Challenge X 2007

Outreach Program Report # 2


Team: UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team

Name of Outreach Coordinator: Lehla Vakili

Phone number and email of Coordinator: (608)206-3066, vakili@wisc.edu

Dedicated Outreach Coordinator: Yes

Date posted: March 29, 2007


No changes


A. Media Relations

|Media Type |Media Outlet and Reporter’s Name |Date |Location |Coverage Origin |

|Newsletter |Quarterly Cow, Lehla Vakili, Megan |November, 2006 |Madison, WI |UW-Madison Hybrid |

| |Briston, Dave Ahlman | | |Vehicle Team |

|Webcams viewed from Madison |UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team |January, 2007 |Engineering Centers |Hybrid Team’s Garage |

|team website |website | |Building Garage |Area |

|Radio |Wisconsin Public Radio (talk radio) |January, 2007 |Madison, WI |Workshop in Austin |

| | | | |Texas |

|Magazine |Wisconsin Engineer, Bryan Fosler |February, 2007 |Madison, WI |Challenge X |

| | | | |Competition |

B. Youth Outreach

|Activity |Date |Location |Audience |Participants |

|ASME Garage Tour |February 23, 2007 4:30pm |Engineering Centers |20 middle school students|Becky Gunn (team leader) |

| | |Garage |and 3 members of ASME | |

|Madison high school |March 3, 2007 | | | |

|students garage tour | | | | |

|Middleton High School |March 22, 2007 8:50am |Middleton High School |A class of approximately |Matthew Michalak and Noel Liu |

|Visit | | |30 environmental studies | |

| | | |students | |

1. Youth Activity name: ASME Garage Tour

Date/Time: February 23, 2007 4:20pm

Location: Engineering Centers Garage

Team participants: Becky Gunn (team leader)

Audience: Members of ASME and middle school students that were interested in mechanical engineering

Activity description/details: American Society of Mechanical Engineers brought middle school students that are interested in engineering to look at what the UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team was working on. A tour of the garage and the Moovada was given to the students. Becky talked with the students, showed them around the garage, and proceeded to answer questions.

Key Messages Covered: The importance of alternative fuels, the process of design and engineering for the vehicle, and how our hybrid vehicle works was discussed.

Any measurable results: The students expressed their interest in the Madison team through their questions about the vehicle, competition, and what it is like to be an engineering student.


Figure 1: Advisor Glenn Bower shows middle school students the Moovada’s battery pack.


Figure 2: Middle school students take a tour of the Engineering Centers Garage.

2. Youth Activity name: Madison high school students garage tour

Date/Time: March 3, 2007

Location: Garage

Team participants: Becky Gunn (Team Leader)

Audience: 25 High Schoolers and parents

Activity description/details: SCEF is a group of high School students that are interested in math science and engineering and are currently competing in high school competitions.

Key Messages Covered: The projects and skills that these students are already working on in high school can be extended in college with projects like Challenge X, which works on alternative energy sources and improving engineering designs for automotive powertrains.

Any measurable results: Students seemed interested in the project, asked plenty of questions about the vehicle, how to get involved and what we get out of projects like this.



Figure 3: Madison's team leader, Becky Gunn, talks to high school students about alternative fuels.


Figure 4: Becky Gunn shows high school students the engine compartment of the Moovada.

3. Youth Activity name: Middleton High School Visit

Date/Time: March 22, 2007 8:50am

Location: Middleton High School

Team participants: Matthew Michalak and Noel Liu

Audience: A class of approximately 30 environmental studies students

Activity description/details: A class of high school students at Middleton High School was concluding a unit on pollution and energy was given a presentation about UW-Madison Hybrid Team’s vehicle. Two members of the Madison team traveled to Middleton to give a powerpoint presentation on what we have done to our vehicle and alternative fuels.

Key Messages Covered: During the Middleton Visit, the importance of using alternative fuels was emphasized and the opportunities, such as the hybrid vehicle team, available to students considering enrolling at UW-Madison was discussed. Also, Challenge X and what the challenge involves were explained to the students. The members of the UW-Madison Hybrid team acted as role models for the students.

Any measurable results: The high school students were very interested in what the UW-Madison team was doing to the vehicle. Several students expressed an interest into going into engineering for college. The students asked several insightful questions.

