Regular toilet paper is the only thing you should flush ...

BROOKSIDE MOBILE HOME PARKRULES, REGULATIONS & BENEFITSOwner & Managed by Daniel & Anne Peters3 North Garand St. Winslow, Maine 04901cell 207 314-2921ContentsBy section number:1 = Registration2 = Name of occupants3 = Children4 = Visitors5 = Fees - Payment of Rent6 = Pets7 = Reservations of Rights8 = Removal of Homes from Community9 = Sublet10 = Care of Grounds11 = Snow Removal12 = Lot Maintenance13 = Parking14 = Signs15 = Exterior16 = Water/Sewerage17 = Fuel Tank18 = Electrical Service19 = Motor Vehicles20 = Speed limit21 = Conduct of Residents22 = Insurance23 = Size and age of Home24 = Video25 = Unacceptable behavior, as follows but not limited to the following26 = Violations27 = Skirting28 = Exterior Structures29 = Aesthetic Appearance30 = Local and State Codes31 = Home Occupations and Business32 = Mail33 = State of Maine34.= Extra cost not normal to the cost to operate the park:35 = Eviction maybe for, but not limited to the following36.= Communication37.= Winter careThe following rules are established to preserve peace of mind and to provide a pleasant atmosphere for residents living in the community. These Community Rules and Regulation may be amended, modified or supplemented in the future as may be deemed necessary by Owners. Violation of Community Rules and Regulations may, at the sole discretion of Owners, lead to eviction pursuant to the laws of the State of Maine.Any cost that is caused by a tenant will be collected from that tenant including but not limited to “legal fees, fines, cleanup or extra cost to the community”, examples would be State fines, having leaking water lines, cause a sewer line or pump station to malfunction.1. Registrationa. All occupants must be approved and registered with the Owner prior to moving into the community. b. All new tenants must have all necessary permits prior to moving into the communityc. All new Homeowners and prospective Homeowners are required to complete a Rental Application and meet selection criteria, which include but are not limited to a credit report, a brief interview, and verification of employment and reference checks with former landlords.2. Name of occupantsa. The names of all occupants in your home are to be listed in the rental agreement. Anyone not listed on the rental agreement shall be considered a visitor in the community.b. All individuals to be added to the tenancy after inception of the tenancy must be approved by and shall be registered with owner before occupant can be considered a tenant.c. Only one family may occupy a home.d. All site space will remain under the direct control of the Owner. The space leased is to be used only for private home residence purposes.e. All children born after the inception of the tenancy shall be registered with Owner.d. Installation, The homeowner is responsible for the setup/installation of the home on the lot, per applicable State Statutes and regulation and any applicable local codes or ordinances.3. Childrena. Responsibility, Homeowners are responsible for the conduct of their own children. Homeowners shall not permit either their children, their childrens guests, or any children of their guests to enter into utility buildings kept by community Owner or other areas designated by community Owner as prohibited for safety or other reasons. Homeowners will be held responsible for any damage caused by their children, their childrens guests, or children of their guest.4. Visitorsa. Visitors are permitted on a temporary basis per State Law. They must comply with all Rules and Regulations. Tenants are responsible for the behavior and actions of their visitors. Owner reserves the right in its sole discretion to restrict the number of visitors at a particular time or to require the immediate removal of any visitors. If a visitor stay is over two weeks the tenant will be charged $10.00 per week over the two week stay of the visitor5. Fees - Payment of Renta. Prior to occupying a lot in the Community, the resident must pay a non-refundable entrance fee. The fee requirement applies to a new owner of a mobile home already in the community, as well as to individuals moving a new/used home into the community. Rent payments are due and payable in advance on the first (1) day of each month. Late payments made after the 15th of the month will be subject to a 4% late fee on the full sum of past due amount. Please note that the postmark on the envelope will not be taken into consideration as to whether or not the payment is made on time.c. All check/money orders are to be made in U.S. Currency and payable to:Dan or Anne Peters, either name is acceptable.d. All payments are to be delivered to, or as notified by the owners:Dan or Anne Peters3 North Garand St.Winslow, Maine 04901e. Returned checks, Checks returned for insufficient funds (NSF) or otherwise will result in a twenty five dollar service charge to the Homeowner. If any tenants check is returned three times and (NSF), owner reserves the right to require the rent payment be in the form of money order, cashiers check, bank check, or in cash. This also may result in eviction from