General Conference 2007

People of African Descent 2014

Worship Arts Ministry

Information and

Participation Form

Dear Friends,

The WorshipTeam is excited about the upcoming PAD Conference in Atlanta, Georgia!

In many ways, we will experience uplifting worship and music. We invite you to consider participating in the Conference Worship Arts ministry. We have wonderful plans and new ideas to share to make your participation inspiring and enjoyable.

Take a moment to read the Worship Arts Information Packet. Then join the 2014 MCC PAD Conference Worship Arts Team.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us. We encourage you to invite others to offer their ministry as well!

Be The Change!

Your 2014 MCC PAD Conference Worship Team

Rev. Cathy Alexander at RevCathyAlexander@

Cassandra White at CassandraWhite@

Or PAD Conference Worship Arts Team at WorshipArts@

PAD Conference 2014

Worship Arts Information Packet

I. Opportunities

There are many opportunities for musicians, readers, dancers, worship space designers and others to participate in creating an excellent worship experience during the 2014 MCC PAD Conference where we will be sharing a variety of diverse musical and liturgical genres. We hope that you will bring your worship arts gifting and help us share Spirit-filled Worship and celebrate in community. Below are some ways in which you can volunteer. Please invite others.

❖ PAD Conference Mass Choir

The Mass choir will sing Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Choir rehearsals will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A choir rehearsal schedule will be communicated in the near future. If you are interested in joining the choir:

• Fill out the Worship Arts Participation Form

• Return it via e-mail to: CassandraWhite@ -or- via postal delivery to: Cassandra White c/o Resurrection MCC, 2025 West 11th Street, Houston, Texas 77008 USA or fax it to 713-861-2520.

❖ PAD Conference Musicians

Varied instrumentation is highly desired for worship services. Please read the instructions, responsibilities and covenant provided below if you would like to offer your musical gifts during the Conference. We are especially seeking instrumentalists who are familiar with a variety of genres including PAD gospel-style and contemporary worship music.

* Please note that as instrumentalists, you must provide your own instrument, other than organ, keyboard and drums.

o Musician Requirements for Instrumentalists: Please record yourself playing a gospel and a contemporary selection.

Submission Instructions:

• Fill out the Worship Arts Participant Form.

• Submit the Worship Arts Participation Form and a recording of your music via e-mail to: CassandraWhite@ -or- via postal delivery to: Cassandra White c/o Resurrection MCC, 2025 West 11th Street, Houston, Texas 77008 USA or fax it to 713-861-2520.

• If for some reason you are unable to submit a recording, contact us via email or by calling 281-940-1558 to discuss the possibility of a telephone audition.

❖ Special Music & Artistic Expressions

During the MCC PAD Conference there will be several occasions for special music and artistic expression. We are looking for special music participants of various musical and artistic styles.

Submission Instructions:

• Fill out the Worship Arts Participant Form.

• Obtain a letter of recommendation from your church pastor or worship leader.

• E-mail both the Worship Arts Participation Form, the letter of recommendation and a recording of your music or a link to your musical expression to: Worship Arts Team at: WorshipArts@.

▪ All Musical and Artistic Expression submission are due on or before March 1, 2014

▪ If you are unable to make your submission electronically, please submit it via postal delivery to Cassandra White c/o Resurrection MCC, 2025 West 11th Street, Houston, Texas 77008 USA.

▪ If for some reason you are unable to submit a recording, contact the Worship Arts Team by calling 281-940-1558 to discuss the possibility of a telephone audition.

Note: As there are limited special music slots, please understand that only a certain number of submissions will be considered and selected.

❖ Worship Arts Support

In order to offer excellent Worship during Conference, it requires a multitude of gifted people. If you are interested in lending your gifting to help us by ministering via reading, serving communion, worship space preparation, set up, logistics, errands, etc., please complete the Worship Arts Participation Form and follow the instructions below.

Volunteering Instructions:


• Fill out the Worship Arts Participation Form

• Send it via e-mail to: Rev. Cathy Alexander at RevCathyAlexander@ -or- via postal delivery to Rev. Cathy Alexander c/o MCC of Washington D.C., 474 Ridge Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 or fax it to 1-325-690-6328.

Please review the Worship Participant Responsibilities and Covenant following.

Worship Responsibilities and Covenant

Worship is an integral ingredient of the 2014 MCC PAD conference and to assist in creating Worship excellence there are responsibilities which we need to be in agreement on within the Worship Arts Ministry, see Responsibilities and Covenant following. Please be sure to read both and acknowledge your agreement to adhere to same by return email to WorshipArts@.

II. Worship Participants’ Responsibilities

1. Auditions are required for all musical ensembles, groups, vocal soloists, artistic expressions, instrumentalists and readers.

2. For special music or artistic expressions a letter of support from your church pastor or worship leaders is required.

3. Allow for flexibility within your conference schedule for additional sound checks and rehearsals, if needed.

4. Provision of arrival and departure schedule is required.

5. Must be flexible with various music styles (Praise/Worship, Black Gospel, Pop, Christian Contemporary, Dance, Secular, etc…)

6. Ability to speak clearly is required for all readers and presenter.

III. Covenant for Worship Participants

I agree to:

• Embrace the Conference vision and values.

• Participate in the mass choir if providing special music on other occasions.

• Demonstrate respect for one another, all forms of worship, and all genres of music.

• Be prepared and on time for rehearsals and worship.

• Be supportive, agreeable, and check my ego needs.

• Be open to providing and receiving feedback.



2014 MCC PAD Conference

Worship Arts Participation Form

|Section 1: Personal Information (Please PRINT legibly.) |

| Name: | |

|Email Address: | |

| | |

|Telephone: | |

|Church Name and Location | |

|Pastor/Church Leader’s Name| |

|Section 2: Music & Artistic Expressions |

|Type of Special Music or Artistic Expression: (i.e. mass choir, vocal,| |

|instrumental, dance, etc…) | |

|Style of Music: (i.e. Black Gospel, Contemporary, etc…) | |

|Solo, Ensemble, etc… (list name of group if applicable) | |

| | |

|Other Descriptive Information: | |

| | |

| | |

|When do you plan to arrive at conference? |______________________________________________ |

|_____________________________________________ | |

| | |

|Please list any special needs you may have: | |

|Section 3: Worship Support (Complete section 1 to volunteer to be on the Worship Support Team.) |

|I am volunteering to: | |

|Any other helpful information or ways you would like to lend your support? | |

|I have read and agree to the Covenant and Responsibilities of the 2014 MCC PAD | |

|Conference by signing this document. | |

Complete and Send to the Worship Arts Team at WorshipArts@.


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