Harvard referencing - RMIT University Library guide
RMIT Harvard referencing GUIDERMIT University LibraryUpdated: February 2022This is a guide only. Please confirm the referencing requirements for your course with your lecturer.RMIT Harvard is an author-date referencing style. It is based on the Referencing and attribution section of the Australian Government Style Manual (AGSM) released in 2021.RMIT Harvard style requires in-text references and a reference list. In-text references appear within the body of the document. They include the author’s family name or name of the organisation responsible for the information source and the year of publication, with page numbers required for quotes if available. A reference list provides the full bibliographic details of all in-text references at the end of the assignment.It is recommended that you read the general rules for each section before looking at the specific information about the source you need to reference. Note: Although the AGSM states that title of online sources should be hyperlinked for electronic formats, RMIT Harvard style does not do this because hyperlinks are not compatible with the EndNote program and other referencing software. In addition, the links would not be available when the work is printed. Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u In-text references PAGEREF _Toc94838999 \h 4General rules PAGEREF _Toc94839000 \h 4Books PAGEREF _Toc94839001 \h 5Book with single author PAGEREF _Toc94839002 \h 5Book with two authors PAGEREF _Toc94839003 \h 6Book with three or more authors PAGEREF _Toc94839004 \h 6Book whose author is an organisation PAGEREF _Toc94839005 \h 6Book with no author PAGEREF _Toc94839006 \h 6Multiple books by the same author PAGEREF _Toc94839007 \h 7Book chapter PAGEREF _Toc94839008 \h 7E-book PAGEREF _Toc94839009 \h 7Encyclopedia or dictionary entry without an author PAGEREF _Toc94839010 \h 8Encyclopedia or dictionary entry with an author PAGEREF _Toc94839011 \h 8Brochure or pamphlet PAGEREF _Toc94839012 \h 8Exhibition catalogue PAGEREF _Toc94839013 \h 8Journals PAGEREF _Toc94839014 \h 9Journal article with single author PAGEREF _Toc94839015 \h 9Journal article with two authors PAGEREF _Toc94839016 \h 9Journal article with three or more authors PAGEREF _Toc94839017 \h 9Journal article with no authors PAGEREF _Toc94839018 \h 10e-Journal article PAGEREF _Toc94839019 \h 10Newspapers PAGEREF _Toc94839020 \h 11Print newspaper article PAGEREF _Toc94839021 \h 11Print newspaper article with no author PAGEREF _Toc94839022 \h 11Newspaper article from a webpage (HTML format) PAGEREF _Toc94839023 \h 11Newspaper article from a webpage (HTML format) with no author PAGEREF _Toc94839024 \h 12Social media PAGEREF _Toc94839025 \h 12Blog or blog post PAGEREF _Toc94839026 \h 12Social media post PAGEREF _Toc94839027 \h 12Websites and webpage documents PAGEREF _Toc94839028 \h 13Website / webpage PAGEREF _Toc94839029 \h 13Webpage document (PDF) PAGEREF _Toc94839030 \h 13Reports, data sets and standards PAGEREF _Toc94839031 \h 14Government or organisation report PAGEREF _Toc94839032 \h 14Company, industry or market report from a library database PAGEREF _Toc94839033 \h 14Company, industry or market report from a website PAGEREF _Toc94839034 \h 14Australian Bureau of Statistics report PAGEREF _Toc94839035 \h 15Dataset PAGEREF _Toc94839036 \h 15Standard PAGEREF _Toc94839037 \h 15Audio visual material PAGEREF _Toc94839038 \h 15Film or television program PAGEREF _Toc94839039 \h 15Podcast PAGEREF _Toc94839040 \h 16YouTube video and other online streaming videos PAGEREF _Toc94839041 \h 16Radio PAGEREF _Toc94839042 \h 16Sound recording PAGEREF _Toc94839043 \h 17Images and figures PAGEREF _Toc94839044 \h 17General rules for artworks PAGEREF _Toc94839045 \h 17Captions PAGEREF _Toc94839046 \h 18In-text reference to artworks PAGEREF _Toc94839047 \h 19Maps PAGEREF _Toc94839048 \h 19Tables and diagrams PAGEREF _Toc94839049 \h 20Other sources PAGEREF _Toc94839050 \h 21Case study PAGEREF _Toc94839051 \h 21Conference paper PAGEREF _Toc94839052 \h 21Lecture notes or course material PAGEREF _Toc94839053 \h 21Legal material PAGEREF _Toc94839054 \h 21Media release PAGEREF _Toc94839055 \h 22Personal communication PAGEREF _Toc94839056 \h 23Thesis PAGEREF _Toc94839057 \h 23Student’s own work (previously submitted) PAGEREF _Toc94839058 \h 23Reference list PAGEREF _Toc94839059 \h 24General rules PAGEREF _Toc94839060 \h 24Example reference list PAGEREF _Toc94839061 \h 25Books PAGEREF _Toc94839062 \h 26Book with an edition number PAGEREF _Toc94839063 \h 27Book with single author PAGEREF _Toc94839064 \h 27Book with multiple authors PAGEREF _Toc94839065 \h 27Book whose author is an organisation PAGEREF _Toc94839066 \h 27Book with no author PAGEREF _Toc94839067 \h 28Multiple books by the same author(s) PAGEREF _Toc94839068 \h 28Book chapter in an edited book PAGEREF _Toc94839069 \h 28Book compiled by an editor(s) PAGEREF _Toc94839070 \h 29E-book PAGEREF _Toc94839071 \h 29Encyclopedia and dictionary entries PAGEREF _Toc94839072 \h 29Brochure or pamphlet PAGEREF _Toc94839073 \h 30Exhibition catalogue PAGEREF _Toc94839074 \h 30Journals PAGEREF _Toc94839075 \h 30Journal article with single author PAGEREF _Toc94839076 \h 31Journal article with two authors PAGEREF _Toc94839077 \h 31Journal article with three or more authors PAGEREF _Toc94839078 \h 31Journal article with no authors PAGEREF _Toc94839079 \h 31e-Journal article PAGEREF _Toc94839080 \h 32Newspapers PAGEREF _Toc94839081 \h 32Print newspaper article PAGEREF _Toc94839082 \h 32Print newspaper article with no author PAGEREF _Toc94839083 \h 33Newspaper article from a webpage (HTML format) PAGEREF _Toc94839084 \h 33Newspaper article from a webpage (HTML format) with no author PAGEREF _Toc94839085 \h 33Social media PAGEREF _Toc94839086 \h 33Blog or blog post PAGEREF _Toc94839087 \h 33Social media post PAGEREF _Toc94839088 \h 34Websites and webpage documents PAGEREF _Toc94839089 \h 35Website / webpage PAGEREF _Toc94839090 \h 35Webpage document (PDF) PAGEREF _Toc94839091 \h 35Reports, data sets and standards PAGEREF _Toc94839092 \h 36Government report PAGEREF _Toc94839093 \h 36Australian Bureau of Statistics report PAGEREF _Toc94839094 \h 36Report by an organisation PAGEREF _Toc94839095 \h 37Company, industry or market report from a Library database PAGEREF _Toc94839096 \h 37Company, industry or market report from a website PAGEREF _Toc94839097 \h 37Dataset PAGEREF _Toc94839098 \h 38Standard PAGEREF _Toc94839099 \h 38Audio visual material PAGEREF _Toc94839100 \h 39Television program PAGEREF _Toc94839101 \h 39Film / Movie PAGEREF _Toc94839102 \h 39YouTube video and other online streaming videos PAGEREF _Toc94839103 \h 39Podcast PAGEREF _Toc94839104 \h 40Radio PAGEREF _Toc94839105 \h 40Musical composition and sound recording PAGEREF _Toc94839106 \h 41Images and figures PAGEREF _Toc94839107 \h 42Artwork PAGEREF _Toc94839108 \h 42Maps PAGEREF _Toc94839109 \h 42Tables and diagrams PAGEREF _Toc94839110 \h 42Other sources PAGEREF _Toc94839111 \h 43Case study PAGEREF _Toc94839112 \h 43Conference paper / presentation PAGEREF _Toc94839113 \h 43Conference paper from a webpage PAGEREF _Toc94839114 \h 43Unpublished conference paper PAGEREF _Toc94839115 \h 43Lecture notes or course material PAGEREF _Toc94839116 \h 44Legal material PAGEREF _Toc94839117 \h 44Media release PAGEREF _Toc94839118 \h 44Student's own work (previously submitted) PAGEREF _Toc94839119 \h 45Thesis PAGEREF _Toc94839120 \h 45Interview PAGEREF _Toc94839121 \h 46Personal communication PAGEREF _Toc94839122 \h 46Works in the original language (non-English) PAGEREF _Toc94839123 \h 46In-text referencesGeneral rulesUse in-text references to acknowledge all authors or sources of information (print or online) used within your writing, either by paraphrasing or using a direct quote.Paraphrasing is when you express the author’s ideas in your own words. Paraphrasing is generally preferred to quotes as they show you understand and can explain the ideas you have read rather than simply copying them.A direct quote is when you use the exact words from the original source. Use quotes sparingly, such as when the exact words of the author are important to the claim you are making. Put direct quotes between single inverted commas (quotation marks). Include a page number in the in-text reference if availableIn-text references include the author’s family name (or company or organisation name, if the author is a company or organisation) and year of publication, with page numbers (if available) required for quotesAn in-text reference can be inserted at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. When you are referencing information that authors/researchers agree about, the reference is placed at the end of the sentence (an information prominent citation). This is the most common type of in-text reference. Referencing at the beginning of a sentence (author prominent citation) is used to focus on a particular author/researcher’s point of view or on specific research that might not apply in all situations.If the author is integrated as part of the sentence, the date (and page number for direct quote) is placed in parentheses immediately after the author's name.When a work has two authors, always list both authors’ names every time the reference occurs. When a work has three or more authors, list the first author’s name followed by et al. For example, Haslam et al. (2021) or (Haslam et al. 2021).For pen names and pseudonyms, use the name adopted by the author, e.g. … (Mari 2009), Quynh Huong (2020) inspires … In the reference list, list according the pen name or pseudonym and include the author’s actual in parentheses if known.If the author of a reference is unknown, list the reference based on the title of the work. If the publication date is unknown, use n.d.If the publication date is unknown but can be reliably estimated or inferred from the text, then place c. (meaning 'circa' or about) before the year.Secondary citations acknowledge the work of an author you refer to in your assignment that you read about in someone else’s work. Where possible, try to use the original source.For example, if you use Vanna’s ideas which you read about an article by Martin and Rodríguez, you would only need to show who the ideas belong to and also where you read about them. Previous research appears to indicate ... (Vanna, cited in Martin and Rodriguez 2021).Vanna (cited in Martin and Rodriguez 2021) suggests that ...In the examples, the ideas/information belong to Vanna, but you paraphrased them from your reading of Martin and Rodriguez’s work.In the reference list, include the source you read. For this example, you would only need to put Martin and Rodríguez in the reference list.For multiple citations in the same parentheses, list all citations chronologically, separated by a semi-colon (;) for example:It has been claimed that ... (Ghezzi and Cavallo 2018; Jocevski 2020; Soluk et al. 2021).For multiple works by the same author in the same year, insert a letter after the year, starting with the letter ‘a’ for the first work you cite. In the reference list, include the same letter after each year of publication.It is argued that ... (Ayoob 2021a, 2021b).Ayoob (2021a, 2021b) states that ...Some works have different authors with the same family name. To identify their works, insert the initial(s) of all the first authors’ given names in the in-text references. In the reference list, order their works by the year of publication.It is argued that ... (Peterson M 2019), but others claim that ... (Peterson JR et al. 2021).If you change the wording of a quote, follow the steps below to ensure that you do not to change the meaning of the original text:Use an ellipsis which consists of three dots (…) if you leave out any part of the original text.If you want to add words to the original text (e.g. to integrate the grammar or make the information clearer), you must put them in square brackets [ ].With direct quotes, always use the spelling and formatting style of the original source. If the source contains grammatical or spelling errors, you must copy the quote exactly as it appears in the original source (including the errors). Then put sic in parentheses (sic) immediately after the error.Block quotations are quotes of more than 30 words. Block quotes do not use inverted commas. They are signalled with a colon and the quote begins on a new line that is indented from the margin and can be set in smaller text size.As Smithers (2020:57) points out:Paraphrasing and synthesising information shows deeper understanding of your reading and research than simply using direct quotes. It enables you to demonstrate your insight into the concepts and thus obtain higher marks in your assignment.BooksBook with single author Paraphrases Writing is a powerful way to communicate and is a critical skill for employment (Day 2018). Day (2018) emphasises the importance of writing as a compelling way to communicate and an essential skill for employment.Direct quoteDay (2018:3) states that ‘writing is a uniquely powerful, precise and satisfying form of expression. It is also a vital skill for future employment’.Book with two authors Use the full word ‘and’ when citing two authors. This applies to referring directly to the authors in a sentence or if citing them in parentheses.ParaphraseThe consequences of climate change are not factored into most building plans (Hill and Martinez-Diez 2020).Direct quotes Hill and Martinez-Diez (2020:18) assert that ‘building plans tend to ignore climate risks in most instances.