed to admit was music to my ears. His tummy let out an equally loud rumble, ripples sweeping across the taut white surface. His body grew just that notch more, and his shorts blew off him with enough force to send little dust clouds racing across the floor. He blushed furiously as I applauded as he had to me, laughing and wagging my tail.

‘Yaaay, big fatty snowmew!’ I chuckled, trying to poke his belly with one of my feet. It was a hopeless endeavour, my legs were completely buried beneath my stomach, I could only wriggle my footpaws about in an adorable manner. Aussie smiled and wriggled his back at me, though I could barely see them. Our immense bodies were making it difficult to keep sight of each other.

We sat there, panting softly, enjoying a break from eating, watching each other as our tummies made a chorus of interesting noises. Gurgles and groans, rumbles and rolls, churning the unbelievable load we had stuffed into them. Slowly but surely it steadily our bodies fattened. Limbs thickened, necks swelled, butts ballooned and hips expanded. We purred and murred softly together, caressing our obedient stomachs, easing their stress and rewarding them for their work.

After a ten minute reprieve, we’d both added a full quarter of ourselves to our mass. I blushed and chirped, wagging my tail in delight over how big and fat we’d gotten. Together we took up a quarter of the whole living room, facing each other like titanic sumo wrestlers. If my normal sized self was to stand beside me, he would barely reach my shoulders, even though I was sitting down! I was immensely pleased by this, and I wriggled and churred happily, showing my appreciation for the activity Aussie had wisely chosen. He smiled back at me, plainly pleased that I’d enjoyed myself so far, but I missed the cheekyness behind his grin that should have warned me.

In time our stomachs settled, content to simply store the mass of sugary mush within them, our bodies no longer ballooning. I burped loudly, trying to lean forward to get a glimpse of where the sack lay. Alas, either it was below my line of sight or it had been buried by my expanding form.

Aussie noticed my hopeful search and laughed loudly. ‘Surely you’re not still hungry?’ he cried. ‘You’ve already won, you greedy fox, you’re at least half a metre taller than I am!’

I grinned gleefully, yipping happily and thumping the floor with my thick tail. ‘Yaay, I won! I still have room for more though! But I can’t reach what’s left.’ I made a sad foxy face, ears folded down and whimpering softly. Aussie hated that; he couldn’t bear to see friends sad even for a moment.

‘Nyeeh!’ he whined, waving his flabby paws at me, his whole body jiggling. This was such an amusing spectacle I couldn’t maintain my facade and chuckled, ears perking back up.

‘So you’re still not full?’ he asked, with a hint of a smile. ‘Still room left for more?’

I patted my swollen stomach, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling as I pondered my answer. It was then that I noticed that the ceiling was a different colour to the walls. Black and silver, reflective and metallic, with bizarre patterns of brown and blue. I looked closely – this was very easy since my head was closer to the ceiling then it had been when I entered the room – and realised that it wasn’t paint. The ceiling was blanketed with small metallic objects, all inter-connected by electrical wires.

The longer I looked, the more I started to get an uneasy sensation. Until now I’d completely forgotten about the microwave mystery I’d encountered on my way here. The enthusiasm of our greeting had pushed it clear out of my mind, but now it returned violently like a forgotten assignment due the following morning.

‘Say, Aussie,’ I began slowly, tilting my head down to look at my host. He had one paw behind his head, tugging at something, wincing. There was a sharp ripping sound and he tore a small remote control from the back of his scalp.

‘Yeowch!’ he exclaimed, then showed me the underside. ‘Velcro. Scourge of cats everywhere, but very useful for hiding things like this.’

‘What’s that for?’ I asked nervously. My life, particularly the parts that involved being ballooned to unbelievable sizes by contraptions owned by this very feline, flashed before my eyes.

‘Didn’t you notice them on the way here?’ he grinned. ‘I had to spread them out between various houses otherwise you might have gotten suspicious.’

‘I did notice, but I forgot,’ I admitted. ‘What are those things on your ceiling?’

‘Magnetrons. Microwave emitters I took from all those old microwaves I found at the junk yard.’

‘Microwaves?’ I asked, puzzled. Aussie and myself had experimented with almost every inflation or fattening technique in the book, and this wasn’t one of them. ‘That won’t do anything to us. Will it?’

‘Oh yes it will,’ he giggled, his multiple fuzzy chins wobbling with excitement. ‘Ever seen what happens when you put a marshmallow in a microwave?’

I froze, tail bristling in sudden fear. ‘Eep!’ I tried to lean forward and knock the remote from the evil leopard’s paw, but my arms were many metres too short to reach. Desperately I tried to lift myself. With superfox-like strength, I managed to clench my thighs, but I moved no further. I unclenched, panting, whining softly as I resigned myself to my fate. Aussie laughed at my efforts.

