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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSE SYLLABUS Title: Fundermental of ManagementCourse number: QTRE303Faculty: Business Administration Department: Human resource Credits: 3Prerequisites: KTE201, KTE203First issued: Edited: INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION:NoInstructorEmailPhone1.Ng? Qu? Nh?mquynham@09040638352.D??ng Th? Hoàiàng Th? Thùy D?? Anh Th? H??ng COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course prepares students with a comprehensive explanation to management principles and practices. It provides students with an introduction to contemporary management concepts and skills. It also encourages students to apply these concepts and skills into practice. Through the course, students are expected to improve their understandings of management and skills to manage their study and personal lives.3. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.1. KnowledgeUnderstand fundamental management concepts; explain the functions, roles, and skills of managersExplain the internal and external factors and forces of the organization that managers must confront in their daily work.Explain the process, types and tools of managerial decision makingExplain the process of planning in general and strategic management in particular as well as the tools, models in business planning and strategic management.Explain different concepts of organizational structure, process of organization designing, types of organizational structure.Explain the key concepts and models of motivations and leadership, the process of leadership.Explain the process of managerial controlling, the key characteristics of effective controlling system, as well as types of managerial controlling and their application.3.2. SkillsAbility to demonstrate critical thinking when presented with managerial problems; Build and enhance problem-solving and decision-making ability in management situations in general, and in human resource management in particular.Build self-learning and self-study skillsImprove human skills such as team working, communication and presentation.3.3. Attitude Goal 12: Be cooperative and proactive in teamwork 4. READING MATERIALS 4.1. Required learning materialsRobbins, Stephen P, and Coulter, Mary. (2014) Management, 14th Edition, Prentice Hall4.2 Required referent materilasMcShance and Glinow, Organizational Behavior, 4th edition (or any later version), McGraw HillSách d?ch Robbins, Stephen P, and Coulter, Mary. Qu?n tr? h?c, Tài li?u tham kh?o n?i b? - ??i h?c Ngo?i th??ngRobbins & Judge, Nh?ng v?n ?? c? b?n c?a hành vi t? ch?c 14th edition. 5. COURSE CONTENT AND SCHEDULE5.1. Course contentNo.ContentTime AllocationHour(s) on the classAssignmentsSelf-study with teacher’s tutorialsLectureSeminar 1Introduction to Management3062Managing Business Environment3063Seminar: Case Study 1034.51.54Managerial Decision Making3065Planning30066Strategic Management30067Seminar: Case Study 2034.51.58 Organizational Structure and Design30Midterm69Seminar: Case Study 3034.51.510 Leading30611 Seminar: Case Study 4034.51.512 Motivating Employees 3 00613 Seminar: Case Study 5034.51.514 Controlling30615 Presentation034.51.5Total301522.567.5(*) Group presentations may be held individually or in combination with theoretical lessons from the 9th session.5.2. Schedule of lecturesSession 1: Chapter 1: Introduction to ManagementTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture31.1. What is an organization?1.2. Who are managers?1.3. What is management?1.4. What do managers do?Reading: chapter 1 (Material 4.1)Seminar0Discussing about managerDiscussing about manager’s skills and rolesSelf-study with the teacher’s tutorials6Who are managers (definition, levels)?What managers do in an organization (concerns, functions, roles)?What are manager’s skills required?Assessment (….)Understanding concepts such as organization, management, manager.Understanding manager’s levels, manager’s skills, manager’s rolesSession 2: Managing Business EnvironmentTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture32.1. The Internal environment2.2. The External environment 2.2.1 The Industry (Specific) environment2.2 The Macro (General) environment-2.3 SWOT analysisReading: chapter 2 (Material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials6- The Internal environment- The External environment + The Industry (Specific) environment- The Macro (General) environment-- -- SWOT analysisAssessment (….)Understanding the components of internal and external environmentSession 3: Case study 1Teaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationSeminar3Review key contents of the chapterGroup discussion and presenting the case study 1 Reviewing key contentsReading case studyPrepare presenting case studyEssays, exercise, assignments4.5Analysing and writing report for case study 1 (environment of a company)Writing report for case study Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials1.5Reviewing concepts: internal environment and external environmentReading case study 1 in advanceSearching adding information and preparing for case study questionsAssessmentUnderstanding components of internal and external environmentAppling model of environmental scanning on dealing with real case studyAbility to analyse and solving problems raised on the case.Session 4: Chapter 3: Decision makingTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture33.1. The