‘Building plans tend to ignore climate risks in most instances’ (Hill and Martinez-Diez 2020:18). Book with three or more authors For in-text citations, give only the first author's family name, followed by et al. and the publication year.ParaphraseDecision making, when applied to the nursing profession, means the selection of careful consideration of interventions from a broad spectrum of actions that can lead to a satisfactory outcome (DeLaune et al. 2019).Direct quote In the context of nursing, decision making is defined by DeLaune et al. (2019:63) as ‘considering and selecting interventions from a range of actions that facilitate the achievement of a desired outcome’. Book whose author is an organisation Where the author is an organisation, use the name of the organisation as the author.ParaphrasesThe Business Council of Australia (2019) is in favour of stopping the stimulus and increasing productivity through job creation.Human health and food and water security will be increasingly threatened by climate change without an accelerated climate mitigation response (OECD 2019).Direct quote According to the OECD (2019:15), ‘the world has already warmed by an average of 1°Celsius and July 2019 was the hottest July ever recorded. Extreme weather events are taking their toll across the globe’.Book with no authorIn place of the author, cite the book title and the year. Italicise the book title. If quoting, include a colon and page number after the year.Paraphrases Australia has a growing role in the education of international students (Higher education in Australia: the facts?2004).A Warning (2019) argues that Trump’s presidency was one of America’s most tumultuous.Direct quotes Higher education in Australia: the facts?(2004:23) claims that Australia is ‘a major provider of international education and training services’.According to A Warning (2019:15) ‘the …’.Multiple books by the same author When citing two or more works by the same author in the same in-text citation, place the years of publication in chronological order after the author’s name. If the works were written in the same year, place a letter after the year; a after the first, b after the second and so on.Paraphrases The ubiquity of social media has been observed to have detrimental effects on the reliability of knowledge (Lynch 2016, 2019).Jenkins (2020a, 20120b) has identified several strategies for maintaining employee motivation.Book chapterWhen using a book chapter in an in-text reference, use the author of the chapter’s details and not the book editor’s details. Editor details are included in the reference list.If you use an edited book where the chapters have no identified authors, give the editor’s family name as the author in an in-text reference.ParaphraseSahai et al. (2021) have noted that opportunities have increased for organisations as a result of the development of smart technology. Direct quote ‘In the past decade smart technology, including networking and big data have given ways to organizations to expand their horizons’ (Sahai et al. 2021:102). E-bookFor online books sourced from Library databases or websites.ParaphrasesIn 1970, fighting relentless police discrimination, and feeling let down by the current legal system, together with law students and lawyers, Aboriginal activists established the first Legal Aboriginal Service in Redfern (Perheentupa 2020).Shann (1948) provides a history of Australia's agricultural economy at the time of Governor Phillip. Direct quotes Page numbers are only required when they are provided in the original document. If no page number is available, you can include information about the location the quote is from in your writing. The first example below comes from an e-book that has a page number, i.e. 35. The second example does not have page numbers:‘The first Legal Aboriginal Service was founded in response to persistent police discrimination and the legal system’s failure to curtail it’ (Perheentupa 2020:35).Shann (1948) argues in the opening paragraphs of Chapter 1 that 'neither legal restrictions nor isolation made the "settlers from convicts" better able to read the riddle of agriculture in a climate fruitful at times but fatally capricious'.Encyclopedia or dictionary entry without an author If there is no author, cite the encyclopedia or dictionary title and the year. Italicise the encyclopedia or dictionary title. If quoting, include a colon and page number after the year.ParaphraseIn order to focus attention on persuading people about a particular issue, megaphone democracy can often be employed through the context of public forums (Macquarie Dictionary 2017).Direct quote Megaphone democracy is defined as ‘the diplomatic strategy of talking freely in public forums about an issue in order to persuade people to accept a particular point of view’ (Macquarie Dictionary 2017:936).Encyclopedia or dictionary entry with an author Paraphrase The historical record testifies to the continued importance of determinism as a philosophical issue among curious and inquiring minds (Baird 2018). Direct quote ‘Philosophical conversations about determinism can be traced back through history as the question of whether human existence is planned or random and have perennially captured the imagination of thoughtful people’ (Baird 2018:890).Brochure or pamphlet If there is no author, cite the publication title and the year. Italicise the publication title.Provide page number for quotes only when available in the original document.ParaphrasesTenants Victoria’s (2020) fact sheet reports provides information for people sharing a house or apartment.The Specialist Imaging for Women agency offers neonatal hip ultrasounds services to screen for developmental hip dysplasia for babies up to 6 months of age (Specialist Imaging For Women c. 2021).Direct quotes 'Co-tenancy is the most common type of shared housing arrangement' (Tenants Victoria 2020).Regarding paediatric ultrasound, the Specialist Imaging For Women Paediatrics Services (c. 2021) offers ‘neonatal hip ultrasound – screening for developmental hip dysplasia – up to 6 months of age’. Exhibition catalogue Paraphrase The exhibition catalogue (NGV International 2021) provides an insightful analysis of the influences of the development of Chanel’s style and its ongoing impact on fashion.Direct quote ‘The art of costume seems to have been intrinsically linked to Chanel’s career path’ (NGV International:259).JournalsInclude the author’s family name, followed by publication year.For quotes, a colon (:) then page number (if available) is included (e.g. Lee 2022:94). You can include information about which section of the article the quote is from in your sentence to provide more detail about the quote location if a page number is not available.If no publication year is supplied, write n.d. (no date) instead of the year of publication or c. (about or approximately)Journal article with single authorParaphrase The Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) program aims to develop students’ professional self and enable them to build and reinvent their practice (Papadopoulou 2020).Direct quote One of the themes of their Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) program, according to Papadopoulou (2020:686), is ‘fostering in our students a strong sense of professional identity and empowering them to develop and even redefine their practice’.Journal article with two authorsFor two authors, use and to separate them. This applies to both referring to the authors in the sentence and references in parentheses at the end of the sentence.ParaphraseFiorineschi and Rotini (2021) explain that the design discipline commonly recognises novelty as an important factor in assessing creativity.Direct quote ‘In the field of design, novelty is widely acknowledged as a key parameter for creativity assessments’ (Fiorineschi and Rotini 2021:590).Journal article with three or more authorsShorten the in-text citation to the first author followed by et al. (Latin for ‘and others’) for articles written by three or more authors. All authors are included in the reference list.Paraphrases Mobbs et al. (2021) indicate that animal behavioural neuroscience has been significantly influenced and changed by computational ethology.With respect to their dynamics, polymer architectures vary in their behaviours (Bichler et al. 2021).Direct quotes ‘Computational ethology has proven transformative for animal behavioral neuroscience’ (Mobbs et al. 2021:2224).Bichler et al. (2021:1829) assert that ‘different polymer architectures behave differently regarding their dynamics’.Journal article with no authorsIn place of the author, cite the article title and the publication year. Put article title in single inverted commas (quotation marks). If quoting, include a colon and page number after the year.ParaphrasesFor people aged over 50 years, even though it is a rare illness, giant cell arteritis is the most common type of vasculitis (‘Giant cell arteritis: one size does not fit all’ 2021).‘Giant cell arteritis: one size does not fit all’ (2021) states that for people aged over 50 years, giant cell arteritis is the most common type of vasculitis, even though it is a rare illness.Direct quotesPage numbers are only required when they are provided in the original document. If no page number is available, you can include information about the location the quote is from in your writing. The examples below come from a source that does not have page numbers:‘The disease has a severe impact on patients’ lives, causing a constellation of cranial and systemic symptoms…’ (‘Giant cell arteritis: one size does not fit all’ 2021).‘Giant cell arteritis: one size does not fit all’ (2021) explains in the opening paragraph that ‘…there is only one targeted drug approved for the disease, despite decades of research…’e-Journal articleFor online journal articles sourced from Library databases or websites.ParaphrasesLiang et al. (2021) claim that consumers, due to their beliefs about connectivity efficiency with the Internet of Things, display a high level of brand loyalty when purchasing smart devices and products for the home.Although Llaha et al. (2021) discovered that there is a correlation between drinking sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and developing endometrial and ovarian cancer, it was minor and insignificant.Direct quotes Page numbers are only required when they are provided in the original document. If no page number is available, you can include information about the location the quote is from in your writing. The first example below comes from a source that has a page number, i.e. 163. The second example does not have page numbers:In the introduction to their study of consumer purchasing preferences, Liang et al. (2021:163) observe that ‘the Internet of Things (IoT), especially smart home technology, has been rapidly advancing and has finally reached mainstream markets and user segments’.