the community.f. Additional payments, Additional payments, such as maintenance fees, fines, or damage caused by homeowner, his family, guests or invites, are due on the first day of the month following receipt of invoice from the landlord.g. Entry fee, $0.00, non-refundable.h. Speeding, driving to endanger, or other dangerous acts, maximum $50.00 per violationi. Base rent the amount that covers the home site and one person occupancy.1. Base rent includesa. water, sewerage and domestic trash2. Additional rent, is the rent that will be assessed for each additional person to occupy the site, presently a minimum of $10.00 per month per additional person.6. Petsa. All pets, (dogs, cats, etc.) are to be leashed when outside. All pets are to be kept quiet, any excessive noise caused is a violation of another tenants peace and quite and will subject the pet to be removed from the Community. b. Responsibility, Any homeowner/renter who chooses to maintain a pet does so subject to these rules. Homeowners/renters are responsible for all actions of their pets and are financially liable for any damages caused to property of the Community or of any neighbors. Pets may not disturb the rights, comforts, or conveniences of other residents.c. Types, Dogs and cats may be permitted in the community if allowed by the current insurance company that has the coverage on the Community. Fish, birds and constantly caged small animals are permitted in tenant owned homes with owners and insurance companies approval.d. Registration, All dogs and cats must be registered with and approved by Owner and insurance company. Approval is contingent upon completion of a pet information sheet, submission of a certificate from a licensed veterinarian stating that the animal is in good health and has received all immunization, and presentation of proof that the animal is properly licensed pursuant to municipal requirements.e. A maximum of two pets are accepted (with a maximum of one (1) dog, unless otherwise authorized by Owner. All pets must be tied or leashed at all times, as well as kept quiet, any excessive barking is a violation of another tenants peace and quiet and will subject the pet to be removed from the community. A pet charge of up to $10.00 per month, per pet, may be assessed to pet owners.f. Pet insurance is required for all dogs, but not limited to dogs and may be required for any and each pet, copy of insurance is to be mailed to Dan or Anne Peters.g. All pet dropping are too removed and disposed of by the pet owner, this includes your own lot, as the smell can travel to other homes within the Community.h. You are not allowed to walk your pet on other resident’s lots. A walk-way is available for you at the bottom of the hill on the left but you must pick up any droppings at the time of the dropping, this also applies to each road within the Community. i. Minimum Pet requirementsThe maximum number of dogs or cats per home is two.Both cats and dogs are to have collars with identification of the owner and vaccination.Other pets will be considered with landlord permission.Residence of Brookside will provide the landlord with a current copy of the vaccination of each cat and dog and yearly with a license in the case of a dog.The Maine law follows.Chapter 720. Rabies Prevention and Shelter Provisions. § 3916. Rabies vaccinations 1. Required for cats. Except as provided in subsection 4, an owner or keeper of a cat over 3 months of age must have that cat vaccinated against rabies. Rabies vaccine must be administered by a licensed veterinarian or under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Upon receiving an initial vaccination, a cat is considered protected for one year and an owner or keeper of that cat must get a booster vaccination for that cat one year after the initial vaccination and subsequent booster vaccinations at intervals that do not exceed the intervals recommended by a national association of state public health veterinarians for the type of vaccine administered. 1-A. Required for dogs. A person owning or keeping a dog shall, within 30 days after the dog attains the age of 6 months, cause the dog to be vaccinated against rabies and shall have booster vaccinations administered periodically in accordance with rules adopted by the Commissioner of Health and Human Services under section 3922, subsection 3. A wolf hybrid is required to be vaccinated in accordance with this subsection. The procedure prescribed under Title 22, chapter 251, subchapter 5 for a wolf hybrid suspected of having rabies does not change based on proof that the wolf hybrid has received a rabies vaccination. 