
| | |

|Enhancement |Effective October 17, 2016, Risk Decision will be introduced to Line 88 – Personal Umbrella Policy (PUP) in the following states and |

|Overview |companies. |

| | |

| |Alabama – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |California – Company 10 – Allstate Insurance Company |

| |Connecticut – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |District of Columbia – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Florida – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Georgia – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Hawaii– Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Illinois – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Maryland – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Maine – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Minnesota – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |New Hampshire – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |North Carolina – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |New York – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Pennsylvania – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Rhode Island – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |South Carolina – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Vermont – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Virginia – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |West Virginia – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| |Wisconsin – Company 60 – Allstate Indemnity Company |

| | |

| |Risk Decision will work the same in PUP as it does in other Lines and Companies. The Order Risk Decision Button will be added to the |

| |Coverage Tab in Alliance New Business for PUP. Agencies will use this button to order the Risk Decision. After clicking on the Order |

| |Risk Decision Button, a gray screen will appear with a message stating that the request may take several minutes to return. An agency |

| |may wait on that screen or click links to either save the transaction or go to the Bind Tab. When the Risk Decision is returned, a |

| |separate window will appear to alert the agency and proceed with the transaction. The Order Risk Decision Button will change to Risk |

| |Decision Received. A View Details Link will appear below the Risk Decision Received Button. An agency may click on the View Details |

| |Link to view the Risk Analysis Summary and Profile Descriptions. |

| | |

| |The Line Placement/Risk Decision Section will also be introduced on October 17. It will appear directly below the PUP Business Advisory|

| |on the Coverage Tab in Alliance New Business. Agencies will be able to see the Risk Decision in this section. The Line Placement/Risk |

| |Decision Section will also contain a View Details Link to review the Risk Decision. Continue with Line 88 or Override with Line 88 will|

| |display with a radio button in the Line Placement/Risk Decision Section as well. To proceed with the New Business Application, agencies|

| |will need to click on that radio button. If an agency wants to reorder the Risk Decision, they may click on the Reorder Risk Decision |

| |(Optional) Button in the Line Placement/Risk Decision Section. |

New Business



• Please Note: States that currently do not order Credit Reports (CR) and Motor Vehicle Reports (MVR) for PUP will continue to not order those consumer reports when Risk Decision in introduced to PUP. Any references to CR or MVR in the following pages will not apply to the states that do not currently order those consumer reports for PUP.

• Order Risk Decision Button will display on the Coverage Tab for Alliance New Business for PUP.

• To order Risk Decision, Credit Report (CR), Loss Information System (LIS), and Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) must be received or waived for any reason except Prospecting. If CR, LIS, or MVR is not ordered when an agency clicks on the Order Risk Decision Button, the following message will appear.

Risk Decision cannot be ordered with ordering consumer reports

• If an MVR is waived with Prospecting as the reason, the following message will appear when an agency clicks on Order Risk Decision Button.

Cannot order Risk Decision with Prospecting as Reason for Waiving MVR on Driver N. Must select a different waive reason or order MVR.

• When ordered, CR, LIS, and MVR must be received before ordering the Risk Decision. If CR, LIS, and MVR are ordered and not received when the Order Risk Decision Button is clicked, the following message will appear.

Risk Decision cannot be ordered until pending consumer reports received

• All Unmatched Claims on LIS need to be reconciled before ordering the Risk Decision. If there are Unmatched Claims that are not reconciled when the Order Risk Decision Button is click, the following message will display.

Risk Decision cannot be ordered without reconciling Unmatched Claims

• Undefined Accidents on the MVR must be rectified before ordering the Risk Decision. If there is an Undefined Accident on the MVR when the Order Risk Decision Button is clicked, the following message will appear.

MVR Undefined Accident: Must be reconciled prior to Risk Assessment

• On the MVR, there cannot be any incidents with Violation Code 55 that do not have a Revocation Reason when ordering the Risk Decision. If there is a Violation Code 55 incident that does not have a Revocation Reason when the Order Risk Decision Button is clicked, the following message will appear.

Risk Decision cannot be ordered without reconciling MVR incidents

• If the required fields for Risk Decision are not completed when the Order Risk Decision Button is clicked, the following message will appear.

