Holy Happenings

Holy Happenings

How To Correct Your Vision?

This summer I decided to go back to wearing contact lenses. I had worn them several years ago and when my prescription ran out and I could no longer fill my contact order I stopped wearing them. I simply didn’t want to go back to the eye doctor and have my vision examined and get that prescription. It was easier to go to the store and buy those cheap reader glasses.

Well, early this summer I got back into contact lenses. It was time again to correct my vision. Now with my better “eyes” I do not have to wear my “cheater” reading glasses unless I get a bit lazy and don’t use my contacts. It is nice to know I can correct my vision and get the help I need when I need it the most.

So, how do we correct our spiritual vision?

Take a look at God’s eye chart in this graphic and see if you can correct your spiritual vision? Can you read this eye chart? Not only do we need to see as best we can in the physical world, but we also need a clear spiritual vision and insight too. Without a clear “vision” of our world and God’s plan for our lives within our world we merely walk around with everything out of focus and never really connect ourselves with the Divine source of peace, purpose and power.

It is really easy to correct your vision. And your church helps you see straight and clearly. This is the ultimate purpose for our worship, Bible study classes and fellowship times. Pray, Think and Learn.

Because without a vision we do perish.

Blessings and a clear vision day to you.

Reverend Bill McBride, Pastor


1 17th Sunday after Pentecost 22 20th Sunday after Pentecost


Loving Is Giving A Higher Standard

Matthew 6:19-24 Matthew 5:21-37

8 18st Sunday after Pentecost 29 21st Sunday after Pentecost

Happiness Redefined Love the Ones You Hate

Matthew 5:1-12 Matthew 5:38-48

15 19th Sunday after Pentecost


You Can Change Your World

Matthew 5:13-20

In our prayers this month:

Steven Erskine, Ellen Kemnitz,

Jim & Charlene Johnson,

Carol Katzman & Family,

Kathleen Laferty, Phil Jones,

Rodney & Virginia Paulsen

(See prayer board for specific requests)

October Service Group (C)

(Service Group Coordinator: Linda & David Clikeman 262-742-44442)

David & Linda Clikeman, Aubrey Clikeman, Aydon Clikeman,

Lorraine Erskine, Don & Arla Green,

Lynda Peterson, Rebecca Kerr,

David, Linda & Rachel Larson, Izabella Lund,

Tim & Cheryl Neinfeldt, Helen Person,

Michele & Autumn Schauer, Homer Gunyon

NOTE: There are 5 Service groups, with approximately 15-20 people in each. If you are part of this month’s group, you may be asked to be a liturgist, greeter, serve refreshments or usher. Please be ready to help. The Service Group Coordinator will call prior to the first Sunday of the new month.

* If you are not assigned to a service group, or have forgotten what group you belong to, call us at the church office.

Join the 32nd Annual CROP Hunger Walk!

Sunday, October 8th, 2017

Registration at 12:30PM

Lions Fieldhouse in Williams Bay

Walk at 1:00PM through Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy and the Village of Williams Bay. There are 4 distances to choose from: a stroller walk, 1-mile, 3-mile, or 6 mile. If you cannot walk, please pledge to support other walkers. Donations can be made online at lakegenevawi.

Please contact Nancy Meylink for more information at 723-2240.



List Of Upcoming Youth Events

October 23

Pumpkin Painting Party

after Worship Service!

October 31st

Trick or Treat Party!

5PM – 7PM


Youth Choir every 3rd Sunday begins this month!

Nicci Peterson, Youth Coordinator 262-215-2232

Would you like to learn how to play piano?

Ms. Debbie Rush is now giving piano lessons at our church!

$15 / half hour

Please call for more information: 262-490-2598


October – November - December


(Coins in the Collection)

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) is a grassroots movement within the United Methodist Church designed to provide an official channel whereby Christians, both lay and clergy may offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and around the world on short term assignments at their own expense.

Their work includes construction and renewing of mission facilities, teaching, witnessing, conducting medical clinics, conducting Bible Study or Bible school for children, and serving in disaster relief efforts around the world.

Our coins help with basic needs after their arrival. “Quiet” money in marked envelopes and coins will help many.


Our collection will be bread stuffing for October in preparing for the upcoming holidays. Other food products and cash are always welcome!


The following thank you’s were sent to our church recently.

Audrey & the Members of the 1st United Methodist Church,

We want to say Thank You for your donation items that you sent. We really appreciate it.


The Staff & Residents of the Oglala Sioux Lakota Nursing Home

Dear Audrey,

Please share with the members of your church our sincere appreciation of all the wonderful school supplies that were donated to families in need. We served over 150 students and could not have done it without your support! Thanks so much,

Colleen Lesniak, Walworth County Volunteer Service

Your support of UMCOR during these weeks of collecting is also greatly appreciated! (See info on next page of this newsletter.) Thank you!

Audrey Wuttke, Mission Coordinator

United Methodist Hurricane Response

In just a little over two weeks, two devastating hurricanes have struck major areas of the United States and the Carribean with category 4 & 5 hurricanes. While many evacuated, significant damage was done, and thousands of people may be housed in shelters for an extended period of time.

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) was already in the Houston area before Hurricane Harvey struck, working with United Methodist Conferences to ready resources and volunteers for the relief and recovery efforts. (I’m sure UMCOR was also in Florida before Hurricane Irma.)