C. Community Outreach (Requirement of 3 events)

|Activity |Date |Location |Audience |Participants |

|Spring kick-off Meeting |January 29, 2007 |Engineering Hall 1610, |45 potential Hybrid |Lehla Vakili (outreach leader), Becky Gunn (team |

| | |UW-Madison Campus |Team members |leader), Matt Coyne (drivetrain leader), Nick |

| | | | |Matthias, Steve Erlien (controls leader), Mike |

| | | | |Deau (mechanical leader), Dan Mehr (RADAR), Glenn|

| | | | |Bower (advisor), Kevin Stutenberg, Dean Wilkenson|

|Ride’n’Drive for winter |February 3, 2007 |Austin, TX |Several members of the|Matthew Michalak, Matthew Coyne (drivetrain |

|workshop in Austin, TX | | |media |leader), Dan Mehr (RADAR), Kevin Stutenberg |

|Traction Control Event |February 22, 2007, 11:30-1pm |Westmorland Park, |Channel 15 News |Becky Gunn (team leader), Steve Erlien (controls |

| | |Madison, WI | |leader), Elliot Lynde, Noel Liu |

|WISE Car Workshop |March 21, 2007 7:00pm |Engineering Centers |10 Women in Science |Matt Coyne (Drivetrain Leader), Drew Kosmoski, |

| | |Garage |and Engineering |Becky Gunn (team leader), Matt Michalak, Zach |

| | | | |Ward |

|Science Expeditions |March 24, 2007 |Engineering Centers |gradeschool through |Becky Gunn (team leader), Noel Liu, Alex Harris |

| | |Garage |high school aged | |

| | | |children and general | |

| | | |public | |

1. Community event name: Spring kick-off Meeting

Date/Time: January 29, 2007

Location: Engineering Hall 1610, UW-Madison Campus

Team participants: Lehla Vakili (outreach leader), Becky Gunn (team leader), Matt Coyne (drivetrain leader), Nick Matthias, Steve Erlien (controls leader), Mike Deau (mechanical leader), Dan Mehr (RADAR), Glenn Bower (advisor), Kevin Stutenberg, Dean Wilkenson

Audience: 45 potential Hybrid Team members

Activity description/details: Included in the event was a powerpoint about the vehicle, presentations by group leaders, a tour of the garage area, and pizza and soda provided by UW-Madison.

Key Messages Covered: The Fall kickoff is an event meant for students interested in the Hybrid Vehicle Team to get more in depth information about it and consider joining the team.

Any measurable results: We gained approximately 5 new core members to our team who are enthusiastic and hardworking. They are all very interested in learning new technology and working on the vehicle.

2. Community event name: Ride’n’Drive for winter workshop in Austin, TX

Date/Time: February 3, 2007

Location: Austin, TX

Team participants: Matthew Michalak, Matthew Coyne (drivetrain leader), Dan Mehr (RADAR), Kevin Stutenberg

Audience: Austin American Statesman: Auto Age USA, Daily Texan, Houston Chronicle, Houston Sun, Inside Out, La Puenza, the ; Television: KVUE-TV, KXAN-TV; Radio: KUT-FM, KTSA-FM

Activity description/details: Several members of the Austin, TX media were present at the University of Texas-Austin grounds to experience a Ride-n-Drive with the teams that attended this years winter workshop in Austin, TX. The UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team was interviewed by a student writing an article about Challenge X and several news crew experienced a ride in the Moovada.

Key Messages Covered: Members of the Madison team talked about what we are bringing to the competition for 2007 and what we were doing in Austin TX concerning emissions testing.

Any measurable results: The girl that was writing the article about Challenge X said she would send us the article she was writing, but we never heard back from her. Other members of the press were impressed with our vehicle and the design of the paint.



Figure 5: Emissions testing equipment is attached to the Moovada during the winter workshop in Autin, TX.


Figure 6: Bessy stands proudly on top of the Moovada as it is being tested.

3. Community event name: Science Expeditions

Date/Time: Saturday March 24

Location: Audience: Engineering Centers Garage

Activity description/details: In this event, several people of all ages were permitted to explore the garage and ask questions about the team and car. All teams (Mini Baja, Formula One, Snowmobile and Hybrid) were present to display their automobiles in the UW-Madison garage. A poster was displayed giving all important aspects of the Hybrid car. The event was held in the Engineering Centers Building on the UW-Madison campus at which several departments had research projects on display. The science expedition program was geared toward kids with colorful displays and hands on activities; therefore, the car was left open for them to climb in and look around. The engine compartment was open for display and the back of the car was open for people to look inside. At least three team members were in the garage at all times to answer any questions.

Key Messages Covered: How fun science can be. The hybrid team provides real life applications of engineering through building a hybrid vehicle. Challenge X provides an opportunity for future automotive engineers to gain experience with hybrid vehicle technology and the use of alternative fuels.