‘The association between SSB [sugar-sweetened beverages] consumption and both endometrial and ovarian cancer risk tended to be positive but did not reach statistically significant levels’ (Llaha et al. 2021).NewspapersPrint newspaper article ParaphraseCiti analysts predict a link between investors’ expectations to meet climate change targets and bank chief executive renumeration (Yeates 2021). Direct quote ‘The pay of bank chief executives could be linked to climate change targets in the future’ (Yeates 2021:24).Print newspaper article with no author If there is no author, cite the newspaper title and the full publication date (e.g. 2 October 2016). Italicise the newspaper title. If quoting, include a colon and page number after the year.ParaphraseAged care providers are starting to introduce new fee schemes in response to changes to Federal government funding (The Sunday Age?2 October 2021).Direct quote 'Australia's aged-care system is revealing itself to be all too frequently woefully ineffective in meeting the needs of those who rely on its services' (The Sunday Age?2 October 2021:25).Newspaper article from a webpage (HTML format)Note: Newspaper articles in HTML format appear as text on the screen similar to a website. These articles are not in PDF format. If the article is in PDF format with full-page format/imaging, please treat it in the same way as a print newspaper article.Paraphrases Proust and Gailberger (2021) report that virus specialist, Professor Tony Blakely, has stated that if it proves to be prolific, the new strain of COVID-19 could potentially be contained by a third vaccine.Although soaring property values have been beneficial for home-owners, there are risks for those looking to buy a house if they acquired additional debt beyond what they could afford (Wright and Duke 2021).Direct quotes Page numbers are only required when they are provided in the original document. If no page number is available, you can include information about the location the quote is from in your writing. The examples below come from sources that do not have page numbers:'Bringing forward plans for a third vaccine dose could protect against the new strain [of COVID-19] if it appeared to spread more quickly' (Blakely cited in Proust and Gailberger 2021).Wright and Duke (2021) begin their article on housing affordability by reporting the Reserve Bank of Australia’s statement that ‘the lift in prices had delivered a financial boost to people already with a home, but the market could take on a life of its own if potential buyers took on even more debt to buy a property’.Newspaper article from a webpage (HTML format) with no author If the article is in HTML format and there is no author, cite the newspaper title and the full publication date (e.g. 2 October 2016). Italicise the newspaper title. If quoting, include a colon and page number after the year.Note: Newspaper articles in HTML format (with or without an author) appear as text on the screen similar to a website. These articles are not in PDF format. If the article is in PDF format with full-page format/imaging and has no author, please treat it in the same way as a print newspaper article with no author.Paraphrase Aged care providers are starting to introduce new fee schemes in response to changes to Federal government funding (The Sunday Age?2 October 2021).Direct quote Page numbers are only required when they are provided in the original document. If no page number is available, you can include information about the location the quote is from in your writing. The example below comes from a source that has a page number, i.e. 25:'Australia's aged-care system is revealing itself to be all too frequently woefully ineffective in meeting the needs of those who rely on its services' (The Sunday Age?2 October 2021:25).Social mediaBlog or blog postIf the blog post does not have a person identified as the author, use name of blog instead (e.g. Welcome to Country). Sometimes, an organisation’s name is the author.Paraphrases Australian native ingredients are nutritionally rich with wonderful flavours and textures (Welcome to Country 2020).Mewburn (2020) identifies the complexities of writing in an academic style.Direct quote In a post introducing the delights of Australian native food, Welcome to Country (2021) notes that if you have not ‘explored Australian native Bush Food you are missing out on some incredible flavours, textures and nutritional benefits’.Social media postCite the author’s name (the poster) and the year of publication as you would for other reference types. Make sure, however, the reader knows that it is a social media post by mentioning the post type in the sentence.For social media accounts that are not publicly accessible (e.g. a private Facebook page), the social media post should be cited as personal communication, not as social media post.ParaphraseIn her Facebook post on 14 November, Thunberg (2021c) mocked world leaders for their lack of leadership at the COP26 summit in Glasgow by accusing them of all talk and no action.Direct quotes Following the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Greta Thunberg’s tweeted that ‘the people in power don’t need conferences, treaties or agreements to start taking real climate action. They can start today’. (Thunberg 2021a).In Greta Thunberg’s Instagram post, she asserts that ‘we can no longer let the people in power decide what hope is. Hope is not passive’ (Thunberg 2021b).Websites and webpage documentsAn entire?website is only cited if you are referring to its content or purpose in general, or if you cannot link the information to a particular webpage.For example, when referring to a website as a general resource in your assignment, you should link to that website homepage in the reference list. However, if you cite specific content from a particular webpage on the website, you need to identify the specific webpage in your reference list.Include the author’s name (individual or corporate), followed by publication year (e.g. 2021). If a webpage does not have an author name (individual or organisation), use the title of the webpage in italics, followed by year of publication.If the author’s name is an organisation, you can use the shortened name form for your in-text citations if the organisation uses it regularly, e.g. ‘WHO’ not ‘World Health Organization’. This saves you space.Website / webpageParaphrasesThe WHO (2021) has declared that malnutrition, as well as the supply and provision of food worldwide, have worsened on account of COVID-19 and climate change.Artificial intelligence can be defined as the capacity of a system to adapt to unfamiliar environments, forming generalisations in its knowledge and using that knowledge in new situations (Heath 2021).Direct quotes Page numbers are only required when they are provided in the original document. If no page number is available, you can include information about the location the quote is from in your writing. The examples below come from sources that do not have page numbers:COVID-19 and climate change have had such a huge impact on the world that they both ‘have exacerbated malnutrition in all its forms and threatened the sustainability and resilience of food systems around the world’ (WHO 2021).Heath (2021) explains that artificial intelligence is seen as being ‘tied to a system's ability to adapt and improvise in a new environment, to generalise its knowledge and apply it to unfamiliar scenarios’.Webpage document (PDF)If a downloadable webpage document (e.g. PDF) does not have an author name (individual or organisation), use the title of the document in italics, followed by year of publication.ParaphraseStudents’ capacity to learn increases when teachers collaborate to improve their educational practices (Department of Education and Training, Victoria 2020).Direct quotePage numbers are only required when they are provided in the original document. If no page number is available, you can include information about the location the quote is from in your writing. The example below comes from a source that has a page number, i.e. 4:The Department of Education and Training, Victoria (2020:4) states that ‘when teachers work together to improve their practice, students learn more’.Reports, data sets and standards As details will vary for government or organisation reports, try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication information etc.If no page number is available in the report, you can indicate the original location of the quote in your writing if neededAuthors are often organisations, departments or committees rather than monly accepted short forms of organisations’ names are used for references in parentheses to save space. The full name is provided in the reference ernment or organisation report Government reports may include departmental reports, reports of commissions of inquiry, committees of review and committees of parliament.Paraphrase The review into the impact of the?Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011?will examine ... (Department of Education and Training 2016).Direct quote This 'review provides an opportunity to reflect on the lessons that can be learned from the first five years of the TEQSA Act’s operation' (Department of Education and Training 2016).Company, industry or market report from a library databaseParaphrase Lo (2016) claims that the industry will increase online services through a variety of web-based options.Direct quote At the time, it was reported that the company’s 'internet services are provided via dial-up, integrated services digital network (ISDN) and fixed broadband connections' (Lo 2016:2).Company, industry or market report from a websiteAs details will vary for company, industry or market reports, try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication information etc.Where there is no author, use the name of the company or organisation responsible for the report.Paraphrase Wesfarmers Limited (2022) are wanting to engage with the community to limit environmental impact.Direct quote The company claims that it aims to ‘continuously improve waste performance with all our divisions striving to divert waste from landfill’ (Wesfarmers Limited 2021).Australian Bureau of Statistics report For in-text citations in parentheses, use the commonly used abbreviated form ABS rather than the full name of the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The full name is provided in the reference list.Paraphrase According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2021), both male and female Australians currently experience a higher life expectancy than their counterparts in other developed countries (ABS 2021). Direct quote‘For both males and females, Australia has a higher life expectancy than similar countries such as New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America’ (ABS 2021).Dataset Details will vary for datasets, so try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication information, etc.If available, include a reference point (for example: figure number or table number) in the in-text reference for the dataset. Paraphrase Using daily rainfall datasets, the Bureau of Meteorology (2022) highlights …Direct quotesWhen you copy or adapt specific data sets in the form of tables, charts or figures you must acknowledge them both in your writing and with a caption below the figure. Refer to the sections on table and figures for more information.Standard ParaphraseFor procedures and practices relating to timber framed constructions in non-cyclonic areas refer to ... (Standards Australia 2010).Direct quote 'For single or upper storey construction, the spacing of bracing elements, measured at right angles to elements, shall not exceed 9000 mm' (Standards Australia 2010:11).Audio visual material??Film or television program Cite the title of the film or television program in italics, followed by the date of the production in parentheses.The title can be abbreviated after the first mention as long as the meaning remains clear. You can also leave out the date when subsequently referring to the film or television program.Paraphrases The documentary My name is Gulpilil (2017) provides not only insight into the cinematic achievements of Gulpilil but more importantly, the actor’s own insights as he reflects on his life story.The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) was a surprise international success. With its inherently Australian characters, comedy and landscape, Priscilla was not expected to …Direct quote David Gulpilil describes the documentary of his life in the opening scenes by simply stating, ‘This is my story of my story’ (My name is Gulpilil 2017).Podcast If the author(s) of the podcast is unknown, reference the title of the podcast and the year of the broadcast. Italicise the podcast title.ParaphrasesWriting short stories on Instagram was the catalyst for Dave Grohl writing his memoir (Fidler and Rooney 2021).Bessell and Hunter (2020) consider how the corona virus pandemic is reshaping economies, raising the question of how applicable the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals remain in addressing global poverty. Direct quote Bessell (2020) points out that despite the Covid-19 pandemic having driven governments to implement ‘previously unseen welfare interventions … social and economic inequality is deepening around the globe’. YouTube video and other online streaming videosCite the video using the author’s name (individual or corporate) and the year of the video.If the author is unknown, reference the title of the video in italics and the year. ParaphraseOpinions of crypto currency vary widely from those that see it as the future of financial exchange to those that consider it to be an insecure proposition at risk from hacking (ABC News 2021).Direct quotes There are conflicting opinions of crypto currency that frame it as either the potential ‘future currency of Earth’ or full of pitfalls due to being ‘vulnerable to hacking security issues’ (ABC News 2021).Nabben (2021) points out that there is still much ‘catching up [to do] in terms of the law … around blockchains considering how fast the space is evolving’.Radio ParaphraseSmail (2021) reports on recent research that shows Australian women, especial mothers, could be financially better off if policies similar to those in Scandinavia were implemented. Direct quoteOn an episode of The world today, Smail (2021) reported on the need for an ‘overhaul of the existing the tax and welfare system ... to boost female