‘Anyone would think you didn’t like getting bigger!’ he said mischievously, playfully waggling his little remote at me.

‘I do… I’m not fond of popping at the end though,’ I complained, folding my arms and giving him a reproachful look, resigning myself to my fate.

‘Who said you’d be popping?’ he asked, surprised.

I tilted my head. ‘Don’t marshmallows explode in a microwave?’

‘No, that’s eggs!’

I relaxed quite a bit, even becoming curious in spite of myself. ‘Oh… what do they do then?’

‘Grow~’ he giggled, and with no further hesitation pushed the button on the controller.

There was the clunk of a heavy relay snapping into place, and an intense humming started above our heads, like a giant hive of insects. There was no visible change to the room, though I half expected a light to come on and the floor to start rotating. Nothing happened for several seconds. I eventually felt a warm tickling sensation around my lap. I giggled loudly, peering over my belly to see what it was.

There was a frothy white and pink mass of marshmallows pouring out of the sack, expanding and growing. I watched an individual marshmallow that had rolled out onto the floor, saw it shiver and bulge, doubling, trebling, quadrupling in size! I folded my ears back as I realised what this meant for me and my friend.

‘Oooh dear,’ I gasped, fanning my face with a fat paw as my body started to warm from the invisible rays rolling around the room. I could already feel my skin stretching slowly as the untold mass of marshmallow within it started to expand. I felt myself blushing heavily, but I couldn’t tell if it was from the microwaves or genuine embarrassment. Either way it greatly pleased my feline friend, who was likewise starting to grow larger before my eyes.

Bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter we grew. Every second another centimetre was added to the circumference of our stomachs. For every minute that passed it looked like we’d both swallowed another bucketful of food. The sensation was bizarre. My face was flushed and hot, but my underside was cool. Within my colossal belly if felt like a pack of wolves were chasing their tails. Tingling, tickling, stretching and expanding with the bubbling swelling mass inside.

For the most part I was enjoying the sensation. I eagerly rubbed at my belly as it ballooned beyond my control. In the last few moments before he was blocked from my view, I saw that my devious friend was enjoying himself just as much, though he wasn’t as big as I was. I flicked my ears and waggled my tail, happy that I was still managing to win at our competition, despite the trickery.

I was getting a tad concerned though. After five minutes the magnetrons continued to pump out their invisible waves, and my belly continued to swell larger and larger. I waited patiently for Aussie to have his fill, alternating between rubbing my fatness and fanning my face. I felt my belly’s slow scrape across the carpet brought to a sudden halt as it collided with Aussie’s own tummy. Like rutting sheep they started to push against one another, a noticeable sense of pressure making itself felt as they both kept on growing in spite of the obstacle in their way.

‘Mrff~’ I grunted, chuckling and patting myself. ‘I think I’ve won now! I can feel yours is still smaller than mine. Do I get a prize now?’

‘Yes!’ came a slightly muffled reply from somewhere behind the two huge furry boulders that now occupied the living room. ‘You get to keep growing!’

I forced a laugh, which turned into a hiccup as hot gasses welled up from my depths. I wriggled my legs helplessly, moments before they were absorbed into my billowing mass. Only my footpaws poked out, themselves looking rather puffy and large. My arms were similarly sinking, becoming stubby and helpless. And still my stomach grew, eating up all available loose skin on my body, along with the empty space still left in the room.

As it let out a loud rumble of pressure, I groaned and called out. ‘A-Aussie, I think I’m full! Time to t-turn it off?’

I heard nothing but some grunting and quiet moaning. Just as I was about to repeat myself, he answered. ‘I can’t, it’s on a timer, like a normal microwave. Just gotta ride it out.’

‘H-How long has the timer got left?’

‘I don’t know, I lost count a while ago. Could be one minute, could be two, or three. Or five. Not sure.’

‘You silly -urp- snowmew!’ I gurgled, burping loudly. ‘I might bu-bur-st!’ I burped again, and unexpectedly I felt something shoot up my throat and into my mouth. I could taste that it was some well chewed marshmallow that had arisen from my stomach. I felt it expanding in my muzzle, so I hastily swallowed it back down, though it was an effort, things were getting mighty full down there.

‘Oooh, n-never t-trust an inf-inflationist,’ I grunted, whining as I kept growing bigger and bigger by the minute. My poor belly started to creak and groan audibly, skin stretching taut, rubbing and pushing tightly against Aussie’s. With no room left to press forward, my body expanded laterally. Growing out to either side, as well as straight up towards the ceiling. Closer proximity to the magnetrons only made the marshmallow within me grow all the faster. I whimpered as my butt, already the size of two beanbag chairs, swelled alarmingly fast. My body was running out of places to stuff the excess marshmallow. I could even swear that my swishing tail was getting heavier, though it was starting to hit the wall behind me.

