Karl Walter Pankaskie

Karl Walter Pankaskie

1162 SE Constitution Dr

College Place, WA 99324

United States E-mail: kpcosts@

Home: (509) 540-9743

Mobile: (509) 540-1753

In April 2012 joined Construction Estimating Services, LLC. and became a re-hired annuitant for the Walla Walla Corps of Engineers.

Work Experience 09/26/2008 to 12/31/2012. Hrs per week: 40, Civil Engineer, GS-0810 -12. US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, GALVESTON.

2000 Fort Point Road

Galveston, TX 77550

Willie J. Honza, 409 766-3161.

Work Experience 05/31/1987 to 9/25/2008. Hrs per week: 40, Civil Engineer, GS-0810-13. US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, WALLA WALLA.

201 N. Third

Walla Walla, WA 99362

Kim Callan, 509 525-7511.

Works under limited supervision of the Chief, Cost Engineering Branch.

Ability to carry out assignments independently which includes, but is not limited to:

performing, coordinating, integrating, leading group estimators, and reviewing cost estimates relating to civil works, structures and associated mechanical items. This also includes integrating other parts of the estimate for technical sufficiency and developing or revising segments of the overall estimate as needed.

Other duties performed: serving as group leader making work assignments for other branch estimators, problem solving and resolution when called upon, coordinating between design and cost engineers, establishing a team concept to complete the projects in the time requested; developing cost estimates and cost loaded matching construction schedules; putting together risk analysis for reconnaissance and feasibility studies; creating baseline and government estimates and ITR (internal technical reviews of costs).

Have also been responsible for researching the constructability of building difficult and complex construction projects then using that research as a baseline to develop the estimate.

Using professional judgment and construction knowledge, I am able to plan and coordinate many difficult and complex construction projects. This includes independently coordinating with organizations or agencies outside the district such as Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, and Alaska for development of projects, budgets, obtaining funding, and completing the final product. Have also worked on the DOE Hanford environmental cleanup assignments.


He has estimated over 3 billion dollars of difficult and time restrictive civil works projects from start to end, bringing most of them under the initial feasibility costs. A Walla Walla District Planning study, comprising of fifteen years of data, show that Mr. Pankaskie’s bid estimate numbers averaged 5+ percent above the awarded bid estimates.

As a technical group leader, successfully lead, budgeted, created the construction schedule, and developed and assembled the program and bid costs for the following projects:

The multi-contract and multi-million dollar Lower Snake Compensation plan

$ 400+ million Corpus Christi Ship Channel Widening and Deeping

$ 400+ million Folsom Auxiliary Spillway Flood Protection (Team Leader of 4 cost engineers)

$ 300+ million Success Dam Seismic Remediation

$ 900+ million Truckee Meadows Flood Control Project

$ 300+ million Howard Hansen Dam Project (Team Leader of 4 cost engineers)

$ 550+ million Folsom Outlet Chambers (Team Leader of 8 cost engineers)

Recognized by Assistant Secretary of the Army for teamwork in developing and completing this cost saving proposal while working with extremely tight deadlines.

$ 38+ million Second Power House Bonneville Corner Collector *

$ 25+ million Howard Hansen Phase, 1 Contract **

$ 11+ Pier 21 Military Building and Pier Modification

$ 8+ million Zintel Canyon RCC dam and Channel project

$7.2 million Dam Alaska’s Kake Dam Project

$ 6+ million Ice Harbor Spillway Deflectors project

$ 4+ million Hammer Firefighting Training Center

$ 4+ million Ice Harbor Navigation Coffer Cells

$ 3.5+ million Lower Monumental Spillway Improvements

*Successfully managed and bid this $38 million dollar contract. Handled it from start to finish, and was under budget. A unique civil work with special concrete finishing requirements, a tight construction window, underwater fill placement, and a difficult concrete peninsula to support the channel.

**Developed a below water construction method and sequence of construction for Howard Hansen Phase 1 that was rejected by AE designer, but after contractors’ review, changed his plan, adopted it and implemented.

Worked with economists within and outside the Corps on a multi-billion dollar budget, program schedule, and costs in which we developed the life cycle costs and total cost for the Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Study.

