Consumer Behavior


DAY 1:

Basics: Consumer behavior; Consumers' impact on marketing strategy; Marketing's impact on consumers; Marketing ethics; The dark side of consumer behavior; Consumer behavior as a field of study.

DAY 2:

Perception: Introduction – sensory systems, vision, smell, sound, touch, taste; Exposure – sensory tresholds, subliminal perception; Attention – personal selection factors, stimulus selection factors, stimulus organization, interpretational biases, semiotics, perceptual positioning.

DAY 3:

Learning and memory: The learning process; Behavioral learning theories; Cognitive learning theory; The role of memory in learning. Motivation and values: The motivation process; Motivational strenght; Motivational direction; Consumer involvement; Values.

DAY 4:

The self: Definitions; Consumption and self-concept; Sex roles; Body image. Attitudes: The power of attitudes; Forming attitudes; Attitude models; Using attitudes to predict behavior. Attitude change and interactive communications: Changing attitudes through communication; The source; The message.

DAY 5:

Consumers as decision makers: Individual decision making: Consumers as problem solvers; Problem recognition; Information search; Evaluation of alternatives; Product choice – Selecting among alternatives. Buying and disposing: Situational effects on consumer behavior; Social and physical surroundings; Shoping; Postpurchase satisfaction; Product disposal.

DAY 6:

Group influence and opinion leadership: Reference groups; Consumers do it groups; Word-of-mouth communication; Opinion leadership. Organizational and household decision making: Organizational decision making; The family; The family decision making; Children as decision makers.

DAY 7:

Income and social class: Consumer spending; Social class; How social class affects purchase decisions; Status symbol. Ethnic, Racial, and Religious subcultures: Subcultures and consumer identity; Religious subcultures. Age subcultures: Age and consumer identity; The teen-market; Baby boomers; The gray market.

DAY 8:

Consumer and culture: Understanding culture; Myths and rituals; Sacred and profane consumption. The creation and diffusion of global consumer culture: The creation of culture; Reality engineering; The diffusion of innovations; The fashion system; Transferring product meaning to other cultures; The diffusion of consumer culture.


Solomon, Michael R. 2004. Consumer behavior: buying, having, and being. 6th, international ed. Upper Saddle River (New Jersey): Prentice Hall: Pearson Education International.


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