[#ACNSPR-13] SharePoint Online

[ACNSPR-13]?SharePoint Online Created: 04/Dec/15 ?Updated: 04/Dec/15 Status:OpenProject:ACNS Project RequestsType: Project Request Assignee: Unassigned Remaining Estimate:Not Specified Time Spent:Not Specified Original Estimate:Not Specified Customer Priority:Medium Primary Contact:Michael Glitzke Department:CVMBS IT Services Phone:970-491-1028 Email:maglitz@colostate.edu Sponsor(s):Kacie Reed and Jon Stocking Stakeholder(s):College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences CITAC - brought SharePoint Online up as a point of discussion and all members agreed to support this request. Desired Start Date:01/Jan/16 Desired Completion Date:01/Feb/16 Rank:0|1003ng: Purpose:To establish a College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences intranet/extranet using a SharePoint Online Site Collection, part of the CSU Office 365 suite. Desired Outcomes:Recently CVMBS Web Governance was charged with overseeing the development of a college intranet/extranet using SharePoint. Many of the features web governance has mandated for the intranet/extranet will require additional investments in infrastructure and costs associated with in-house training, development and management. SharePoint Online would provide the requested features out-of-the-box or through the download/purchase of 3rd party applications, eliminating the need for costly additional infrastructure and in-house training and time. Using SharePoint Online for the college's intranet/extranet fits perfectly with SharePoint Online's broad access portal scenario and would create a clear separation between the college intranet/extranet and the more secure SharePoint on premise site collections. Indicators of Success:-CVMBS will be able to develop a college intranet/extranet that meets the requirements mandated by web governance. -CVMBS SharePoint Administrators will be able to focus more on developing business solutions for the on premise SharePoint secure collaboration instance instead of on additional maintenance and development of an on premise SharePoint intranet/extranet. -External users to CVMBS may be granted access to the college intranet/extranet without developing a complicated site access solution. Anticipated Costs and Funding Source:ACNS employee time commitment for configuring and administering SharePoint Online. Anticipated Impact (internal & external):CVMBS Employees: Access to mobile-friendly, centralized, informational resources. Students: Current students will gain the ability to share content on the college intranet/extranet. Staff: SharePoint Administrators ability to allocate more time to developing business solutions within the secure SharePoint collaboration environment. Systems: Reduction in server maintenance issues, infrastructure and costs. Clear separation between internal secure data stored in SharePoint on premise, and the internal broadly accessed intranet portal. External: Collaborators and incoming/interested students from outside of CVMBS/CSU may be able to be granted access to the intranet portal when appropriate. Overall Benefits:Separation of the college's secure internal SharePoint resources from the broad informational intranet/extranet resources. SharePoint Administrators will be able to allocate more time to develop business solutions that improve processes and workflows rather than intranet/extranet infrastructure maintenance and development. A college intranet/extranet developed in SharePoint Online will provide a mobile-friendly, central location for students and employees to share accurate, timely information to succeed in their coursework and work duties, as well as the opportunity to build on college community/social initiatives. SharePoint Online will allow CVMBS to expose content through an intranet/extranet which will help engage incoming/interested students and external collaborators. Internal college informational resources which are currently posted on the CVMBS public internet sites will be appropriately moved to the intranet/extranet. Tools already developed to help with intranet/extranet design, communication, and coordination will be accessible through the Microsoft App Store and implemented at a much faster pace than through in-house custom app development. Alignment with SPARC Goals, etc.:Item numbers below indicate SPARC Goal/Objective number. 1. SharePoint Online is a mature system that would give IT the ability to provide students, faculty, staff and external collaborators efficient access to college tools and information. SharePoint Online will reduce the amount time and effort IT Administrators will need to spend configuring and maintaining systems allowing them to focus more time on developing solutions that improve workflows, data processing, and information sharing associated with the college's teaching, research and outreach processes. 2. SharePoint Online provides an interface where potential, current, and former students could interact with CVMBS at all levels. All types of data could be collected and analyzed to benefit student recruitment, retention and success. 3. SharePoint Online has the ability to provide integrations with external partners. 7. SharePoint Online is configured as a secure environment. 8. SharePoint Online could provide CVMBS researchers the ability to share information with collaborators outside of CVMBS easily in a secure platform. 9. Access to resources hosted in SharePoint Online would be available to users even if the links to campus were compromised by construction, flood, etc. This would allow students, faculty, staff and external collaborators to still find the information they need, especially in emergency situations. About this form:About Generated at Mon Dec 07 09:45:09 MST 2015 by Dave Hoffman using JIRA 6.1.6#6162-sha1:7af547ce7c84dbb7c1e345a65437ed7b85efffa2. ................

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