Decision-Making Process 3.2. Managers Making Decisions 3.3. Types of Decisions and Decision-Making3.4. Decision-Making StylesReading: chapter 7 (material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials6Reading in advance about decision making process, types of making decisionAssessmentUnderstanding the decision-making processUnderstanding types of problems faced by managers and types of decisionsUnderstanding managers’ styles of decision-makingSession 5: Chapter 4: Foundation of planningTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture34.1. Definitions of goals, plans in organizations4.2. Planning types and modelsReading: chapter 8 (material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials4.5Concepts of goals and plansPlanning typesBuilding effective goals (SMART)Planning modelAssessment Understanding concepts such as goals, plansAssessing an effective goal based on SMART Distinguishing the traditional planning approach with modern planning approach (MBO)Session 6: Chapter 5: Strategic ManagementTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture35.1. What is strategic management?5.2. Level of strategy5.3. Strategy formulation5.4. The strategic management processReading: chapter 9 (material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials4.5Concepts: strategic management, level of strategyStrategy formulation processStrategic management processAssessmentUnderstanding concepts such as strategy, strategic management, levels of strategyIdentifying levels of strategyApplying strategic management model on analysing and solve problemsSession 7: Case study 2Teaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationSeminar3Review key contents of the chapterIndividual and group discussion to solve the case study Reviewing key contentsReading case studyPrepare presenting case studyEssays, exercise, assignments4.5Analysing and writing report for case study 2 (decision making/strategy of a company)Writing report for case study Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials1.5Reviewing key concepts of planning Assessment (….)Understanding concepts: strategy, strategic management, levels of strategyIdentifying and analysing components of strategic management processSession 8: Chapter 6: Organizational Structure and DesignTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture36.anizational structure6.2. Organizational design 6.3. Factors shaping structureReading: chapter 10,11 (material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials4.5Reviewing concepts: organizational structure, design, factors shaping structureAssessment (….)Understanding concepts: organizational structure, designApplying on assessing and designing organizational structureSession 9: Case study 3Teaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationSeminar3Review key contents of the chapterIndividual and group discussion to solve the case study Presenting case study reportReviewing key contentsReading case studyPrepare presenting case studyEssays, exercise, assignments4.5Case study 3: Analysing organizational structure of an company (such as Apple, IBM,….) and suggestion to improve organizational structure Writing report for case study Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials1.5Reviewing concepts: organizational structure, design.Search information of company to support to give recommendationAssessment (….)Understanding concepts: organizational structure, organizational designAnalyzing and identifying the advantages and disadvantages of old organizational structure and giving recommendationSession 10: Chapter 7: LeadingTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture31. Managers versus leadership2. Behaviour theories3. Contingency theories of leadership4. Contemporary theories of leadershipReading: chapter 17 (material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials6Preparing for reading concepts: manager, leadership, behaviour theories, contingency theoriesAssessment (….)Understanding concepts: leadership, behaviour theories, contingency theoriesApply behaviour and contingency theories at work placeSession 11: Case study 4Teaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationSeminar3Reviewing key contents of the chapterGroup discussion to solve the case study Presenting case study reportReviewing key contentsReading case studyPrepare presenting case studyEssays, exercise, assignments4.5Case study 4: Select suitable leadership styles for each situation to solve problems Writing report for case study Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials1.5Reviewing the concepts: leadership, leadership theoriesAssessment (….)Understanding concepts: leadership, leadership stylesApply studied leadership theories on solving suggested problemsSession 12: Chapter 8: Motivating employeesTeaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture38.1 What is motivation? 