[Pages:9]FM No. 444449-1-32-01

March 18, 2019




This Exhibit forms an integral part of the Agreement which provides for services by the Consultant in connection with the Project Scoping Continuing Services Contract.


The Department requires professional engineering and planning consultant services to prepare detailed technical scope of work for Candidate Projects. Project types include resurfacing (RRR), traffic operations, drainage, structures, multimodal, planning, safety, MPO and local agency requests and special requests.

The activities to be performed by the Consultant include, but are not limited to identify new candidate projects through coordination with internal FDOT offices and external stakeholders, and coordinate approval of the future project scope elements and associated phase estimates. Project evaluation can be of a multi-disciplinary nature, which may involve needs identification, travel forecasting and facility capacity/Level of Service assessment, corridor or intersection improvements, review or development of conceptual design plans including typical sections, environmental inventory and assessment, interagency coordination, and right-of-way impact evaluation.

Work assignments will be as needed and issued on a task work order basis.


The Consultant is required to perform professional transportation planning, preliminary design and environmental evaluation, transportation economic and financial analysis, to complete the work identified in this Scope of Services.

The Consultant work will be managed by the Department Project Manager. The Department Project Manager will define the work for each task to be performed by the Consultant, as described in this Scope of Services, through preparation of a task work order for each task. For each task work order, the Consultant Project Manager and the Department Project Manager will discuss the requirements of each task as well as negotiate the staff hours. The Consultant shall submit a scope and staff hours proposal based upon discussion with the Department for task work order execution. The task work order shall include product, schedules, labor and documentation requirements, and total allowable task costs. The required Task Work Order will be prepared and signed by both the Consultant Project Manager and Department Project Manager or Contract Coordinator prior to the initiation of any work.

The following sections describe the tasks for which Consultant services may be required.

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1. Project Scoping Process Coordination

1.1. Conduct frequent meetings with the FDOT Scoping Coordinator 1.2. Develop and maintain a master project scoping database in a shared platform 1.3. Prioritize and schedule work efforts 1.4. Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders 1.5. Facilitate recurrent meetings with the District Scoping Team

2. Project Setup & Data Gathering

1.1. Identify projects for the scoping process by combining projects originating by the Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (RRR) and Safety programs, Concept Development, MPOs list of priority projects, SIS program, new projects requests, Bridge Inspection and current work program

1.2. Create standardized deliverable folder structure 1.3. Create aerial plan sheets as needed with MP Layout

3. Existing Highway and Corridor Characteristics Obtain pertinent data that defines the physical features of the location under consideration through a desktop review of available information as well as previous studies conducted by others. Information sources may include as-built plans, right-ofway maps, bridge logs, straight-line diagrams, computer programs files, drainage maps and local or county governments.

The following data for roadways and bridges shall be obtained unless otherwise noted:

1.1 Roadway Characteristics Roadway characteristics shall include, but are not limited to, those items described below:

a) Typical sections Description and extent of each cross-section element.

b) Access locations Intersecting streets and roadway ramps.

c) Roadway right-of-way Available right-of-way information from the Department and/or from local government offices.

d) Other right-of-way Additional right-of-way at intersection locations, drainage easement, etc. as available from existing maps.

e) Lighting Type and location.

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f) Posted speed throughout project limits

g) Structural and operational conditions Structural operational and engineering ratings from the Department, to include pavement condition and maintenance.

h) Drainage system inventory Existing drainage systems and discharge points

i) Alignment Horizontal and vertical alignment data as necessary

j) Noise walls Begin and end points of existing and planned noise walls.

k) Aerial Images Georeferenced aerial images with an appropriate scale and resolution for depicting the study area and potential concepts.

1.2 Bridge Data Bridges, including waterway, interchange or grade separation structures.

a) Typical section Lane and shoulder width, overall clear width

b) Type structure Concrete, steel, design loading

c) Condition Age, structural rating of condition

4. Field Visit

Perform project location field visits and observations to supplement Task 1 Existing and Highway Characteristics data collection effort as needed. Document findings and organize notes and photos.

Complete discipline specific supplemental field reviews by Engineer (i.e., Structures/Drainage) as necessary.