2. Certificate. A licensed veterinarian who vaccinates or supervises the vaccination of a cat or dog shall issue to the owner or keeper a certificate of rabies vaccination approved by the State and shall indicate on the certificate the date by which a booster vaccination is required pursuant to subsection 1 or 1-A. 2-A. Notice to department. A veterinarian who issues a certificate of rabies vaccination for a dog pursuant to subsection 2 shall, within 30 days of issuing the certificate, forward by mail, e-mail or fax a copy of that certificate to the department. The department shall send a copy of the certificate by mail, e-mail or fax to the clerk of the municipality in which the owner resides. If the owner resides in the unorganized territory, the department shall send a copy of the certificate to the dog recorder in that unorganized territory or, in the absence of a duly authorized dog recorder, to the dog recorder in the nearest municipality or unorganized territory in the same county in which the owner resides. The department may retain a copy or electronic record of the rabies certificate. The department may accumulate certificates received and distribute them periodically to the appropriate municipalities and dog recorders. Distributions must be made no fewer than 4 times a year. 3. Enforcement. A humane agent, an animal control officer or a law enforcement officer may ask an owner or keeper of a cat or dog to present proof of a certificate of rabies vaccination from the State. 4. Exception. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, an animal shelter operated by a nonprofit organization is not required to vaccinate an abandoned or stray cat or dog received by the shelter. An owner or keeper of a cat is exempt from the requirements of subsection 1 if a medical reason exists that precludes the vaccination of the cat. To qualify for this exemption, the owner or keeper must have a written statement signed by a licensed veterinarian that includes a description of the cat and the medical reason that precludes the vaccination. CREDIT(S) 1991, c. 779, § 26, eff. March 31, 1992; 1993, c. 468, § 9; 1995, c. 490, § 7; 1997, c. 704, §§ 3 to 5; 2005, c. 422, §§ 3 to 6; 2007, c. 119, § 1; 2007, c. 439, § 8. 7. Reservations of Rightsa. Management reserves the right to approve or refuse the tenancy of any prospective tenant. Any prospective tenant must complete an Application for Tenancy, receive approval by Owner, agree to comply with all current Rules and Regulations (and subsequent amendments thereto), and enter into a rental lease agreement.b. Any Brookside Community person/s obtaining a restraining order/protection order or any legal order for a person/s to stay away from any person/s that are/is a tenant of the Brookside Community should include that the Brookside owners do not authorize the person/s to be on or in any part of the community. We highly recommend that the entire park be included in the restraining, protection or any other order. The Brookside owners must be notified about any order that affects any tenant within the community. If we are not notified and problems happen the tenant with the restraining order/protection order or any other order will be subject to eviction. This notice can and should be used to set the condition of the restraining, protection order or any other legal order. Any tenant of Brookside Community with knowledge of such an order and allows such a person/s to visit, or stay will be subject to eviction.8. Removal of Homes from Communitya. Notice Required. The Homeowner must provide Owner with a minimum of thirty (30) days notice prior to removal of the Homeowners home from the Community. It is the Homeowners responsibility to obtain any necessary municipal or State permits in order to move the home. A paid municipal tax receipt must be obtained seven (7) days prior to removal of the home.b. Abandonment of Premises. Homeowner shall not vacate or abandon the premises at any time during the term of the lease. If Homeowner shall abandon, vacate of surrender said premises or property, including but not limited to the aforesaid mobile home, remaining on the demise premises after said Homeowner has abandoned, vacated, or surrendered said premises or has been disposed by process of law, shall be deemed abandoned by Homeowner and he shall hereby be deemed to have waived all statutory rights to said property and its proceeds. Absence from the premises for thirty (30) days after any breach by Homeowner of the agreement shall constitute abandonment. c. All rental payments and other fees due are to be paid in full before the home is removed from the park, sold or occupied by a new owner.d. All rental payments and other fees are to be paid in full before removal.9. Subleta. Resident shall not assign, sublet or transfer lots of the leased premises, or any part thereof without written consent of Owner.10. Care of Groundsa. Trash must be kept in a covered container. Homeowner is responsible to deliver trash to the disposal area or make arrangements with Community waste removal company.b. Leaves, grass clippings, brush can be dumped at the end of the road, tires, Christmas trees etc. are not to be put at the end of the road, woods etc. but must be taken to town disposal area. Residence can get a dump permit from the town of Vassalboro.c. Those found to leave trash/or trash bags of items on the ground or around the trash containers will be warned the first time. The second time a $10.00 fee will be charged to your account; this will increase by $10.00 each additional time. If you continue three of more times you will be asked to leave the park, if you do not leave I