Military Work

11+ million USARC/OMS/MARINE AMSA Version 7 Pier 23 Project

Worked on the change order for the Jr. NCO Housing, FTW 242 housing at Fort Wainwright, Alaska

Miscellaneous change orders for Fort Hood in Tacoma Washington

Short-term committee assignments

Served 3 years on the PACES committee for reviewing the Military estimating program

Served on the MII Development committee.

• Developed the calculations and calculation checks

• Developed all the view panels and calculation checks

• Developed the printing layouts and calculation checks

• Developed and reviewed the new and better way of labor costs estimating

• Developed and am responsible for labor costs entered into MII

Served on the committee to review commercial estimating programs

• Set up the reviewing criteria

• Served as the technical expert


• Am a respected top technical specialist in estimating using programs MII, MFW and MCACES

• Assisted other experienced cost engineers with their questions regarding aspects of the aforementioned programs

• Mentored, trained, and problem solve using MII and MFW for estimating projects.

• Developed an Excel Project Quantity Take-off spreadsheet which includes an expanding database on the metal, concrete, earthwork, drilling and blasting, military building, and etc of standardized takeoffs and unit of measures.

This tool allows the estimator to work more quickly and efficiently, with backup for the estimate. It also allows the estimator to develop his quantities to support a construction schedule from his estimate.



Bachelor’s Degree BA, 1979, Civil Engineering, Washington State University, Total Credit hours earned semester: 145


October 2007 Risk Analysis & Crystal Ball Training

2003 - Dredge Estimating

March 1995 - HTRW Cost Engineering

May 1994 - Network Analysis

February 1993 - A-E Contracting

January 1992 - Estimating for Construction Modification

July 1989 - Construction Contract Negotiating


Engineering in Training, July 13, 1979

Certified Cost Consultant, May 10, 2010

Additional Information - AWARDS:

2007 - Letter of Recognition for team work done on the Folsom Dam Modification, from Assistant Secretary of Army – John Paul Woodley, JR.

2004 - Cost Engineer of the Year Award

September 2004 - Outstanding Planning Achievement Award for Centralia Food Damage Reduction Project

2008 - Excellence Rating and Performance Awards

2007 - Excellence Rating and Performance Awards

2006 - Exceptional Rating and Performance Awards

2005 - Exceptional Rating and Performance Awards

2003 - Exceptional Rating and Performance Awards

2002 - Exceptional Rating and Performance Awards

1999 - Quality Excellence Award

Received an award for negotiating the contractor proposal down from 5.9 to 3.8 million for the Little Goose Juvenile Fish Facility Sun Shelter.

Construction Work Experience

1982 to 05/31/1987 worked for the Lower Snake Construction Office.

Construction Inspector – pre-stressing engineer on the Lewiston-Clarkson concrete bridge. With diligence and perseverance was the only one who developed the stressing calculation that matched actual created elongation. This saved redoing the calculation after the fact. Personally saved half a million dollars for the Government through diligent review of technical submittals.

Project engineer for construction of Cottonwood Creek earthen fish acclamation pond.

Developed and adopted by the contractor, a construction schedule to maintain the difficult completion time of the Red River fish facility.

Cost Estimating Developments:

Published Database used in the Corps official estimating software (MCACES)

Developed MCACES Field Office Assemblies database

Greatly reduces the need for individual item search in the Uniform Price Book.

Assembly title costs have descriptions to identify the categories.

Has unique line items that re-price themselves.

Offers a way to organize Field Office cost, allowing a check of the estimate.

Uniform placement of items allows a reviewer to quickly check the estimate for accuracy and pinpoint high costs.

MII Program – Calculations development and checking

Developed MCACES Civil Work Paint Assemblies database -

An estimating tool to easily estimate the Corp’s Civil Works unique paint system. These paint systems are much more complicated than standard painting costs.

MII Database – Labor

Created Labor grouping and descriptions

Helped put together current MII labor overtime calculations and verification spreadsheet.

Worked on developing the current MII labor inputs to quickly enter labor rates for each contractor.

Developed a worksheet that enables current rates to be paste-able to the MCACES labor file. Includes paste-able generic project notes and bid notes.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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