Construction Filing Guide


Construction Administration Documents

|[left tab] |[center tab] |[right tab] |

|1 [White] |2 [Gold] |3 [Green] |

|Preliminary Project File |Original Bid File |Contract File |

|All Correspondence Prior to Bid |Left Hand Side: |Approval to Award package |

|Soils Report |Bid Proposal Registry |Award letter |

|Approval to Advertise w/ Back-up |Copies: bid pkg transmittals with |Agreement |

|Letter to Architect w/Front-end Docs, including |tracking receipts |Prevailing wage rates issued at bid |

|Notice to Contractors |Original copy of bid package |Insurance documents - for General only |

|Bid Proposal Form | |Expanded Subcontractor List |

|Letters to Newspapers |Right Hand Side: |Preconstr meeting agenda, sign-in, letter |

|Advertisements & Funding Requests for the ads |Bids (sorted high to low, high on top) |Notice to Proceed |

|Addenda |Abstract of Bids |STD 16 Form for Dept of Fair Emp/Hsg |

| | |DAS 13 Form for Dept of Ind. Relations |

| |2.5 |Requests for Notice of Completion |

| |DVBE Good Faith Effort Review |Notice of Completion |

| | |Project Authorizations |

| | |Bonding Company Inquiries w/ Envelope |

| | | |

|4 [Blue] |5 [Yellow] |6 [Pink] |

|Service Agreement File |Change Order File |Billing File |

|4.1 All Service Agreements- |5.1 Change Orders for Contractor with |6.1 Contractor's Billings |

|Separate File for each vendor |Change Order Log, Contingency Rept. |Left Hand Side: Stop Notices, Releases, |

|Service Agreement Amendments |5.2 Change Proposals |Withholding Notices, Stop Notice Log |

|Service Agreement Invoices |5.3 Cost Request Bulletins |6.5 Escrow Agreement (Separate File) |

|4.5 Separate file folders for Plan Check agencies|5.4 Field Instructions |Escrow Agreement |

|billings i.e. SFM |5.5 Chg Order Correspondence |Payments of Retention |

| | | |

|7 [White] |8 [Gold] |9 [Salmon] |

|Preliminary Notices |Correspondence |Project Mgr/Inspector Reports |

|Preliminary Notices for project with envelopes |8.1 Correspondence: Letters/ |9.1 Project Manager Weekly Reports |

|attached |Miscellaneous |Left Hand Side: Monthly Reports, |

| |8.3 Partnering |Correspondence from Project Mgr |

| |8.5 Weekly Meeting Minutes File |Contingency Status Reports |

| |8.7 Subcontractor Substitutions |9.5 Inspector Weekly Reports |

| | |Left Hand Side: Monthly Reports, |

| | |Correspondence from Inspector |

| | |9.7 Punch Lists |

| | | |

|10 [Blue] |11 [White] |12 [White] |

|Testing File |Insurance Documents |Photographs File |

|Testing Co. Inspection Reports |Ins. Documents for Subcontractors only |Photos |

| | | |

|13 [Salmon] |14 [Green] |15 [White] |

|Schedule File |Certified Payroll File |Claims File |

|Schedules from Contractor |Copies of Certified Payroll |Claims Filed on Project |

|Correspondence re: Scheduling | | |

| | | |

|16 [Pink] | | |

|Legal Correspondence File | | |

|Confidential CSU Attorney-Client Privileged | | |

|Correspondence | | |


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