1 - New Jersey


The Cooperative Purchasing Program is the program through which the State extends specific State contracts to eligible local buying units, in a collaborative effort to obtain benefits in pricing, product quality and contract process efficiencies. The success of the program depends on a two way collaboration whereby you let us know how we can best serve you through our contracts and processes.

Visit Our Website at:

Contact Us At: njcooperative.purchasing@treas.state.nj.us

1. During the past 5 years, have you used the State Cooperative Purchasing Program?



2. If you have used the Program, what factors were most important to your decision to use the Cooperative Purchasing Program? Check all that apply.

Save administrative costs

Save staff time

Lower purchase costs

Flexibility of products and vendor choice

Good contract terms and conditions

Program staff support and assistance

Comments: (Click on box and type response)      

3. Which contracts offered by the Cooperative Purchasing Program best meet your

needs? (Click on box and type response)      

4. Which contracts might you expect to use or be possibly attracted to use in the next

two years?

Computers Playground Equipment

Copiers Radios / Cell Phones / Pagers

Furniture Homeland Security Equipment

Office Classroom Office Supplies

Vehicles Food Products

Police Light Trucks Pharmaceuticals

Other: (Click on box and type response)    

5. Were you satisfied with the vendors available through the Cooperative Purchasing Program?

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied


If not, explain  

6. Explain any problems you encountered using the Cooperative Purchasing Program.

(Click on box and type response)      

7. What changes would you suggest to improve the Cooperative Purchasing Program?

(Click on box and type response)      

8. Are you currently using the Cooperative Purchasing Program E-Portal which

utilizes the internet for the sharing of information and new initiatives?


No - Register at:

9. Would you be interested in attending a training program on how to better understand and use State Contracts?








Send Completed Surveys To: njcooperative.purchasing@treas.state.nj.us. If you have any problem emailing, FAX to 609-633-3634, or MAIL to Cooperative Purchasing Program, Department of Treasury, DPP, P.O. Box 230, Trenton, NJ 08625-0230.


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