5. Traffic and Crash Data

Obtain most recent and historical traffic and crash data from available Department databases and county agencies. Data may include Annual Average Daily Traffic, hourly volumes, vehicle classification, pedestrian counts, crash statistics, and draw bridge and rail road gate closing information.

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6. Traffic Data Collection

6.1 Collect traffic counts to support Task 5 as needed using most cost-effective methodologies. The counts may include vehicle classification, bi-directional, turning movement counts, right-turn-on-red counts, pedestrian counts, and origin-destination counts for any duration and period of time required by the Department.

6.2 Document the field conditions at the time of the counts. Field documentation should include counter location and geometric measurements such as number of lanes, length of storage and taper for turn/merge lanes, type of traffic control, traffic signal timing and the location and/or presence of signal boxes and loop detectors.

6.3 Ensure quality and accuracy of the data. Document the data collection effort and provide this documentation and collected data in Excel, SPF and PDF format.

7. Traffic Data Forecasting

7.1 Obtain available future traffic volumes for any facility from Department and external sources including past projects or studies.

7.2 Develop traffic demand forecast as needed for no-build and proposed facility designs. Project future Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and design hour traffic volumes using latest approved travel demand models, historical traffic growth, land use data, or other appropriate traffic forecasting methodologies; as agreed upon by the District 4 Planning and Environmental Management Office. Forecast intersection turning movement volumes using the Department's latest approved tools such as TmTools and TURNS5, and according to the Department's Project Traffic Handbook.

8. Roadway Data

8.1 Review existing horizontal and vertical geometry, and cross-slopes.

9. Traffic Analysis

9.1 Obtain existing and future level of service from available Department sources and local governments including past projects or studies.

9.2 Provide level of service analysis, and capacity calculations as needed in accordance with the Highway Capacity Manual methodology and FDOT's Quality/LOS Handbook. The Consultant may be required to forecast and analyze demands of transportation facilities at different horizon years and provide recommendations on traffic mitigation measures to achieve an acceptable level of service or other performance measures as agreed upon by the Department.

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10. Safety Analysis

10.1 Obtain available safety studies from the Safety Office or local governments Obtain crash rates, and crash diagrams as needed.

10.2 As needed, analyze historical crash patterns, and evaluate mitigation measures in close coordination with the Traffic Safety Office. Develop crash rates, and crash diagrams.

11. Alternative Analysis

Analyze alternative design concepts prepared by others. As needed, prepare design concepts on a Department approved CADD software and follow the latest Department design standards and guidelines, and corresponding context classification for the facility. Design concepts may vary from roadway and intersection modifications, Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) improvements, multimodal bike and pedestrian improvements, roadway lighting, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) devices to advanced traffic signal equipment.

Review or develop conceptual typical sections. Identify any potential design exceptions and variations needed for the proposed alternatives.

Develop conceptual bridge structures as needed.

12. Environmental Assessment

Perform fatal-flaw environmental assessment of the proposed alternatives. The assessments shall have enough details to make a determination on the NEPA Class of Action needed to support the next phase of the project.

Notify the Department Project Manager, Environmental Administrator, and other appropriate personnel in advance of all scheduled meetings with the Environmental Technical Advisory Team (ETAT)/regulatory agencies. The Consultant shall use current regulatory guidelines and policies as per the most recent FDOT Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Manual.

13. Right-Of-Way Need Assessment

Provide an assessment of any potential right-of-way impacts and required parcel information for estimate preparation by the Department. Identify impacted parcels, determine acreage needed for project and provide necessary information to the RightOf-Way office in tabular and mapping formats.

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14. Cost Estimate

Prepare construction estimates using the Department's Long Range Estimates (LRE) system for all projects in the project development scoping process following the latest Department's Final Plans and Estimates guidelines.

Perform LRE revisions annually during the Department's annual work program updates.

15. Benefit ? Cost Analysis

Perform benefit-cost analysis, net-present-value, and/or return on investment calculation to be used in the decision making and project prioritization.

16. Project documentation

? Obtain resolutions for all projects to be delivered by the Department for offsystem facilities, including right of way language, if right of way acquisition is needed.

? Prepare a Project Scoping Report documenting project background, technical tasks, findings, recommendations and coordination efforts including city resolutions associated with the scope elements for project programming.

