In-depth Coverage AssignmentVery often, a publication (or broadcast outlet) will cover a particular story with much greater attention than it covers other stories. In local news, these stories generally have intense interest from local residents. Right now, there is such a story that is getting in-depth coverage from The Florida Times-Union. Shad Khan and the Jacksonville Jaguars want to develop what is now Lot J (a large parking lot) into a number of mixed-use facilities that include office space, residences, hotels, dining and entertainment. This has become controversial in our city because the Jaguars would like the city to go 50-50 on the financial obligation, and the city may need to borrow the money to make that happen.On my site (under the November 20-23 page) is a page that lists all of the articles the Times-Union has run about this project since the beginning of October. These include news articles, columns, letters to the editor and staff-written editorials. Your job is to read through these articles to complete the tasks below:Determine if the Times-Union has done its job in covering this fully. Write a paragraph explaining whether you think the paper has been comprehensive in its coverage or if you see gaps that should have been filled.Determine if you see bias in the coverage. Again, write a paragraph about any bias you see, and if you don’t see bias, explain why you think the coverage is completely unbiased. (Realize, some of the opinion articles will definitely show bias. What you’re looking for here is whether or not the overall coverage shows a slant toward one side or the other.)Pick a side. Based on what you’ve read, how do you feel about this issue. Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts, and cite several articles to back up your position.Evaluate the news writing – how did the reporters do? (These are primarily the articles by Christopher Hong and David Bauerlein.) How could their writing and news reporting be improved. Write a paragraph about this.That’s four paragraphs for full credit. I need to be able to see evidence that you’ve read a lot of these articles, especially in your evaluation. Remember – this is something important that’s happening in your city. In one way or another, this will affect you. Inform yourself! ................

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