workforce participation’.Sound recordingPlace titles for songs or short pieces in single quotation marks.Titles can be the name given by the composer or a popular name that the composition is commonly called.If you refer to the name of the song, cite the author/artist and the year in the sentence or parentheses.When you quote someone’s lyrics, cite the song name, the author and the year of publication in the sentence or parentheses.ParaphraseThere are various interpretations of the psychedelic imagery in ‘Lucy in the sky with diamonds’ from the Beatles’ (1967) album Sgt. Pepper's. Direct quote The psychedelic imagery of ‘tangerine trees and marmalade skies [and] cellophane flowers of yellow and green’ represents … (The Beatles, ‘Lucy in the sky with diamonds’ 1967).Images and figures General rules for artworksRMIT Harvard includes the following within the definition of an artwork: drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture and ceramicsphotographs posters and cartoonsperformance and ephemeral artdigital works antiquitiesmaps Artworks that you use in your assignment or for study purposes do not need the copyright permissions that are required for publishing or commercial use. However, it is essential that you give credit to the creator of the work and reference it in your work. When citing works of art in the text of your assignment, you need to acknowledge them in two places:1. within the written body of your paper, as you would for a normal in-text reference, and2. in the figure layout (caption).Citations are also influenced by where you sourced the creative work. Where possible, cite the original rather than copies from a reproduction.How you capture and include the artwork or image (e.g. screen shot, photograph, copy-and-paste) does not influence the way in which it is referenced. Cite the work based on where you sourced the work. Note: Your lecturer may have specific requirements for referencing artworks. Any directions given by your lecturer must be followed, even if they differ from this guide.CaptionsCaptions are used to provide a description of the artworks you use. These are usually placed below the illustration.A figure number is used in the caption to identify each illustration. These figures are numbered sequentially in the order in which they appear and followed by a colon.Illustrations you create of your own work are not usually referenced. However, a caption such as ‘Figure 7: Photograph by author’ or ‘Figure 11: Initial sketches’ might be appropriate when other illustrations in your assignment are referenced. Check your lecturer’s requirements.Make sure you refer to the figure in your writing and include the figure number. This can be in the sentence or in parentheses, for example (see Figure 1).Refer to a figure by its assigned number, not as the figure above or below or on page 3.Your lecturer might require a specific long or short caption style. Whichever style you use, make sure you apply it consistently. Captions (Own work)Rule Figure number: Description or explanationExamplesFigure 1: Author’s photograph Figure 2: Initial sketches of the designShort captions for reproduced worksIf the image was on a website include the URL, otherwise provide the in-text referencing details as described in other areas of this guide.RuleFigure number: Artist’s full name (year produced) Title of artwork [medium], Name of museum/gallery, Location of museum/gallery or Publishing details of where image was sourced.ExamplesFigure 3: Artist unknown (11-12th C) Tapestry with Dragons and Flowers, [Silk tapestry], The Metropolitan Museum of Art, collection/search/39733?(OR depending on source):Figure 3: Artist unknown (11-12th C) Tapestry with Dragons and Flowers, [Silk tapestry], in Jaynes A and Liaw J (1968:37) Figure 4: Henry Burn (1861) Swanston Street from the Bridge, [oil on canvas], National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Figure 5: Mari (Maria Giovanna Colli) (2009) Bilbao_6: Guggenheim Museum Bilbao [photograph], Flickr, Copyright 2009 by Mari, CC BY 2.0, accessed 13 December 2021 photos/ 52355315@N08/5757476385/in/album-72157626677144865/Figure 6: Untitled screenshot of Zelphr homepageIn-text reference to artworksItalicise the titles of individual artworks, keeping any capitalisation, numbering or punctuation as specified by the artist.Include the artist, year of creation and title of the artwork in parentheses, if not mentioned in the sentence, when first mentioning the work.If you use an image, refer to the figure number when you discuss the artwork. ExamplesThe exhibition Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto displays the Chanel’s (1925) little black dress in silk organza transformed black from being the colour of mourning to the height of chic and modernity (see Figure 7).The purchase of Pollock’s (1952) Blue Poles created great controversy regarding the value of abstract art when it was purchased for the National Gallery of Australia.As illustrated in Figure 4, the painting Swanston Street from the Bridge (Burn 1861) depicts Melbourne’s growth into a city of domes and spires. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Maps Maps taken from an online source can include: digitised maps that originate from a print source such as old maps and are made available in an electronic format by museums, galleries and libraries web maps that use satellite imagery and GPS data and are taken from online navigation and mapping sites such as Google Maps When citing maps in the text of your work, you need to acknowledge them in two places: within the written body of your paper, as you would for a normal in-text referencein the figure layout (caption)Refer to a figure by its assigned number, not as the figure above or below or on page 3. CaptionsRuleFigure number: Cartographer’s full name (year produced) Title of map, Publishing details of where image was sourced.ExamplesFigure 7: James Kearney (1855) Melbourne and its suburbs: map 1 [digitised map], SLV 8: Plenty Road Bundoora 3083 by VicPlan, 2020, web map. In-text referencesThe map, Melbourne and its suburbs: map 1 [digitised map] shows . . . (Kearney 1855). Figure 7 illustrates . . . (Kearney 1855). The web map, Plenty Road Bundoora 3083 highlights . . . (VicPlan 2020).As shown in Figure 8, . . . (VicPlan 2020).Tables and diagrams When citing tables, graphs or other diagrams in the text of your work, you need to acknowledge them in two places: within the written body of your paper, as you would for a normal in-text reference in the table/figure layout (caption)Label tables sequentially as Table 1, Table 2 and so on, followed by a colon. Other graphs and diagrams are labelled as Figures. Include a title that describes or explains the information in the table or diagram. Note, this is not italicised. Refer to a table or figure by its assigned number, not as the table or figure above or below or on page 3. For tables, graphs and diagrams using published content, acknowledge the source below the table/figure number and title, on a new line. Tables (your own work)When the information is your own work based on data you have collected independently, for example, from your own research or experiments, label your table with a number and give a title to the work. Use standard font (no italics).ExampleTable 1: Comparison of results from groups A, B and CTables (adapted from published material)If you are using information gathered from published information but are presenting it in a table or figure that you have created, acknowledge the source as you would for paraphrased information in a caption.When the table includes data from more than one source, you must cite all sources you relied on to create the table.Rule Figure number: Title of table Source: adapted from Publishing details of where the information was sourcedExamplesTable 2: Reason why students plagiariseSource: adapted from Bretag B, et al. 2020Table 3: Fluctuation in imports 2010 to 2020 Source: adapted from Mitchelton 2018; ABS 2019; DFAT 2020 Tables (reproduced from published material)If you are using a table or graph that has been published elsewhere, acknowledge the source and provide the same details you would for quoted information. RuleFigure number: Title of table Source: Publishing details of where the information was sourcedExamplesTable 4: Prison demographics in AustraliaSource: AIHW 2018:1 Figure 10: Buy Now, Pay Later Payments in Australia Source: Fisher, Holland and West 2021:61In-text referencesBretag et al. (2020) identified a number of factors that contributed to plagiarism as listed in Table 2.Fluctuations in the imports over the last decade are represented in Table 3.Table 4 highlights current prison demographics in Australia, based on data compiled by AIHW (2018).Other sourcesCase studyCase studies are not a publication or reference type. They are a type of writing found in various sources such as books, journal articles, websites, etc. Reference the case study according to the rules for the source in which it is found.Conference paperGenerally, conference papers are published within conference proceedings, either online or in print. In most cases, a conference paper (rather than the conference proceedings) will be used as a reference.ParaphraseRasmussen and Ngwenya (2021) argue that a successful blended learning environment requires that students are adequately supported.Direct quote 'Students should engage in critical self-reflection regarding their ability to apply the theory they study to their future employment' (Rasmussen and Ngwenya 2021:76).Lecture notes or course materialMaterials from your course may include lecture notes, PowerPoint slides or presentations and micro-credentials. Where possible, try to get the information from a published source. Note: Some courses and lecturers might not accept lecture materials as a reference in assignments.Paraphrases Campbell (2022) asserts that prosperity and sustainability need not be mutually exclusive.The impact of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on promoting economic growth ... (Blakewell 2022). Direct quote The emphasis in week 3’s lecture on the 'cultural and social background of employees as an important step in managing workplace diversity' (Tran 2022) led me to reflect on my own experiences in human resource management. Legal material Take care to give accurate and complete details about legislation and legal cases.When discussing government policies and services that require you to refer to the relevant law(s), the title of legislation is generally placed first, followed by the relevant subsections.The name of the Act is written in italics. The jurisdiction should also be identified, either in the sentence or after the name of the Act, in parenthesis as an abbreviation in standard font without full stops, for example:The Victorian government’s introduction of the Wage Theft Act 2020 was a response to …Multiple jurisdictions have laws pertaining to the management of water supply in the Murray-Darling Basin, including the Water Act 1989?(Vic), Natural Resources Management Act 2004?(SA)?and?Water Act 2007?(Cth). Depending on the context, you might need to refer to specific sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs using a pinpoint reference. The units are written in lower case unless they begin a sentence. Units of an Act can be written in long or abbreviated form. Do not begin sentences with the abbreviated form. The Australian Government Style Manual provides more detail and examples regarding the use of legal materials.?ParaphrasesSection 5A of the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act?2005 (Vic) outlines the principles for compliance with child safety standards.The principles for compliance with child safety standards are outlined in the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act?2005 (Vic), s 5A. Direct quotesReportable matters under the Act are an acknowledgement that ‘the protection of children is the paramount consideration in the context of child abuse’ (para 16B(1)(b)).Section 55 of the?Competition and Consumer Act 2010?(Cth) states that ‘there is a guarantee that the goods are reasonably fit for any disclosed purpose, and for any purpose for which the supplier represents that they are reasonably fit'.For a legal case, party names are italicised.Law report series are abbreviated, and the first page of the case should appear after the series details.With quotes, include the location of the quote using a page number. To specify a page number, use the word 'at' rather than p.ParaphraseThe case examined the company’s failure to exercise reasonable care in using aluminium composite panels in the construction of an apartment tower (Owners Corporation No.1 of PS613436T v LU Simon Builders Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 286).?Direct quote It was identified that ‘…’ (Beasley v Francis?