Constitutional Amendments Assignment

American Government: Constitutional Amendments Presentation

Your assignment will be to research, with or without a partner, one amendment to the Constitution and create a poster board or PowerPoint that will teach the class about your amendment. You will present the information in class. If you are absent on the day you are scheduled to present, you must write out exactly what you would have said if you would have presented your amendment. If your partner is absent you may still have to present that day. The presentation should be a minimum of three minutes long.

Questions that need to be addressed in your presentation and written on your poster board:

1) What is your amendment about?

2) Why was it proposed? (What events led up to it? What was the purpose of having it?)

3) When was it ratified?

4) What changes were created after it was passed?

You should be an expert on your amendment and go into great detail when you present. Make sure you spend time reading about your amendment using the many web sites available.

(This should be in your own words and NOT copied and pasted in. If you plagiarize information you will receive a “0” for your presentation)

The presentation must also include at least ONE visual aid that you think reflects your amendment. You can either:

1) Create your own image, or

2) Find a picture, piece of art or poetry

Extra Credit: How can someone remember your amendment?


|Evaluation Rubric for Amendment Presentation |

|  |6 points |8 Points |10 Points |

|Organization 10 |Audience has |Student presents |Student presents |

|points |difficulty following |information in logical |information in logical, |

| |presentation because |sequence which |interesting sequence |

| |student does not |audience can follow. |which audience can |

| |present information in | |follow easily. |

| |coherent manner. | | |

|Subject Knowledge |Student partially |Student addresses |Student addresses all |

|10 points |addresses required |most of the |necessary information |

| |information, is |information required, |and demonstrates full |

| |uncomfortable with |is at ease with |knowledge by |

| |information they |answers to all |answering all class |

| |present and is able to |questions, but fails to |questions with |

| |answer only |elaborate. |explanations and |

| |rudimentary | |elaboration. |

| |questions. | | |

|Visual Aid 5 |Student included |Student included one |Student included a |

|points |visual aid but did not |visual aid and |complex or abstract |

| |explain its |effectively explained |visual aid and fully |

| |relationship to the |how the |explained the |

| |amendment. 3 |artwork/poetry |relationship between |

| |Points |connected to their |the amendment and |

| | |amendment. 4 |the artwork/poetry. 5 |

| | |points |Points |

|Poster Board and |Presentation has three |Presentation has no |Presentation has no |

|Mechanics 10 |or more misspellings |more than two |misspellings or |

|points |and/or grammatical |misspellings and/or |grammatical errors. Poster |

| |errors. Overall posterboard is |grammatical errors. Poster Board|Board is neat and organized |

| |not organized and is not neat. |is mostly neat and organized | |


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