GSMST Integrated Science Syllabus


SUBJECT: Contemporary Issues In Education

Fall 2011/Spring 2012

Instructor: Snell

|Semester I |Concept |Topics covered |GPS |

|Week 1 |Careers (Unit 1) |Identify career opportunities and interests in the field of |EDU-CIE-2 |

|(Aug 5) | |education. | |

| | |Determine preparation and educational requirements for various | |

| | |levels of employment in the field of education. | |

| | |Compare and contrast national, state, and local professional | |

| | |organizations. | |

| | |Select appropriate specialized associations of teachers. | |

| | |Determine rewards and demands including salaries and benefits | |

| | |for various levels of employment in the field of education. | |

|Week 2 |Careers (Unit 1) |Compare and contrast national, state, and local professional |EDU-CIE-2 |

|(Aug 8-12 ) | |organizations. | |

| | |Select appropriate specialized associations of teachers. | |

| | |Determine rewards and demands including salaries and benefits | |

| | |for various levels of employment in the field of education. | |

|Week 3 |Careers (Unit 1) |Understand and employ value orientations and ethical |EDU-CIE-4 |

|(Aug 15-19) | |perspectives in analyzing and interpreting critical and | |

| | |contemporary educational ideas. | |

| | |Develop systematic procedures in examining the normative and | |

| | |ethical assumptions of critical and contemporary schooling | |

| | |practice and educational ideas. | |

|Week 4 |Careers (Unit 1) |Evaluate conceptions of truth, justice, and caring as they are |EDU-CIE-4 |

|(Aug 22-25) | |applied in contemporary educational policy and practice. | |

| | | | |

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|Week 5 |Careers (Unit 1) |Utilize theories and critiques of the overarching purposes of |EDU-CIE-5 |

|(Aug 29-2) | |schooling as well as considerations of the intent, meaning, and| |

| | |contemporary. | |

| | | | |

|Week 6 |Careers (Unit 1) |Use critical judgment to question contemporary educational |EDU-CIE-5 |

|(Sept.5-9) | |assumptions and arrangements and to identify contradictions and| |

| | |inconsistencies among current social and educational values, | |

| | |policies, and practices. | |

|Week 7 |History and Organization | Develop habits of using this knowledge base in evaluating and |EDU-CIE-3 |

|(Sept. 12-16) |(Unit 2) |formulating educational practice | |

| | |Examine and explain the practice, leadership, and governance of| |

| | |education in different societies in light of its origins, major| |

| | |influences, and consequences. | |

| | | | |

|Week 8 |History and Organization |Utilize critical understanding of education thought and |EDU-CIE-3 |

|(Sept.19-22) |(Unit 2) |practice and decisions and events, including current events | |

| | |which have shaped them. | |

|Week 9 |History and Organization |a. Participate effectively in individual and organizational |EDU-CIE-6 |

|(Sept 26-30) |(Unit 2) |efforts that maintain and enhance U.S. schools as institutions | |

| | |in a democratic society. | |

|Week 10 |History and Organization |Evaluate the moral, social, and political dimensions of |EDU-CIE-6 |

|(Oct 3-7) |(Unit 2) |contemporary classrooms, teaching, and schools as they relate | |

| | |to life in a democratic society. | |

|Week 11 |History and Organization |a. Understand how social and cultural differences originating |EDU-CIE-7 |

|(Oct 10-14) |(Unit 2) |outside of the classroom and school affect student learning. | |

| | |b. Acquire an understanding of education and connect | |

| | |sensitivity with democratic values and responsibilities. Accept| |

| | |the idea that there is human commonality within diversity. | |

|Week 12 |History and Organization | Adapt instruction to incorporate recognition and acceptance of|EDU-CIE-7 |

|(Oct 17-21) |(Unit 2) |social and cultural differences to the extent that they do not | |

| | |interfere with basic democratic principles. Specify how issues | |

| | |such as justice, social inequality, concentrations of power, | |

| | |class differences, race and ethnic relations, or family and | |

| | |community organization affect teaching and schooling. | |

|Week 13 |Professionalism and Ethics |a. Develop habits of using this knowledge base in evaluating |EDU-CIE-4 |