Any measurable results: Several of the spectators commented on being impressed with the accomplishment of the UW-Madison Hybrid team. One woman representing the county fair asked the team leader if it was possible to show the car at the fair.



Figure 7: Madison team member Noel Liu holds up a poster board to illustrate key elements of the Moovada.


Figure 8: Members of the public look at the Moovada's battery pack at Science Expedition.

4. Community event name: WISE Car Workshop

Date/Time: March 21, 2007 7pm

Location: Engineering Centers Garage

Team participants: Matt Coyne (Drivetrain Leader), Drew Kosmoski, Becky Gunn (team leader), Matt Michalak, Zach Ward

Audience: 10 Women from Women in Science and Engineering

Activity description/details: This event was an opportunity for the Hybrid Vehicle Team to interact with women in WISE (Women in Science and Engineering). In this event, members of the Hybrid team demonstrate car maintenance to the women in WISE, including changing oil, rotating tires, checking fluid level, and changing/checking the air filter. Simple knowledge about automobiles, including hybrid vehicles was proven to be helpful and important.

Key Messages Covered: Simple knowledge about automobiles, including hybrid vehicles was proven to be helpful and important. Basic car maintenance, informational about our project, how a hybrid works and general Q&A about hybrids and alternative fuels was covered at this event.

Any measurable results: The ladies in WISE were interested in the hybrid vehicle and asked questions about Challenge X such as when it is held and how many teams participate in the challenge. A few ladies inquired about how to join the Hybrid Team.



Figure 9: Drivetrain leader, Matthew Coyne, showing members of WISE how to change the oil in a minivan.


Figure 10: A member of the Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team demonstrates how to change a tire.

5. Community event name: Traction Control Event

Date/Time: February 22, 2007, 11:30-1pm

Location: Westmorland Park, Madison, WI

Team participants: Becky Gunn (team leader), Steve Erlien (controls leader), Elliot Lynde, Noel Liu

Audience: Channel 15 News

Activity description/details: The UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team conducted traction control testing on the ice of Westmorland Park. During this event several runs were completed for the controls group members to understand the behavior of the vehicle on icy conditions, figure out what code should be changed and worked on perfecting the performance of the vehicle on ice. We invited the local Channel 15 news station to come out and watch our vehicle on ice.

Key Messages Covered: The great opportunity the city gave us to use this outdoor rink for ice testing in winter weather. We were also able to update the local television network on the progress of the vehicle, since we haven’t been covered since competition. We once again introduced our competition and why we were driving on the ice.

Any measurable results: We received positive feedback from people that saw the news episode

Photos: (the actual video was not requested or taped from News 15) but our own video cameras caught the professional video crews.


Figure 11: A camera man from Channel 15 News films the Moovada during traction control testing on Westmorland Park's ice.

D. Sponsor Outreach (Requirement of 1 event)

|Activity |Date |Location |Audience |Participants |

|Lincoln Electric Visit | |Garage |Members of the |Becky Gunn (team leader), Glenn Bower (advisor), |

| |March 2, 2007 10:00am | |UW-Madison Hybrid |Kevin Stutenberg, Matt Coyne (drivetrain leader),|

| | | |Team, SAE-Formula |Steve Erlien (controls leader), Elliot Lynde, |

| | | |Team, Baja Team, and |Mike Deau (mechanical leader) |

| | | |Clean Snowmobile Team | |

|Thank you letters and |March 20, 2007 |Sponsor Mail |Valued sponsors |Lehla Vakili (business Leader), Becky Gunn (team |

|gifts | | | |leader), Glenn Bower (advisor) |

1. Community event name: Lincoln Electric Donation Visit

Date/Time: March 2, 2007

Location: Garage

Team participants: Becky Gunn (team leader), Glenn Bower (advisor), Kevin Stutenberg, Matt Coyne (drivetrain leader), Steve Erlien (controls leader), Elliot Lynde, Mike Deau (mechanical leader)

Audience: members of UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team, SAE Formula, SAE Baja, SAE Clean Snowmobile

Activity description/details: Lincoln Electric Donated a plasma cutter, several welding machines, and various welding equipment (welding helmets, gloves, oxidation brushes, pressure gages, and filler metal). For this event, representatives of Lincoln Electric visited the garage to instruct members of the Hybrid Vehicle Team how to use the equipment and to demonstrate welding and plasma cutting. The Hybrid team gave Lincoln Electric a tour of the garage and explained what they had done for this year’s competition. Also, the team showed Lincoln Electric some the key welding we have done on our vehicle.

Key Messages Covered: Key messages that were covered at this event were how to weld with the new welders and how to cut with the new plasma cutters. The Hybrid team expressed how important welding equipment and the ability to do good weld is to the fabrication of our vehicle. When re-engineering a vehicle it is crucial to be able to create mounts and position metal in ways that require joining by welding.