will start eviction to remove you from the park, unless we can solve the problem.11. Snow Removala. Roads will be plowed and sanded by Owner as is possible.b. Homeowners are responsible for all snow removal on their lots and shall keep driveways,walkways, stairs and other passageways cleared after every storm.c. No vehicles parking on the Community road during the months beginning from November 1st to the end of April of the following year. Any vehicle that is in the way for plowing of the road could be subject to towing at the vehicle owners expense.d. Snow plowing vehicles are not allowed on the lawns during the removal of snow. Tenant is responsible for any and all damage created by snow plows hired by tenant, owner will collect damages or require tenant to repair any and all damages caused.12. Lot Maintenancea. Grounds must be kept clean and neat at all times. No discarded materials, unnecessary items, building materials trash, junk or other items which create a cluttered appearance may be stored or abandoned outside your home, except for normal repairs or construction.b. Homeowners will at all times maintain the space in an attractive manner and in good repair at their own expense. Homeowners waive any and all right to have any improvement (s) made at Owners expense.c. Homeowners shall not make additions, or improvements on the space without first obtaining Owners written consent, it being understood that said additions or improvements, if approved by Owner shall be made solely at the expense of Homeowner. d. If a lot is not being properly maintained, Owner reserves the right, after seven (7) days notice, to take all necessary steps to clean the lot and to charge Homeowner the actual cost of maintenance. Lawns must be maintained by Homeowner after initial installation. e. No junk cars, unregistered vehicles, stock cars, any type of home-made structure will be allowed on any lot without written approval from Owners.. No repairing of cars, outboard motors, or any similar disturbing activity will be permitted on the site.f. Homeowners shall keep grass mowed and trimmed lawns. In the event Homeowners does not keep his lawn mowed, the Owner reserves the right to enter upon the premises and do the necessary work and the cost will be charged to the Homeowners account.g. Owner retains the sole discretion and responsibility for the reasonable and necessary removal or alteration of bushes or trees on the site.h. The placing of trees, shrubs, and flowers are encouraged but first check with Owner as to location, etc. i. Fences, if any, must be approved by owner.13. Parkinga. No parking will be permitted on the lawn, long term.b. No parking in the road during the months of Nov. to the end of April. No overnight parking in the Community road is allowed.c. Parking in driveways only, guest parking will be at the end of the road..14. Signsa. Signs are permitted with restrictions.1. Personal name signs not larger than 2 feet wide and no higher than 12 inches high oras approved by owner.2. Real Estate signs are permitted. No lot will have more than one residential real estate sign at a time and must meet local and State sign codes.3. All signs must be acceptable to owner and legal. All signs must also meet the town of Vassalboro signs codes if one applies presently or in the future.15. Exteriora. Clothes lines may be installed at the rear of the lot and only with prior written permission ofowner. Prior-approval is required so as to avoid potential damage to water and sewer lines.b. Vacant Lots - Vacant lots are not to be disturbed or used for any purpose. They are to be leftneat and attractive for the next tenant.c. Equipment - Swing sets, slides, basketball hoops, screen rooms, tents, volleyball/badminton nets, hockey goals, etc. of a temporary seasonal type may be allowed with prior written approval of ownerd. Firewood - A tenant with a wood stove may store wood neatly stacked in the rear of the home only. All wood burning units must have proper connection must be properly installed in accordance with manufacturers specifications and the local fire code, and it is the tenants responsibility to ensure proper installation. Tenant with a wood burning unit must provide owner with a certificate of inspection.e. Fire - Open fires are prohibited in the Community. Charcoal, gas grills or gas fireplaces and hibachis may be used if they are operated properly and are in good working order. It is the responsibility of the tenant to obtain all necessary fire permits from the local fire department. No liquid petroleum, propane or similar gas tanks shall be stored inside or under any home or other structure. LP Gas fuel tanks must be properly installed by an authorized gas company and must be placed at the rear of the home. No flammable materials, including but not limited to gasoline or kerosene may be stored under or within a home.f. Inspection of Lot - Owner reserves the right to inspect any lot or the exterior of any home in the community at all reasonable hours.g. No fire pits, fire places, or outdoor fires are allowed.h. Cooking grills are permitted. All grills are to be kept a safe distance from all