|(Oct 24-28) |(Unit3) |and formulating educational practice. | |

| | |b. Examine and explain the practice, leadership, and governance| |

| | |of education in different societies in light of its origins, | |

| | |major influences, and consequences. | |

| | |c. Utilize critical understanding of education thought and | |

| | |practice and decisions and events, including current events | |

| | |which have shaped them. | |

|Week 14 |Professionalism and Ethics |a. Participate effectively in individual and organizational |EDU-CIE-6 |

|(Oct 31-4) |(Unit3) |efforts that maintain and enhance U.S. schools as institutions | |

| | |in a democratic society. | |

| | |b. Evaluate the moral, social, and political dimensions of | |

| | |contemporary classrooms, teaching, and schools as they relate | |

| | |to life in a democratic society. | |

|Week 15 |Professionalism and Ethics |a. Understand how social and cultural differences originating |EDU-CIE-7 |

|(Nov 7-11) |(Unit3) |outside of the classroom and school affect student learning. | |

| | |b. Acquire an understanding of education and connect | |

| | |sensitivity with democratic values and responsibilities. | |

| | |c. Accept the idea that there is human commonality within | |

| | |diversity. | |

| | |d. Adapt instruction to incorporate recognition and acceptance | |

| | |of social and cultural differences to the extent that they do | |

| | |not interfere with basic democratic principles. | |

| | |e. Specify how issues such as justice, social inequality, | |

| | |concentrations of power, class differences, race and ethnic | |

| | |relations, or family and community organization affect teaching| |

| | |and schooling. | |

|Week |Professionalism and Ethics |a. Identify, understand, question, evaluate, and critique |EDU-CIE-8 |

|(Nov 15-19) |(Unit3) |educational conceptions, practices and current values that can | |

| | |lead to change. | |

| | |b. Understand that in choosing a measuring device, one | |

| | |necessarily makes a moral and philosophical assumption and | |

| | |choice in a measuring device. | |

| | |c. Prepare to consider all aspects of an evaluation method, | |

| | |including ethical, cultural, and test norming criteria. | |

|Week 16 |Thanksgiving |Thanksgiving Break | |

|(Nov 21-25) |Break | | |

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|Week 17 |Professionalism and Ethics |a. Identify a democratic classroom. |EDU-CIE-10 |

|(Nov 28-1) |(Unit3) |b. Critique the Code of Ethics of the Georgia Professional | |

| | |Standards Committee. | |

| | |c. Recognize and appreciate the differences in culture, values,| |

| | |and social status all contained within one classroom. | |

|Week 18 |Professionalism and Ethics |a. Know the demographics of his/her community. |EDU-CIE-11 |

|(Dec 4-8) |(Unit3) |b. Plan and implement community projects that impact issues of | |

| | |race, socioeconomic status, cultural differences, or special | |

| | |needs. | |

| | |c. Evaluate the contextual factors of the classroom in which | |

| | |they do their internship. | |

| |Professionalism and Ethics |a. Know the demographics of his/her community. |EDU-CIE-11 |

|Week 19 (Dec 11-15) |(Unit3) |b. Plan and implement community projects that impact issues of| |

| | |race, socioeconomic status, cultural differences, or special | |

|  | |needs. | |

| | |c. Evaluate the contextual factors of the classroom in which | |

| | |they do their internship. | |

|2nd Semester | | | |

| |Accountability and |Understand how social and cultural differences originating |EDU-CIE-7 |

| |Governance (4) |outside of the classroom and school affect student learning. | |

| | |Acquire an understanding of education and develop sensitivity | |

| | |to democratic values and responsibilities. | |

| | |Accept the idea that there is human commonality within | |

| | |diversity. | |

| | |Adapt instruction to incorporate recognition and acceptance of | |

| | |social and cultural differences to the extent that they do not | |

| | |interfere with basic democratic principles. | |

| | |Specify how issues such as justice, social inequality, | |

| | |concentrations of power, class differences, race and ethnic | |

| | |relations, or family and community organization affect teaching| |

| | |and schooling. | |

| |Accountability and |Adapt instruction to incorporate recognition and acceptance of |EDU-CIE-7 |

| |Governance (4) |social and cultural differences to the extent that they do not | |

| | |interfere with basic democratic principles. | |

| | |Specify how issues such as justice, social inequality, | |

| | |concentrations of power, class differences, race and ethnic | |

| | |relations, or family and community organization affect teaching| |

| | |and schooling. | |

| |Accountability and |Identify, understand, question, evaluate, and critique |EDU-CIE-8 |