I moaned loudly as my stomach gave another surge, heaving back against Aussie’s tummy. While still smaller than mine, it was pushing just as hard. The pressure within me climbed another notch, and I felt a trickle of melted marshmallow running out of my muzzle as I panted for air. I knew exactly what it felt like to be a pressure cooker. But now I was really worried about just how much pressure I could take. It felt like my ears were whistling steam, and the next moment I felt them pressing against the ceiling.

‘Nyaaah, Aussie!’ I cried out, moaning and spitting out more marshmallows that had risen from my gut. My body let out its loudest rumble yet. I could feel myself quivering, trembling with immense pressure. I groaned and thumped the floor with my tail. ‘Nnnnn~ I-I can’t… hold out… I’m gonna… pop!’

‘J-Just a few… s-seconds!’ came the distant reply over the loud hum of electricity.

I whined and moaned, squeezing my eyes shut, certain that at any moment I wound find myself transformed in an instant from a quivering giant ball of Corsac fox to a mountainous wave of liquid pink and white slurry. I knew that I would reform in moments, and it wouldn’t be my first or even fifth time, but I still didn’t enjoy the experience as much as my friend did.

There was an unexpected clunk, and all the humming stopped, as did all sensation of heat and warmth. I opened one eye hesitantly, taking a peek around. The stream of sugar that had been pouring from my mouth trickled away, and I swallowed what was left, easily keeping it down. I panted and gasped in cool air, and with the greatest relief I felt my body slowly start to shrink. My ears unbent themselves and my arms extended from my torso as the bulk of the marshmallow inside me reduced from its quadruple size to merely triple its original size. I patted my taut skin and fur gratefully, silently thanking it for holding together so superbly.

In a minute or two I had reduced to a more comfortable size, but still vastly bigger than I had been before the magnetrons had started. I blushed heavily as I realised I was taking up fully half of the living room. With the help of Aussie’s microwaves I’d once again doubled my size, and I’d already been huge after nearly half a sack of those marshmallows!

I purred with satisfaction, wriggling with glee. Now that my tummy had lost its ballooning and I’d started to fatten up again, I could once more see over my stomach to my friend, who’d been more or less lost to me for the last ten minutes. I waved eagerly, playfully heaving myself forward to give him the biggest bellybump in history. If he hadn’t been of comparable mass he surely would have been embedded in the drywall. As it was he wobbled and giggled like a maniac, making grabby paws at me to indicate just how much he wished he could hug my colossal tummy.

‘Bellyyyy,’ he chuckled, trying in vain to get it within pawing reach. I smiled proudly, stroking the surface like an expectant mother. ‘You’re the fattest fox in the whole world, you chubby, tubby, podgy, flabby, chunky fatty fat fat foxy~!’

I blushed extra-hard and waved my paws at him in embarrassment. ‘At least I won! I’m still fatter than you, silly snowy~’

He chirped happily, heaving himself forward with a huge effort. My eyes widened as he started to roll like the huge ball that we both were. He didn’t roll far before bumping into me, sending waves rolling across my flabby body. He came to rest propped up by my tummy, only now his head and arms were laying against it, almost within reach of my own.

He eagerly embraced me, hugging two big armfuls of chubby vulpine to his face. I smiled and tousled his ears, making the feline purr all the louder. When he had had his fill of hugging, he playfully pawed at my nose, resting his head against my chest fur.

‘Did you enjoy your birthday present?’ he asked with a grin.

I tickled his chin. ‘You did all this just for my birthday?’ I asked in mild surprise. ‘It’s not even until next month.’

‘I couldn’t wait that long!’ Aussie whined, making me laugh heartily, the many folds and rolls of my body bouncing.

‘Well thank you, though maybe next time don’t try to pop me unless I’d like to,’ I asked politely. Aussie wasn’t put out at all.

‘Sure buddy, but I wasn’t going to let you burst, I knew you’d wanna stay all fat and chubby afterwards. I timed it all just right, you were safe with me.’

I tilted my head, puzzled. ‘If you didn’t want to pop me, why’d you take me so close to the edge?’

He grinned like the devious feline he was. ‘To stretch your skin out, make you much more flexible, so that next time we do something like this, I can make you even bigger!’ he laughed, tickling at my tummy. I squealed and pawed at him.

‘Oh you~’ I yawned, exhausted from all the drastic changes my body had gone through in such a short time. I hugged the leopard to my gigantic mass, churring softly as he too closed his eyes and curled up against me for a well-deserved afternoon nap.

‘Happy birthday indeed,’ I smiled, falling asleep with my friend.


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