structures. All grills will be maintained in a safe condition. i. Pet containers must be approved by Owner. Containers will be set to the rear of the Homeowners own unit. Containers will be kept clean and free from odor. j. Most normal exterior items will be allowed, but must not be unsightly or interfere with other tenants/neighbors.k. Trash will not be allowed to be outside of the home without being covered and contained.16. Watera. Plumbing must be kept in good repair for the health and safety of all residents in the community and to avoid unnecessary use of water. Owner reserves right to inspect inside or outside of homes for leaky faucets, running toilets, or malfunctioning fixtures, upon responsible notice to tenant, and reserves the right to shut off water to the home in the event of a substantial water leak or constantly running water.b. When washing cars, the garden hose must have a spray nozzle attached to limit water use. Water hose must be disconnected when not in use. Resident may not wash anyones vehicles other than household membersc. Laundry - Residents may not under any circumstances wash laundry in their homes for anyone other than household members that are on the lease.d. Swimming pools - The only pools permitted in the community are above ground pools with written permission by the Owner and insurance company. The filling of a pool will be from a truck that fills pools or the tenant will pay extra each year for the cost of water and sewerage to fill the pool with water.e. Freezing - Water lines under the home must be protected against freezing by the use of heat tapes and adequate pipe insulation. Permitting water to run to avoid freezing of lines is absolutely prohibited and the additional water cost will be collected from the tenant.f. Sewer System - Do not flush garbage, sanitary napkins, paper towels, disposable diapers, fat or any non-soluble items or substances in the toilets or drains. Doing so may cause a back-up in the sewer system. A clogged or disconnected sewer line must be reported immediately to owner. no handy wipes, baby wipes or the like will are allowedRegular toilet paper is the only thing you should flush down your toilet!Please do not put anything down a toilet other than human waste and toilet paper.This is a list of some of the items that are not to be flushed!1. Cotton Balls/Q-Tips2. Paper Towel3. Dental Floss4. Facial Tissue5. Flushable Wipes6. Band-Aids7. Diapers8. Pills Medication and drugs9. Cat Litter10. Feminine Products of any kind11. Cigarettes12. Fish, snakes & pets13. Car fluids14. Coffee grounds15. Condoms16. Egg shells17. Fats, oil and grease18. Flammable and/or explosive substances19. Flour20. Food waste21. Stickersg. Water/Sewer Line - Water and sewer lines are owners responsibility at and below ground level, except for problems caused by actions which occur above ground level. The cost of repairing plumbing problems attributable to actions of tenant or his household members, guest, or invites will be charged to tenant.17. Fuel Tanka. Residents may purchase heating oil, LP gas and related products, and services from a dealer of their choice, any leakage to affect the ground or air will the corrected at the home owner’s expense. b. Heating oil, propane and other fuel tanks shall be installed in accordance with applicable State and local codes, in any case, shall be installed a minimum of five (5) feet horizontal distance from the furnace.c. Tanks shall be installed so as not to be visible from the side of the home facing the road. In the event that installation of the fuel tank causes it to be visible from the roadway, tenant will provide portable screening around the tank that is consistent with and matches the appearance of the home in color and design. d. A lot shall have a single tank which is designed for use as a home heating fuel tank. Converting 55- gallon drums or similar containers are prohibited.e. As of the inception of these Rules and Regulations, existing fuel tanks must be suitable maintained: leaks repaired, tanks painted, leveled, and properly screened from the roadway.18. Electrical Servicea. Tampering with Community fuses/breakers, electric service connections, or other Community utility connections, is strictly forbidden. Please contact Owner in case of trouble. b. Wiring from the meter box to the home and inside the home is the homeowners responsibility, and such wiring shall be maintained in accordance with all applicable State and local codes.19. Motor Vehiclesa. Registration 1. Unregistered, inoperable, or uninspected motor vehicles of any size or type are only permitted by written permission from the Owners.A. No junk cars, stock cars, of any type will be allowed on any lot without written permission from the Owners.B. No repairing of cars, outboard motors, in the community will be allowed.C. Damage to any areas because of a vehicle repair will be repaired and billed to the homeowner and must be paid within 30 days of billing.D. Oil, gas, or other hazardous waste items are not to be dumped on any part of the community.b. Size/other1. Trucks larger than a pickup are permitted with written permission from the Owners.c. Recreational Vehicles1. Snowmobiles, ATVs, Motor homes, travel trailers, etc.A. Are to be driven on the road only to leave or enter the Community, or to load to a travel vehicle. 