? Complete the standard technical scope, including input from Roadway, Drainage, Structures, Traffic Operations, R/W, Planning & Environmental Management, and Office of Modal Development as applicable

? Complete quality review by a Professional Engineer for all engineering documents

? Assemble and submit package (project scope report, concepts, and LREs) for review by District offices

? Resolve comments and update all documents ? Submit final document to the Department's Project Scoping Coordinator ? Upon project approval, request programming of project, load all pertinent

information into PSEE (including scope) and LREs into WPUC, along with ensuring all r/w info has been loaded into RWMS

III. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT The Department will provide a Project Manager who shall be responsible for:

A. Day-to-day management of this contract B. Coordination with the Consultant pertaining to the development and execution of

all Task Work Orders of this contract C. Defining the specific tasks to be performed and schedule for completion of such


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D. Agreeing on the Consultant staffing and availability (including substitutions from the available staffing list provided)

E. Processing of Consultant invoices for payment

The Department will also provide assistant Project Managers/Task Work Order Managers, when required, to provide support to the Project Manager for various Tasks. The Department shall provide, prior to the initiation of any work on any of the tasks defined in this exhibit, a specific Task Work Order for the task defining the work to be accomplished and the total reimbursement due the Consultant. The Department shall furnish the following services and data to the Consultant for the performance of the requested services:

A. All criteria and full information as to the Department's requirements for the Consultant's services including objectives, constraints, budgetary limitations, and time restraints.

B. All Department Policies, Procedures, Standards, and other information applicable to the services.

C. All specifications, schedules, reports, and other information prepared by or for the Department by others which are available to the Department and which the Department considers pertinent to the Consultant's responsibilities described herein.

D. Available traffic and planning data necessary for the Consultant to perform each Task.

E. Limited training of the Consultant, if required, on applicable software and Department standards and procedures.


The Consultant shall provide an overall Project Manager, acceptable to the Department, who will be the primary point of contact with the Department for the scope, schedule, manpower coordination, and completion of all task work orders. The Consultant Project Manager shall meet with the Department staff on a regular basis as requested by the Department Project Manager and shall provide monthly progress reports, if required.

The Consultant shall provide and maintain a list of staff mutually agreed upon by classification and salaries that would be available to be assigned to specific work tasks. No Consultant staff, except those specifically identified in a task work order or those specifically agreed to by the Department Project Manager, shall charge time to that particular task work order. Any modifications or additions to the list of available staff must be specifically requested by the Consultant prior to the initiation of any work by that individual, agreed to by the Department's Project Manager.

The Consultant shall provide sufficient staff, either the specific staff person requested or acceptable staff at defined levels of expertise as agreed to by the Department's Project Manager, in a timely manner to complete all assigned work. If, at any time, the Department task work order manager determines that the number or expertise of particular staff assigned to a specific task is inadequate, the Department Project Manager shall coordinate

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with the Consultant Project Manager to ensure adequate staff with the proper level of expertise is made available to ensure the timely completion of the work. The Consultant shall provide and maintain a list of staff for the following categories for this contract:

? Designer ? Engineer ? Engineer Intern ? Engineering Technician ? Environmental Specialist ? GIS Specialist ? Planner ? Project Engineer ? Project Manager ? Project Planner ? Secretary/Clerical ? Senior Designer ? Senior Engineer ? Senior Planner

category not listed above but later determined to be required must be amended to the Contract prior to the issuance of the Task Work Orders that apply the new category.

The Consultant shall provide all agreed to services, products and documentation within the required time schedule, as defined in the individual task work orders. The Consultant will perform all tasks in accordance with all FDOT Guidelines and Standards, applicable Florida Statutes and other Federal and State laws and policies.

Consultant and/or subconsultants shall request a conflict of interest determination from the Department when planning to pursue a project programmed as a result of this contract when its scoping authorized work is not complete.


Services assigned to sub-Consultants must be approved in advance by the Department in accordance with this Agreement. The sub-Consultants must be qualified by the Department to perform all work assigned to them. Additional sub-Consultants with specialized areas of expertise may be required by the Department or requested by the Consultant to complete specific task work order assignments. The need for an additional sub-Consultant to be hired and the work assignments to be performed shall be specified by the Department or the Consultant in writing and agreed to by the Department and Consultant Project Managers prior to any work being performed by the sub-Consultant.


The Consultant is required to have access to the following software for use as needed:

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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