Any measurable results: Lincoln Electric was very impressed with the abilities of our team members to do good welds. Also, they went away from the event believing that their donations were well placed.

2. Community event name: Thank you Letters

Date/Time: March 20, 2007

Location: Team participants: Lehla Vakili (business Leader), Becky Gunn (team leader), Glenn Bower (advisor)

Audience: Valued Sponsors of the UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team

Activity description/details: Thank you Letters were sent out the various companies that have helped the UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team in a significant way. Along with the letters many of the sponsors received various gifts (umbrella, small flashlight, large flashlight, and a small Leatherman)

Key Messages Covered: The key messages that were covered in the thank you letter that was sent out the Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team’s sponsors were the highlights of 2006’s Challenge X competition. Also, the letters expressed the Madison team’s gratitude for their contributions to our team. The gifts that were sent to the sponsors were and expression of

Any measurable results: The Hybrid Team sends out thank you letters every year and every year sponsor express how the thank you letters with the gift is a pleasant surprise. Often Sponsors donate without any expectations of a gift or thank you letter, but when it is received it is all the more pleasant. Also, the Madison Hybrid Team has kept some of its sponsors for several years and it is possible that the thank you letters are a contributor to that.

Photos: (Thank you letter sent to sponsors)



Team Paradigm


April 12, 2007

Name of Employee

Name of Sponsor


City, State, Zip Code

Dear Name of Employee:

The University of Wisconsin Challenge X team, with the Moovada, continued its winning tradition by taking 2nd place at Challenge X 2006. In addition to second place, we also claimed eleven other honors during the two week competition. Your support of our program is truly appreciated and enables us to keep our competitive edge. The categories we won include the following:

|Best Acceleration |

|Best Technical Presentation |

|Best Trailer Tow Performance (tie) |

|Best Vehicle Development Review |

|Don Streit Sportsmanship Award |

|Best Engineering and Fabrication Workmanship |

|Outstanding Long-Term Faculty Advisor |

|Freescale Semiconductor Award |

This year’s Moovada continued to utilize a parallel through the road biodiesel-electric hybrid drivetrain. Weighing in at 4400 lbs, the Moovada is 300 lbs lighter than a stock Ford Explorer and increases fuel economy to 40 and 32 miles per gallon on highway and city driving cycles, respectively.

Thank you very much for donating/providing support/etc. Please feel free to visit our website at , where you’ll find more information and competition photos for promotional purposes. If these don’t fit your needs, contact Glenn Bower at (608) 263-7252.

It has been our pleasure to work with Name of Sponsor. The UW team has already begun planning for next year’s competition, which will bring further refinement to the Moovada. We have high expectations for Challenge X 2007 and look forward to working with you and Name of Sponsor Corporation in the coming year.


Glenn R. Bower Becky Gunn

Faculty Advisor Team Leader

E. Website

• Webcams have been added to the website to view Madison’s garage at anytime.


• A Consumer Acceptability Survey has been posted on the homepage of our website

Crossover SUV Options

Rate the Items on a level of importance to you (1 is lowest, 5 is highest)

GPS Navigation System

DVD player/ entertainment center

Custom Mirrors with integrated turn signals (Shown below)


Statalite radio (XM or Sirus)

Back-up camera\blind spot cameras

Parallel parking assist (offered in the new Lexus)

40/60 Folding Rear seat (for more storage capabilities)

Cargo Divider for trunk (shown below)


What is your choice of interior fabric? (Choose one)



What sized items are you looking to transport? (check all that apply)


3-4 pieces of luggage

Tailgating equipment

Camping Equipment

• GroceriesRecent events along with picture of them have been updated on the homepage of our website:


• New media hits have been updated on the Media Events section of Madison’s website:


• There are continual Updates for the mover and shaker award on the challenge X link from the homepage. The Mover and Shaker Award is given to team members that have dedicated a lot of their time and the recipients are usually new members.

• New pictures have been added to the photo gallery of all the newest events:


Reported by: Lehla Vakili Date: March 29, 2007

APPENDIX: Copies of Media Clips

1. Quarterly Cow newsletter, Website:





2. Webcam of Engineering Centers Building Garage



4. Wisconsin Engineer magazine article


The Next Generation of SUVs

UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team drives towards

The UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team has been stirring up press about creating a more fuel-efficient SUV with their new Chevrolet Equinox hybrid. With a second-place finish in the second year of a four-year competition, the alternative fuel SUV is already making waves.