2. Motorcycles, motorbikes, that are registered for road use etc. are allowed and are to be used for normal transportation. d. Use of road1. Riding around and around in the road, spinning out or donuts will not be allowed in any vehicle.e. Commercial1. Homeowner shall not keep any vehicle (commercial or private) over 3/4 ton in the Community without Owners permission.f. Living in vehicles 1. No one is permitted to live in any vehicle.2. No one is permitted to allow anyone else to live in any vehicle within the Community.20. Speed limita. The speed limit is fifteen (5) miles per hour. b. Residents and guests must comply with all posted speed limits at all times for the safety of all residents.c. Owners reserves the right to make reasonable determinations of vehicle operating speeds and or safety.d. If the posted speed limit is not adhered to, the homeowner/renter, homeowners membersguests or invites, the homeowners will be subject to a violation notice and could be fined for each violation.21. Conduct of Residentsa. Homeowners, their household member, guest, and invites shall comply with all community rules, and all local and State Laws.b. Disturbing of peace – Quiet hours are from 10pm to 7am each day. The Homeowners Occupants agrees not to cause or allow on the premises any excessive nuisance, noise or other activity which disturbs the peace and quiet of neighbors, or violates any State of local ordinance.c. Firearms 1. No firearms may be fired within the Community.2. Firearms must be in locked containers within the Homeowners home.3. Firearms must be unloaded within the Community unless one has a permit.4. Firearms can be transported to and from the Community.A. Transporting of Firearms must be by State and local Law and if allowed by law the Firearm will be in a case and unloaded. 5. Firearms can be carried by law enforcement personnel if required by their work.6. All Firearms will be handled as if loaded and will be handled in the safest manner possible.d. Alcohol 1. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in the common areas in the community without Owners approval for special functions. 2. It is recommended that the consumption of alcoholic beverages be consumed to the sides or rear of the home site, please be reasonable.3. The over use of alcoholic beverages to the point of intoxications could be reason for eviction and or the notification of the local law enforcement agency.22. Insurancea. The Owners insurance does not cover any Homeowners home or Homeowners/Renters personal belongings or liability for a personal law suit.b. It is recommended that each Homeowner and tenant obtain their own tenant insurance for their personal property.c. Residents are responsible for their own property whether on their site or elsewhere in the Community. Owners assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged property of residents. d. Pet insurance is required for all dogs, but not limited to dogs and may be required for any and each pet, copy of insurance is to be mailed to Dan or Anne Peters.e. Fire & liability insurance is required. A minimum insurance as to cover removal of home and clean up of site if the home is beyond repair, and liability insurance of not less than $100,000/300,000 with Daniel or Anne Peters named. A copy will be mailed to Dan or Anne Peters to the above address.23. Size and age of Homea. The minimum size that will be allowed within the community is 700 square feet of living area.b. Twenty (20) years or newer will be the age that will be allowed to enter as a new tenant or the replacement of a present tenants home, unless the home has been updated and is deemed acceptable.c. Present tenants are grand fathered, if the home is kept in good repair and appearance.d. Grand-fathered homes, if sale transferred may remain only with Owners approval. e. Home will be a minimum of thirteen feet six inches, (13' 6") wide or wider.24. Videoa. The use of security video cameras within the Community may be used as security and management only by Owners and will not be used for any other use, unless directed to do so by law enforcement.25. Unacceptable behavior, as follows but not limited to the followinga. Throwing rocksb. Diggingc. Destruction of treesd. Spinning of vehicle tires e. Putting snow in roadf. Fireworks1. Only sparklers are allowedA. Use in the Homeowners own site onlyB. All items are to be pick-up after use g. Homeowner is responsible for any and all damage caused by any use of legal or illegal fireworks26. Violationsa. Violations of community rules, State, or local codes and laws can cause a notice of violation. All violations will be in writing to the Homeowner/renter.b. Repeated violations may be cause for eviction.c. A single violation may be cause of eviction.d. Types of Violations, but not limited to the following;1. Not following the community rules2. Breaking any Local, State or Federal Laws.3. Causing an unsafe act 4. Causing hazardous waste 