| |Governance (4) |educational conceptions, practices and current values that can | |

| | |lead to change. | |

| | |Understand that in choosing a measuring device, one necessarily| |

| | |makes a moral and philosophical assumption and choice in a | |

| | |measuring device. | |

| |Accountability and |Prepare to consider all aspects of an evaluation method, |EDU-CIE-8 |

| |Governance (4) |including ethical, cultural, and test norming criteria. | |

| |Accountability and |Understand the six philosophical orientations to education. |EDU-CIE-12 |

| |Governance (4) |Identify the six philosophies used by the teacher they observe.| |

| |Accountability and |Evaluate the effectiveness of the philosophies. |EDU-CIE-12 |

| |Governance (4) |Prepare a personal philosophy of teaching that includes the use| |

| | |of assessment within a classroom setting. | |

| |Diversity (Unit 5) |a. Participate effectively in individual and organizational |EDU-CIE-6 |

| | |efforts that maintain and | |

| | |enhance U.S. schools as institutions in a democratic society. | |

| | |b. Evaluate the moral, social, and political dimensions of | |

| | |contemporary | |

| | |classrooms, teaching, and schools as they relate to life in a | |

| | |democratic society. | |

| |Diversity (Unit 5) |a. Understand how social and cultural differences originating |EDU-CIE-7 |

| | |outside of the classroom and school affect student learning. | |

| | |b. Acquire an understanding of education and develop | |

| | |sensitivity to democratic values and responsibilities. | |

| | |c. Accept the idea that there is human commonality within | |

| | |diversity. | |

| |Diversity (Unit 5) |d. Adapt instruction to incorporate recognition and acceptance |EDU-CIE-7 |

| | |of social and cultural differences to the extent that they do | |

| | |not interfere with basic democratic principles. | |

| | |e. Specify how issues such as justice, social inequality, | |

| | |concentrations of power, class differences, race and ethnic | |

| | |relations, or family and community organization affect | |

| | |teaching and schooling. | |

| |Diversity (Unit 5) |a. Identify, understand, question, evaluate, and critique |EDU-CIE-8 |

| | |educational conceptions, practices and current values that can | |

| | |lead to change. | |

| | |b. Understand that in choosing a measuring device, one | |

| | |necessarily makes a moral and philosophical assumption and | |

| | |choice in a measuring device. | |

| | |c. Prepare to consider all aspects of an evaluation method, | |

| | |including ethical, cultural, and test norming criteria. | |

| |Diversity (Unit 5) |a. Identify a democratic classroom. |EDU-CIE-10 |

| | |b. Critique the Code of Ethics of the Georgia Professional | |

| | |Standards Committee. | |

| | |c. Recognize and appreciate the differences in culture, values,| |

| | |and social status contained within one classroom. | |

| |Diversity (Unit 5) |a. Know the demographics of his or her community. |EDU-CIE-11 |

| | |b. Plan and implement community projects that impact issues of | |

| | |race, socioeconomic status, cultural differences, or special | |

| | |needs. | |

| | |c. Evaluate the contextual factors of the classroom in which | |

| | |they do their internship. | |

| | |. | |

| |Best Practices (Unit 6) |a. Identify a democratic classroom. |EDU-CIE-10 |

| | |b. Critique the Code of Ethics of the Georgia Professional | |

| | |Standards Committee. | |

| |Best Practices (Unit 6) |Recognize and appreciate the differences in culture, values, |EDU-CIE-10 |

| | |and social status all contained within one classroom. | |

| |Best Practices (Unit 6) |a. Know the demographics of their community. |EDU-CIE-11 |

| | |b. Plan and implement community projects that impact issues of | |

| | |race, socioeconomic status, | |

| | |cultural differences, or special needs. | |

| |Best Practices (Unit 6) |c. Evaluate the contextual factors of the classroom in which |EDU-CIE-11 |

| | |they do their internship. | |

| |Best Practices (Unit 6) |a. Understand the six philosophical orientations to education. |EDU-CIE-12 |

| | |b. Identify the six philosophies used by the teacher they | |

| | |observe. | |

| |Best Practices (Unit 6) |a. Evaluate the effectiveness of these philosophies. |EDU-CIE-12 |

| | |b. Prepare a personal philosophy of teaching that includes the| |

| | |use of assessment within a | |

| | |classroom setting. | |

| | | | |

|End |  |  |  |

|Semester II | | | |


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