The team is composed of about 30 members, primarily underclassmen, with majors ranging from mechanical engineering to philosophy; all have little or no previous experience with automotive hybrids.

The Hybrid Vehicle team has been around for more than 15 years, and 90 percent of the members are undergrads, even though at most schools only trust grad students to work on research of this scale.

Becky Gunn, the team leader of the Hybrid Vehicle Team, directs the crew.

"The main purpose is to enable students to learn more about cars and hybrid technology and inspire creative ideas for vehicle technology for the future,” Gunn says. "We’re students learning about the future of automotive technology.”


A look under the hood of the GM EV1, the first electric motor vehicle produced by an automotive company.

The team’s main focus is a program called "Challenge X” that was started in 2005 by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and General Motors Corporation (GM). The Challenge X competition began when these groups saw the need to explore more advanced vehicle technologies that address energy and environmental problems.

The four-year-long program includes annual competitions to rate the vehicles in several different categories. The final goal is to produce a 99-percent-complete consumer vehicle.

In the first year, the teams perform research and simulation work to determine the design of the hybrid. The team then submits its completed proposal in hopes of getting selected to pursue the challenge.

If the team is lucky enough to get the keys to a brand new Chevrolet Equinox, they are able to start the competition. Back in 2005, the UW-Madison won this opportunity and began working on their vehicle, the "Moovada”.

"To see something that I've worked on from computer simulation, through the times when the car was completely torn apart, to eventually being put together and able to drive the car is an amazing experience,” Gunn says.

Integrating the powertrain and all other components into the Equinox is the main concern of the second year. Because UW-Madison has extensive experience with alternative fuels such as biodiesel, the team chose to work with a biodiesel hybrid engine coupled with an electric motor.

Currently in the third year, the team is working hard to fine tune the vehicle. The team and its competitors are scrambling to work out all the kinks in the drivetrain systems and toiling to get the finished car looking clean and streamlined. Final adjustments to the Moovada will improve its handling, driving and ultimately its consumer appeal.

The fourth year consists of additional consumer acceptability modifications. The competition will conclude with a road rally ending in Washington, D.C. This will challenge the students to create a vehicle that can operate reliably under normal passenger-vehicle driving conditions.


This is the Chevrolet Equinox, named the Moovada, that was given to the team for the Challenge X competition.

What sets the Moovada apart from other hybrid vehicles competing in Challenge X?

"We spend hours working with the best materials and taking extra care to make sure no detail of the car is left unfinished or looking unprofessional,” Gunn says. "Our team won the award for workmanship last year for producing a vehicle that appears to be something off the GM assembly line.”

In addition to completing the hybrid vehicle and participating in the yearly competitions, one part of the requirements of Challenge X is to participate in some type of outreach. The UW-Madison team plans to meet and exceed this requirement this year. For example, the team holds science- and math-related events on campus, and also general publicity events to gain sponsors. This year the team is becoming more involved with children of all ages, allowing them to tour the garage and possibly develop an interest in the project and in hybrid vehicles in general.

In June 2006, the team placed second overall out of 17 well-known universities throughout North America in the Challenge X competition. Not only did they take home a second-place overall ranking, they also earned 11 awards in categories ranging from Best Technical Presentation to Best Engineering Fabrication and Workmanship. Their faculty advisor, Dr. Glenn Bower, won the award for Outstanding Long-Term Faculty Advisor as well.

The Moovada is a "through-the-road” 4-wheel drive hybrid, meaning that a biodiesel engine runs the front two wheels, and an electric engine runs the rear wheels. The team’s improvements have boosted the Moovada’s fuel efficiency from 17 to 36 miles per gallon (mpg).

Beyond doubling the mpg of the standard Equinox, the Moovada has earned the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) certification by the California Air Resources Board by emitting 50% less harmful emissions than the average new car.

The Hybrid Vehicle team’s weekly meetings consist of a recap of what the team is currently working on and usually include a team-building activity. Among the favorites are paper airplane races, creeper (a dolly used to work under cars) races and anything that involves dropping something from a balcony. The meetings are usually Friday at 3:30 p.m. in the Mechanical Engineering Building, and new students are always welcome to join.

After all of their hard work, how does team leader Becky Gunn feel about their chances for Challenge X?

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect us to get first this year,” Gunn says.


Bryan Fosler


Bryan Fosler is majoring in biomedical engineering and wishes the best of luck to the Hybrid Vehicle Team in their 2007 competition.


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M1066 Engineering Centers Building

1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706

5. College of Engineering Holiday Card featuring Dean of Engineering Paul Peercy, Bucky Badger, and the Hybrid Vehicle Team



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