27. Skirtinga. Skirting is required around all homes.b. Skirting is required to be completed within 45 days of entering the community.c. Skirting will be maintained in good and safe conditiond. Skirting will be installed1. properly installed per manufactures specifications2. per local and State codes3. skirting can be wood, vinyl or other material, but must blend with the home and the rest of the community4. skirting will have a minimum of two access openings, (one on each side of the home)A. access opening are to be a minimum of 3 square feet, about 18 inches x 18 inches B. access opening will be near the water and sewer drain connections under the homeC. access will not be fastened in a manner that will require special tools to remove the openinge. Skirting size1. skirting must enclose the area between the home and the ground2. skirting must enclose all walls of the home and or additions that are attached3. skirting must be installed so as toA. allow for frost heaveB. minimize vibrationsC. assure stabilityD. minimize susceptibility to wind damageC. have a finish covering1. paint over chipboard is finished covering2. wood clapboard, cedar, vinyl siding etc. is acceptable finish covering28. Exterior Structuresa. All entrances, walkways, decks, porches, handrails, storage buildings, or other exterior structures etc. will be1. kept safe2. kept painted or finished3. constructed and maintained per the local or State codes4. properly constructed and safe for all proper purposes5. storage sheds are to be approved in writing by owner before construction and must have all local or State permits, if neededA. All storage buildings are to be located at or near the rear of the site with owner’s written approval6. Garage must be approved in writing by owner before constructionA. Garage location will be agreed upon by the Owner and the Homeownerb. All exterior structures will be1. Five+- (5) feet from either side line or rear line2. A minimum for twenty(+-) (10) feet from the front linec. TV1. Satellite dishes will be located on the home, not the ground unless necessary 2. Outside antennas or roof antennas are not permitted 3. All TV connections must be pre approved by Ownersd. Fencing1. Fencing must be approved by Owners2. Sharing of a fence structure between two homeowner sites, each homeowner will be made totally responsibility for the fence maintenance and total cost. The fence may only be constructed with written approval of each Homeowner and written approval of the Owners.3. If any fence structure is removed from the lot, the lawn area must be repaired to the condition that existed prior to the fence being erected29. Aesthetic Appearancea. all homes in the community shall be compatible and consistent with those in the surrounding areab. homes must be mechanically soundc. homes must be structurally safed. no weaknesses or defects in the home affecting the health or safety of its occupants or their gueste. Fire damage1. Any home damaged by fire in a manner whereby it becomes uninhabitable or whereby its exterior walls are burned, paint peeled, windows broker, or smoke damaged so that it appears unsightly, shall be removed from the Community at homeowners expense within forty-five (45) days after written notice from Owner, regardless of when the insurance company promises settlement2. Repairing of home will start within thirty-days of fire and be completed within ninety days of the damage (allowing for weather and or contractors delays)3. Owner shall decide whether or not the home will be allowed to remain in the communityd. Trash will not be allowed to be outside of the home without being covered and contained.30. Local and State Codes a. Owner, in its sole discretion, may require the homeowner to obtain written certification from an approved trades person for, but not limited to the following; plumbing, heating,electrical systems or other items deemed necessaryb. All homes in the community must have at least one (1) smoke detector for each bedroom or more if require by local or State code, installed as required by local or State codec. Window and doors1. must be fully operable and not deteriorated in condition2. must be at least one (1) egress window or door in each bedroom3. must be at least two (2) exterior doors to the home 4. must be have exterior lighting5. all is the responsibility of the homeowner/occupants to maintain proper egressd. Plumbing, heating and electrical systems1. will be properly functioning2. home will have no water leaksA. interior leaks or exterior leaks3. all systems will be installed to accommodate the Community supply systeme. Water safety1. back-flow water valve may be required, at the expense of the homeowner f. Heating will meet all local, State and Community rulesg. Electrical systems will meet all local, State and community rules31. Home Occupations and Businessa. No occupation or businesses will be permitted to be operated from your lot 32. Maila. Postal Exchange area.1. Discarding mail at the Postal Exchange area is not permitted.b. The mail box assigned to each tenant is for the use of that tenant and co-tenants only.1. The use is for tenants only.2. It is not allowed for tenants to allow the use of the mail box and address of that tenant by a non-tenant. 