Saint Anthony of Padua Parish - The Pilot

Saint Anthony of Padua Parish

12 Properzi Way, Somerville, MA ? 02143

Phone: (617) 625-4530 Fax: (617) 625-2457 Email: stanthonysomer@ / Website:

Staffed by the Scalabrinian Fathers

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time March 3, 2019

ENGLISH MASSES Monday: 7:30AM Thursday: 7:30AM Saturday: 4:30pm Confession Saturday 3:00PM to 4:00PM BINGO: Sunday 6:30PM

OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 8:00AM - 3:00PM


Rev. Adriano Tezone, cs Administrator

Ramone Sampaio Secretary

Natanael Braz Karla Monteiro Religious Education

Oitavo Domingo do Tempo Comum 3 de Mar?o, 2019


Domingo: 9:00AM e 12:00PM Quartas-feiras: 7:30PM

Novena N. Sra. Desatadora dos N?s

1 Sexta-feira do m?s: 7:30PM Missa e Adora??o Confiss?es:

Quartas-feiras: 5:30PM ?7:00PM Outros hor?rios com agendamento

SECRETARIA PAROQUIAL - Office Reitoria Segunda ? Sexta: 8:00AM - 3:00PM

Hor?rio Extendido: Office Scalabrini A. Center Segunda ? quinta: 4:00PM - 9:00PM S?bado: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

SCALABRINI ASSISTANCE & CULTURAL CENTER--15 Tower Court# 1 Somerville, MA 02143 ATENDIMENTO: Segunda ? Quinta: 4:00PM - 9:00PM Tel: (617) 625-5353

Saint Anthony of Padua Parish

March 3, 2019

Saturday, March 2 4:30 pm - All Parishioners 7:00 pm - All Parishioners Sunday, March 3 9:00 am - All Parishioners 12:00 pm - All Parishioners. Monday, March 4

7:30 am - All Parishioners

Wednesday, March 6

7:30 pm - All Parishioners

Thursday, March 7

7:30 am - All Parishioners Saturday, March 9 4:30 pm - Albert & Geselda Jones / Joseph Miceli

by Rita Jones 7:00 pm - All Parishioners

ASH WEDNESDAY March 6, 2019

7:30 am - English Mass 7:30 pm - Portuguese Mass



6 DE MAR?O, 2019 7:30 am - Missa em Ingl?s 7:30 pm - Missa em Portugu?s

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Gospel is taken from St. Luke (6:39-45). These statements of Christ spoken centuries ago to his fellow Jews of Palestine are as true and as crystal clear today as they were in the year 29 A.D. They are the words of him who was the Truth. They are put before us today for there are few amongst us who do not need to be reminded of their lesson. We are all so prone to see the neighbor's faults and shortcomings and so inclined to cover up or deny our own.

The blind cannot lead the blind. And a disciple cannot be a good disciple unless he or she has learned from the teacher. Everyone who is fully trained is like the teacher who knows how to cure the blind. Before you can be a good disciple and teach others you must take care of yourself. Do not try to take a speck out of your brother's eye until you have taken the board out of your own.

Finally, only when you have purified yourself can you produce the good works that the teacher requires. Discipleship asks us to produce good deeds. But to produce them requires the integrity and purity of heart found in the teacher. When people see your good deeds they will know that this is because you have a good heart.

Prepara??o Pr?-Matrimonial Apostolado Brasileiro (Curso de Noivos)

Data: 24 de Mar?o de 2019 Local: St. Anthony Parish, Somerville - MA

Hor?rio: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Taxa de Inscri??o: $ 75.00 por casal Inclui material, certificado, caf? e almo?o

Inscri??es : Diretamente na Secretaria Paroquial ( Segunda ? Sexta das 8 am - 3 pm)

Informa??es pelo telefone (617) 625-4530

Collection / Ofert?rio D?zimo Donation

$ 2,602.00 $ 1,595.00 $ 150.00

In?cio: Sexta-feira, 8 de Mar?o - 7:30 PM

APELO CAT?LICO 2019 Catholic Appeal

Algumas pessoas j? est?o recebendo em suas casas os envelopes deste ano. Voc?s podem retornar seus envelopes com suas doa??es pelo correio (somente cheque) ou depositar na cesta da coleta durante as missas.

Inicio da Campanha Missas: 2 e 3 Mar?o 2019 Se voc? ainda n?o preencheu seu envelope retire-o na sa?da das missas!


CONSULADO BRASILEIRO Scalabrini Assistance & Cultural Center

Pr?ximo atendimento: Atendimentos quinzenais em novo dia:

?s segundas-feiras 12:00 pm ?s 7:00 pm

4 de Mar?o, 2019 Atendimentos somente com agendamento.

Para fazer agendamento acesse:

Saint Anthony of Padua Parish

3 Mar?o, 2019

Dizimistas Aniversariantes M?s de Mar?o

Gilson Vieira Pedro Gomes Fernando Silva Lair Calais Suely Fritz Suely de Assis Leia Dyer Monica Dias Fatima Olivieri Flavio Pereira Santos Ezequiel Pereira Jose Elson Viana Mabila Barbosa Jose Antonio Filho Zilma F. Da Silva Aparecida L. S. Santana Debora Regina Gla Maria da Penha F. Camara

02/03 03/03 04/03 05/03 07/03 08/03 11/03 11/03 13/03 13/03 18/03 18/03 18/03 23/03 23/03 24/04 28/03 30/03

Daylight Saving's Time March 10, 2019

Move your clock an hour faster

In?cio do Hor?rio de Ver?o 10 de Mar?o de 2019

Adiante seu rel?gio 1 hora

David Medeiros ? Jeff LaGreca 53 Russell Street Somerville, MA 02144 P: 617-776-1166 ? F: 617-776-8451


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Fr. Kevin Deeley. Native of Belmont. Chaplain at Matignon High School. Navy Chaplain. 45 years a priest. Serving parish communities in Dorchester, Brookline, Medford, and currently North Andover at St. Michael Parish.

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Pilot Bulletins


AVAILABLE 617-779-3771 Saint Anthony, Somerville, MA 4760


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