Risk Decision cannot be ordered. Verify required information and select Order Risk Decision again.

• Risk Decision must be ordered on PUP New Business. If an agency attempts to complete a transaction without clicking of the Order Risk Decision Button, the following message will appear.

Risk Decision: Must be received to complete the application

• If Alliance encounters a technical issue while the Risk Decision is being ordered, the following message will appear.

System encountered a problem with the order. Please verify the information entered and Reorder. If the problem continues, please contact Technology Support.

• If the Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS) encounters a technical issue which prevents it from returning the Risk Decision to Alliance, the following message will appear in Alliance.

System encountered a problem with the order. Please verify the information entered and Reorder. If the problem continues, please contact Technology Support.


• Click on the Order Risk Decision Button.



• After clicking on the Order Risk Decision Button, a gray screen will appear with the following message.

Your Request may take several minutes. Please wait for your order to be return.

• A status bar will display below the message to show that the Alliance is attempting to receive the Risk Decision from

• The Exit to Save Transaction Link will appear underneath the status bar. Agencies may click on this link to save the PUP New Business Application.

• The Go To Bind Link will appear below the Exit to Save Transaction Link. Agencies may click on this link to proceed to the Bind Tab of the PUP New Business Application.


• Remain on this screen until the Risk Decision is returned to Alliance from IRMS.



• When the Risk Decision is returned, a message in a separate window will appear. This message will contain the Company, Line, and Risk Decision.

• Agencies will click on the OK Button at the bottom of the window to return to the Coverage Tab.


• Click on the OK Button.



• The Order Risk Decision Button will change to Risk Decision Received.

• The View Details Link below the Risk Decision Received Button will allow agencies to see Risk Analysis Summary and the Profile Descriptions.


• Click on the View Details Link.



• A separate window will appear containing the Risk Analysis Summary and Profile Descriptions.

• The View Details Links will allow agencies to see more information about Profile Descriptions.


• Click on View Details Link for the first Profile Description.



• The Risk Analysis Detail will appear with a Summary and Advice.

• The Hide Details Link will remove the Risk Analysis Detail from the screen and will restore the View Details Link.

• The Close Button will close the window containing the Risk Analysis Summary.


• Click on the Close Button.



• The Line Placement/Risk Decision Section will appear below the PUP Business Advisory.

• If the Risk Decision has not been ordered, the following message will appear in the Line Placement/Risk Decision.

The Risk Decision has not been ordered

• Before ordering the Risk Decision, Line Placement will be run on both Quotes and New Business in Alliance for PUP. Any Reject Profiles returned by Line Placement from IRMS will appear under Line Placement/Risk Decision until the Risk Decision is ordered.

• When the Risk Decision has been ordered, the Company, Line, and Decision will appear in the Line Placement/Risk Decision Section.

• The View Details Link under Line Placement/Risk Decision will allow agencies to see Risk Analysis Summary and the Profile Descriptions, just like the View Details Link below the Risk Decision Received Button.

• Continue with Line 88 will also display under Line Placement/Risk Decision with a radio button. An agency must click on the radio button to confirm the Risk Decision and proceed with the application. If an agency does not click on the radio button for Continue with Line 88 before leaving the Coverage Tab, the following message will appear.

Must confirm Risk Decision to Proceed.

• The Reorder Risk Decision (Optional) Button will allow an agency to reorder the Risk Decision.

• A received Risk Decision will need to be reordered by an agency for the following reasons.

o Information collected on the Household Tab or the Exposures Tab was changed.

o Loss fault status, type, description, or assignment of a claim returned by MVR or LIS was revised.

o The Risk Decision is over 45 days old.

o Credit needs to be reordered after the Risk Decision was received.

• When a received Risk Decision needs to be reordered, the Company, Line, and Decision will be removed from the Line Placement/Risk Decision Section. The View Details Link, Continue with Line 88, and Reorder Risk Decision (Optional) Button will also disappear. The following message will display under the Line Placement/Risk Decision Section.

Reorder Risk Decision


• Proceed with the New Business Application until complete.


Personal Umbrella Policy (PUP) – Risk Decision




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