3. If a tenant is found to allow a non-resident of Brookside Community that tenant will be asked to take action to stop that non-tenant from using the mail box and address of the legal tenant.4. If the tenant does not take action to stop use of the mail box and address that tenant will be asked to vacant Brookside Community.5. If the tenant does not vacant the Community any and all legal action per State of Maine Law will be used to evict that tenant.6. All cost to evict will be charged to the tenant per Maine Law.33. State of Mainea. Maine Mobile Home Park Laws1. In signing this form you acknowledge that you have been provided a copy of the State of Maine Mobile Home Park Laws.34. Extra cost not normal to the cost to operate the park:a. If any tenant/home owner causes any extra cost not normal to the cost to operate the park that tenant will be responsible for all cost incurred. This will be charged to the tenant/home owner even if the cost was caused by a visitor to tenant/home owners home.35. Eviction maybe for, but not limited to the following:a. Non-payment of rentb. Non-payment of utilitiesc. Failure of tenant, cohabits, guest or invites to comply with Local, State, Federal ordinances or Community rules.d. Damage to rented site, or any other damage to any other property within the Communitye. Disturbs the peace and quit or safety of othersf. Condemnation or change of use of the Mobile Home Park.g. 45 day notice to vacate without reason, or per State Law36. Communication: to 207-313-2921 or email, annedanpeters@a. If any phone numbers change text me with your new number, include your Name and address.b. emails, if you have a email change text me the your email or new email.c. It is important that if something is happening or going to happen, I have a way to tell you about it. (example someone it in or near the neighborhood that is shooting or damaging property)37. Winter conditions:Maine winters are notoriously rough on mobile homes, however, there are many things you can do to protect yourself and the mobile home from the elements.? Below is a list of expectations that Green Acres (GA) n Brookside Park (BS) will require you to follow during the winter.?Heat tape from the ground to the entrance of the home is to be in working condition from Oct. 1, to April 1 of each year.Pipes from the ground up to the entrance to the home are also to be insulated from Oct. 1 to April 1 of each year.Oil tanks that are exposed to the weather are to use K-1 oil from Oct. 1 to April 1 of each year.Below 10 degrees weather, it is recommended that you run a stream of water (the size of pencil) from the kitchen and bathroom faucets.If the door to the furnace is not closed correctly the furnace will not run, make sure that the door does not open it has a safety shut down switch and will turn of the furnace.Check the weather forecast to anticipate cold weather stretchesPlan ahead by always having a few gallons of drinking water in your cupboardInspect the mobile home skirting and make sure it is installed properly to keep wind from blowing under the mobile home.?If there is a lot of snow, shovel it around the bottom of the skirting.? Snow is an excellent insulator and will protect the belly of your mobile home.?During these times:Please remember if you are putting oil in an empty oil tank that has run dry the first five gallons are needed to fill the filter and the oil line from the tank to the furnace.? It is recommended that there always be a quarter tank of oil at your disposal.?Turn your thermostat up to at least 72 degrees if temperature is below 20 degrees.Open your kitchen cupboards and bathroom vanity cupboards so heat can penetrate the plumbing.Leave your bathroom door open when it is not in use to ensure proper circulation of warm air.Please remember, it is never acceptable to heat your mobile home with electric heaters, except in emergencies.? A mobile home’s heating system is specifically designed to run under the mobile home to keep the plumbing warm; Using electric heaters to heat a mobile home will make freeze ups inevitable. The prolonged use of electric heaters can become a fire hazard caused by overheating the heater, exposing high temperatures to adjacent items and put stress on the homes electrical system. If a GA or BS employee or agent needs to bleed your furnace or conduct maintenance that is a result of being water line freeze ups the tenant will be billed accordingly.? You will also be subject to maintenance charges if you do not follow any of the above guidelines and the mobile home subsequently freezes.? The home owner may also be charged extra water charges with any broken pipes, water heaters, or not fixing leaking water lines or faucets.Sign this page and return to manager, keep the other pages for your records.By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the above rules, and or changes that may be added or deleted.Date Name of Tenant Signature of Landlord Name of Tenant Signature of Tenant ................

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