(2008) 237 CLR 1 at 72-8). Media releaseParaphrasesThe Minister for Housing announced additional funding for youth accommodation that would be integrated with additional support service (Office of the Premier of Victoria 2021).The Australian economy is now moving into a recovery phase, according to the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Phillip Lowe (2021), following the disruptions caused by the Delta outbreak.Direct quoteIn a recent media statement, the Minister for Housing acknowledged that ‘young people leaving state care are at much higher risk of homelessness and unemployment’ (Office of the Premier of Victoria, 2021). Personal communicationPersonal communication, such as face-to-face interviews, conversations, telephone calls, letters or emails, is only cited an in-text rmation about personal communication must be included in the in-text reference. Include the type of personal communication (for example, personal conversation, email, interview, telephone conversation) and the date in a date month year format.Personal communication is not published and therefore, unavailable for verification so is not included in the reference list.ParaphraseMs Merrick, Melville Shire Council CEO, confirmed the accuracy of the claims by email on 25 April 2022.Direct quotesMy field placement supervisor commented ‘…’ (Lee, personal communication, 14 May 2022). Rowlands (personal communication, 20 February 2022) stated … Thesis ParaphrasesThe research conducted by Khoo (2018) examined ... Earlier studies suggest a need for further research that considers the customer’s experience of … (Le 2020; Sutton 2021).Direct quote Khoo (2018:44) argues that 'the idea of service design challenges the aesthetics of interiors due to its focus on functionality and efficiency rather than creating a liveable and appealing environment’. Student’s own work (previously submitted)You should include scholarly sources in your assignments to adhere to best practice in academic integrity.?Citing yourself as an authority on your own opinion should be avoided.Referencing your own work is necessary to make sure you don’t self-plagiarise. If you cite or quote your previous work, treat yourself as the author.Don’t cut-and-paste sentences or paragraphs from previous assignment. If you are reusing your ideas, reword them (paraphrase) and take care to contextualise them to your new assignment.Note: Check with your lecturer or teacher if it is permissible to reuse and cite work you have previously submitted. ParaphrasesWhen paraphrasing, include your family name and the year when you previously submitted the work. For example, if Jane Smith wanted to use her ideas from a paper she wrote at RMIT University in 2021, her in-text reference may look like this:An interview with a marketing manager at a leading women’s fashion retailer revealed that … (Smith 2021).Smith (2021) previously found that …If your original assignment contained critique or commentary about other sources that you base your ideas on in your new assignment, you should also include those citations in your new assignment.If Jane’s earlier paper had criticised Presley and Dietrich for example, and her new work might look like this:According to Smith (2021), the claims of Priestly and Dietrich (2009) are out-dated and do not apply to the case currently being examined.I have not included Priestly and Dietrich’s (2009) model in this analysis because I believe their claims are not relevant to current work practices (Smith 2021).Direct quote For a direct quote, place the quote between single quotation marks and also provide the page number from the previous work.'Risk taking behaviours align with certain personality traits or disorders' (Smith 2021:13).Reference listGeneral rulesUse a reference list at the end of the document to include the publication details of all the in-text references cited within your writing.The general order of the elements is:author or authoring organisation’s namepublishing datetitle informationpublisher detailsaccessed date and URL for digital contentStart a reference list on a new page using the heading?References.?List only references cited in your writing.If your lecturer/teacher or supervisor has also requested a bibliography, list any other sources that you have read but not included in your writing under a heading of Bibliography.The reference list is arranged alphabetically by the family name of the author. If the author of a reference is a company or organisation, list the reference based on the first letter of the company or organisation name.When the shortened form or acronym of an organisation’s name is mentioned in your work, use it in your references. List the short form, then include the full name in parentheses.If there are multiple entries by the same author, then arrange chronologically starting with the earliest year of publication.If there are multiple entries by the same author in the same year, add ‘a’ after the first work, ‘b’ after the second and so on.If there are several authors with the same family name, then arrange alphabetically by initials.If the author used a pseudonym or pen name, list that name in the author position. If the actual name is known, place it in parentheses after the pen name. e.g. Mari (Maria Giovanna Colli)If the author of a reference is unknown, list the reference based on the title of the work.If the publication date of a reference is unknown, use n.d.If the publication date is unknown but can be reliably estimated or inferred from the text then write c. (meaning 'circa’ or approximately) before the year.If you have used a secondary citation, include only the source you read in your reference list. For example, if you read an article by Martin and Rodriguez and you use some information from Vanna that was mentioned in the article, you would only list Martin and Rodriguez in the reference list.If there is no place of publication use n.p. (for ‘no place’).If the place of publication (city name) is not commonly known (e.g. Harlow) or the place of publication could be in two or more countries, put the country name after the city. For example, Harlow, England.If citing a PDF, link to the page where the PDF is hosted not the PDF link. If the publication has a DOI (digital object identifier), include it in the reference list, at the end of the citation using the short form ‘doi’ in lower case, e.g.Zufferey C, Yu N and Hand T (2020) ‘Researching home in social work’, Qualitative Social Work, 19(5-6):1095-1110, doi:10.1177/1473325019880244. If the work is in a language other than English, put the title in the original language followed by the English translation, e.g. Gabrielle Chanel. Manifeste de Mode (Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto).Example reference listBelow is an example of a reference list displaying various resource types including books, journal articles, legislation, newspaper article, film, report, websites and social media entries. Must be in ascending alphabetical order of author/creator name or, if no name given, in order of title.References AASW (Australian Association of Social Workers) (2021) Annual Report 2020-2021, AASW, accessed 13 December 2021. Competition and Consumer Act 2010?(Cth).Deegan C (2019) An introduction to?accounting: accountability in organisations and society, Cengage Learning Australia, Southbank.Department of Education and Training, Victoria (2020) High impact teaching strategies, Department of Education and Training website, accessed 13 December 2021. school/teachers/teachingresources/practice/improve/Pages/hits.aspx'Giant cell arteritis: one size does not fit all' (2021)?The Lancet Rheumatology, 3(12):E819, doi:10.1016/S2665-9913(21)00364-7.Ghezzi A and Cavallo A (2020) 'Agile business model innovation in digital entrepreneurship: lean startup approaches',?Journal of Business Research, 10:519-537, doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.06.013.Goel R, Sahai S, and Singh, G (2021) ‘Building the world of internet of things’, in Abraham A, Dash SY, Liang Y and Pani SK (eds), Advanced soft computing techniques in data science, IoT and cloud computing, Springer International Publishing AG, 10.1007/978-3-030-75657-4.Heath N (2021) What is AI? Here's everything you need to know about artificial intelligence, ZDNet website, accessed 9 December 2021. M (2020) 'Blurring the lines between physical and digital spaces: business model innovation in retailing',?California Management Review, 63(1):99-117, doi:10.1177/0008125620953639.MarketLine Limited 2021, Global apparel manufacturing, Industry profile, accessed 13 December 2021, MarketLine database.Reynolds M (director) (2017) My name is Gulpilil [motion picture], Screen Australia, SAFC & ABC, Australia. Soluk J, Miroshnychenko I, Kammerlander N and De Massis, A (2021) 'Family influence and digital business model innovation: the enabling role of dynamic capabilities', Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(4):867-905, doi:10.1177/1042258721998946.Telstra (n.d.) Homepage, Telstra website, accessed 13 December 2021. G (15 November 2021a) 'A reminder: the people in power don’t need conferences, treaties...' [Tweet], Greta Thunberg, accessed 1 November 2021. 1460159146720997377Thunberg G (28 November 2021b) 'We can no longer let the people in power decide...' [Instagram post], Greta Thunberg, accessed 1 November 2021. Wright S and Duke J (2021) 'RBA issues warning as property prices surge', The Age, 9 October, 2, accessed 26 November 2021. Australia & New Zealand Newsstream database.WHO (World Health Organization) (2021) WHO accelerates work on nutrition targets with new commitments, WHO website, accessed 9 December 2021. all authors as they appear on the title page of the book. Use the initials of each authors' given name(s). Use and to separate the last two authors. Italicise the title of the book. If a book has an edition number and it is not the first, add the number and abbreviation ‘edn’ after the title.Include the name of the publisher, followed by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and a full stop. If there is no DOI, include the place of publication (city name) instead.Book with an edition numberFor a book with an edition number that is not the first, add the number and the abbreviation ‘edn’ after the title of the book. There is no need to include edition information if a book is a first edition, or if no edition is mentioned.Rule Author’s family name Initial (Year) Title of book: subtitle of book, Xth edn, Name of publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI]ExampleDay T (2018) Success in academic writing, 2nd edn, Palgrave, Basingstoke.Book with single authorList the author details as they appear on the title page of the book. Use the initial of the author's given name(s). Italicise the title of the book. Include the name of the publisher and the place of publication.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial (Year) Title of book: subtitle of book, Name of publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI].ExampleDeegan C (2019) An introduction to?accounting: accountability in organisations and society, Cengage Learning Australia, Southbank.Book with multiple authorsList all authors as they appear on the title page of the book. Use the initial of each authors' given name(s). Use and to separate the last two authors. RuleAuthor’s family name Initial and Author’s family name Initial (Year) Title of book: subtitle of book, Name of publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI].ExamplesHill AC and Martinez-Diaz L (2020) Building a resilient tomorrow: how to prepare for the coming climate disruption, Oxford University Press, New York.Mewburn I, Firth K and Lehmann S (2018) How to fix your academic writing trouble: a practical guide, Open University Press, Maidenhead.Book whose author is an organisation Where the author is an organisation, use the name of the organisation as the author.If you have used the abbreviated (shortened name) form of the organisation’s name in your writing, use it in your reference list, too. Put the abbreviated (shortened name) form followed by the full version name in parentheses.If you have NOT used the abbreviated (shortened name) form in your writing, and only used the full version of the organisation’s name instead, leave out abbreviated name and only put full version name.Rule (only used full version name in writing)Full Organisation Name (Year) Title of book: subtitle of book, Name of publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI].Rule (used abbreviated name in writing)Abbreviated Name (Full Organisation Name) (Year) Title of book: subtitle of book, Name of publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI].ExamplesICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) (2018) Safety management manual, 4th edn, ICAO, Montre?al.International Civil Aviation Organization (2018) Safety management manual, 4th edn, International Civil Aviation Organization, Montre?al.Book with no authorIf there is no author, begin with the title of the book (italicised), followed by publication year, publisher and place of publication. RuleTitle (Year) Publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI].ExampleA Warning (2019) Little Brown, London.Multiple books by the same author(s)Arrange works by the same author by year of publication, with the earliest year first. If the books have been published in the same year, put a letter after the year of each work, i.e. an ‘a’ after the year of the first book, then a ‘b’ after the year of the second book, and so on. For example: (2020a), (2020b).ExamplesLynch, MP (2016) The internet of us: knowing more and understanding less in the age of big data, Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York.Lynch, MP (2019) Know-it-all society: truth and arrogance in political culture, Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York. Book chapter in an edited bookList according to the name of the chapter author.Enclose the chapter title in single inverted commas (quotation marks). After the chapter title, insert the word 'in' before the name of the editor(s). For a book chapter, use (ed) for a single editor and (eds) for two or more editors. Rule Author’s family name initial (Year) ‘Title of chapter: subtitle of chapter’, in Editor’s family name initial (ed/s) Title of book: subtitle of book, Name of publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI].ExampleGoel R, Sahai S, and Singh, G (2021) ‘Building the world of internet of things’, in Abraham A, Dash SY, Liang Y and Pani SK (eds) Advanced soft computing techniques in data science, IoT and cloud computing, Springer International Publishing AG, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-75657-4.Book compiled by an editor(s)For books compiled by editors, add (ed) for a single editor and (eds) for two or more editors.RuleEditor’s family name Initial (ed/s) (Year) Title of book: subtitle of book, Name of publisher, doi:number OR Place of publication [if no DOI].ExampleMeiner, S and Yeager, JJ (eds) (2019) Gerontologic nursing, 6th edn, Elsevier, St. Louis.E-bookAfter publisher name, include the DOI (Digital object identifier) in lower case, followed by a full stop, if e-book has one. You will often find this within the inside of the cover page. No need to include place of publication if you include a DOI.?If there is no DOI, include place of publication (city) instead. As books are published in editions, you do not need to include the date you accessed it online.ExamplesCarroll H (2017)?Read this if you want to take great photographs, Laurence King Publishing, London.Edwards M, Howard C and Miller R (2020) Social policy, public policy: From problem to practice, Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781003117254. Perheentupa J (2020) Redfern: Aboriginal activism in the 1970s, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra.Pinheiro MM and Costa AJ (2021)?Accounting ethics education: teaching virtues and values, Taylor & Francis Group, doi:10.4324/9780429321597.Encyclopedia and dictionary entriesEncyclopedia or dictionary entries without an author do not need to be included in the reference list.For an encyclopedia or dictionary entry with an author, enclose the title of the entry in single inverted commas (quotation marks) and italicise the encyclopedia or dictionary title. If the encyclopedia or dictionary is edited, insert the word 'in' before the name of the editor. Use (ed) for a single editor and (eds) for two or more editors.Include the name of the publisher, followed by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and a full stop. If there is no DOI, include the place of publication (city name) instead.ExamplesBaird C (2018) ‘Determinism’, in Kolb, RW (ed), The SAGE encyclopedia of business ethics and society, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks.Neal M (2019) ‘Damascus Securities Exchange’, A dictionary of business and management in the Middle East and North Africa, Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acref/9780191843266.001.0001.Brochure or pamphlet As details will vary for brochures and pamphlets, try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication information etc. For a brochure or pamphlet with an author, provide a description of the document in square brackets.If there is no author, the publication title should be listed first. Italicise the publication title. Include publisher and place of publication information (if available).Rule Author’s Name (Year) Title [format], Publisher, Location.ExamplesACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) (2021) Disney: The Magic of Animation [brochure], ACMI, Melbourne.Specialist Imaging For Women (c.2021) Paediatrics Services [pamphlet], Specialist Imaging For Women, Ivanhoe, VIC.Exhibition catalogue As details will vary for exhibition catalogues, try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication information, etc.For an exhibition catalogue, provide a description of the document type. If possible, add the exhibition dates after the document type. For example: [exhibition catalogue], 11 March - 27 May 2022.If there is no author, list the gallery/museum name first. Italicise the publication title. Include publisher and place of publication information (if available).Rule Author or Gallery Name (Year) Title of exhibition [format], Day Month Year of exhibition, Publisher, Location of Gallery.ExampleNGV International (2021) Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto [printed exhibition catalogue], 5 December 2020 – 25 April 2021 National Gallery of Victoria and Thames & Hudson, Melbourne.JournalsList all authors in the order in which they appear in the article. Use the initials of each authors' given name(s).For two authors, use and to separate them.For three authors or more, use and to separate last two names.Enclose publication year in parentheses after the author. If there is no author, enclose the year in parentheses after article title.If no publication year supplied, write n.d. (for ‘no date’) or c. in place of the year of publication.Enclose the title of the article in single inverted commas (quotation marks) and italicise the journal title.After journal title, include volume number followed issue number in parentheses. If no issue number is supplied, leave it out. After issue number, include a colon (:) followed by the page number range, i.e. start and end page. If page range not available, put the start page instead. If available, include the digital object identifier (DOI) in lower case after the pagination. If no DOI available, end pagination with a full stop.Journal article with single authorRuleAuthor’s family name Initial (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of journal, volume(issue):start page-end page, doi:number [if available].ExamplePapadopoulou M (2020) 'Supporting the development of early years students’ professional identities through an action research programme',?Educational Action Research, 28(4):686-699, doi:10.1080/09650792.2019.1652196.Journal article with two authorsFor two authors, use and to separate them.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial and Author’s family name Initial (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of journal, volume(issue):start page-end page, doi:number [if available].ExampleFiorineschi L and Rotini F (2021) 'Novelty metrics in engineering design',?Journal of Engineering Design, 32(11):590-620, doi:10.1080/09544828.2021.1928024.Journal article with three or more authorsAll authors’ names are included in the reference list. Use and before the last author.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial, Author’s family name Initial and Author’s family name Initial (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of journal, volume(issue):start page-end page, doi:number [if available].ExamplesBichler KJ, Jakobi B and Schneider GJ (2021) 'Dynamical comparison of different polymer architectures - bottlebrush vs linear polymer',?Macromolecules, 54(4):1829-1837, doi:10.1021/acs.macromol.0c02104.Liang Y, Xu Q and Jin L (2021) 'The effect of smart and connected products on consumer brand choice concentration', Journal of Business Research, 135:163-172, doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.06.039.Journal article with no authorsRule‘Title of article: subtitle of article’ (Year) Name of journal, volume(issue):start page-end page, doi:number [if available].Example'Giant cell arteritis: one size does not fit all' (2021) The Lancet Rheumatology, 3(12):E819, doi:10.1016/S2665-9913(21)00364-7.e-Journal articleFor online journal articles sourced from Library databases or websites.List all authors and other bibliographic details in the same way as with other journal article examples above.If available, include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in lower case at the end.If there is no DOI, add the database name (if sourced from library database) or URL (if sourced from website) instead:For URLs, add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 26 November 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.For database names, leave out the accessed date and add the database name at the end, followed by the word database.ExamplesBarkela, B (2021) ‘Leadership communication and knowledge integration across the artistic, technical and administration area in theaters’, Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 51(6):393-409, doi:10.1080/10632921.2021.1974628.Llaha F, Gil-Lespinard M, Unal P, de Villasante I, Casta?eda J and Zamora-Ros R (2021) 'Consumption of sweet beverages and cancer risk. A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies', Nutrients, 13(2):516, accessed 26 November 2021. C, Marks Woolfson L and Durkin K (2020) ‘School environment and mastery experience as predictors of teachers' self-efficacy beliefs towards inclusive teaching’, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 24(2):218-234, Taylor & Francis Online database.?NewspapersPrint newspaper article For a newspaper article with an author, enclose the title of the article in single inverted commas (quotation marks). Italicise the newspaper title. Include the full publication date in brackets after author (e.g. 6 December 2021).RuleAuthor’s family name Initial (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of newspaper.ExamplesYeates C (6 December 2021) ‘CEO pay of big banks could be linked to climate change targets’, The Age. Wright S and Duke J (9 October 2021) 'RBA issues warning as property prices surge', The Age.Print newspaper article with no authorRuleNewspaper Name (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’.ExampleFinancial Review (7 August 2021) ‘Small business response to COVID-19’.Newspaper article from a webpage (HTML format)Note: Newspaper articles in HTML format appear as text on the screen similar to a website. These articles are not in PDF format. If the article is in PDF format with full-page format/imaging, please reference it in the same way as a print newspaper article.Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Newspaper Name, access Day Month Year. URLExample:Proust M and Gailberger J (28 November 2021) 'Experts call for booster shots to be given earlier as Omicron confirmed in Australia', Herald Sun, accessed 29 November 2021. article from a webpage (HTML format) with no authorNote: Newspaper articles in HTML format (with or without an author) appear as text on the screen similar to a website. These articles are not in PDF format. If the article is in PDF format with full-page format/imaging and has no author, please reference it in the same way as a print newspaper article with no author.Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleNewspaper Name (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, access Day Month Year. URLExampleThe Age (24 January 2022) 'Economists tip August interest rate hike as the cost of living rises’, accessed 24 January 2022. mediaBlog or blog postIf blog post does not have a person author, use name of blog instead (e.g. Welcome to Country). Sometimes, an organisation is the author.For blog post, enclose the publication day, month and year in brackets after the author. If there is no author, enclose the publication day, month and year in brackets after blog name.After the blog’s name, add accessed date (e.g. accessed 2 November 2021) followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.Rule (with author)Author’s family name Initial (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle’,?Name of Blog, accessed Day Month Year. URLExampleMewburn I (10 June 2020) ‘Why academic writing sucks (and how we can fix it)’, The Thesis Whisperer, accessed 31 November 2021. Rule (no author)Name of blog (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’,?Name of blog, accessed Day Month Year. URLExampleWelcome to Country (6 August 2021), 'Bush Food of Australia aka Bush Tucker', Welcome to Country, accessed 2 November 2021. media postEnclose the full publication date (e.g. 15 November 2021) in parentheses after the author or page name. Put title of the social media post in single inverted commas (quotation marks), followed by the type of post in square brackets, e.g. [Facebook post], [Tweet], [Instagram post].For social media posts with no title, include the first 10 words of content followed by an ellipsis (three dots). Put these first 10 words in single inverted commas (quotation marks).Include the page name where the post is located, after type of post.For social media accounts that are not publicly accessible (e.g. a private Facebook page), the social media post should be cited as personal communication, not as social media post.After post’s page name, add accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021) followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RulePoster’s family name Initial or Name of Page (Day Month Year) ‘Title or first 10 words of content of post ...’ [type of post], Page of Post, accessed Day Month Year. URLExamplesThunberg G (15 November 2021a) 'A reminder: the people in power don’t need conferences, treaties ...' [Tweet], Greta Thunberg, accessed 1 November 2021. GretaThunberg/status/1460159146720997377Thunberg G (28 November 2021b) 'We can no longer let the people in power decide ...' [Instagram post], Greta Thunberg, accessed 1 November 2021. tv/CUXUfZIsHBm/Thunberg G (14 November 2021c) ‘The #COP26 is over. Here’s a brief summary: Blah, blah, ...' [Facebook post], Greta Thunberg, accessed 25 November 2021. gretathunbergswedenWebsites and webpage documentsWhen referring to a website as a general resource in your assignment, you should link to that website homepage in the reference list. However, if you cite specific content from a particular webpage on the website, you need to identify the specific webpage in your reference list.The author can be an individual person or organisation.Enclose publication year (e.g. 2021) in brackets after author. If no publication year supplied, write n.d. (for ‘no date’) or c. (about) if you can estimate the date from information on the site.If a webpage or downloadable webpage document (e.g. PDF) does not have an author name start the reference with the title of the webpage or webpage document in italics, followed by year of publication.If the author’s name is an organisation and you have used the abbreviated (shortened name) form in your in-text citations (e.g. WHO), include both the abbreviated (shortened name) form followed by the full version name in brackets, e.g. WHO (World Health Organization).Reference specific webpages rather than a whole website; pinpoint the specific location of information. If you need to include the organisation’s homepage in the reference list, and the homepage does not have a title, put 'Homepage' instead of a title. Do not italicise, e.g.Telstra (n.d.), Homepage, Telstra, accessed 13 December 2021. the word website after the name of the website. But if the name of the website is a URL (e.g. .au), do not write the word website. Do not italicise the name of website. After website name, add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021) followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.For downloadable webpage documents (e.g. PDFs), do not provide a URL that directly links to the document. Instead, provide a URL that links to the landing page where the document is located. If there is no landing page, provide a URL that directly links to the document.Website / webpageRuleAuthor’s family name Initial or Organisation’s Name (Year)?Title of webpage, Name of Website website, accessed Day Month Year. URLExamples Heath N (2021) What is AI? Here's everything you need to know about artificial intelligence, ZDNet website, accessed 9 December 2021. (World Health Organization) (2021) WHO accelerates work on nutrition targets with new commitments, WHO website, accessed 9 December 2021. document (PDF)RuleAuthor’s family name Initial or Organisation’s name (Year)?Title of document, Name of website website, accessed Day Month Year. URLExample Department of Education and Training, Victoria (2020) High impact teaching strategies, Department of Education and Training website, accessed 13 December 2021. school/teachers/teachingresources/practice/improve/Pages/hits.aspxReports, data sets and standardsGovernment report Government reports may include departmental reports, reports from commissions of inquiry, committees of review, and committees of parliament. As details will vary for government or organisation reports, try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication information, etc. For reports that are available as a PDF, link to the webpage hosting the pdf not the actual PDF. Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial or Agency Name (Year) Title of report: subtitle of report, Name of Agency, Name of Government, accessed Day Month Year. URL ExamplesHayne KM (2019) Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, Volume 3, Australian Government, accessed 13 December 2021. Advisory (2021) Forward impact of COVID-19 on Australian higher education, TEQSA, Australian Government, accessed 13 December 2021. Bureau of Statistics report For author details, use the short form ABS in the author position, followed by the full name Australian Bureau of Statistics in parentheses. Italicise the report title. Include the catalogue number after the report title. Include the publication details (publisher and place of publication). The abbreviation ABS is used for the name of the publisher. Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.For an ABS report with full-page format/imaging (PDF), give the URL for the page where the report can be found, not the link to the pdf itself.RuleOrganisation’s name abbreviated (Organisation’s full name) (Year) Title of report: subtitle of report, catalogue number, accessed Day Month Year. URLExampleABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (2021) Life tables 2018-2020, catalogue number 3302.0.55.001, ABS, Canberra, accessed 3 December 2021. statistics/people/population/life-tables/2018-2020#data-download Report by an organisation Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.Rule Author’s family name Initial or Organisation’s Name (Year) Title of report: subtitle of report, Name of Publisher, accessed Day Month Year. URL ExampleAASW (Australian Association of Social Workers) (2021) Annual Report 2020-2021, AASW, accessed 13 December 2021. Company, industry or market report from a Library database As details will vary for company, industry or market reports, try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication information, report number, etc. Where there is no author, use the organisation responsible for the report.For company, industry or market reports sourced from RMIT University Library databases, add the accessed date and the database name followed by the word database.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial or Organisation’s Name (Year) Title of report: subtitle of report, accessed Day Month Year, database name.ExamplesLo, B 2016,?Internet service providers in Australia, report no. J5911, Industry report, IBISWorld, accessed 28 November 2021, IBISWorld database.MarketLine Limited 2021, Global apparel manufacturing, Industry profile, MarketLine Limited, accessed 13 December 2021, MarketLine database. Company, industry or market report from a website Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial or Organisation’s Name (Year) Title of report: subtitle of report, Name of publisher, accessed Day Month Year. URL ExamplesBaptist World Aid Australia (2021) The 2019 ethical fashion report: The truth behind the bar code, BWAA, accessed 13 December 2021. Metals Group Ltd (2021) Annual report FY21, FMGL, accessed 13 December 2021. will vary for datasets, so try to extract as much information as you can about authorship and publication.For an online dataset, if no author details are available, start with the dataset title in italics. Include the series title (if supplied) after the dataset title. Include the resource type (for example: data file) after the title or series title (if supplied). Add the publication details (if supplied) after the resource type. For example: Australian Government, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne.Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial or Name of agency?(Year)?Title of data set?[data set], Name of website, accessed Day Month Year.?URLExampleRBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) (n.d.) Consumer price inflation: December 2015 – December 2020 [data set], Statistical tables, accessed 10 December 2021. Italicise the standard’s title. If sourced from RMIT University Library databases, add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a comma, a space then the database name (e.g. SAI Global) followed by the word database.If sourced from a website, add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.Rule (sourced from library database)Name of standard issuer (year) Title, Standard number, accessed Day Month Year, database name.Rule (sourced from website)Name of standard issuer (year) Title, Standard number, accessed Day Month Year. URLExamplesISO (International Organization for Standardization) (2021) Building construction -- Accessibility and usability of the built environment, ISO 21542:2021, accessed 9 December 2021. Australia (2010) Residential timber-framed construction - non-cyclonic areas, AS 1684.2-2010, accessed 9 December 2021, SAI Global database.Audio visual material Television programPut the director or producer’s name in the Author position (as the author).Place the title of the television program in single inverted commas (quotation marks) and specify the format in square brackets. If applicable, include the italicised series title after the multimedia format, along with any series and episode numbers if given, e.g. The Business, Insight, Game of thrones (season 7, episode 6).Rule Director’s family name Initial (director) or Producer’s family name Initial (producer) (Year) ‘Title of episode: subtitle of episode’ [television program], Name of series (season number, episode number), Name of station or studio, Place of production.ExamplesABC Television (producer) (2021) ‘The business: cryptocurrency special’ [television program], The Business, ABC Television, Sydney.Taylor A (director) and Benioff DB and Weiss D (2017) (producers) (20 August 2017) ‘Beyond the wall’ [television program], Game of thrones (season 7, episode 6), HBO, New York.Film / MoviePut the director’s name in the Author position (as the author). If there is no acknowledged director, list the producer’s name.Put the year of release.Place the title in italics and specify the format in square brackets. Rule Director’s family name Initial (director) or Producer’s family name Initial (producer) (Year) Title of film: subtitle of film [motion picture], Name of studio or Publisher, Place of production.ExamplesBong JH (director) (2019) Parasite [motion picture], CJ Entertainment, South Korea.Reynolds M (director) (2017) My name is Gulpilil [motion picture], Screen Australia, SAFC & ABC, Australia. YouTube video and other online streaming videosIncludes films and programs on streaming platforms, YouTube videos, and other forms of online video.If the author (individual or corporate) of the online/streaming video is known, begin the reference list citation with the author’s family or corporate name. If the author (individual or corporate) of the online/streaming video is unknown, begin the reference with the title and the year of the video. Specify the format in square brackets after the title, i.e. [video]. Include the italicised name of the channel or owing organisation after the format.Include the word website after the name of the website. But if the name of the website is a URL (e.g. .au), do not write the word website. Do not italicise the name of website. Include publication and access dates in day, month and year format (e.g. 13 December 2021).After the accessed date, put a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleCreator’s family name Initial or Owner of video (Day Month Year) ‘Title of video’ [video], Name of Channel or Owning Organisation, Name of Website website, accessed Day Month Year. URLExamplesABC News (16 June 2021) ‘The Business: Cryptocurrency special’ [video], ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), ABC iview website, accessed 30 November 2021. News In-depth (16 June 2021) ‘Bitcoin explained: Everything you need to know about the crypto craze l The Business’ [video], ABC News In-depth, YouTube website, accessed 30 November 2021. L, Groner M and Kerridge G (n.d.) ‘Interview questions’ [video], AASW (Australian Association of Social Workers), AASW website, accessed 30 November 2021. the name/s of podcast host/s, followed by the producer’s name, in the author position (as the authors).Place the title of the podcast episode in single inverted commas (quotation marks) and the name of the podcast series (use sentence case) in italics.Specify the multimedia format after the title of the podcast episode, i.e. [podcast].Provide the publication and access dates