XYZ General Contactor, Inc. requires Subcontractors & Vendors to comply with the Construction Waste Management Agreement requirements below:

1) Waste Prevention:

a) Subcontractors are required to follow the General Contractor’s Waste Prevention/Recycling Program. Under this program, all subcontractors & vendors are required to identify their specific waste prevention strategies. The General Contractor requests that materials and equipment be delivered in packaging, that packaging be taken back for reuse or recycling, and that all unused product is taken back by the subcontractors or supplier.

b) A list of waste prevention strategies is attached (Exhibit A).

2) Waste Recycling:

a) XYZ General Contactor, Inc shall provide construction recycling, household recycling, and waste containers on-site. See list attached for details on recycling materials and disposal methods (Exhibit B).

b) Subcontractors shall pick-up and sort their all recycling & waste from job site and use the provided containers.

c) Subcontractors who choose to do their own recycling shall document and report, at regular intervals, waste and recycled material quantities (by weight), the recycling/disposal method, and the recycling/disposal location for ALL materials generated as either recycled material or waste for the project.

d) In the event of Subcontractor’s failure after notification or refusal to meet these requirements, recycling & waste removal may be done by Contractor and charged against the account of Subcontractor.

THIS AGREEMENT was made and entered into by and between:


Owner: ___________________ Date:______________________


Company Name:_____________________ (SUBCONTRACTOR or VENDOR)

By:_______________________ Date:______________________


Exhibit A


The following are a few actions your company might take to help support us in reaching the requirement.

• Use minimal packaging, providing materials in bulk packaging, on pallets, in blankets, etc.

• Take back, for reuse or recycling, all packaging for your product

• At a minimum, provide your product in easy to recycle packaging, such as cardboard, wood, or metal

• Offer “just in time” delivery to minimize damage to materials during on-site storage.

• Provide information and support for accurate estimating

• Take back all unused product

• Provide your product in pre-cut sizes or preassembled for our project

• Identify any recycled-content in your product

• Offer alternative products with recycled-content

Exhibit B


Expected Project Waste, Disposal, and Handling:

The following charts identify waste materials expected on this project, their disposal method, and handling procedures:

|Material |Disposal Method |Handling Procedure |

|Land clearing debris |Keep separate for reuse and or wood sale |Keep separated in designated areas on site. |

|Clean dimensional wood and palette wood |Keep separate for reuse by on-site construction or|Keep separated in designated areas on site. Take |

| |by site employees for either heating stoves or |to REStore |

| |reuse in home projects. | |

| |Recycle at: REStore | |

|Scrape Wood |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Painted or treated wood |Reuse, landfill |Keep separated in designated areas on site. Place|

| | |in “Trash” container. |

|Concrete (rebar ok) |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Concrete Masonry Units |Recycle or keep separate for re-use by on-site |Place in designated areas on site or in |

| |construction or by site employees |“Construction Recycling” container |

|Metals |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Sheetrock (unpainted, fasteners ok) |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Paint |Reuse or recycle at REStore |Keep separated in designated areas on site. Take |

| | |to REStore |

|Paint Buckets |Clean at designated carwash Recycle at REStore |Take to REStore. |

|Insulation* |Reuse, landfill |Keep separated in designated areas on site. Place|

| | |in “Trash” container. |

|Flooring* |Reuse, landfill |Keep separated in designated areas on site. Place|

| | |in “Trash” container. |

|Carpet and pad* |Reuse or recycle with carpet manufacturer, or |Keep separated in designated areas on site. Place|

| |landfill. |in “Trash” container. |

|Plastic Film (sheeting, bags etc.) |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Lumber Wrap (no paper back) |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Plastic Pipe |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Cardboard |Recycle |Place in “Construction Recycling” container |

|Glass & beverage containers, plastic deli|Recycle |Place in “Household Recycling” container |

|containers & newsprint | | |

*quality of product shall be evaluated and proper disposal shall be applied.

This matrix may be replaced by Sustainable Connections Construction Recycling Toolkit when it is available.

Contractors and subcontractors can sign up with Sustainable Connections as Toward Zero Waste Participant for technical support and promotional materials.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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