SB 27, The Shine the Light Law

SB 27, The Shine the Light Law

PIs: Chris Jay Hoofnagle (Berkeley Law, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology) and Jennifer King (Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic)

Funders: California Consumer Protection Foundation

Information privacy laws typically include a transparency function that enables individuals to learn about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. To explore businesses’ compliance with transparency duties, the authors, using a California privacy law (SB 27, the Shine the Light Law), made requests to 86 companies for a disclosure of information sharing practices. The results show that while many companies have voluntarily adopted a policy of not sharing personal information with third parties, many still operate under an opt-out model that is inconsistent with consumer expectations, and others simply did not respond to the request.

Products of this Project to Date:

Chris Jay Hoofnagle & Jennifer King, Consumer Information Sharing: Where the Sun Still Don't Shine, available at


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