in day, month and year format.After the accessed date, put a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleHost’s family name Initial (host) and Producer’s family name Initial or Organisation’s name (producer) (Day Month Year) ‘Title of podcast episode: subtitle of podcast episode’ [podcast], Name of podcast series, Name of podcast network, accessed Day Month Year. URLExamplesFidler R (host) and Rooney C (producer) (19 October 2021) ‘Rock and Dave Grohl’ [podcast], Conversations, ABC, accessed 1 December 2021. programs/ conversations/dave-grohl-nirvana-foo-fighters-love-music-rock/13582414Hunter A and Bessell S (hosts) and Policy (producer) (27 November 2020) ‘The wellbeing economy – a glimpse of the good life’ [podcast], The wellbeing economy podcast series, IMMP Crawford, accessed 1 December 2021. the name of the presenter in the author position (as the author).Place the title of the radio episode in single inverted commas (quotation marks) and the name of the radio program (use sentence case) in italics.Specify the multimedia format after the title of the radio episode, i.e. [radio program]. Provide the publication date in day, month and year format.Rule Presenter’s family name Initial (presenter) (Day Month Year) ‘Title of episode: subtitle of episode’ [radio program], Name of program, Name of station or studio, Place of production.ExampleSmail S (presenter) (9 December 2021) ‘Australian working mums missing out on big earning potential and super’ [radio program], The world today, ABC, Melbourne.Musical composition and sound recordingBegin with the name of the creator/artist/band and the year of the musical composition or sound recording. If the name of the creator/artist/band is unknown, begin instead with the title of the musical composition or sound recording (in italics) and the year. Generally, the title of the album or CD will be used as the title, written in italics. But if you are referencing a specific track/song on the album or CD, then also include the title of the track/song in single inverted commas (quotation marks). Specify the format in square brackets, e.g. [Album], [Song].Include the publisher details (if supplied). The record company can be the publisher of a musical composition or sound recording. For an online musical composition or sound recording, include the access date in day, month, year format (e.g. 13 December 2021). After the accessed date, put a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.Rule (with song)Creator/artist’s family name Initial or Band name (Year) ‘Title of song/track: subtitle of song/track’ [Format], Title of compilation or album, Name of publisher.Rule (with no song – only compilation, e.g. album)Creator/artist’s family name Initial or Band name (Year) Title of compilation or album [Medium], Name of publisher.ExamplesThe Beatles (1967) ‘Lucy in the sky with Diamonds’ [Song], Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Parlophone.The Beatles (1967) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [Album], Parlophone.The Beatles (1967) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (remastered) [Album], Apple, accessed 1 December 2021. and figuresArtworkYour own unpublished work or artworks discussed without an image are not included in the reference list.Artworks viewed in person, such as at art galleries, museums and public spaces, are cited to acknowledge their influence on the development of your own ideas or work.Art works that you reproduced from books, websites and other sources should be cited in the standard format the source as described in the other sections of this guide.If viewed online: add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleCreator’s family name Initial (Year) Title or description of work [medium], Museum, Exhibition or Gallery, Location of Gallery, accessed Day Month Year [if viewed online]. URL [if viewed online]ExamplesArtist unknown (c. 11-12th C) Tapestry with Dragons and Flowers, [Silk tapestry], The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, accessed 9 December 2021. collection/search/39733? Dwyer M (2021) Apparition, [night-time digital projection onto holo-gauze screen], University Square, Carlton.Pollock J (1952) Blue poles [Oil, enamel, aluminium paint, and glass on canvas], National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.MapsAdd map title in italics.Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleAuthor/creator’s family name Initial or Organisation’s name (year of creation), Title, material type (if known), copyright owner/publisher/provider, accessed Day Month Year. URLExamplesKearney J (1855) Melbourne and its suburbs, Victoria Surveyor-General, SLV, accessed 10 December 2021. (2020) Plenty Road Bundoora 3083, web map, Victoria State Government, accessed 10 December 2021. and diagramsReference tables and diagrams in accordance with the source they appear in. For example, if the table or diagram appears in a book or journal article, you reference the book or journal article. Please refer to the relevant section(s) within this guide for how to reference the various sources.ExamplesIAHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) (2018) ‘5.7 Prisoners’ Australia’s health 2018’, Australia’s health series no. 1, catalogue number AUS 221, IAHW, Australian Government, accessed 13 December 2021. Fisher C, Holland C and West T (18 March 2021) ‘Developments in the Buy Now, Pay Later Market’ Bulletin, RBA, accessed 13 December 2021. developments-in-the-buy-now-pay-later-market.htmlOther sourcesCase studyCase studies are not a publication or reference type. They are a type of writing found in various sources such as books, journal articles, websites, etc. Please reference the source in which the case study is found.Conference paper / presentationEnclose the title of the conference paper in single inverted commas (quotation marks) and write the name of the conference in italics.A conference paper from a webpage will generally be sourced from either the conference's website or the host organisation’s website. Conference paper from a webpageIf the document is in PDF format, avoid direct links to the actual PDF – instead link to the page that hosts the PDF. Do NOT write the word website.Add the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial (Day Month Year of conference) ‘Title of paper: subtitle of paper’ [conference presentation],?Name of Conference, Conference host, Place of conference, accessed Day Month Year. URLExampleWertenbroch K (17-29 October 2019) ‘When marketing alienates consumers’ [conference presentation],?Advances in consumer research, Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, accessed 13 December 2021. conference paperRuleAuthor’s family name Initial (Day Month Year) ‘Title of paper: subtitle of paper’ [unpublished conference presentation], Name of conference, Conference host, Place of conference.ExampleGarner R and Whitbread R (19 October 2021) ‘Implementing a Safety Case Regulatory Regime for Spaceflight Activities’ [unpublished conference presentation], 11th IAASS conference: managing risk in space, IAASS, Rotterdam. Lecture notes or course material Materials from your course may include lecture notes, PowerPoint slides and credentials. Where possible, try to use information from published material.Use the lecturer’s family name and initial. The title of the course material should be enclosed in single inverted commas (quotation marks). The title of the course material should not be italicised. Include the type of course material (e.g. course handout, PowerPoint slides, lecture, or credentials) after the title in square brackets.For online course material, add the course code or course name and the University name. Include the city of the University after its name.ExamplesRMIT Creds (2022) ‘What is academic integrity?’ [Micro Credential], RMIT University, Melbourne. Tran, L (2020) ‘Managing diverse workforces’ [PowerPoint slides, MANG4321], RMIT University, Melbourne. Legal materialThe title of a legal case, legislation or patent should be italicised. For a piece of legislation, include the jurisdiction in brackets after the title. The name of the jurisdiction should be abbreviated. For example, Commonwealth can be abbreviated to (Cth). For a legal case, include the year of the case, the volume number of the report series, the abbreviated name of the report series and the page number that the case begins with in the report series, e.g. (2008) 237 CLR 1. ExamplesChild Wellbeing and Safety Act?2005 (Vic).Water Act 2007?(Cth).University of New South Wales v Moorhouse and Angus & Robertson (Publishers) Pty Ltd (1975) 133 CLR 1.Media releaseAdd the accessed date (e.g. accessed 13 December 2021), followed by a full stop, a space then the URL. No full stop after URL.RuleAuthor’s family name Initial or Organisation’s name (Day Month Year)?Title of media release: subtitle of media release?[media release], Organisation Name, accessed Day Month Year. URLExamplesLowe P (2 November 2021) Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: monetary policy decision [media release], RBA, accessed 10 December 2021. of the Premier of Victoria (8 December 2021) Boosting support for homeless youth [media release], Office of the Premier of Victoria, accessed 22 January, 2022. boosting-support-homeless-youthStudent's own work (previously submitted)You should include scholarly sources in your assignments to adhere to best practice in academic integrity.?Citing yourself as an authority on your own opinion should be avoided.Check with your lecturer or teacher if it is permissible to reuse and cite work you have previously submitted in other courses.Referencing your own work is necessary to make sure you don not self-plagiarise.If you cite or quote your previous work, treat yourself as the author and your own previous course work as an unpublished paper.RuleStudent family name Initial (Year) ‘Title of previous work’ [Unpublished paper for course code], Institution name, Location (if not inferred by university name).ExampleSmith J (2021) ‘An analysis of personality theory’ [Unpublished paper for HRHR1001], RMIT University, Melbourne.ThesisThesis viewed online on an institutional repositoryTheses and dissertations are mostly cited and referenced like books. Rather than italics, titles of thesis are enclosed in single inverted commas (quotation marks).?Add the abbreviated name of the award (for example, PhD thesis) in square brackets and the University name followed by the place of publication.For theses and dissertations accessed online,?include?the database or URL. In parentheses, include any identification number supplied by the database.?RuleAuthor’s family name Initial (year) ‘Title: subtitle’ [Thesis type], University, URL or Database name (Document identifier).ExampleCourt T (2019) ‘The site re-presented: everyday civic landscapes’ [PhD dissertation], RMIT University, RMIT Research Repository (9921864000901341).Print Thesis For a print thesis, provide the author's family name and initial(s) followed by the year. Include the title of the thesis enclosed in single inverted commas (quotation marks) but not italicised. Add the abbreviated name of the award (for example, PhD thesis) in square brackets and the University name followed by the place of publication (if not inferred by the University name). RuleAuthor’s family name Initial (year) ‘Title: subtitle’ [Thesis type], University, Location.ExampleBrowne, P 2018, 'Digital tourism' [PhD thesis], Charlesworth University, Templeton.InterviewFace-to-face interviews that you conduct yourself are considered personal communication and are, therefore, not included in the reference list.Published interviews?follow the same rules as the source that the published interview appears in. For example, if the interview appears in a television program or podcast, you reference the television program or podcast. Please refer to the relevant section(s) within this guide for how to reference the various sources.The person cited in the in-text reference is treated as the author since they have primary responsibility for communicating the content you are referring to.ExampleNabben K (16 June 2021) ‘The Business: cryptocurrency special’ [streaming video], ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), ABC iview, accessed 30 November 2021, communicationSince personal communication is not published, it is not included in reference lists.Works in the original language (non-English)For sources you read in a language other than English, follow the referencing requirements for the type of source you used (e.g. newspaper article, website, book, journal article). List the title in the original language. If the original language uses a different alphabet or script from English,?use the anglicised spelling.Place the English translation in parenthesis after the original title. ExampleVietnam Customs (2021) Th?ng kê H?i quan (Customs statistics), Vietnam Customs, accessed 5 December 2021. ................
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