Catastrophes of this size and magnitude will require UMCOR to be there for the long-term addressing the urgent needs of those affected.

In Wisconsin, we are encouraged to make a check payable to our Church with the advance name and number in the memo:

U.S. Disaster Response (Texas) - # 901670

Material Resources (Relief Kits) - # 901440

100% of your donation will be used as you specify. We will collect through October 8th and then send to specified agencies. The UMCOR is grateful for your relentless prayers and support!

Yarns To Go

Our ladies are finishing up projects for the Seamen’s Christian Institute and will be shipped to New Jersey for Christmas gifts for the sailors who come to part during these coming months.

We will meet Wednesday, October 11th and October 25th, 1:00PM to 3:00PM at the church. You are invited to join us!

Audrey Wuttke, Coor.


1-Joy Clikeman, 1-Gary Partington,

4-LaVon Milton, 6-Jerome Immega,

8- Evelyne Droessler, 8-Katie Fulton,

9-Rodney Paulsen, 10-LaVerne Aldrich,

11- Henry Droessler, 16-Donald Green,

17-David Larson, 17-Allison Rohde,

18-Dean Wuttke, 22-Robert Fulton,

23-Gerry Immega, 24-Kathie Benhart,

26-Donald Felten, 26-Terrell Greene,

30-Rudy Remeeus, 31-Edwin Kutz,

31-Paul Meylink, 31-Lorree Papenfus


3- John & Jean Henderson,

20- Dean & Deborah Wuttke,

21- Anthony & Meghan Ketchpaw,

October is Cancer Awareness Month

The pink candle on the altar is for everyone who has been touched by cancer in any way, including survivors, care givers or friends. Keep them all in your prayers.

Thank you,

Bev Jones, Parish Nurse

Grocery Receipts

Once again a reminder that September is the last month of the 3rd quarter,(July, August, September). The receipts must be turned in by October 8th to be counted for the 3rd quarter.

So far, I’m sorry to say, we have 33 receipts to throw away that are for previous months that were not counted for the correct quarters.

If it is more convenient, they may be mailed to

Audrey Norton

432 Clover St.

Elkhorn, WI 53121

Can you believe we’ve been doing this for 19 years?

Thanks to you all for your continued support.

Arla Green & Audrey Norton


AUGUST 14, 2017

Meeting was called to order by Chair. Dale Wuttke at 7:05PM. Pastor Bill McBride opened with a prayer.

Present: Dale Wuttke, Audrey Wuttke, Shane Griffin, Pastor Bill McBride, Betty Rader and Raina Remeeus. Minutes of 06-12-17 were approved by Betty R., Shane 2nd, all in favor.

Finance: Betty submitted the following: $7,200 in General Fund. Cap. Impr. has $4,780, and Endowment Fund has $7,843. There is no longer a parsonage fund. Real estate taxes were paid with remainder of parsonage fund and part from Cap. Impr. The total bill for our air-conditioning replacement and repairs was $12,758. Apportionments are due for May, June and July.

Mission/Membership: 128 members. 5 new members. School supply donations a success. Ends Aug, 20th. Coins and coffee money going to WI Conference Disaster , who has been requesting volunteers. Food Pantry for Sept. will be Hamburger Helper and box dinners. 621lbs of clothes, blankets and other necessities were mailed to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Missions group will meet new Hope Now, Inc. employee to review continuing funding.

Local Ministries: $5,000 of Scholarships was awarded this year. This money came from the Local Ministries Fund per an approved resolution. Pastor presented a motion on behalf of the Local Ministries committee to form a task group to study the scholarship policy and disbursement of scholarship monies to applicants. The Council discussed the motion and amended it as follows:

“The amended motion was presented to form a task group to review the Scholarship Committee process of awarding funds, what determines selection and amount of funding to be awarded. The task group will be made up of the following individuals from 5 named committees; Endowment – John Henderson, Finance – Betty Rader, Admin. Cncl.- Dale Wutke, Local Ministries – Rev. Tom Ostrander (who will be chair of task group), Scholarship Committee – Nancy Meylick, at large member for congregation – Maxine Grohall.

The committee will meet as needed to review and create a policy as stated above and bring it to the Admin Cncl for adoption before 12/31/2017. The Admin Cncl also stated and adopted that members of the scholarship committee shall not be parents of any high school, tech school or college enrolled children.” Motion carried.

UMW: United Methodist Women will be meeting August 15th at 1:00PM. Pastor Bill passed on a request from Ginny Paulsen’s daughter to have someone check in on Ginny while husband Rod is recovering in the hospital. Audrey Wuttke will organize this.

Lay Leader: The Community Meal is August 26th at the community center in Matheson Memorial Library. Discussion of contacting other churches in Elkhorn to join the effort.

Pastor’s Report: Ms. Debbie Rush has requested the use of our church for her piano lessons. She has 4 students on Thursdays, 3:30PM to 5:30PM, $15 per half hour lesson. The council proposes to use the Narthex for lessons and move our sanctuary piano into the narthex to keep the lessons in a public place where parents could sit and students waiting could be supervised. She would need a key and security code. Start date requested is August 31st. Pastor suggested charging a percentage of her earnings for rent. Shane motioned to compare what other places charge for lesson rent. 2nd by Audrey. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn by Audrey. 2nd by Pastor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Next meeting will be Sept. 11th, 2017

Respectfully submitted,

Raina Remeeus, Finance Secretary


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