8.2 Early theories of motivation8.3 Contemporary theories of motivationReading: chapter 16 (material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials6Reading concepts of motivationReading contents of early theories of motivation and contemporary theories of motivation Finding examples related to studied theoriesAssessment (….)Understanding concept of motivationUnderstanding theories including early and contemporary theories of motivationApplying studied motivation theories to build motivation policies at work placeSession 13: Case study 5Teaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationSeminar3Reviewing key contents of the chapterGroup discussion to solve the case study Presenting case study reportReviewing key contentsReading case studyPrepare presenting case studyEssays, exercise, assignments4.5Analysing and writing report for case study5 (motivation at a company)Writing report for case study Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials1.5Reviewing the concept of motivation, motivation theoriesAssessment (….)Understanding concept of motivation and motivation theoriesApply studied motivation theories on solving suggested problemsSession 14: Chapter 9: Controlling Teaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationLecture39.1. What is control? Why is control important?9.2. The control process9.3. Tools of controlling organizational performanceReading: chapter 18 (material 4.1)Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials6Reading concepts of controllingReading controlling process, effective controlling tools in organization Assessment (….)Understanding concept of controllingUnderstanding controlling process and effective controlling toolsApplying studied controlling process to assess the effectiveness of controlling tools Session 15: Seminar/Group presentation – Case study 6Teaching Activities Hour(s)ContentStudents’ preparationSeminar3Reviewing key contents of the chapterGroup discussion to solve the case study Presenting case study reportReviewing key contentsReading case studyPrepare presenting case studyEssays, exercise, Assignments4.5Analysing and writing report for case study Writing report for case study Self-study with the teacher’s tutorials1.5Reviewing key contents of the chapterAssessment (….)Understanding conceptDemonstrate teamwork skillsDemonstrate analysing, problem solving skills 5.3 Contribution to Course Learning Outcomes TopicContentCLOKnowledgeSkillsAttitude12345678910111Introduction to Management111112Managing Business Environment11113Seminar: Case Study 111111114Managerial Decision Making1115Planning11116Strategic Management111117Seminar: Case Study 21111118 Organizational Structure and Design11119Seminar: Case Study 311111110 Leading1111111 Seminar: Case Study 411111112 Motivating Employees 1111113 Seminar: Case Study 511111114 Controlling111115 Presentation1111116. COURSE POLICIES6.1 Requirements for Final Examination Students are allowed to take the final exam only if the following conditions are satisfied: Students must attend at least 70% class periods (11/15 sessions)Attendance is also required for all examination/ assignment periods. Students are expected to pass at least 50% of those examinations. For courses those only requires one examination, students are expected to earn at least 5 points out of 10. For an absence to be excused, the absence must be accompanied by a written excuse from a doctor or other competent. If a student is absent for more than an allowed number of sessions for the university’s mission, the instructor then can consider and decide, but must ensure that no more than 60% of the sessions are taken and additional instruction is required under the supervision of the instructor.6.2 Incentive Policy- Students who contribute in case study discussions and are recognized by the lecturer (reward cards) will be credited to the mid-term and/or final scores. - Students can propose and get the consent of the lecturer to an essay. If the essay is of good quality, it will be considered bonus points for mid-term or final exams.6.1 Assignment policy All assignments must be the result of the students own work and effort. - If 40% similarity is detected; the assignment’s score will be deducted.- If more than 40% similarity is detected; the assignment will be zero-scored.- Late submission will result in 10% deducted from assignment score for each day late. - Missed work or more than 3 days late submission will be zero-scored. 7. COURSE ASSESSMENT7.1. Formative Assessment (10%)AttendanceInvolvement in class7.2. Periodic Assessment Two options are given, depending on the content and the size of group.Option 1Option 2ComponentGroup assignment20%30%Mid-term exam 10%Final exam 60%60%7.3. Assessment Criteria General rules for all written documentationsAll works are presented on A4 sized paper, size: 12, font: Times New Roman or VnTime; margin settings as follows: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 3.5 cm, right 2 cm; spacing 1.5. Group workContent: Students will form groups around 5 to 6 members and the groups are assigned a case study and/or a topic related to an organization. The specific cases and topics will be informed specifically at the beginning of the course. Assessment criteria:+ Clear and feasible topics 2 points+ Logical analysis, straight to the point, practical refection 5 points+ Use of variety of references, vivid examples 1 point+ Coherent writing, precise citation2 points Total:10 pointsFinal Examination: Form: Written testContent: all materials covered in the course schedule.The test is composed of two parts:Multiple choice questions (40-50 questions)?: true-false, multiple-choice (account for 60% of final score)Essays: 2-3 questions (account for 40%)Criteria:+ Giving precise multiple-choice answers: 6 points+ Clear, well-structured, informative essays: 4 pointsTotal:10 pointsHead of DepartmentDeanNg? Qu? Nh?m ................

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